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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

Well a response that we expected. I can't think of another player who would be a greater loss than Rooney should he have left United. I said 2 years ago he would break Sir Bobby's goal scoring record and become eventually a United immortal my opinion hasn't changed.Only "above average" you must be kidding and its not Rooney that calls himself a striker or midfielder its the media and the arm chair critics. United are in transition and need to re build. Rooney understands that and wants to be part of it,history may well prove he made the right decision.

Rooney doesn't care about United or your history or the future. He cares about his contract and his contract alone. I really thought that by his actions and general behavior alone you might have grasped that by now.

He's staying because you are the only club stupid enough to pay him so much money

I am always in envy of you guys that are privy to the discussions in United's board room and Rooney's inner feelings.I wish I had your insight/knowledge. Your grasp of economics is also remarkable .To replace Rooney would cost 50 m and you would have still have to pay whoever came in a massive salary, suggest you fast forward to 2014.

Then there's the stats.Please indicate stats that shows how many metres Rooney average in a match,has always given 100%.Then the media beat up about him "demanding" the captaincy,again based on no information ......"a source disclosed ...yawn.

Any team in the EPL would give their right arm for a player like him.I don't agree with the wages that these guys now get but I try to live in the present and not be bitter about another teams success.

Nah, don't agree with that. When Chelsea were after him I'm was in despair that we could end up with Rooney and his ridiculous wages.

Economically it doesn't sound that good either if my figures are correct.

Is it 300k for 5 years bringing the total to around £75m.

If you paid a top striker around £200k a week it would leave £25m to buy the striker. Even if the striker cost more than that figure, he could have a bigger selling on fee as Rooneys will drop dramatically due to his age.

If Cavani and Falcao are £50m players, Costa £32m and Lukaku and Benteke £20m. What would you value Rooney at?

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If Cavani and Falcao are £50m players, Costa £32m and Lukaku and Benteke £20m. What would you value Rooney at?

Well you have a 55 million quid striker who has lost it, and you would not have Rooney who gaols and assists are excellent for us, he would be around the 40 million mark imho.

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I don't think anybody would pay 40 mil for rooney. Too much in wages on top for too few years. He may be worth 40 million to utd, but even replacing him with another 40 mil player could work out cheaper. Personally I think it could be the right decision for utd as ronney is proven at the level he plays, and can win a game on his own; and that is what united seem to need more of this year. To build a team around him would be complete folly though. Do you think he will still be at utd if they have 2 years out of CL?

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If Cavani and Falcao are £50m players, Costa £32m and Lukaku and Benteke £20m. What would you value Rooney at?

Well you have a 55 million quid striker who has lost it, and you would not have Rooney who gaols and assists are excellent for us, he would be around the 40 million mark imho.

Yes Torres cost £50m, but you won't find anyone that would put his value at much more than £15m now.

Chicog, I see you are having a problem with the word 'if'. Enlighten me with your valuations.

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Damn-it Wilai. I was trying to avoid the scores until the replay comes up on True at 1pm!!laugh.png . Oh well - can wait for the highlights show instead. Have to watch Zenit v Dortmund instead. DON'T tell me the score.

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"The good thing about it, is we're only 2 goals down".

This is a quote from Moyes after the match. It was said with a smile on his face. Brilliant! :-D

Just thing thing SAF would have done.........not!

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I don't think anybody would pay 40 mil for rooney. Too much in wages on top for too few years. He may be worth 40 million to utd, but even replacing him with another 40 mil player could work out cheaper. Personally I think it could be the right decision for utd as ronney is proven at the level he plays, and can win a game on his own; and that is what united seem to need more of this year. To build a team around him would be complete folly though. Do you think he will still be at utd if they have 2 years out of CL?

Correct, no one will pay 40m for Rooney because he is an above average premier league player which is comprehensively proven by his stats.

His agent on the other hand is a genius and the guy that signed off his new contract an utter buffoon.

