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Trying To Start A Business Teaching Kids/People How To Play Guitar/Flute;Crazy, I Need Advice Please


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My cousin, despite all indications this idea might be borderline crazy, is insisting on coming to Pattaya from the depths of her Siberian village (past the arctic circle) in an attempt to teach kids and people in Pattaya how to play the guitar and flute (she is a musician and music teacher by trade.) She is a rock star flutist/guitarist...Can anyone even point her in the right direction? I think at this point she is simply going to strap a guitar and flute to her back and walk around asking strangers. Please...DON'T post anything about how the police are checking for work permits and deporting en masse... She is aware of the risks...productive (forward-looking and positive) tips only please!!!

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Sounds like a difficult business, especially as she is not planning to do it in Bangkok. She shouldn't sink too much money into getting this set-up as it may never fly. I think she will need an imaginative marketing strategy.

The most obvious strategy is to get 20,000 flyers printed (and a website with the web address on the flyer) and get them to all the school kids (or their parents) in the target area by distributing them by hand at home time.

A more innovative approach would be to contact all the local schools and ask to give the kids a free 5 minutes demonstration (either class by class or in assembly) in return for being allowed to give the kids a flyer.

She could get the kids to sing along with a simple song while she also plays the flute, record the event(s) by iPhone and upload to the website. Then tell the kids they can watch the video(s) if they visit the website.

I would just add the caveat that if (as you suggest) she might be contravening some visa or work permit laws, she could end up in serious trouble. If she does manage to make this venture successful (which will be difficult), her success could ironically be her own downfall.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Edited by brit1984
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I can suggest a few schools like Maryvit would be a potential good place to look for students.

Another issue you are going to run into is the language barrier. Thai is still the main language in this town and if you are looking for clients then you will need to speak some thai at the very least to negotiate with the parents and make them feel confident that you can teach their children.

I for 1 would be happy to have someone come teach my 4.5 yr old to play guitar. He has been asking for one and we are looking to get him one (with some lessons) for his upcoming birthday.

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I would still remind her that she would need a work permit to teach music (if one can be had, I don't know if this is one of the many jobs reserved for Thais) particularly if she intends to send flyers around with her name and address on. The immigration detention center is not a nice place for a young (?) lady to hang out while waiting for the paperworks to get sorted out for deportation.

She should also consider that there are several music schools (at least two on Sukhumvit Road and one on Pattaya Tai, possibly more) that are not bad and teaching for the usual couple of hundrede bath/hour.

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If you're only interested in 'productive' and 'forward looking' tips it sounds like you're ruling out half the opinions you would find here before you even start.

Yes I am aware this will limit the pool of opinions. However, I feel we have an adequate amount of information as to the risks, chance of failure, etc. What we are really lacking is the productive and forward-looking suggestions.

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Given that there's very scant information on this young lady, other than the fact that she is conversant in:

1. Guitar Instruction

2. Fluut Instruction

3. The Russian Language

It would be good to know a few more things about her, such as "how good are her English language skills" and "possibly Computer skills:.

Would it be conceivable that she might work, say a part-time job as a liaison-person for e.g. a Real Estate company and spend the other 1/2 of her time teaching music (Private, at the student's home).

That way, she would work the Real estate job with a proper work-permit and teach "friend's kids" music . . . .


Just a thought.

Good luck to her and I hope she makes it, because I also urgently need guitar lessons.



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"insisting on coming to Pattaya from the depths of her Siberian village"

From this and your name and your avatar I'm guessing she is Russian.

I'm not sure how it works (and I really don't want to know) but Russians in Pattaya seem to be able to do many things quite easily that are difficult or impossible for other nationalities.

I strongly recommend that you get in touch with the Russian business/residential community in Jomtien who will probably be able to give you specific advice.

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Given that there's very scant information on this young lady, other than the fact that she is conversant in:

1. Guitar Instruction

2. Fluut Instruction

3. The Russian Language

It would be good to know a few more things about her, such as "how good are her English language skills" and "possibly Computer skills:.

Would it be conceivable that she might work, say a part-time job as a liaison-person for e.g. a Real Estate company and spend the other 1/2 of her time teaching music (Private, at the student's home).

That way, she would work the Real estate job with a proper work-permit and teach "friend's kids" music . . . .


Just a thought.

Good luck to her and I hope she makes it, because I also urgently need guitar lessons.



Thanks, that is good feedback. Her English and computer skills are poor. Currently, she is set on doing music and music only. I did provide her a few opps to take other jobs but her heart is set on only doing music. She lives and breathes it. She's the free-spirited type that has to try to realize her innermost desires irrespective of the weight of reality. If you would like a free lesson with her BTW, we can definitely arrange that.

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"insisting on coming to Pattaya from the depths of her Siberian village"

From this and your name and your avatar I'm guessing she is Russian.

I'm not sure how it works (and I really don't want to know) but Russians in Pattaya seem to be able to do many things quite easily that are difficult or impossible for other nationalities.

I strongly recommend that you get in touch with the Russian business/residential community in Jomtien who will probably be able to give you specific advice.

Yes that is definitely part of her plan. Good feedback, thanks.

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