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Tukcom Next To Foodland.....


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At least there will be a new building at some point. What an embarrassment the current building is. The Mecca of high tech and the escalators don't work and the elevators are slower than rocks.

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At least there will be a new building at some point. What an embarrassment the current building is. The Mecca of high tech and the escalators don't work and the elevators are slower than rocks.

When they did the build-out for the current building, they installed used escalators. I have never seen this in any other building! I didn't even know there was a market for used escalators. The whole building is a disgrace and a firetrap. If there were ever a serious fire, we can expect great loss of life.

I think it's been longer than 6 months the sign next to Foodland was erected, I wouldn't be surprised if the place is never built.

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The old one is actually a very old building!

Used to be a shopping mall, before even Royal garden was built!

If i remember correctly they had deadly accident with an elevator (not the existing ones, but one on the outside of the front of the building).

Then i guess the building was haunted Thai style and sat empty for the better part of the 90's until TukCom moved in...

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

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When they did the build-out for the current building, they installed used escalators. I have never seen this in any other building! I didn't even know there was a market for used escalators. The whole building is a disgrace and a firetrap. If there were ever a serious fire, we can expect great loss of life.

What do you mean by build-out? I remember when it was the Day-Night shopping mall, that will have been in the late eightees, early nineties. The escalators were old already then, but I don't know if they were installed used. Anyway it wouldn't surprise me if there was a big market in second hand lifts and escalators in Thailand - and elsewhere for that matters. These things cost serious money.

Monty is right, there used to be a lift on the outside of the building, on the north side facing Pattaya Tai. It failed sometime in the mid/late nineties causing a fatality and after that the Thai's considered the building haunted for a couple of years until Tukcom moved in. Not many remember this anymore.

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They will start when they start and finish when they finish, and not a day earlier.

Brilliant answer..... you really do need to get out more...

The original question seemed stupid to me because unless the Thai developer was a forum member (or a Forum member knew the developer personally [highly unlikely]) nobody would know the answer. So far, my intuition has been correct.

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They will start when they start and finish when they finish, and not a day earlier.

Brilliant answer..... you really do need to get out more...

The original question seemed stupid to me because unless the Thai developer was a forum member (or a Forum member knew the developer personally [highly unlikely]) nobody would know the answer. So far, my intuition has been correct.

If you know anything about building in Thailand you would know that planning permission would need to be granted with time restrictions on the amount of time you have to build in (On houses 1,2 or 3 years is grants).. people would be involved and they may have heard something... if you think the original question stupid why bother answering? I still recon you need to get out more mate....

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They will start when they start and finish when they finish, and not a day earlier.

Brilliant answer..... you really do need to get out more...

The original question seemed stupid to me because unless the Thai developer was a forum member (or a Forum member knew the developer personally [highly unlikely]) nobody would know the answer. So far, my intuition has been correct.

I think it was an eminently reasonable question, as it it is quite feasible that someone may have read a news item or someone may know someone who who may have an idea what is going on and the possible time frame for this development.

I would surprised if all the vendors who currently have shops at the old Tuk Com aren't aware at the current state of play. Next time I go there I might ask a couple of shop owners I know quite well.

My personal theory is that given the grass - and weeds - that have grown very high since the billboards were first erected around town, that maybe the development plans were knocked back by City Hall - maybe inadequate parking? Anyway if I am right then there might be a local news on it.

Equally possible is that the financing fell through - although this would be a bit of a surprise as IMHO it would be a great investment for a budding entrepreneur. A Tuk Com mark 2 could hardly fail in this town.

As I say, there are a number of scenarios that might have caused the apparent delay, and it is a bit simplistic to claim - and to make patronising statements to the effect that we are all stupid and that only the developer would know when and if construction will commence.

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They will start when they start and finish when they finish, and not a day earlier.

Brilliant answer..... you really do need to get out more...

Oh, wish I had a baht for every frivolous answer on the forums here. At least it wasn't misinformation and hot air.


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They will start when they start and finish when they finish, and not a day earlier.

Brilliant answer..... you really do need to get out more...

Oh, wish I had a baht for every frivolous answer on the forums here. At least it wasn't misinformation and hot air.



