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Apple Sues Samsung Over Galaxy S III


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Apple sues Samsung over Galaxy S III

SAN FRANCISCO: -- Apple has filed a motion in a California court to prevent Samsung selling its latest smartphone, the Galaxy SIII in the US, according to court papers publicized Wednesday.

The filing, made Tuesday in the California district court in San Jose, was posted online by Florian Mueller, the leading patent law blogger.

In the filing, Apple asked the court to add the new phone to its existing complaint against the Samsung Nexus, which the South Korean company developed in conjunction with Google.

"Apple has been able to obtain the Galaxy S III sold in the United Kingdom and determined that this device clearly infringes on at least two of the Apple patents at issues in the preliminary injunction motion for the exact same reasons as the Galaxy Nexus," Apple wrote in its filing.

Apple claimed that the new phone, which is yet to go on sale inthe US, could cause it "irreparable harm," citing press reports that carriers had already sold more than 9 million units in pre-orders.


-- The Nation 2012-06-07

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Apple is just trying to corner the market and is worried that Samsung are about to take the lions share. Along with Microsoft they have set up a company that holds all of the patents that they have bought up and acquired in the hope that they can feed off the sales of other more advanced phones by enforcing these patents. It suggests to me that the Apple is as rotten to the core as Microsoft who also have a problem with anyone trying to ascend to the throne. The simple truth is that the Samsung Galaxy is a far superior machine and Apple will have to learn to compete or die on the vine, so to speak.


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Evidently @Chowny77 & @JAF have been in Thailand so long they've forgotten what a Patent is. Just because Thailand doesn't give <deleted> about Intellectual Property Rights doesn't mean most of the developed world shouldn't. Of course they're trying to corner the market. As a stockholder I expect nothing less.

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Evidently @Chowny77 & @JAF have been in Thailand so long they've forgotten what a Patent is. Just because Thailand doesn't give <deleted> about Intellectual Property Rights doesn't mean most of the developed world shouldn't. Of course they're trying to corner the market. As a stockholder I expect nothing less.

Now now, don't be so quick to judge another by your own standards especially when it comes to insidious business practices of Apple and Microsoft et al. The patents that they think they hold do not pertain to anything that Samsung are using just as much as the technology that Apple uses is not owned by Nokia who brought us the worlds first mobile phone. As a shareholder you are going to have to accept that if the apple is rotten, then you have probably invested in the wrong barrel.


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I think this makes for an interesting read for all those Apple fans who don't like people upsetting their applecart.


" Ideas are worth nothing by themselves. Ideas only matter if you execute, and anyone who's ever actually executed on an idea will tell you that the original idea almost is never reflected in the final product."

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Evidently @Chowny77 & @JAF have been in Thailand so long they've forgotten what a Patent is. Just because Thailand doesn't give <deleted> about Intellectual Property Rights doesn't mean most of the developed world shouldn't. Of course they're trying to corner the market. As a stockholder I expect nothing less.

Now now, don't be so quick to judge another by your own standards especially when it comes to insidious business practices of Apple and Microsoft et al. The patents that they think they hold do not pertain to anything that Samsung are using just as much as the technology that Apple uses is not owned by Nokia who brought us the worlds first mobile phone. As a shareholder you are going to have to accept that if the apple is rotten, then you have probably invested in the wrong barrel.


That is for a court of law to decide!

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A lot of the things Apple are suing people over, are not things they invented, but things they hold a patent for.

The patent that they have for "tapping" eg. when you tap on an item it brings up a menu that allows you to choose an action (open it with a particular application, email it etc.) is ridiculous.

That functionality is pretty much the same as what happens when you right click on an item in Windows. Except that on a touch screen you have to tap instead of click.

No one previously had thought this was a patent worthy concept. I find it amazing that the US patent office did.

Large corporations are now using patents as a way of investing and making money, rather than having any real link to innovation and creativity.

100% agree. fuc_k these pathetic patent wars. competition benefits the consumer and technological progress.

p.s. i tap N replied to your post. lol.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect App

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When the media talk about patents, they often confuse patents of invention and design patents.

The war between Apple and Samsung about the iPad and the Samsung tablet is about a design patent. A design patent protects the aesthetical content of a form. It is not technical, not an invention, it's purely about "beauty" or what the designer holds it for.

A patent of invention, however, protects a new technical solution. Unfortunately the United States Patent Office (USPTO) accepts just about any BS as an invention. Things like identify a number in a text and trigger an action would never have been accepted as an invention in the good old times (before 1995). Now Apple claims this as its inventin and sues everybody in sight.

Now it may be that Thailand is not at the forefront of upholding intellectual property rights, but to protect this kind of "invention" obviously is not necessary. Having said this, I don't actually know if Apple has applied for a corresponding patent in Thailand and if yes, if it has been granted. Without a Thai patent, Apple cannot stop Samsung here. So go ahead and buy your Samsung phone without feeling bad about it.

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