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Bangkok Rama IX Bridge Accident: Hit-Run Driver Surrenders


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The police have been reported as stating that this young idiot will be sent to a juvenile centre. Are we to assume that he was not given bail and that he will remain there until he appears in court to answer the charges brought against him? Or is it the case that the police are now dispensing justice?

555 - the police have been dispensing WITH justice for years. If the police can arrange a suitable compensation package (with commission) all criminal charges are dropped, assuming the perpetrator has enough money, and sometimes even if they don't.

I spotted one of my rental bikes 6 months after it disappeared and called local police. After discussion it was decided that

1/ her boyfriend was in jail

2/ she had no money

3/ she was pregnant (NOT obviously so) so unlikely to go to jail

4/ I should be happy to get my bike back even in serious disrepair, so piss off and stop your whining

5/ matter will be settled by police AKA payment by other means.

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Released! He never went to jail the Mercedes boy has been appealing the sentence ever since conviction.

That makes sense but the appeal should have been heard by now. (Though one murder case took 20 yrs to conclude after all appeals were exhausted. Do you have ref to supported your info pls?

Edited by Lakegeneve
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This received a lot of coverage after the verdict in 09, a little surprised that you didn't see it. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, his parents received a public rebuke from the judge regarding their parenting a huge loss of face for the mother given her profile, and the victims families received some financial compensation..... IDK the amount involved.

Of course he may have been released by now........

You can peruse some info on this last case on that other english paper that shall remain unnamed.

May have been released?

He was released without serving one day inside if i recall, I also recall him attacking a bus driver not long after this incident.

Really? would love to see the report of that incident.

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This received a lot of coverage after the verdict in 09, a little surprised that you didn't see it. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, his parents received a public rebuke from the judge regarding their parenting a huge loss of face for the mother given her profile, and the victims families received some financial compensation..... IDK the amount involved.

Of course he may have been released by now........

You can peruse some info on this last case on that other english paper that shall remain unnamed.

May have been released?

He was released without serving one day inside if i recall, I also recall him attacking a bus driver not long after this incident.

Really? would love to see the report of that incident.

which incident? The latest one where he attacked a bus driver?

Mr Kanpithak was also accused of smashing a rock in the face of bus driver Sathaporn Arunsiri near Sukhumvit Soi 26, after his Merdeces was involved in a minor incident with the bus.

Mr Kanpithak's father Kan-anek offered to pay Mr Sathaporn 50,000 baht in compensation, who agreed to take the offer.


Ignore the part about him being jailed, he has not served one day in prison.

Edited by carra
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Yet another case of fast growing up,or should it be twisted law enforcing,in Thailand.

This spoiled kid has gone from 16 to 17 to 18 years old just in a matter of days.

He is 17.

I started a blog on thaivisa over this incident as my wife's nephew was asleep in the back of the Mitsubishi

In the initial accident and received serious head wounds.

The youth struck one girl who had got out from the car together with 3 people from 2 cars that stopped to help.

The mini was taken to a garage to attempt repairs. One of those hit clocked the number plate and the police found the car.

Inside they found the youths ID card. They also found bullets.

His family own gold shops and the car is registered as mentioned to his grand mother who is over 80.

They have purposefully laid low hoping to avoid responsibility

I shall attempt to post picture of mini




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Negligence prior to the accident has not been shown, and should not be assumed.

I beg to differ with you sir. Are you suggesting that........

1/ The suspect simply FORGOT he didn't have a license to operate a motor vehicle? That in itself is criminal and negligent.

2/ Was charged with reckless driving which also is negligent.

3/ The suspect simply FORGOT he had an accident for 2 weeks....and his memory was refreshed after learning about the arrest warrant.

I'm sure he was just about to turn himself in soon.

Not only should the idiot be punished in a fashion that will help him learn responsibility for his actions, but whoever allowed him to drive should also be accountable because he didn't even have a license to drive.

But this is Thailand.....and sadly he will no doubt get that warm cup of hot chocolate from the nice policeman and the policemen will be stuffing some baht into their pockets.

and life goes on in the third world.

