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Doctor In Dublin

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A doctor in Dublin wanted to get off work and go fishing,

so he approached his assistant.

"Murphy,I am going fishing tomorrow and don't want to

close the clinic.I want you to take care of the clinic and

take care of all of me patients."

"Yes ,sir!" answers Murphy.

The doctor goes fishing and returns the following day and

asks: "So,Murphy,how was your day ?"

Murphy told him that he took care of three patients. "the

first one had a headache so he did,so I gave him Paracetamol."

"Bravo,Murphy lad, and the second one?" asks the doctor.

"The second one had indigestion and I gave him Gaviscon,

so I did sir" says Murphy.

"Bravo,bravo! Your'e good at this and what about the third

one?" asks the doctor'

" Sir I was sitting here and suddenly the door flies open and

a young gorgeous women bursts in so she does.Like a bolt

outta the blue, she tears off her clothes,taking off everything

including her bra and her panties and lies down on the table,

spreading her legs and shouts:HELP ME for the love of

St Patrick! For five years I have not seen any man!"

"Tunderin ' lord Jesus Murphy, what did you do?" asks the doctor.

" I put drops in her eyes."

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What has Dublin got to do with this joke? Is the poster trying to make out that the Irish are thick? The Irish are certainly not thick, look at the Scots, they cannot put a cross on a voting paper for there independence from the UK, yet the Irish fought and died for their independence even if it took them about 800 years. Scotland had a huge wealth of North sea oil and couldn't use it to their advantage. The Irish would have fought to keep their oil, and with the fighting spirit they have, they would have won, as they did during the war of independence. So just cut out those stupid Irish jokes about them being thick, that's the last thing they are.

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What has Dublin got to do with this joke? Is the poster trying to make out that the Irish are thick? The Irish are certainly not thick, look at the Scots, they cannot put a cross on a voting paper for there independence from the UK, yet the Irish fought and died for their independence even if it took them about 800 years. Scotland had a huge wealth of North sea oil and couldn't use it to their advantage. The Irish would have fought to keep their oil, and with the fighting spirit they have, they would have won, as they did during the war of independence. So just cut out those stupid Irish jokes about them being thick, that's the last thing they are.

No offence meant to anyone and I apologise for offending you. You could say that it is an Englishman,Scot or an Australian of which I am one.


A man has an interview for immigration into Australia.The interviewer says to him," Do you have a police record ? "

"What" replies the man. " Do you still need one to get in ? "


How do you describe a well balanced Australian ?

One with a chip on both shoulders.


Hear about the aussie hitchhiker ?

He got up early to miss the traffic.


How do you make an aussie laugh on monday morning ?

Tell him a joke on friday.


What do you call an aussie with half a brain ?



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What has Dublin got to do with this joke? Is the poster trying to make out that the Irish are thick? The Irish are certainly not thick, look at the Scots, they cannot put a cross on a voting paper for there independence from the UK, yet the Irish fought and died for their independence even if it took them about 800 years. Scotland had a huge wealth of North sea oil and couldn't use it to their advantage. The Irish would have fought to keep their oil, and with the fighting spirit they have, they would have won, as they did during the war of independence. So just cut out those stupid Irish jokes about them being thick, that's the last thing they are.

So you are bitter at the thought of Irish being deemed as thick, yet you have no qualms about lambasting the Scots??? It's a joke in the jokes forum - get a sense of humour or don't read it!!

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What has Dublin got to do with this joke? Is the poster trying to make out that the Irish are thick? The Irish are certainly not thick, look at the Scots, they cannot put a cross on a voting paper for there independence from the UK, yet the Irish fought and died for their independence even if it took them about 800 years. Scotland had a huge wealth of North sea oil and couldn't use it to their advantage. The Irish would have fought to keep their oil, and with the fighting spirit they have, they would have won, as they did during the war of independence. So just cut out those stupid Irish jokes about them being thick, that's the last thing they are.

So you are bitter at the thought of Irish being deemed as thick, yet you have no qualms about lambasting the Scots??? It's a joke in the jokes forum - get a sense of humour or don't read it!!

I am Scots and ashamed of it, the Irish fought and died for their independence, and as I said, we can't even put a cross down for ours, now look at the state we are in today. Thank god I got out of it.
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