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Rules For Perscription Drugs For Long Stays

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I will be teaching in Thailand for at least a year and I have 3 perscriptions I need daily. I know as a tourist the limit is a 30 day supply but how do I take a 12 month supply?

Thank you

The perscriptions are:




Edited by craigt3365
Assuming OP meant "3" prescriptions.
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Let's try this over in the health forum. There are rules limiting the amount of meds you can bring in, but many bring in large quantities without problems. Your experience may differ, and if caught, it could...er...would....be a big mess.

Topic Moved.

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Tamsulosin IS Flomax, available here as Harnal, any competent pharmacy, OTC.

Trazadone is also available here, manufactured by Pharmasant. Not sure if you will need a prescription, since it is a psychoactive drug, but a quick trip to nearly any clinic will fix that.

Was there a third med?

Point being, why try to bring them, and risk confiscation or worse? You can get them here, likely for much less than in the states

Edited by Sateev
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Once a year I bring back a years supply of my various meds in my checked baggage. Never been stopped and checked at customs but I imagine there would be problems if I was stopped because that is a lot of meds.

My risk :)

A lot of medication here is cheap but not all. Mine are not cheap here. That is why I bring mine over.

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There is no special provision for long stays and the 30 day rule still applies AFAIK. they won't count out the number of tabs, but a 12 month supply will obviously be more than a month's supply and probably attract some attention should your bags be checked.

There is also no need to bring in a large supply as both drugs mentioned are readily available in Thailand without prescription.

As another poster pointed out the third drug on your list is the brand name of the second. if there actually is a third drug let us know what it is and will advise if it's available here.

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