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On the super high way near the king mengrai statue there is police checking for drunken drivers. My experience with them is I pass them with out getting checked. Has anybody got any experiences with these police men?


Thank god no.

But are you sure about the alcohol check.

I mean how do they chech this, do they have a device checking your breath, or do you walk a line.


On the super high way near the king mengrai statue there is police checking for drunken drivers. My experience with them is I pass them with out getting checked. Has anybody got any experiences with these police men?

I passed them too yesterday around lunchtime; they didn't wave me in either. I have heard from other farang in town that they don't bother with us. I had my helmet on. And I was sober. And the bike papers were in order. But still, as always with police all over the world, a bit unnerving. So I had to have a wee drink. But only once I got OFF the thing. In the evening. After sundown.


As for having a driving license or not, they leave us forreigners alone. That is untill we are involved in an accident and everything is blamed to us, for the reason we have not got a driving license.

We might not be bothered to be checked. We might be.

Has anybody got any experiences with the alcohol check?

Has anybody seen other check points?

And like ergwin asks - How do they check it?

As for having a driving license or not, they leave us forreigners alone. That is untill we are involved in an accident and everything is blamed to us, for the reason we have not got a driving license.

We might not be bothered to be checked. We might be.

Has anybody got any experiences with the alcohol check?

Has anybody seen other check points?

And like ergwin asks - How do they check it?

Their experience learnt the Thai Police Officers that foreigners always take care about having the right papers and that we would never drive after taking alcoholic refreshments. According to the law you don't need a Thai driver license if you don't stay longer than three months in Thailand (your national driver license and an international will do). If you stay on a visa which permits you to stay longer, just get the Thai driver license.

(first with your rental contract and an ID copy of your landlord to Mae Sai Immigration Office, get your residence paper and then to the office at Ban Farm - don't forget your passport and two photo's)

Takes about twenty minutes.

Let's keep up the image of being law-obedient!

Limbo, your perfect example!


Limbo - please stay on topic. This thread is not about how to get a driving license. This is about the alcohol checks.

Their experience learnt the Thai Police Officers that foreigners always take care about having the right papers and that we would never drive after taking alcoholic refreshments. According to the law you don't need a Thai driver license if you don't stay longer than three months in Thailand (your national driver license and an international will do). If you stay on a visa which permits you to stay longer, just get the Thai driver license.

(first with your rental contract and an ID copy of your landlord to Mae Sai Immigration Office, get your residence paper and then to the office at Ban Farm - don't forget your passport and two photo's)

Takes about twenty minutes.

Let's keep up the image of being law-obedient!

Limbo, your perfect example!


I've been stopped before in other areas of Thailand and asked what I was doing and where I was going.

Once my bag was searched and the compartment under the seat of my motorcycle. I didn't mind. I was in Sa Kaeo and understand lots of drugs pass through that border area.

I have also been waved through at many check points as well. Usually I raise the visor on my helmet (if on a motorcycle) and let them see I am a farang, smile and say hello, and they usually wave me through.

IMHO, most upcountry police cannot speak English (few can) and don't like to try asking a farang his business with their limited English skills.

I think the best policy is to have all your paperwork in order, be in the proper driving gear, and don't drink and drive.



I think the best policy is to have all your paperwork in order, be in the proper driving gear, and don't drink and drive.

Very nice spoken Potter.

My last experience about drunk driving goes back two years in Chiang Kong.

We as my girl and me, were sitting in a karaoke bar in CK getting pissed, together with a police man.

As we tried to leave te policeman was laying with his head on the table, next to his impresive gun.

while we were leaving, the officer stood up and waved us of.

My girl at that time, drove back into his car, and then foreward into a wall.

After we swiched places and i was driving.

He gave me a tumb up and said You number 1.

and with a big smile he went back in.

You can only love this country.


My last experience about drunk driving goes back two years in Chiang Kong.

We as my girl and me, were sitting in a karaoke bar in CK getting pissed, together with a police man.

As we tried to leave te policeman was laying with his head on the table, next to his impresive gun.

while we were leaving, the officer stood up and waved us of.

My girl at that time, drove back into his car, and then foreward into a wall.

After we swiched places and i was driving.

He gave me a tumb up and said You number 1.

and with a big smile he went back in.

You can only love this country.

Erqwin, does your girlfriend stand up or sit in the basket whilst you drive? :o:D


Limbo - please stay on topic. This thread is not about how to get a driving license. This is about the alcohol checks.

