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Ryan Giggs has just signed another year contract with United ,no agent ,business as usual. In my opinion he is playing as well, if not better than last year,and that

"feathered " pass to Hernandez to score against Chelsea was typical of his calmness,experience and awareness.I hope Scholsey joins him. Young Tom Cleveley might be back for this weekend,love his energy. I see Michael Owen is still recovering from a thigh strain,how many months is a that? time is up for MO me thinks.

Young ! how old is he Sparks ? 17, 18,19 years of age.

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Ryan Giggs has just signed another year contract with United ,no agent ,business as usual. In my opinion he is playing as well, if not better than last year,and that

"feathered " pass to Hernandez to score against Chelsea was typical of his calmness,experience and awareness.I hope Scholsey joins him. Young Tom Cleveley might be back for this weekend,love his energy. I see Michael Owen is still recovering from a thigh strain,how many months is a that? time is up for MO me thinks.

Young ! how old is he Sparks ? 17, 18,19 years of age.

If you subtract his age from Giggsy's you arrive at that figure. Less deprecation....Abby will know..its probably in the business section.

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Ryan Giggs has just signed another year contract with United ,no agent ,business as usual. In my opinion he is playing as well, if not better than last year,and that

"feathered " pass to Hernandez to score against Chelsea was typical of his calmness,experience and awareness.I hope Scholsey joins him. Young Tom Cleveley might be back for this weekend,love his energy. I see Michael Owen is still recovering from a thigh strain,how many months is a that? time is up for MO me thinks.

Young ! how old is he Sparks ? 17, 18,19 years of age.

Young enough to have a tremendous amount of improvement in him and young enough to play a part in United's season and England's Euro campaign. 22 years young!

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Ryan Giggs has just signed another year contract with United ,no agent ,business as usual. In my opinion he is playing as well, if not better than last year,and that

"feathered " pass to Hernandez to score against Chelsea was typical of his calmness,experience and awareness.I hope Scholsey joins him. Young Tom Cleveley might be back for this weekend,love his energy. I see Michael Owen is still recovering from a thigh strain,how many months is a that? time is up for MO me thinks.

Young ! how old is he Sparks ? 17, 18,19 years of age.

Young enough to have a tremendous amount of improvement in him and young enough to play a part in United's season and England's Euro campaign. 22 years young!

Only play a part 40.gif but i thought he is the next world beater, should make the Euro squad as Wilshere (who is young ) probaly wont be fit.

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Suarez what a first class cun_t

Why should they shake hands ? they obviously hate each other so what was shaking hands going to prove ? in fact Suarez had more reasons not too as it was Evra who cost him 8 games for him grassing Suarez up.

What was them antics at the end all about ? Evra really is a prick of the highest order.

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Suarez what a first class cun_t

Why should they shake hands ? they obviously hate each other so what was shaking hands going to prove ? in fact Suarez had more reasons not too as it was Evra who cost him 8 games for him grassing Suarez up.

What was them antics at the end all about ? Evra really is a prick of the highest order.

Wrong............it was Suarez that got himself an eight match ban with his racist comments. Suarez may not be racist but he used the comments to try and wind Evra up in the hope of getting him rattled and booked or sent off. It didn't work, but instead of just apologising straight away, he threw his dummy out the pram with all his childish excuses about doing 'nothing wrong'. Yesterday he had the opportunity (in the eyes of the media and public at least) to put the matter to bed by shaking hands but it looks like he's chosen to buy himself a new dummy instead. It's about time Dalglish told him to grow up.

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Suarez what a first class cun_t

Why should they shake hands ? they obviously hate each other so what was shaking hands going to prove ? in fact Suarez had more reasons not too as it was Evra who cost him 8 games for him grassing Suarez up.

What was them antics at the end all about ? Evra really is a prick of the highest order.

Wrong............it was Suarez that got himself an eight match ban with his racist comments. Suarez may not be racist but he used the comments to try and wind Evra up in the hope of getting him rattled and booked or sent off. It didn't work, but instead of just apologising straight away, he threw his dummy out the pram with all his childish excuses about doing 'nothing wrong'. Yesterday he had the opportunity (in the eyes of the media and public at least) to put the matter to bed by shaking hands but it looks like he's chosen to buy himself a new dummy instead. It's about time Dalglish told him to grow up.