I agree with you. To be involved in an accident you must have been negligent. This is case law from NSW but also used in other states of Australia. (Vic Careless Driving) Yes I know Thailand is different.

The test for Negligent Driving was confirmed by His Honour Johnson J in the decision of Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) v Yeo and Anor [2008] NSWSC 953 (which is extracted below). The offence or test for Negligent driving essentially being established:

.where it is proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused person drove a motor vehicle in a manner involving a departure from the standard of care for other users of the road to be expected of the ordinary prudent driver in the circumstances.

Basically it says, if you are not paying all due care and attention then you are/were negligent in your driving.

Charged sure, proved not yet.

I will graciously concede the lack of license.

Maybe under Thai law that is enough, in court, to prove negligence.

Prior to a court's decision it is purely assumption.

But I know several who were involved in accidents

from absolutely no fault, or action, nor inaction of their own.

ie. no negligence.

In one case an unfortunate idiot was balancing on a bridge rail,

fell off and landed on the hood of a friends moving car,

Instantly dead while flying off into the bushes.

Instant reaction by some was that my friend hit the guy in the street.

When the reality was the fool fell from the sky onto the oncoming car,

Never actually touching the street. His friends on the bridge with him

later testified to the reality of the macbre event.

" if you are... ...paying all due care and attention" you can still be in an accident.

But not be negligent.

Edited by animatic
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IIt's not only wealth, but also status.... and not just of the accused, but also the victims. The 8 mini-van victims, the lao girls, sadly they were no more to Thai society than a few lines of ink and a moments outrage.

Without knowing more details, I can not see any benefit of sending this boy to prison. Prison will not make him a better person, in fact quite the opposite is likely. Juvenile will not be fun, and maybem, just maybe, the young man will grow up to be a useful member of society.

Yes but what does the law say? Is it legal to charge someone 18 years old as a juvenile, or is this another example of the authorities disrespecting the Thai nation and people by completely ignoring the rule of law?

amendment; just saw that he is actually 17 so I guess its legal to charge him as a juvenile. He should have his license permanently taken away, not that that would matter here in LOS.

Edited by Kilgore Trout
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I saw this on the news and if Chotika Prasartsophon is the lady in orange then the offender certainly got a few uppercuts into her before the police stepped in and grabbed Chotika Prasartsophon. It appears that the offender was then given a warm arm on the shoulder by a smiling police officer and lead into the police station. (there, there did that nasty lady hurt you, come inside and I will make you a warm chocolate.)

Who informed the family and the media that the defendant would be surrendering himself at location XX at a particular time? Surely it would not have been the police as they have a duty of care to the defendant whether they like him or not. That duty of care would extend to not allowing the defendant to simply walk through a crowd of angry family members and the media. These sorts of things in Thailand are conducted like a sideshow, a circus and I am sure all the Police go home at night and say to thier families, "Did you see me on T.V, didn't I look good in my uniform and display that Authority I think there is a promotion in this for me."

This seems to be the incident referred to as he surrenders himself at the police station with his grandma:




One of the Thais on Pantip posted that maybe the teenager's granny should have bought him this as a more suitable vehicle for him to drive.


Edited by katana
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Yet another case of fast growing up,or should it be twisted law enforcing,in Thailand.

This spoiled kid has gone from 16 to 17 to 18 years old just in a matter of days.

He is 17.

I started a blog on thaivisa over this incident as my wife's nephew was asleep in the back of the Mitsubishi

In the initial accident and received serious head wounds.

The youth struck one girl who had got out from the car together with 3 people from 2 cars that stopped to help.

The mini was taken to a garage to attempt repairs. One of those hit clocked the number plate and the police found the car.

Inside they found the youths ID card. They also found bullets.

His family own gold shops and the car is registered as mentioned to his grand mother who is over 80.

They have purposefully laid low hoping to avoid responsibility

I shall attempt to post picture of mini

If that is the case, then screw him.