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As I say, there are a number of scenarios that might have caused the apparent delay, and it is a bit simplistic to claim - and to make patronising statements to the effect that we are all stupid and that only the developer would know when and if construction will commence.

The Buddha is just advising patience...this being Thailand, it could be thrown up in a few months...it could take years...or it's never done. And nobody is likely to know...not even the developer.

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probably another year until anything happens.

also, tukcom took over the old building for free. they did a deal with the owners - since no one wanted it. think it was 3 years rent free then full price (or whatever) rent there after.

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  • 4 months later...

Does anybody actually shop at "Tuk Com " ???? They are anything but "tuk", if you

know how much things go for anywhere else in the world. For me it has been a great

source of frustration to go there. Anything I typically want they don't have and must

order, and btw, it will be extra, and I must give them a a deposit ....

The only thing I have ever bought there are hard drives and PC power supplies.

Any serious shopping I do online, and anything in between, I make a quarterly trip

to bkk ...

Even buying things things locally for warranty is not worth it. Synnex takes 6

weeks to replace a Hard Drive, DTAC manages it in 4 weeks.

Whats the point ? Buy on ebay, if you have time, I had 100% success with that.


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Does anybody actually shop at "Tuk Com " ????

Yes, I do. But not by choice.

Abysmal as they are, they are the best Pattaya has to offer, if not all it has to offer. As such, unless you fancy driving to Sri Racha, or spending the day on the bus to go to a Bangkok PC mall, you have no real choice. Luckily some individual shops in TukCom are slightly better than the others.

In my idle moments I wonder what would happen if Amazon started a local mail-order service here. Amazon would completely wipe the floor with every shop in Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

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Does anybody actually shop at "Tuk Com " ????

Yes, I do. But not by choice.

Abysmal as they are, they are the best Pattaya has to offer, if not all it has to offer. As such, unless you fancy driving to Sri Racha, or spending the day on the bus to go to a Bangkok PC mall, you have no real choice. Luckily some individual shops in TukCom are slightly better than the others.

In my idle moments I wonder what would happen if Amazon started a local mail-order service here. Amazon would completely wipe the floor with every shop in Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

"In my idle moments I wonder what would happen if Amazon started a local mail-order service here. Amazon would completely wipe the floor with every shop in Thailand as far as I'm concerned."

Or work at the Thai Postal Service would suddenly jump to the top of the list of "highest demand job market" in Thailand !!! thumbsup.gif

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Does anybody actually shop at "Tuk Com " ????

Yep, lotsa times over the years.

They are anything but "tuk", if you

know how much things go for anywhere else in the world. For me it has been a great

source of frustration to go there. Anything I typically want they don't have and must

order, and btw, it will be extra, and I must give them a a deposit ....

It's absurd--not that absurdity deters anyone here--to compare prices at retail shops in Tukcom w/ ebay or online outfits like amazon.com. Try comparing w/ a small retail computer shop in the USA or UK.

However, if you pay shipping from overseas and customs duty, you may find Tukcom quite cheaper.

You'll also find the chain stores at Tukcom such as JIB often cheaper than some online stores in Thailand.

And you'll get the same price at the chains in Pattaya Tukcom as you do in their outlets in Bangkok. I'm not going to bother wasting at least a day or more (more = hotel bill) going to BKK when I can just order from Tukcom. High-end stuff, you can also order from a shop in BKK such as Busitek or Jedicool.

So I don't think you've got any real complaint, just the usual grumbling.

Even buying things things locally for warranty is not worth it. Synnex takes 6

weeks to replace a Hard Drive, DTAC manages it in 4 weeks.

That would be true if you bought from a non-Tukcom in Bangkok as well.

Better late than never, I say. TIT. :)

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Does anybody actually shop at "Tuk Com " ???? They are anything but "tuk", if you

know how much things go for anywhere else in the world. For me it has been a great

source of frustration to go there. Anything I typically want they don't have and must

order, and btw, it will be extra, and I must give them a a deposit ....

The only thing I have ever bought there are hard drives and PC power supplies.

Any serious shopping I do online, and anything in between, I make a quarterly trip

to bkk ...

Even buying things things locally for warranty is not worth it. Synnex takes 6

weeks to replace a Hard Drive, DTAC manages it in 4 weeks.