In case you hadn't noticed, it's a mans game and what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch, you don't go running to the authorities like a 10 year old,i think your being a bit naive when you say that "shaking hands would have put the matter to bed" 40.gif

I see you haven't commented on Evra's antics at the end of the game but i wouldn't expect anything less from a man yoo fan.

Edited by alfieconn
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Suarez what a first class cun_t

Why should they shake hands ? they obviously hate each other so what was shaking hands going to prove ? in fact Suarez had more reasons not too as it was Evra who cost him 8 games for him grassing Suarez up.

What was them antics at the end all about ? Evra really is a prick of the highest order.

Wrong............it was Suarez that got himself an eight match ban with his racist comments. Suarez may not be racist but he used the comments to try and wind Evra up in the hope of getting him rattled and booked or sent off. It didn't work, but instead of just apologising straight away, he threw his dummy out the pram with all his childish excuses about doing 'nothing wrong'. Yesterday he had the opportunity (in the eyes of the media and public at least) to put the matter to bed by shaking hands but it looks like he's chosen to buy himself a new dummy instead. It's about time Dalglish told him to grow up.

And not only did he get the ban, but he did not appeal it. If he and LFC were so certain and sure of his complete innocence, then why not?

At the end of the day, he was found guilty. He and LFC have to accept that, and move on, just as Erva and United would have had to accept and move on from a not guilty outcome.

Refusing the hand shake of a man you have racially abused, be it intentional or not, was pathetic. It was time for both of them to act like adults and only one of them did.

Sadly however, Erva dropped down to Suarez's level come the end of the game. SAF has said it was uncalled for behaviour and i agree. Shame that KK couldn't bring himself to likewise condemn his player for his part in it all. The "i didn't see it" response is complete bs. Used to have great respect for KK. Losing it.

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Suarez what a first class cun_t

Why should they shake hands ? they obviously hate each other so what was shaking hands going to prove ? in fact Suarez had more reasons not too as it was Evra who cost him 8 games for him grassing Suarez up.

What was them antics at the end all about ? Evra really is a prick of the highest order.

Wrong............it was Suarez that got himself an eight match ban with his racist comments. Suarez may not be racist but he used the comments to try and wind Evra up in the hope of getting him rattled and booked or sent off. It didn't work, but instead of just apologising straight away, he threw his dummy out the pram with all his childish excuses about doing 'nothing wrong'. Yesterday he had the opportunity (in the eyes of the media and public at least) to put the matter to bed by shaking hands but it looks like he's chosen to buy himself a new dummy instead. It's about time Dalglish told him to grow up.

And not only did he get the ban, but he did not appeal it. If he and LFC were so certain and sure of his complete innocence, then why not?

At the end of the day, he was found guilty. He and LFC have to accept that, and move on, just as Erva and United would have had to accept and move on from a not guilty outcome.

Refusing the hand shake of a man you have racially abused, be it intentional or not, was pathetic. It was time for both of them to act like adults and only one of them did.

Sadly however, Erva dropped down to Suarez's level come the end of the game. SAF has said it was uncalled for behaviour and i agree. Shame that KK couldn't bring himself to likewise condemn his player for his part in it all. The "i didn't see it" response is complete bs. Used to have great respect for KK. Losing it.

Why should 2 men who obviously hate each other shake hands ? would shaking hands make all that had gone on before go away ? No, so what would it have proved ?

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In case you hadn't noticed, it's a mans game and what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch, you don't go running to the authorities like a 10 year old,i think your being a bit naive when you say that "shaking hands would have put the matter to bed" 40.gif

If it'a man's game how come Suarez is acting like such a big baby just because he got caught out doing something wrong??????????????

I see you haven't commented on Evra's antics at the end of the game but i wouldn't expect anything less from a man yoo fan.

Evra was wrong and has been rightly censured by SAF.

It's a pity Dalglish can't take a leaf out of SAF's book and do the same with Suarez.

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A point is being missed here. Suarez might have been banned for racist abuse but he denies he was being racist. He feels he's been striped up by Evra. He probably feels that Evra has already tried and failed to defame the good character of a Chelsea groundsman. He might well feel that Evra is already a lying flawed character that should have been sued for past lies and accusations. Why on earth would he want to shake his hand? Its nothing to do with sportsmanship. Its more to do with the principle of not shaking the hand of someone that has in his eyes wronged him.

