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Why does Admin close threads and insist those who want to continue that thread move to a similar post elsewhere? George seems to do this more than everyone else put together. Someone just posted a perfectly reasonable question about bird flu: how does it spread? The post was devoid of the immature bickering found on the main thread, and didn't require trolling through several pages. Could Admin tell me why they do this (preferably without reminding me that they make the rules and if I don't like them I should start my own forum)?

Guest IT Manager

Firstly davidm, it has nothing at all to do with we/he/she/I make the rules so we will do what we want.

Daily traffic to the site is now in such volume that we are trying desperately to keep up with it. Part of it, is when a person enters the forum, they make a posting in a thread called for example "bird flu", then drive on to look at between 12 and 60 pages, then drive off.

Next day, frequently at the same time, they go looking for their thread/response to see if it has been replied to. They see "avian flu", then open up and OMG :D where is my bloody post. That ###### needs a good whipping :D .

They then open a thread abusing me for deleting their post when I didn't, they just leurmed where they put it. Probably because they are gair laow.

So we keep all the bits together so you guys don't get into me for doing the dirty and deleting a post, and :D it's substantially less confusing. :o


Point taken, but anyone intelligent enough to use a computer should be able to remember where they wrote. Care for some fried chicken?

Guest IT Manager

Just finished mine thanks David... choke gasp... were they right all along?

Probably not. I actually think Rupert bloody Murdoch is responsible. Isn't he a seppo?

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