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No To America's Use Of U-Tapao: Thai Opinion


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Think the writer of this piece is being a little naive here...just say no

If the US wants to use UTP for what ever reason, they will get it, if it serves the US's interests...resistance is futile...as they will just do the same as they have done in other places...

"just say no".........."just say invade"..............."mission accomplished"...............thumbsup.gif

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As an alumni, Thaksin Shinawatra - controversial former Prime Minister of Thailand (1975, M.S. in Criminal Justice)From Eastern Kentucky University, Certainly has a right to visit his old school.

Eastern Kentucky University something like the "Stanford" of the Appalachians.

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As I said in the previous threads on these matter, China will try to block this through their stooges in Thailand. The article's author seems to be one.

The PRC is bullying everyone in the region. The Vietnamese have a much longer history with the Chinese than with the Americans.

From what I have read, the Vietnamese HATE the Chinese.

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I don't see China as wanting to be a threat to the US. They are suppliers, competitors and have behaved in a friendly manner. No need for this war talk. US just wants to move out of its bases in Japan since the whole country is radiated. US wants to have bases in Asia to maintain the balance of power but it doesn't take resources from anyone. You mistake the US for the British empire of years ago. (They really should give all the gold, etc. they took from weaker countries back to those countries... and how is it that Billions of acres of land in foreign countries is still held by the British?).

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Anyone else find this arrangement curious?

Mr. Thaksin was always more aligned with the Chinese than he was with the USA. As such, I do have to laugh at those that postulate that the hand of Thaksin was implicated. If anythng his hand would have been slapped.

The Thai military on the other hand has always been more comfortable with the Americans than they have been with the Chinese. Perhaps the Chinese support of Cambodia in the recent border disputes has encouraged the Thai decision. Or maybe the Thais understand that the Americans do leave infrastructure when they visit (e.g. the schools the US service personnel build) or pump vast sums of money into the economy when the US military personnel visit. It's quite different from the Chinese military that just contribute bilge water and some garbage when they visit.

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The author of this article left out a lot of key details in his anti-American rant. For 1 NASA is a civilian agency and part of its task is to study world wide weather. Secondly the UAV's (drones) he was referring to are mostly controlled via satellite from an air force base in Nevada. There is no advantage to moving that capability here. Third, the US Department of Defense does tons of humanitarian work world wide especially disaster relief. If my memory serves, most of that disaster relief in the last 20 years or so has been in Southeast Asia so it would only make sense to ask Thailand (the US's oldest ally in the region) about setting up some space in a little used corner of the country.

Curious to understand why you say this is an Anti-American rant...however mis-guided the opinions maybe, really cant how this is anti-american ?...."Kerryk" ?....is this you in disguse ?

I also think you are being rather naive RE the NASA, Humanitaran aid...Think everyone know the real reason...just being dressed up a bit thats all

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There is already a logistics centre for the US military inside Utapao. Meet the guys regularly in Banchang.

and unlike Pattaya with its numerous ex SAS, Seals and secret agents running around...I understand there are some real CIA boys there as well...thumbsup.gif

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The PRC is bullying everyone in the region. The Vietnamese have a much longer history with the Chinese than with the Americans.

From what I have read, the Vietnamese HATE the Chinese.

cheesy.gif .....yes and the Vietnamese are partial to the US as I understand it ?....lets not talk about bully boy tactics shall we....what was the quote "your either with us or against us".....in reference to one the US's oldest allies....the French...

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The US has better fish to fry in its own backyard economy, and it needs to utilize Australia, the Philippines, and other resources in Asia Pacific for its accelerated arsenal.

and what if somewhere like Aussie said no...you seem to imply the US has a right to "use" Australia, the Phillipines and other "resources"...so is this how you see it these Sovereign countys are just "resources" to US to deploy their "aresnal's"..

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At the end of the day China will swallow the entire SEA region if the USA is not here to stop them. The war of water will come soon and China will win.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

At the end of the day China will most likely swallow the region anyway, irrspective of whether the US is there or not.....as with all with all empires through out history they eventually fail and the American empire will be no different and the next empire appears to being created in China....history coming full circle...3000 odd year ago...there was a Chinese empire..

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I don't see China as wanting to be a threat to the US. They are suppliers, competitors and have behaved in a friendly manner. No need for this war talk. US just wants to move out of its bases in Japan since the whole country is radiated. US wants to have bases in Asia to maintain the balance of power but it doesn't take resources from anyone. You mistake the US for the British empire of years ago. (They really should give all the gold, etc. they took from weaker countries back to those countries... and how is it that Billions of acres of land in foreign countries is still held by the British?).

wacko.png ???

"China no threat to USA"

"Whole of Japan is radiated"

"US does not take resources from anyone"

"Billions of acres in foreign countries still held by British"

Not quite sure which statement wins the prize for the most inane!!!

Must be yours.

There is no evidence that China is threatening the U.S. In fact US and China are great trade partners.

If you think it is safe to live in Japan then go live there. There are plenty of threads on TV that have discussed this and the news continues to get worse.

There is no evidence that the US took any countries resources. Any oil from the middle east is paid for with our money and we have given our blood and money to stop terrorism around the world.

Queen Elizabeth is the largest landowner in the world with over 6.6 billion acres of land and the British didn't pay for it.

You should do your own research and learn more about the world you live in.

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The US has better fish to fry in its own backyard economy, and it needs to utilize Australia, the Philippines, and other resources in Asia Pacific for its accelerated arsenal.

and what if somewhere like Aussie said no...you seem to imply the US has a right to "use" Australia, the Phillipines and other "resources"...so is this how you see it these Sovereign countys are just "resources" to US to deploy their "aresnal's"..

It was meant in the context that the Australians appear to be more reliable than the Thais and more willing to go in the opposite direction of China. Do you agree?

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On this issue, Thailand needs to think of itself first. Oh, wait....., they do!

The US is positioning itself in the area. Japan and South Korea have problems with large numbers of military personnel in the country. Smaller posts, spread in different countries, is probably better for all concerned.

There are plenty of local hot spots in SE Asia as well.

In the end, Thailand can get out any agreement. The Philippines took back Subic Bay.

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I don't see China as wanting to be a threat to the US. They are suppliers, competitors and have behaved in a friendly manner. No need for this war talk. US just wants to move out of its bases in Japan since the whole country is radiated. US wants to have bases in Asia to maintain the balance of power but it doesn't take resources from anyone. You mistake the US for the British empire of years ago. (They really should give all the gold, etc. they took from weaker countries back to those countries... and how is it that Billions of acres of land in foreign countries is still held by the British?).

You are talking about when the British were raping any country they could over power.

Back on topic the author of the article seems to be a recipient of The American attitude of paranoia.

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