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The Liberal Mind

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The Liberal Mind

I don’t know how familiar some of you are with American politics but I have a story from Nancy Pelosi, a true liberal if there ever was one.

Her story is about Democrats (liberals). It goes like this.

If you tell a liberal that there is a cup on the table, one will say there is a blue cup on the table. Another will say there is a cup on the brown table. Another will say there is a blue cup on the round table.

If you ask them why they say that, they will say because it is true.

This has nothing to do with American politics, only the liberal mind.

They will pick up on a trivial detail (sometime unverifiable) and argue it until they are blue in the face because even though it has no bearing on their lives or even the lives of anyone they know, it is a detail that they have picked up on and will forcefully if need be, make sure that that detail is known to everyone.

With that I bow out, because I am not of liberal mindset.

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coffee1.gif I know Nancy Pelosi. You're no Nancy Pelosi ...coffee1.gif

coffee1.gif You COMPLETELY DISTORTED the blue cup parable Ms. Pelosi told.coffee1.gif

Are you trying to tell us something about the right wing mind?ermm.gif


The ACTUAL parable is really worth reading. Thanks for pointing it out, in your roundabout way.

That is, worth reading for people interested in American politics.


Edited by Jingthing
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coffee1.gif I know Nancy Pelosi. You're no Nancy Pelosi ...coffee1.gif

coffee1.gif You COMPLETELY DISTORTED the blue cup parable Ms. Pelosi told.coffee1.gif

Are you trying to tell us something about the right wing mind?ermm.gif


The ACTUAL parable is really worth reading. Thanks for pointing it out, in your roundabout way.

That is, worth reading for people interested in American politics.


I paraphrased. Where do you see distortion? The gist is there. Was I supposed to plagerize for you?

Edited by Gonsalviz
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coffee1.gif I know Nancy Pelosi. You're no Nancy Pelosi ...coffee1.gif

coffee1.gif You COMPLETELY DISTORTED the blue cup parable Ms. Pelosi told.coffee1.gif

Are you trying to tell us something about the right wing mind?ermm.gif


The ACTUAL parable is really worth reading. Thanks for pointing it out, in your roundabout way.

That is, worth reading for people interested in American politics.


I paraphrased. Where do you see distortion? The gist is there. Was I supposed to plagerize for you?

Yes you blatantly distorted the meaning of the story with your "gist" interpretation which had little to do with what Pelosi was saying. It is fine to quote, so here is the ACTUAL gist of what Pelosi was saying:
It may sound as if the former speaker, who still holds the top Democratic leadership position in the House, is conducting a linguistics seminar. But her point is simple: Democrats are incapable of the clear, simple messaging at which Republicans excel. In 2006, Pelosi says, Democrats regained the House by hammering away at one message: "Protect Social Security." This year, she says, Democrats must answer the Republicans' unwavering anti-government theme with a mantra of their own: "Medicare, Medicare, Medicare." The proposals laid out by House Budget Chair Paul Ryan, with their alterations to both the size and structure of Medicare, offer Democrats a rich target of opportunity—if only have they can muster the discipline to stay on message.


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Stopped reading when you said liberals are the same as democrats. Also no one cares about American politics

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Surely in America liberals are the same as communists! Aren't they?

America has the most right wing left wingers in the world. But American right wingers aren't worldly enough to understand that.

BTW: the OP started an American politics topic acting like it was not. But it was. Blue cup, schmue cup. That's the truth.

Edited by Jingthing
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I always thought that hard core liberals and hard core conservatives would be the people you want to avoid as they both act as if they had been in the midday sun too long without a hat. giggle.gif

That is a fair assessment. clap2.gif

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coffee1.gif I know Nancy Pelosi. You're no Nancy Pelosi ...coffee1.gif

coffee1.gif You COMPLETELY DISTORTED the blue cup parable Ms. Pelosi told.coffee1.gif

Are you trying to tell us something about the right wing mind?ermm.gif


The ACTUAL parable is really worth reading. Thanks for pointing it out, in your roundabout way.

That is, worth reading for people interested in American politics.


I paraphrased. Where do you see distortion? The gist is there. Was I supposed to plagerize for you?

Yes you blatantly distorted the meaning of the story with your "gist" interpretation which had little to do with what Pelosi was saying. It is fine to quote, so here is the ACTUAL gist of what Pelosi was saying:
It may sound as if the former speaker, who still holds the top Democratic leadership position in the House, is conducting a linguistics seminar. But her point is simple: Democrats are incapable of the clear, simple messaging at which Republicans excel. In 2006, Pelosi says, Democrats regained the House by hammering away at one message: "Protect Social Security." This year, she says, Democrats must answer the Republicans' unwavering anti-government theme with a mantra of their own: "Medicare, Medicare, Medicare." The proposals laid out by House Budget Chair Paul Ryan, with their alterations to both the size and structure of Medicare, offer Democrats a rich target of opportunity—if only have they can muster the discipline to stay on message.


Explain how they are protecting Social Security when they fought tooth and nail to defund it?

BTW. It was not supposed to be American but you keep dragging it that way.

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Pelosi was explicitly talking about party political strategy for the AMERICAN democratic party (comparing it to the AMERICAN republican party). Not dragging anything. The OP tried to slip in an American political topic under the radar. Nice try. What you call "liberal" is your American political concept of liberal. It is by no means universal by any stretch of the imagination.

Edited by Jingthing
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I always thought that hard core liberals and hard core conservatives would be the people you want to avoid as they both act as if they had been in the midday sun too long without a hat. giggle.gif

That is a fair assessment. clap2.gif

Must be a trick to avoid yourself.coffee1.gif Only a hard core American conservative would consider American liberals as nearly communist.
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You can think whatever you like.

The evidence is there and I think I well proved my case with the link I did provide. Purely an American political topic here.

Then how is it Thailand related?

BTW the word 'liberal' in civilised parts of the world implies 'wooly minded thinking, somewhere in the middle', neither left nor right and certainly not communist

Edited by cdnvic
Closed - This is no place for US politics
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