But properly in court.

Bullets might be legitimate property from another family member,

considering the gold business is dangerous.

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I saw this on the news and if Chotika Prasartsophon is the lady in orange then the offender certainly got a few uppercuts into her before the police stepped in and grabbed Chotika Prasartsophon. It appears that the offender was then given a warm arm on the shoulder by a smiling police officer and lead into the police station. (there, there did that nasty lady hurt you, come inside and I will make you a warm chocolate.)

Who informed the family and the media that the defendant would be surrendering himself at location XX at a particular time? Surely it would not have been the police as they have a duty of care to the defendant whether they like him or not. That duty of care would extend to not allowing the defendant to simply walk through a crowd of angry family members and the media. These sorts of things in Thailand are conducted like a sideshow, a circus and I am sure all the Police go home at night and say to thier families, "Did you see me on T.V, didn't I look good in my uniform and display that Authority I think there is a promotion in this for me."

i doubt if it was the defendant, his family or his legal team that notified the victims families that he would be arriving. I would say that it was the Police who notified the families and the media. Thai police just love being in the media. One day, one of this planned media gala events is going to backfire on the police. You will get a family member who will not be satified at just abusing or slapping the defendant for the cameras but the defendant will actually get gutted or shot.

Thanks go to channel 3 news for pursuing this case.

It highlights the disparity in Thailand

In how and to whom the law is applied.

Remember the slogans

"no more double standards."

That's all I wish to say on the subject

Re: politics.

Let's not forget the Mercedes driver here fled the scene leaving 4 seriously injured people in the Mitsubishi

Sure, they ran into him but look at the damage to the cars and then along comes this youth who smashed into the lot of them and drove off.

Back in china he may not have been treated so far with such leniency and his family settled in Thailand would

Also be forced to share the blame.

The nephew is disfigured and though discharged from hospital is undergoing personality changes.

Many operations are needed.



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Yet another case of fast growing up,or should it be twisted law enforcing,in Thailand.

This spoiled kid has gone from 16 to 17 to 18 years old just in a matter of days.

He is 17.

I started a blog on thaivisa over this incident as my wife's nephew was asleep in the back of the Mitsubishi

In the initial accident and received serious head wounds.

The youth struck one girl who had got out from the car together with 3 people from 2 cars that stopped to help.

The mini was taken to a garage to attempt repairs. One of those hit clocked the number plate and the police found the car.

Inside they found the youths ID card. They also found bullets.

His family own gold shops and the car is registered as mentioned to his grand mother who is over 80.

They have purposefully laid low hoping to avoid responsibility

I shall attempt to post picture of mini

If that is the case, then screw him.

But properly in court.

Bullets might be legitimate property from another family member,

considering the gold business is dangerous.

You're probably

right about the bullets. That had been my thought.

I was just quoting what was found.

I hope the media doesn't just forget about this case because the families and there are 8 want this resolved satisfactorily.

My wife went every day to the hospital to look after her nephew as his parents had to work

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Every time I read these stories, I always think what would happen if an Isan farmer who drove into some hisos standing in front of Paragon shopping mall ,then did a runner. I suspect the outcome would be vastly different............cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Well George Bush, Al Gore's son and uncountable numbers of Hollywood celebrities have been caught driving under the influence and Teddy Kennedy got drunk, drove off a pier and left his female "companion" in the car to drown. He didn't report anything until the car and body were discovered.

And I'm sure the so called British aristocracy, not to mention some of the senior royals, have had their share of incidents covered up.

What would happen if some factory worker in the US or UK did these same things. I suspect the outcome would be vastly different from the rap on the knuckles all these hi-so farangs received.

There's inequality in Thailand for sure. Is it unique to Thailand? You can't be that naive.

