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Viewers Held 'Hostage' In Euro Telecast Debate: Thai Analysis


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Viewers held 'hostage' in Euro telecast debate

Usanee Mongkolporn

The Nation


Croatian supporters, one of them wearing a shirt of Celtic Glasgow shirt, arrive at the railway station in Poznan, Poland, 10 June 2012. Croatia will face Ireland in a Group C soccer match of the UEFA EURO 2012 soccer championship in Poznan, on June 10th.

NBTC right to look into rules governing access to free-TV programming

BANGKOK: -- The row between TrueVisions and GMM Z arose from a lack of industry rules and fiercer competition in the pay TV segment. Sadly, this would have gone undetected if some consumers had not been held "hostage".

Since making an entry into the satellite TV industry a few years ago, GMM Grammy - the parent company of GMM Z, has tried hard to establish a strong foothold. It had failed until it won the rights to broadcast the Euro 2012, the quadrennial soccer tournament that has captured the attention of millions of viewers worldwide including in Thailand. This is an opportunity for the firm to grow its business. Given that GMM Z wants to focus on selling satellite TV set-top boxes to expand its viewers base, it is not surprising that it has mainly allowed only those with its set-top boxes to view the Euro 2012 tournament.

It has also allowed free-TV viewers with terrestrial TV antennas to view the live matches on the three free-TV channels - Channels 3, 5 and 9 - given it has leased airtime on these channels to air the matches and commercials during the matches under a revenue-sharing agreement.

GMM Grammy's content provider GMM Z could be deemed as one of TrueVisions' main competitors in terms of providing copyrighted content. Besides Euro 2012, GMM Z has won the local distribution rights to world-class soccer tournaments such as the Japanese national soccer league, J League Division 1, for five years to 2017; Germany's Bundesliga for three seasons starting this year; and three seasons of Carling Cup matches in England starting in September. GMM Z jumped into the business last September.

TrueVisions had been in talks with GMM Z since last December to see if its subscribers will be able to view the Euro 2012 matches on free-TV channels carried on TrueVisions' network, but they failed to reach an agreement.

A source in the negotiations earlier said GMM Z offered TrueVisions two clear options: either TrueVisions buys GMM Z boxes at a special lower price to offer to its subscribers, or TrueVisions buys the broadcasting rights from GMM Z to enable its subscribers to view the matches. TrueVisions declined to do so in the belief that any programmes to be aired on free-TV channels should be accessed by all.

GMM Z claimed they sold nearly one million set-top boxes, versus a target of 2 million this year.

Earlier, when TrueVisions did not focus on selling set-top boxes, it authorised some free-TV channels to air selected Premier League matches to which it holds the broadcasting rights in Thailand. But recently it stopped doing so after switching to focus on selling set-top boxes to expand its viewer base. Given the cries from TrueVisions customers, the company started last-minute talks with GMM Z to solve this issue, expecting it to yield a result early this week.

GMM Z chief executive officer Thana Thienachariya said that GMM Z needs time to ask for Uefa's permission to allow TrueVisions subscribers to view the matches. Uefa is the governing body of European football.

RS chief operating officer Pornpan Techarungchaikul said that GMM Z is concerned that if it allows TrueVisions viewers to view the matches now via their own TrueVisions set-top boxes, TrueVisions viewers who bought GMM Z boxes to view the matches would feel unhappy as the boxes would be redundant to the TrueVisions boxes.

It was the right decision by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) to look into this matter, as the problem also stems from the lack of clear rules regarding the broadcasting of copyrighted programmes on free TV channels.

The NBTC, which just got off the ground over six months ago, is aware of this. It is now moving at full speed to finish the rules, which will oblige broadcasters of TV programmes whether via cable networks, satellite dishes, and other platforms in the future, to carry free-TV channels. This is to guarantee that everyone can access free-TV programmes, regardless of their signal receiving devices.

It will also make a list of which kind of copyrighted programmes ones can view via free-TV channels, whether via a set-top box or an antenna, and work out rules for notifying viewers about which programmes they need to pay for in order to access.