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I don't think anybody would pay 40 mil for rooney. Too much in wages on top for too few years. He may be worth 40 million to utd, but even replacing him with another 40 mil player could work out cheaper. Personally I think it could be the right decision for utd as ronney is proven at the level he plays, and can win a game on his own; and that is what united seem to need more of this year. To build a team around him would be complete folly though. Do you think he will still be at utd if they have 2 years out of CL?

Correct, no one will pay 40m for Rooney because he is an above average premier league player which is comprehensively proven by his stats.

His agent on the other hand is a genius and the guy that signed off his new contract an utter buffoon.

A genius indeed!

Moyes had a chance that managers can only dream of, but for me he lost the plot before the season started. Man U were champions by a mile and there would have been no problem signing the right players. However, the dithering and the whole Fabregas scenario coupled by the eventual signing of mophead suggests to me that he lost it right there. If Man U have money to burn, then I suggest they cut their losses and get in a manager who is experienced on the world stage. I thought Moyes possibly could do the job, but I was wrong, he just hasn't got what it takes and looking at how Everton are playing this season on the same limited resources, seems to confirm that.

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I don't think anybody would pay 40 mil for rooney. Too much in wages on top for too few years. He may be worth 40 million to utd, but even replacing him with another 40 mil player could work out cheaper. Personally I think it could be the right decision for utd as ronney is proven at the level he plays, and can win a game on his own; and that is what united seem to need more of this year. To build a team around him would be complete folly though. Do you think he will still be at utd if they have 2 years out of CL?

Correct, no one will pay 40m for Rooney because he is an above average premier league player which is comprehensively proven by his stats.

His agent on the other hand is a genius and the guy that signed off his new contract an utter buffoon.

A genius indeed!

Moyes had a chance that managers can only dream of, but for me he lost the plot before the season started. Man U were champions by a mile and there would have been no problem signing the right players. However, the dithering and the whole Fabregas scenario coupled by the eventual signing of mophead suggests to me that he lost it right there. If Man U have money to burn, then I suggest they cut their losses and get in a manager who is experienced on the world stage. I thought Moyes possibly could do the job, but I was wrong, he just hasn't got what it takes and looking at how Everton are playing this season on the same limited resources, seems to confirm that.

Correct and as i said months ago, the player they should have gone for was luka Modric. He was very much out of favour at real Madrid in the summer and a realistic target, whereas Fabregas never was. He can be used as a deep lying playmaker or further up linking with the strikers, threading balls through to the likes of Van Persie, something thats glaringly missing in this side. Now Modric is one of the key players in the Madrid side and one of the players of the season in La Liga.

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

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So United have agreed to Rooney's demands!! 300k p/w and he will be captain next season....

Why? Take a look at his stats this season and he would be lucky to earn 80k p/w on his performance relative to his salary. He's just an above average premier league midfielder, striker or whatever he currently chooses to call himself.

Is Paul Stretford a true genius of an agent or is this a deal amounting to the most crass stupidity in premier league history?

Well a response that we expected. I can't think of another player who would be a greater loss than Rooney should he have left United. I said 2 years ago he would break Sir Bobby's goal scoring record and become eventually a United immortal my opinion hasn't changed.Only "above average" you must be kidding and its not Rooney that calls himself a striker or midfielder its the media and the arm chair critics. United are in transition and need to re build. Rooney understands that and wants to be part of it,history may well prove he made the right decision.

Rooney doesn't care about United or your history or the future. He cares about his contract and his contract alone. I really thought that by his actions and general behavior alone you might have grasped that by now.

He's staying because you are the only club stupid enough to pay him so much money

I am always in envy of you guys that are privy to the discussions in United's board room and Rooney's inner feelings.I wish I had your insight/knowledge. Your grasp of economics is also remarkable .To replace Rooney would cost 50 m and you would have still have to pay whoever came in a massive salary, suggest you fast forward to 2014.

Then there's the stats.Please indicate stats that shows how many metres Rooney average in a match,has always given 100%.Then the media beat up about him "demanding" the captaincy,again based on no information ......"a source disclosed ...yawn.