Whats the point ? Buy on ebay, if you have time, I had 100% success with that.


The time of those IT centers has reached it's sell by date.Everything you need is available on the web, and in most case cheaper as well, no need to travel and go trough the hassle of dealing with Thais.Even the cheap software,movies and games are downoaded from the web, and without virusses and diallers inserted.

The internet has killed them , the IT centers that is.

Have a look at Tukcom, all but the mobile department is a ghost town most days of the week.Same goes for the once so mightyful Panthip.

A few years ago you weren't able to walk around inthere, these days it's a stroll in the park.

Many years ago there were hundereds if not thousands of different shops in Panthip, today all those shops are still occupied but they call either JIB,Hardware house or Banana.

For sure that is not a sign of luxury, but rather that the landlord can't find tenants and tries to avoid that his building turns into another ghost mall.

I guess that's also the reason why all the billboards have been removed, as the plans for a new Tukcom are cancelled due to no profitability in building one.

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I was in TukCom today and I noticed that they are refitting all the "down" escalators. This, combined with the total absence of any building work at the new location near BigC, leads me to suppose that the existing TuKCom has a few years' life left in it.

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The time of those IT centers has reached it's sell by date.Everything you need is available on the web, and in most case cheaper as well, no need to travel and go trough the hassle of dealing with Thais.Even the cheap software,movies and games are downoaded from the web, and without virusses and diallers inserted.

The internet has killed them , the IT centers that is.

No, IT centers are doing well and will continue to do so. Thais don't mind going "trough" the hassle of dealing with Thais. Cheap software etc. downloaded from the 'net can hardly be assured of being virus-free.

Have a look at Tukcom, all but the mobile department is a ghost town most days of the week.Same goes for the once so mightyful Panthip.

No, just because you walked in there one day and it wasn't packed with shoppers, just as Big C wasn't on one night, doesn't mean it's DYING . Business is good and will be even better during high season.

Panthip has had to endure the development of brutal competition, esp. when the MRT opened w/ an exit at Rama 9 near Fortune City.

Many years ago there were hundereds if not thousands of different shops in Panthip, today all those shops are still occupied but they call either JIB,Hardware house or Banana.

For sure that is not a sign of luxury, but rather that the landlord can't find tenants and tries to avoid that his building turns into another ghost mall.

Most of those ol' mom & pop computer stores were run on a shoestring and offered the most indifferent service, though there were some notable exceptions. Chains are taking over for the same reasons that Big C and Lotus are taking over in the low-end general shopping market, not because of some nonsensical "can't find tenants."

Having said that, I agree that the Pattaya market doesn't seem large enough support another Tukcom, esp as the market for pirated software, movies, music, and games is rapidly disappearing.

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Having said that, I agree that the Pattaya market doesn't seem large enough support another Tukcom, esp as the market for pirated software, movies, music, and games is rapidly disappearing.

Recorded disks only seem to account for half of one floor of TukCom. PC hardware and mobile phones etc. seem to account for much more store area. So losing a few disk shops wouldn't make much difference.

I personally think that Pattaya could easily support a decent PC parts store, as every time I go to TukCom I see dozens of farangs wandering around desperately trying to buy the most basic items, which many of the parts stores there just dont have in stock (or at a reasonable price).

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The IT department of Tukcom is never packed, why do you think IT- center on the top floor has reduced it's selling space by two thirds.Wake up Mr rose colored glasses.

And why would a chain like JIB or Hardware house rent 35 small outlets in the same building ( Panthip) to all sell the same items at the same price if they could just serve all their customer at one or two shops.

And what have Big C or Tesco have to do with an IT-mall.

You love the baiting, don't you?

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I shop at Tukom. In fact, this this past weekend I bought some new RAM from Banana IT.

I paid 1300thb for the 2 x 4GB chips.

These are the EXACT same ones I bought and you can compare what I paid with what they are selling on Amazon.UK and newegg for (I couldn't find them on Amazon US)


What I paid 1300thb for sells on Newegg for 1540thb


1654thb on amazon UK

or directly from Corsair for 1848thb


I was more than happy to pay 1300thb for the pair and know that if I brought them home and had any issues that Banana would swap them out for working RAM on the spot. No shipping delays and custom/duties was also a bonus.

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