Hopefully, this will prevent other problems like this in the future. If there are no further victims, today's "hostages" will be happy.


-- The Nation 2012-06-11

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What a BS,nothing unclear at all.GMM bought the rights to broadcast the Euro2012,and True did not.Very clear for me.Good enough GMM let people with normal antenna watch the Euro2012 for free.For the next big event True should buy the rights by them self or find another deal,also NBCT should shut up.

or is there a law in Thailand whats says u can't buy broadcast rights?

In Germany if a pay tv station buys rights for Bundesliga or Euro they must guarantee a minimum of view time for non subscribers,and on top games of german national team are free to watch for everybody,but difference between Germany and Thailand is,Germany has clear rules and laws.

How stupid of True to think they can air the Euro without paying anything if GMM paid 400million b!!!.True knew that from the beginning but was probably hoping for some thai style wonder to happen.I feel sorry for True subscribers,but GMM did the right thing in financial view.

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It seems that if Grammy has made an agreement for games to be shown on Free TV, then there is no reason to deny True visions customers as it is already on Free TV.

Also Gr4ammy's argument that True customers who baught Grammy boxes to watch the gam,es would feel that they bought them for nothing doesnt hold much weight, as the same could be said for anyone who is not true customer and bought their boxes and now find out that they could have just watched it on Freee tv as well.

I have no problem with buying the rights and making others pay for it to watch, but then if this is the case it should be on a pay channel not a free chanel.

It also seems that the free chanel has aleady made them a good deal for revenue on the commericals to show it on free tv, so it looks like there should not be any issue.

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The article, and perhaps those making the statements seem to shw a deep misunderstanding on the issue of copyright..

The describe a need for clear rules of copyrighted programming on free tv.. A list of copyrighted programming that can be viewed etc..

All broadcast tv is copyrighted.. The rights holder can make the demands they choose.. In this case true no doubt assumed that they would be able to steal the content which gmm paid lots for, and benefit by showing it to true subscribers without cost.. Som nam na.

Next time pay up..

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Punisher - I'm with you, dude.

I don't see what the problem is here. Viewers in Thailand aren't being held hostage. The terrestrial Thai channels cover all of Thailand, so anyone who wants to watch these games can invest about 200 baht in a pair of rabbit ears.

The article ststes: "TrueVisions declined to do so in the belief that any programmes to be aired on free-TV channels should be accessed by all." This isn't free- GMM has negotiated a deal / leased the airtime on the TV stations.

GMM paid big money for the broadcast rights, so it is their prerogative and theirs exclusively.

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It seems that if Grammy has made an agreement for games to be shown on Free TV, then there is no reason to deny True visions customers as it is already on Free TV.

Also Gr4ammy's argument that True customers who baught Grammy boxes to watch the gam,es would feel that they bought them for nothing doesnt hold much weight, as the same could be said for anyone who is not true customer and bought their boxes and now find out that they could have just watched it on Freee tv as well.

I have no problem with buying the rights and making others pay for it to watch, but then if this is the case it should be on a pay channel not a free chanel.

It also seems that the free chanel has aleady made them a good deal for revenue on the commericals to show it on free tv, so it looks like there should not be any issue.

Well if I buy the rights to broadcast,and offer u to jump into the boat,but u don't want,out of what ever reason and short time before the event starts u come to me and ask if u can broadcast too but u don't agree to my conditions,then how to do?Thais never think ahead,at the time when gmm offered them to join true said'no' without thinking ahead,or like I said before'hoping for thai style wonder'GMM bought the rights to make money with it,so nothing wrong with that.If true has contracts with channel 3 or 5,7,9 then true should read those contracts and if something wrong complain to channel3,5,7,9.
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From a commercial point of view GMM are completely in the clear. There are free channels sure, so you just watch them via their original broadcast method. However, True charge customers around 2000 baht a month for a reasonable package and part of which they include the free channels. Why should GMM add value to True's business by allowing them to broadcast material which has had to be paid for. The programs would also be worth significant advertising revenue for True. True had a banner at the bottom of the screen last night explaining the situation. It was long and drawn out and was pathetically blaming everyone else for the problem instead of accepting responsibility themselves. It displays a huge lack of business acumen and effective intelligence on behalf of the True executives if they have misjudged the situation so badly.

