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“It was a cowardly attack – Sir Alex wouldn’t have said it to Alan Wiley’s face,” Winter told The Guardian.

Yeah SAF is so shy about saying anything to a Ref's face...??? Moron


Yeah, you're right, SAF is a moron :D

Some might say, ( from your own supporters) BUT he is a VERY very successful one :D and one you guys wished you had for the last 20 years



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Some might say, ( from your own supporters) BUT he is a VERY very successful one :D and one you guys wished you had for the last 20 years



Leave BJ alone, he's bored out there in the desert with only camels to show him some love. :D

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Some might say, ( from your own supporters) BUT he is a VERY very successful one :D and one you guys wished you had for the last 20 years



Leave BJ alone, he's bored out there in the desert with only camels to show him some love. :D

You calling MrsBoJ a Camel. Wait till she meets you again in Bangers :D

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Some might say, ( from your own supporters) BUT he is a VERY very successful one :D and one you guys wished you had for the last 20 years



Leave BJ alone, he's bored out there in the desert with only camels to show him some love. :D

You calling MrsBoJ a Camel. Wait till she meets you again in Bangers :D

:D Apologies to Mrs BoJ, I would certainly not be calling her a camel.

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two bloody weeks of internationals bring on the premier league missed it!

and just like to add good to see owen hargreaves isback after a lengthy lay off.

it isjust like getting a new signing he is a great player and will strengthen our team.

our back can be hargreaves rio vidic evra. best back 4 in the league and hargreaves can push up to strengthen the midfield.

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I'd rather have him in midfield,

At the expense of?

yes mate thatswhat i was thinking


hargreaves rio vidic evra

valencia scholes fletcher giggs

rooney berbatov.

not a bad starting 11.

maybe nani for giggs.

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If Hargreaves could get himself back to full fitness him and Fletcher should be the first names in midfield.

Scholes and Giggs are mid 30's now and cant be expected to play at this level every week.They could be alternated with the likes of Valencia,Nani and Park.

As red says,plenty of options for right back but hope Rafael can get an injury free run together.

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Valencia, Fletcher, Hargreaves and I'm not bothered who else, as long as its NOT NANI...... I never slag off anyone in a red shirt but <deleted>, he's <deleted>. His long range goals do not offset that fact.......


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Valencia, Fletcher, Hargreaves and I'm not bothered who else, as long as its NOT NANI...... I never slag off anyone in a red shirt but <deleted>, he's <deleted>. His long range goals do not offset that fact.......

Nani is another one, along with Foster, who I think you should carry on playing and putting your faith in. :)

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Valencia, Fletcher, Hargreaves and I'm not bothered who else, as long as its NOT NANI...... I never slag off anyone in a red shirt but <deleted>, he's <deleted>. His long range goals do not offset that fact.......

Nani is another one, along with Foster, who I think you should carry on playing and putting your faith in. :D

foster needs a rest vds back this weekend we are not in a bad position seeing we have been playing with a out of form keeper and a sh*t winger called nani and two old past it veterans called giggs and scholes. :)

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Wow, what a game!

Giggs performance's just keep getting better - unbelievable.

Berba had one of his best games in a United shirt.

Owen made some great runs and could have had a hat-trick.

Good effort by all the boys in fact. Shame that we had to endure that onslaught at the end, but it's another 3 points in the bag.

Next weekend should be interesting - especially if Owen starts! If you are lucky enough to be going to the game, don't forget to take a beach ball with you. :)

Edited by rixalex
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Wow, what a game!

Giggs performance's just keep getting better - unbelievable.

Berba had one of his best games in a United shirt.

Owen made some great runs and could have had a hat-trick.

Good effort by all the boys in fact. Shame that we had to endure that onslaught at the end, but it's another 3 points in the bag.

Next weekend should be interesting - especially if Owen starts!

mate we areflying along quit nicely,we just need to get that red beach ball signed up we should have no problems at anfield :)

giggs is in the form of his life he can play for another couple of years easily!

berbatov is class!

owens movement is very promising.

great weekend for us chelsea and liverpool both loosing and going to anfield top of the league priceless!

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great weekend for us chelsea and liverpool both loosing and going to anfield top of the league priceless!

Indeed mate. Shaping up just nicely. And to be sitting at the top having not been great for quite a few spells in some games, is pretty amazing i'd say. Bodes well.

As far as our threats are concerned, maybe it's not Liverpool and Chelsea we should be worried about, but Arsenal and City. Seems like the Gunners can't stop scoring at the minute.

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in honour of the beach ball

to the tune of ninety nine balloons

"1 big red beach ball

sitting on the Black cats pitch

Panic bells, it's red alert

There's something here

From somewhere else

Darren Bent springs to life

Opens up one eager eye

Focusing it upon the goal

Where Pepe Reina watches it go by"


bring it on this Sunday

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Reports i'm reading say that Nani had a good game last night??!!! Some sort of typo i guess?

I watched it and i wouldn't say he had a "good" game.

It was a typically Nani game...good running on the ball with no end result, and sooo many passes given away. A couple of good long shots, and the cross that setup the goal.

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A good day at the office for S.A.F. & Co, nothing brilliant but good work and a clean sheet.

I'm quite taken with Valencia and his low key goal celebration, very modest by the look of him, which is more than can be said about Nani and his theatrics !

Berbatov looked decidedly peeved last night and his silky skills were somewhat absent, perhaps he was missing the hard work of Rooney.

Defence wise we looked a lot more comfortable now that Edwin Van der Sar is back between the sticks, it's also far better for my old heart which is in my mouth most of the time if Ben Foster is playing. :)

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Berbatov looked decidedly peeved last night and his silky skills were somewhat absent,




Considering if I have Nani trying to provide me with service or lack there of, my skills would be lacking as well. Quote of the day MR BJ. Bit early to come to that conclusion me thinks.

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