Chang - Please stay on topic and remain nice :D

Erqwin, does your girlfriend stand up or sit in the basket whilst you drive? :o:D

As He has a motorbike with a huge wheeled basket on the side I was just trying to make my good friend Erq have a smile on his face as he knows my sense of humour. YOU OBVIOUSLY DON`T!!

This is the last time I hope I have to explain myself to you

By the way, Leave the moderating to those with that authority. :D

I hope that this reply is nice enough for you Potty.


What about drunken passengers ?

can be dangerous too

what if your girlfriend likes to drink and you always end up as the driver , sober , and she is singing loudly after a karaoke night , sitting in front backwards face to face on your tiny motorbike barely holding her with one hand .

and then offcourse you get stopped by your best friends

anyone experience with this situation and would like to share ?

best to avoid ( and i don' t mean get drunk by yourserlf and look for a non drinking gf )

What about drunken passengers ?

best to avoid ( and i don' t mean get drunk by yourserlf and look for a non drinking gf )

Hi, Flupke back on stage! The whole Belgian community started to worry already. You are supposed to be in Thailand now, do you remember?

And what did I hear yesterday in Bandu, aside from the fact that Jozef without succes has been looking for the Thai version of 'Tintin' for years?

The good news is that Jozef confirmed the existense of the Thai translation of Hervé's comics. So I didn't see ghosts after all. What a relief.

The bad news is that Chang35Baht will be off for a while again (people who intend to fly with China airlines to Amsterdam to-morrow can expect a delay of their flight). Stay in touch good old Chang and good luck and healthy back here in due time!

Sorry Potty :o , I am straying from the subject and before I know I will be of topic again. Yes, the local police force uses these small naughty devices in which you are supposed to blow the air which just has been disposed of oxygen by your lungs.

If your lungs have been so kindly to replace the oxygen with substances which originally entered the body in liquid form and which are known to cause a more simple and bearable view on life, yes, then the officers are very happy. They will however not show this. They will pretend to be indignant even if they might laugh to themselves.

And they might confiscate some of your assets before they let you drive on.

Also at the checkpoints in the villages around Chiang Rai they show no mercy. By Thai standards the fines are draconic! Yes, times are changing! We too?



The bad news is that Chang35Baht will be off for a while again (people who intend to fly with China airlines to Amsterdam to-morrow can expect a delay of their flight). Stay in touch good old Chang and good luck and healthy back here in due time!

It is kind words such as these that draw me back time and time again Dr. :D Limbo. The bad news for Emirates fliers is that they have the pleasure of my company on this journey back to the sunny climbs of tropical bonnie Scotland( the secret is out).

Never mind, we can still do some literary fencing on this forum I hope( if we don`t stray off topic too much :o)

See you soon good but distant friend


Has anybody got any experiences with the alcohol check?

Yes, but not in LOS. Several times in my homecountry... but long time ago though.

OK, here it goes HOW to act when your'e checked for alcohol....

1. as soon as you realize they are going to check you (with a breath-device), start hyperventilating, meaning: start breathing IN, very deep, hold it for a few seconds and breath OUT slowly; repeat that as many times as possible; IF you have the time.

2. the moment you have to breath into the device, take 1 or 2 more last VERY DEEP breath(s) of FRESH AIR and blow into the device as SLOWLY as possible with your mouth/lips like this: :o you will than blow OUT just the just-inhaled FRESH AIR and the device will, most likely, give a NEGATIVE sign.

Make sure the air that you're blowing OUT, doesn't 'touch' the inside-parts of your mouth (sorry, don't know how to explain better; just try it!).

believe me: it works!

If you don't believe me: some years ago I was stopped outside on the highway in my homecountry by the Police for an alcohol-test. I have to admit: I was dr_nk! I did the test (as above) 3 times (YES 3x!!!) and they were absolutely furious since they couldn't 'nail' me; they ordered me to go with them to the Police station where I had the opportunity to stay 'locked-up' and have a glass of water. (another officer drove my car).

They took me to the most sophisticated 'Alcohol-computer-analysizing' machine where I did 1 more test.

Remember: that was the 4th test.........NEGATIVE AGAIN.

The assistant-officer of Justice (angry/furious) than went away to ask for an advice...he came back and asked me if I would be so kind to have ANOTHER test, but also said that I wasn't obligated to do so according to the law in my country....

I kindly refused :D and they had to let me go; they were really 'p_ssed-off' that they had no case to hold me an they returned the carkeys to me....

I went outside and called a cab :D

However: of course it was stupid of me to drive with alcohol; I never do it again though.

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