It is we True customers that miss out but I blame True not GMM. I have simply been watching via analogue TV, the picture is fine and with a headset in the laptop and UK commentary all is good.

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Astro Supersport has added several new channels with english commentary, in order to let their viewers watch all EURO 2012 live and replay all day. For those who are able to watch Astro satellite tv, just update the channel list from Astro.

Sadly True could not see any reasons, from a commercial point of view, in sharing the payment for the rights with Grammy. I hope that they will lose many subscribers for this exact reason.

Edited by Xonax
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I suspect that if they're going, at this stage, to ask UEFA for permission to let True broadcast the matches, they're going to get a response like, "Sorry, we don't have time to discuss this right now - we're in the middle of running a tournament".

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If True offered GMM Z enough money for a share of the rights in some kind of deal,

they would be showing it, but they want to try and leverage it for free using the

open air channels get it argument. Ignoring that they are PAYING for it.

Stupid tactics, since GMM Z is their direct satelite competitor,

and GMM Z gave a revenue sharing deal to the terestrial channels.

Suddenly True wants it for free. Sorry Charlie True, that dog don't hunt.

They have had a monopoly so long, they still think only in terms of

having a monopoly. Them days are gone, Rover boy.

Pony up or shut up.

Edited by animatic
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It's all very well to bash True regarding this fiasco, but consider this:

GMM may have paid a fortune for the broadcast rights, but they gain equally handsome rewards when advertisers buy advertsing and sponsorships to go along with each broadcast. FreeTV channels make a packet of money when they lease airtime to GMM, so both of those parties have a net gain.

However, it's a lose-lose scenario if True were to join the party and pay GMM for sharing the rights because since True only re-broadcast the FreeTV content, they wouldn't be allowed to insert commercials - so there's an enormous outlay for zero return.

I'm all for competition, but in this case the blame lies at the door of the regulator. By not creating a proper set of rules to govern the broadcast industry, they have allowed this messy situation to fester for years. We had the same scenario, same threats and arguments between UBC and the 2002 World Cup rights holder and luckily at that time UBC did carry the matches on FreeTV. The regulator has had 10 years to get its act together, but here we sit and suffer the results of their pathetic efforts in getting absolutely nothing done.

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TRUE VISION needs to learn this lesson loud and clear, with more competitors in the Thai TV Cable and satellite broadcasting market have no choice but to improve their content if they want to keep their subscribers from migrating to other providers . I hold several Truvisions accounts in multiple location, i pay fees in excess of 8000 Baht per month : Al i get is program's repetition to nuisance, in three days you can see all the programs for the month and beyond : NO champions league, No Euro, No World Cup, No Olympics , probably from next year No F1. What’s happened to Super Sport ?? what happened to all post game analysis in English.

Trusvision! as far as I am concerned unless something changes, I and many others with me will dump you .

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Thank you Truevision for letting me find another satellite provider.

Until this fiasco I knew nothing about GMM and the service they provide. OK, it's limited at the moment but I'm sure they will expand. I bought a box for 1,500 baht outside Power Buy in Pattaya ( 90 baht reduction ). I called their 24 hour helpdesk and was told a HD box is available and they may offer next season's English Championship football.

I'm hoping Truevision are blocked from showing any of the Euro 2012 matches. Maybe then they will get their finger out and do something about the disparity between the HD service offered to cable and satellite customers but that's another thread.

Well done GMM !!

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Thank you Truevision for letting me find another satellite provider.

Until this fiasco I knew nothing about GMM and the service they provide. OK, it's limited at the moment but I'm sure they will expand. I bought a box for 1,500 baht outside Power Buy in Pattaya ( 90 baht reduction ). I called their 24 hour helpdesk and was told a HD box is available and they may offer next season's English Championship football.