This handshake merry go round is a nonsense and more trouble than its worth.

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In case you hadn't noticed, it's a mans game and what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch, you don't go running to the authorities like a 10 year old,i think your being a bit naive when you say that "shaking hands would have put the matter to bed" 40.gif

If it'a man's game how come Suarez is acting like such a big baby just because he got caught out doing something wrong??????????????

I see you haven't commented on Evra's antics at the end of the game but i wouldn't expect anything less from a man yoo fan.

Evra was wrong and has been rightly censured by SAF.

It's a pity Dalglish can't take a leaf out of SAF's book and do the same with Suarez.

Liverpool are renowned for blindly defending their own (even when they are wrong) the misjudged support for Suarez with the T Shirts was a classic example.

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A point is being missed here. Suarez might have been banned for racist abuse but he denies he was being racist.

And the end of the day, it doesn't matter what he thinks, it matters what the outcome of the hearing was. A robber can deny he was robbing, say he was just borrowing, but if after going through the legal process, he is declared guilty, that is what stands and that is what has to be accepted, cos if it isn't, where does it end? Who is going to ever accept an outcome against them? Nobody.

If Suarez had been found innocent, it would have been Evra's job to come to terms with that and move on, and people like you who openly declare hatred for him, would have been the first people to say so, were he the one moaning about it all being so unfair. But Suarez wasn't found innocent, he was found guilty, and after being found guilty, he did not appeal.

Evra offered his hand. Yeah, so Suarez thinks he is a <deleted>. So what. He didn't sleep with his wife, and i'm sure Evra feels the same way in return. Be a man and shake his <deleted> hand.

To be honest though, i'm more disappointed in Kenny.

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What struck me about yesterday is that while Suarez failed to shake Evra's hand he could simply have let it go. Not Evra though, he has to insist on creating a scene.

Same at half time and again at the final whistle. Suarez "crime" yesterday is refusing to shake the hand of a man he dislikes and has no respect for.

I can't say I have much either.

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A point is being missed here. Suarez might have been banned for racist abuse but he denies he was being racist.

And the end of the day, it doesn't matter what he thinks, it matters what the outcome of the hearing was. A robber can deny he was robbing, say he was just borrowing, but if after going through the legal process, he is declared guilty, that is what stands and that is what has to be accepted, cos if it isn't, where does it end? Who is going to ever accept an outcome against them? Nobody.

If Suarez had been found innocent, it would have been Evra's job to come to terms with that and move on, and people like you who openly declare hatred for him, would have been the first people to say so, were he the one moaning about it all being so unfair. But Suarez wasn't found innocent, he was found guilty, and after being found guilty, he did not appeal.

Evra offered his hand. Yeah, so Suarez thinks he is a <deleted>. So what. He didn't sleep with his wife, and i'm sure Evra feels the same way in return. Be a man and shake his <deleted> hand.

To be honest though, i'm more disappointed in Kenny.

What is interesting is the divided opinion in the media. Some editorials are as wide apart as you can get. For this reason alone both clubs should talk and agree no further comment and move on. The whole situation is totally divisive and as i said earlier i would stop the handshake roll call because though not intended so is being used as a platform for reasons that arn't helping the game at all.

Back to football and our game in a couple of weeks is going to be huge for both clubs. I'm presuming Utd will be back to near full strength?

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For this reason alone both clubs should talk and agree no further comment and move on.

The no further comment thing should have been LFC and Kenny's position from the get go.

As for the moving on, both clubs agreed to not forgo the hand shake custom, so most assumed because of that that both players were going to behave like mature adults and professionals. If Suarez wasn't mature or professional enough to shake hands, he should have been mature and professional enough to tell his manager his intentions, who then surely would have tried to find a way of avoiding what happened - whether that be forgoing the handshake or by some other way.

I'd like to go wind back the clock and rerun events last night, but with Evra refusing Suarez's hand, and then see what comments all you Evra haters would be coming out with today.

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For this reason alone both clubs should talk and agree no further comment and move on.

The no further comment thing should have been LFC and Kenny's position from the get go.

