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Pakistan Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missile


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http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-18350766 Its becoming increasingly obvious that the USA does not trust Pakistan any more (if it ever did) the Bin Laden raid proved this quite conclusively IMHO ,maybe with this Missile launch they are "flexing their muscles" a bit to show the world they are far from helpless, the big question is who do they see as a threat?, I hardly think the US would be impressed though with this latest "roman candle"smile.png

The US/Pakistan relationship hinges on who needs who the most at the moment, but it is indeed very messy. China has become Pakistan's key ally as the US switches to backing India.

China has always historically been a very close ally of Pakistan. This was to counterweight the influence of the old Soviet Union had in India. It is nothing new.

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The US/Pakistan relationship hinges on who needs who the most at the moment, but it is indeed very messy. China has become Pakistan's key ally as the US switches to backing India.

China has always historically been a very close ally of Pakistan. This was to counterweight the influence of the old Soviet Union had in India. It is nothing new.

But what is changing is that China is very much filling the breach as Pakistan-US relations go down the swannee. That has potentially interesting repercussions as Beijing has no tolerance for islamic extremists (see its brutal crackdown in western provinces of China), and would also have no desire to see nuclear weapons fall into the hands of such extremists.



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But what is changing is that China is very much filling the breach as Pakistan-US relations go down the swannee. That has potentially interesting repercussions as Beijing has no tolerance for islamic extremists (see its brutal crackdown in western provinces of China), and would also have no desire to see nuclear weapons fall into the hands of such extremists.



It's absolutely true about China's intolerance of Islamic extremism, but I think this is/will become a game of cold war politics. The US gave little thought to the fact that funding and supplying the mujahideen would come back and bite them in the ass. All they were interested in was putting one over the Soviets.

I hope the Chinese use a little bit of the famed eastern wisdom and learn from the America's mistakes.

Edited by LucidLucifer
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One of those less known stories is that concerning Chinese support, training & arming of Afghan insurgents during the Soviet occupation. The Chinese are no newcomers to brutal geopolitics. China has a long standing interest in this corner of the world.

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One of those less known stories is that concerning Chinese support, training & arming of Afghan insurgents during the Soviet occupation. The Chinese are no newcomers to brutal geopolitics. China has a long standing interest in this corner of the world.

Absolutely. They had an involement in Korea and in Vietnam, both times the US were the burnt (or burned for our US cousins).

My wish is for India to rise and become a world leader. I lived there for almost two years and the country is dear to my heart. The west dearly needs them as a counterweigt to the chinese dragon.

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Heritage Foundation is somewhat neo-conish but this is well argued article.

Thanks. Well written article indeed. Some so-called neo-cons are great thinkers including Charles Krauthammer and Christopher Hitchens.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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