I'm hoping Truevision are blocked from showing any of the Euro 2012 matches. Maybe then they will get their finger out and do something about the disparity between the HD service offered to cable and satellite customers but that's another thread.

Well done GMM !!

As long as True continue to have the EPL rights they'll be OK.

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Truevisions gives compensation or what ever that is, but there is message running on screen now:

"True platinum package holders get alacarte channels free, gold up to platinum free,others can see all truesport 1-6 channels free for one month 11/6-10/7"

Works for me, I can see Platinum channels now

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The real issue here is that Grammy decided to allow the euro 2012 to be viewed on free TV - if they hadn't done this then there wouldn't be an issue but as they did do this and True airs the free channels then it seems to me that True should be allowed to continue do so regardless - Grammy brought this whole issue on themselves

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The argument that grammy needs permission from the UEFA is a complete bogus argument. The encryption of True boxes are better than the plastic rubbish boxes that grammy hand their business partner DSTV is selling. True has a great point to make, they should charge Grammy for the use of their (rented ) satellite disk. Grammy and others may sell desktop boxes they need to be connected to for instance a TRue satellite disk. Such is the rubbish that Grammy and DSTV are selling that where True can deliver three working HD boxes per one disk, any existing True box needs to be disconnected from power to allow the plastic shit from grammy to work. Given the comments of the presenter, the happy GMM users seem to lose their signal ten times a match. Every time the sucker will tell their customers in the middle of a match how they can regain signal by pushing buttons on a remote control.

Free tio air TV must be freely received by anyone inside the country. There cannot be any referral to the UEFA in this case as all True boxes are dealing with an encrypted signal. In the meantime just watch at Sopcast, numerous broadcasters are out there and connected to a flatscreen TV you have a much better quality picture than with the standard quality boxes of Grammy.

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Seem Strange to read so many posts on defence of Truvision, !!??

Of all people i know ( i leave in TH for 30 Years) 99.9 % are not happy with Truevision and like me, keep their subcription becuase there is no alternative to it YET.

Having other player in this market will break Truvision monipoly and klead toimprove services in general for us the consumers,

Thank GMM, for allowing me to watch Spain Vs Italy Live in the confort on my house!!!

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I'd be keen to know where I fit these 'rabbit ears' into the back of my 50 inch plasma?

I found the following diagram by searching for "Samsung Plasma Connections"


You need to connect the rabbit ears to the round "Ant In" connector on the back of your TV.

You will need an adapter to fit this, which will have two screw terminals where you attach the two wires from the flat antenna "ribbon cable", then the adapter will push into the round connector on the TV.

200 baht bought the rabbit ears and the adapter connector at Amorn in Fortune Center.

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This only goies to show, yet again, just how poor True really is

When you are the only game in town, who is gonna care? You buy it or don't. Even in the U.S., events that are broadcast over free channels carried by a cable or satellite system must be blocked out by law unless there is an agreement to share. GMM got over on True and now True is crying sour grapes. If you want to play the game you need to learn the rules. True blinked.

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It is sad that True are at this moment not showing the Euros but credit to them they have given me a free months upgrade from gold to platinum as a gesture of good will my mrs is very happy and I suppose I am !!!

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Seem Strange to read so many posts on defence of Truvision, !!??

Of all people i know ( i leave in TH for 30 Years) 99.9 % are not happy with Truevision and like me, keep their subcription becuase there is no alternative to it YET.

Having other player in this market will break Truvision monipoly and klead toimprove services in general for us the consumers,

Thank GMM, for allowing me to watch Spain Vs Italy Live in the confort on my house!!!

Well my experience is the opposite. Being able to watch all the EPL games is a big bonus, and as someone with not very high expectations of quality English programming in an Asian country, I'm reasonably happy. Of course, I could do without the repeats and the censorship is annoying but I guess I'm just not one of life's moaners.