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Every time I read these stories, I always think what would happen if an Isan farmer who drove into some hisos standing in front of Paragon shopping mall ,then did a runner. I suspect the outcome would be vastly different............cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Well, if it was an Isan farmer, he would have been driving his 2-wheel tractor, and not a snappy Mini, in which case the HiSo's would have had a heck of a better chance to get outta the way wink.png

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This received a lot of coverage after the verdict in 09, a little surprised that you didn't see it. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, his parents received a public rebuke from the judge regarding their parenting a huge loss of face for the mother given her profile, and the victims families received some financial compensation..... IDK the amount involved.

Of course he may have been released by now........

You can peruse some info on this last case on that other english paper that shall remain unnamed.

May have been released?

He was released without serving one day inside if i recall, I also recall him attacking a bus driver not long after this incident.

Really? would love to see the report of that incident.

which incident? The latest one where he attacked a bus driver?

Mr Kanpithak was also accused of smashing a rock in the face of bus driver Sathaporn Arunsiri near Sukhumvit Soi 26, after his Merdeces was involved in a minor incident with the bus. Mr Kanpithak's father Kan-anek offered to pay Mr Sathaporn 50,000 baht in compensation, who agreed to take the offer.


Ignore the part about him being jailed, he has not served one day in prison.

Cheers, any idea of the date of the assault of the bus driver on Suk 26? Was it post the main case being finalised? One would think that if someone has been sentenced and then they are subsequently released pending appeal, then the commission of a further serious offence may impact on the imposition of any bail conditions related to their release.

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Every time I read these stories, I always think what would happen if an Isan farmer who drove into some hisos standing in front of Paragon shopping mall ,then did a runner. I suspect the outcome would be vastly different............cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I'm guessing the "hiso's" would shoot him on the spot whistling.gif

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Cheers, any idea of the date of the assault of the bus driver on Suk 26? Was it post the main case being finalised? One would think that if someone has been sentenced and then they are subsequently released pending appeal, then the commission of a further serious offence may impact on the imposition of any bail conditions related to their release.

I don't think you understand. The pay-off is a corrupt deal entered into with the police. The victim is given sufficient to keep them quiet, the police are given sufficient to satisfy them, and the perpetrator WALKS - no record is kept, no consideration of other offenses, no effect on bail conditions. It is expunged, never happened.

And if you don't have enough money at the time, you can pay on installments, for crimes up to and including murder. The police will organise the payment plan and prosecute if it is not kept. You pick up your payment at the police station every month, less the 10% commission fee. If you are rich enough you could be a serial killer and never see a conviction.

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A police officer said the boy was charged with reckless driving causing injury and property damage to others, driving without a licence, fleeing the scene without helping victims, and failing to alert a police at a spot close to the scene. He will be sent to a juvenile centre.

So the guy's "childish" and therefore not responsible for the accident. Reckless driving causing injuries 500 baht. No license 200 baht. Fleeing the scene 000 baht. Not helping "victims" 000 baht. Failing to alert the cops close to the scene 000 baht.

He might have to pay some money for the injuries, but will drive again pretty soon. As far as the Mini's repaired. coffee1.gif

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A police officer said the boy was charged with reckless driving causing injury and property damage to others, driving without a licence, fleeing the scene without helping victims, and failing to alert a police at a spot close to the scene. He will be sent to a juvenile centre.

So the guy's "childish" and therefore not responsible for the accident. Reckless driving causing injuries 500 baht. No license 200 baht. Fleeing the scene 000 baht. Not helping "victims" 000 baht. Failing to alert the cops close to the scene 000 baht.

He might have to pay some money for the injuries, but will drive again pretty soon. As far as the Mini's repaired. coffee1.gif

Judging from the reaction of some of the people present at his arrival at the police station, I would not want to be in this little punk's shoes. Thais have a way of getting even and he may just walk into a baseball bat one dark night.

I have zero sympathy for the brat , just another prick in the hall.

I wish him all the best for his future come-uppance.whistling.gif

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Why is he being sent to a juvenile center, the article states he is 18? Is 18 not considered legal age in Thailand?

He was 17 when the accident happened and might still be 17. It is not uncommon in Thailand to say somebody is the age they will become this calendar year.