Any team in the EPL would give their right arm for a player like him.I don't agree with the wages that these guys now get but I try to live in the present and not be bitter about another teams success.

Just out of interest if as you say any other team in the league would give their right armm to sign Rooney, then why haven't they? I mean, its not as if he hasn't sent out enough "come and get me's" over the years is it!! Its also true to say that there are at least three or more clubs with the financial muscle to buy him and meet his wage demands.

Go figure.

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.


Sounds a bit like Chelsea and AVB, although Chelsea had more points under AVB............5555555555

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Sure, he's not like that.whistling.gif

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Sure, he's not like that.whistling.gif

yeah. i rather think he did just point fingers.

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Hmmm this could get interesting. I wonder if Moysie will have the yarbles to chastise such publicly announced disdain. Are the wheels falling off...

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Hmmm this could get interesting. I wonder if Moysie will have the yarbles to chastise such publicly announced disdain. Are the wheels falling off...

no chance. he'll deal with it internally, losing still further respect from the senior players there etc. that's if he hasn't totally lost them all already.

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Considering the awful abject performance, a great result that. Deserved to lose by more. They should really have put the game to bed. As it is, two down at half time, still all there to play for.

Three weeks for us to learn how to play football again.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

probably a good job they sold their leading scorer and best striker a few weeks ago really wasn't it?

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Ah,diddums. Naughty teammates. They all deserve a slap on the wrist for making little Wobin's life harder.

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Considering the awful abject performance, a great result that. Deserved to lose by more. They should really have put the game to bed. As it is, two down at half time, still all there to play for.

Three weeks for us to learn how to play football again.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Got to give it to you rix, your glass is always half full

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Ah,diddums. Naughty teammates. They all deserve a slap on the wrist for making little Wobin's life harder.

i wonder what van persie thinks of rooney's pay rise?

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Ah,diddums. Naughty teammates. They all deserve a slap on the wrist for making little Wobin's life harder.

i wonder what van persie thinks of rooney's pay rise?

Ecstatic probably but he wants to grow up,the tart.

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Ah,diddums. Naughty teammates. They all deserve a slap on the wrist for making little Wobin's life harder.

i wonder what van persie thinks of rooney's pay rise?

I wonder where RvP will be playing next season and how much they will sell him for?

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Van Persie's postmatch comments:

"I am allowed to drop back to touch the ball, but my teammates also sometimes play in the position where i like to play. And if i see that then its hard for me to also play there, so im forced to change my run paths because of my teammates.

And unfortunately they play too often in my zone and i don't like that."

Interview: Do you know what is wrong with this United?

RvP: Yeah but, I won't point fingers, because im not like that.

Ah,diddums. Naughty teammates. They all deserve a slap on the wrist for making little Wobin's life harder.

i wonder what van persie thinks of rooney's pay rise?

I wonder where RvP will be playing next season and how much they will sell him for?

don't think it's out of the question that van persie might want to try elsewhere. spain, italy, germany etc. some arsenal fans seem convinced that he's going back there, but that just seems downright weird to me.

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Considering the awful abject performance, a great result that. Deserved to lose by more. They should really have put the game to bed. As it is, two down at half time, still all there to play for.

Three weeks for us to learn how to play football again.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Got to give it to you rix, your glass is always half full
Well indeed Bob. And why not. More than enough people doing an excellent job of dwelling on the many negatives. May as well focus on the few positives. Another of which is, given the job some teams have of having to score three goals without reply away from home, in Germany and Spain, scoring two goals at home against a Greek side... well, not easy, judging from last night, but still, eminently doable. And if we do succeed in turning it around, last night can and will quickly be forgotten, because it really won't mean a lot, will it.
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Considering the awful abject performance, a great result that. Deserved to lose by more. They should really have put the game to bed. As it is, two down at half time, still all there to play for.

Three weeks for us to learn how to play football again.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Give me 300k a week and in 3 weeks I'll learn how to be good enough for you! biggrin.png

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