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What a BS,nothing unclear at all.GMM bought the rights to broadcast the Euro2012,and True did not.Very clear for me.Good enough GMM let people with normal antenna watch the Euro2012 for free.For the next big event True should buy the rights by them self or find another deal,also NBCT should shut up.

or is there a law in Thailand whats says u can't buy broadcast rights?

In Germany if a pay tv station buys rights for Bundesliga or Euro they must guarantee a minimum of view time for non subscribers,and on top games of german national team are free to watch for everybody,but difference between Germany and Thailand is,Germany has clear rules and laws.

How stupid of True to think they can air the Euro without paying anything if GMM paid 400million b!!!.True knew that from the beginning but was probably hoping for some thai style wonder to happen.I feel sorry for True subscribers,but GMM did the right thing in financial view.

TRUE has never bought anything. If they can't steal it from a different satalite then you don't see it on true.
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As a long-suffering True subscriber who has had a number of arguments with them - and lost - I have to defend them this time.

True has a contract with the free-to-air channels to re-broadcast their programs without any input (adds) from True. They show the EUFA Champions League matches under this arrangement. So why can't they show the current matches? Because Grammy instructed the free channels not to feed them to True. This is just a form of blackmail on Grammy's part.

What next? No feed of soaps or talk-shows because some fly-by-night company insists on True paying a separate fee?

I can understand many current & ex-subscribers of True taking the opportunity to criticise them & their monopolistic practices (I've done it myself) but it's not justified in this case. And the NTSC needs a rocket for waiting until the 11 th hour before making their puny effort to solve the problem.

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As a long-suffering True subscriber who has had a number of arguments with them - and lost - I have to defend them this time.

True has a contract with the free-to-air channels to re-broadcast their programs without any input (adds) from True. They show the EUFA Champions League matches under this arrangement. So why can't they show the current matches? Because Grammy instructed the free channels not to feed them to True. This is just a form of blackmail on Grammy's part.

What next? No feed of soaps or talk-shows because some fly-by-night company insists on True paying a separate fee?

I can understand many current & ex-subscribers of True taking the opportunity to criticise them & their monopolistic practices (I've done it myself) but it's not justified in this case. And the NTSC needs a rocket for waiting until the 11 th hour before making their puny effort to solve the problem.

Looks like you are one of the few here that can get past your dislike for True and see the real issue. Why would True be required to pay to show a free, over the air channel in which they get no share of the advertising revenue that is paid to the free channels and shared with Grammy?

If anything, Grammy should have to pay True a share of the increased revenue they get for the increased audience that True would have contributed if they were allowed to show it on thier system.


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As a metaphor for Thailand and its propensity for sheer stupidity one would have to wait for hell to freeze over before finding a better example than this dispute.

That these companies can operate before the authority that is supposed to regulate them has been established says it all.

Gangsters playing in mickey mouse land.

Edited by Seekingasylum
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As a long-suffering True subscriber who has had a number of arguments with them - and lost - I have to defend them this time

True has a contract with the free-to-air channels to re-broadcast their programs without any input (adds) from True. They show the EUFA Champions League matches under this arrangement. So why can't they show the current matches? Because Grammy instructed the free channels not to feed them to True. This is just a form of blackmail on Grammy's part.

What next? No feed of soaps or talk-shows because some fly-by-night company insists on True paying a separate fee?

My point exactly ... What makes this any different than any other program aired on free channels?

Why shouldn't this be included in True's existing agreement with free tv channels?

What's next ... should every single cable provider need to make an additional payment to free tv channels for every program?

What about the cable stations? If a really popular show comes out on AXN or Star World or HBO or Cinemax, should they also have the right to go back to true or any other cable provider and say.. Sorry you have to pay extra for this show

In the end if done in this way, it is the consumer that looses and will eventually have to pay

If True has an agreement with the free Chanel's for rebroadcasting their signal and if the free stations have an agreement with Grammy to broadcast .. Then True should be able to broadcast it

If A = B & if B = C , then A = C... Simple logic

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