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- The mercedes boy who has temper control problems and drove his car inot a crowd at a bus stop killing a couple of people.

This received a lot of coverage after the verdict in 09, a little surprised that you didn't see it. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, his parents received a public rebuke from the judge regarding their parenting a huge loss of face for the mother given her profile, and the victims families received some financial compensation..... IDK the amount involved.

Of course he may have been released by now........

You can peruse some info on this last case on that other english paper that shall remain unnamed.

He was ordered to pay about 3 million in compensation and sentenced to 15 years but reduced to 10-years and 1-month because of compensation already given. Last I heard he is on bail while appealing verdict.

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Cheers, any idea of the date of the assault of the bus driver on Suk 26? Was it post the main case being finalised? One would think that if someone has been sentenced and then they are subsequently released pending appeal, then the commission of a further serious offence may impact on the imposition of any bail conditions related to their release.

I don't think you understand. The pay-off is a corrupt deal entered into with the police. The victim is given sufficient to keep them quiet, the police are given sufficient to satisfy them, and the perpetrator WALKS - no record is kept, no consideration of other offenses, no effect on bail conditions. It is expunged, never happened.

And if you don't have enough money at the time, you can pay on installments, for crimes up to and including murder. The police will organise the payment plan and prosecute if it is not kept. You pick up your payment at the police station every month, less the 10% commission fee. If you are rich enough you could be a serial killer and never see a conviction.

Actually, whilst it is true I am attempting to get some FACTS about this individuals 2nd case, with respect clearly you don't seem to understand much at all. His 1st case went to court and a sentence was handed down. Everything, you wrote is thus superfluous and irrelevant as it would have to occur BEFORE the case went to court and especially before it was finalised! ie. there is now a court record and a court decision which cannot be expunged.

Yes, many do reportedly engage in payments to the police in order to avoid a case going to court, some allegedly whilst their case is proceeding through the courts. However, once a case has been finalised it makes all that you wrote complete BS in this case. Your BS is even more irrelevant as the 2nd case was reported in the media so you undermine what you asserted. All of that is not to say that the family didn't bring significant pressure upon the victims families to avoid the 1st case proceeding to a verdict at the criminal court nor to exclude the probability that money was offered to avoid this case going to court.

You can express in generalities all you want about the corrupt criminal justice system and how the police are corrupt but without specific examples you just come off sounding like another arm chair expert saying 'corruption, blah, blah and this is how it works', without really stating anything new.

You are encouraged to highlight specific cases, obviously in an anonymous context, which support the fact that some do engage in the conduct you describe. Obviously, you are an expert on such matters. I know many on TV would love to read about any specific examples that you have to offer so pls do take the time to start a new thread with some elucidating case of how the rule of law really does work (or doesn't as is the case).

However, unless you know some FACTS about this particular case then is seems you completely misunderstood at what stage of proceedings we were discussing as your contribution didn't deal with the specific speculation regarding the impact of a new case upon existing bail conditions pending an appeal of a prior sentence.

Edited by Lakegeneve
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- The mercedes boy who has temper control problems and drove his car inot a crowd at a bus stop killing a couple of people.

This received a lot of coverage after the verdict in 09, a little surprised that you didn't see it. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, his parents received a public rebuke from the judge regarding their parenting a huge loss of face for the mother given her profile, and the victims families received some financial compensation..... IDK the amount involved.

Of course he may have been released by now........

You can peruse some info on this last case on that other english paper that shall remain unnamed.

He was ordered to pay about 3 million in compensation and sentenced to 15 years but reduced to 10-years and 1-month because of compensation already given. Last I heard he is on bail while appealing verdict.

Yes, thanks Nisa that seems to be the consensus.

What is unclear, is when the appeal is taking place or when an appeal judgement is being made (assuming the appeal has been heard?). Also, the issue of the 2nd case reportedly involving the assault of a bus driver, seemingly subsequent (date unknown), and if it impacted on his bail conditions. Seemingly not, given that case was reportedly resolved by financial compensation but wanted to see if anyone knew more details.

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