As for the moving on, both clubs agreed to not forgo the hand shake custom, so most assumed because of that that both players were going to behave like mature adults and professionals. If Suarez wasn't mature or professional enough to shake hands, he should have been mature and professional enough to tell his manager his intentions, who then surely would have tried to find a way of avoiding what happened - whether that be forgoing the handshake or by some other way.

I'd like to go wind back the clock and rerun events last night, but with Evra refusing Suarez's hand, and then see what comments all you Evra haters would be coming out with today.

Hate is a strong word used all too freely. I don't hate Evra, i've never met him. However i regard him as a sh*t stirrer par excellence and a very unreliable witness.

Tell me Rix, why so reluctant to comment on his false allegations about the Chelsea groundsman. Could have cost the poor guy his job.

I'll admit i find his character instantly dislikeable. I thought his behviour at the world cup disgraceful (captain aswell wasn't he) and his celebrations at the final whistle yesterday a give away to his true character.

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While Dalgleish is revered amongst the Liverpool fans if Hodgson was still managing Liverpool he would be hanging, this morning, from the rafters for the Liverpool team selection last night.If anyone has followed United's fortunes over past seasons one player who has constantly given United a problem is Bellamy, nice to se him on the bench. Is Jay Spearing a better player than Adams? Not even good enough as a squad player.Is playing one up front an admission by Dalgleish that hopefully we will hold them out and nick a point. Its thankfully the poorest display from a Liverpool side I have seen in recent years and while 2-1 will stand in the record books as a close game the gulf in performance was a chasm. Young Raphael is starting to make the RB position his own and with Jones, Nani and Smalling likley to return mid week hopefully the run in will gain momentum.Any complaints about Evans performance ? to me he is a young player growing in stature

Finally for Dalgleish to come out and say he didn't know Suarez refused the Evra hand shake is mind blowing stupidity. He knew and to use the Wenger tack just lowers further his credibility as a Manager. At least SAF, who,at times, is far from perfect had the balls and sense to say Evra behaved badly after the game. I trust KK gets the messAge

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Hate is a strong word used all too freely. I don't hate Evra, i've never met him. However i regard him as a sh*t stirrer par excellence and a very unreliable witness.

Sounds like hate to me.

Tell me Rix, why so reluctant to comment on his false allegations about the Chelsea groundsman. Could have cost the poor guy his job.

How is that relevant to what happened last night? You think Suarez was making a stand on behalf of that Chelsea groundsman? Give me a break.

and his celebrations at the final whistle yesterday a give away to his true character.

I found it funny in a way. Black man racially abused celebrates against perpetrator by dancing around in front of him like a monkey.

Seriously though, it was a daft thing to do and you see that SAF and supporters are quick to acknowledge that. Yet to hear anyone from the LFC side express any regrets, either for last night or for what he was found guilty of. I find that sad, and i think you would too if you weren't so caught up in all your Evra venom.

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As far as I could tell Rix, Suarez simply got on with playing a game of football yesterday.

If we are talking about the 90 minutes playing time, so did Evra. Didn't think we were though.

Thing is Rix there are people I dislike enough not to shake their hand. I wouldn't expect them to make a song and dance about it.

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As far as I could tell Rix, Suarez simply got on with playing a game of football yesterday.

If we are talking about the 90 minutes playing time, so did Evra. Didn't think we were though.

Regarding someone as an unreialble witness constitutes hatred apparently.

Anyway whatever i think forget the handshake bit...they should all line up opposite each and wai their opponent. that would be good!

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As far as I could tell Rix, Suarez simply got on with playing a game of football yesterday.

If we are talking about the 90 minutes playing time, so did Evra. Didn't think we were though.

yes, i really liked the way Ferdinand and Evra attempted a rugby style two man take out tackle on Suarez in the opening ten minutes and both of them ended up worse off ! wink.png

Edited by tigerfish
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As far as I could tell Rix, Suarez simply got on with playing a game of football yesterday.

If we are talking about the 90 minutes playing time, so did Evra. Didn't think we were though.

yes, i really liked the way Ferdinand and Evra attempted a rugby style two man take out tackle on Suarez in the opening ten minutes and both of them ended up worse off ! wink.png

Yeah Ferdinand landing on his head. Quality!!

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