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I gave you 1,5 scoop and a box holds 100 scoops. You only take it on workouts. I paid $53,41 inclusive shipping. Healdesigns.com is where i got it. It does not say how much cafeine is in it so i cant tell you. I believe superpump is without cafeine.

OK, so works out to 25 baht per serve of 1.5 scoops. The cost of one Gatorade!. I'll have to put in an order.

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Its a lot cheaper then gaspari superpump max.

Just the name "superpump" puts me off. My natural pump is good enough - why would I need a superpump? Too much pump is actually counter-productive. It comes across as something which would appeal to skinny teenagers (who think they're not) wanting to flex their new biceps in front of the mirror down at the local gym.

It's easy enough to get a superpump from very high reps.


Its a lot cheaper then gaspari superpump max.

Just the name "superpump" puts me off. My natural pump is good enough - why would I need a superpump? Too much pump is actually counter-productive. It comes across as something which would appeal to skinny teenagers (who think they're not) wanting to flex their new biceps in front of the mirror down at the local gym.

It's easy enough to get a superpump from very high reps.

The name is all about pump, but to be honest i did not receive much extra pump. It is said the ingredients are better. But i really dont know if that is the truth. I have not found much difference maybe the energy from superpump was more clean / relaxed. But i really cant say.

I have pumps too normally but not on every exercise and not every time. High reps will help for sure everyone knows that.


I have pumps too normally but not on every exercise and not every time. High reps will help for sure everyone knows that.

"everyone knows that"? Is that a dig that I'm stating the obvious? smile.png I doubt everyone knows it otherwise they wouldn't be selling so many pump supplements.

I'm happy with the energy increase. I sometimes finish a bodypart with FST-7. That's causes a super-pump.


I have pumps too normally but not on every exercise and not every time. High reps will help for sure everyone knows that.

"everyone knows that"? Is that a dig that I'm stating the obvious? smile.png I doubt everyone knows it otherwise they wouldn't be selling so many pump supplements.

I'm happy with the energy increase. I sometimes finish a bodypart with FST-7. That's causes a super-pump.

No Tropo, it was not a dig at you but i thought everyone would know that if you go high in reps you get pumps easy. This stuff i supposed to give pump at low reps. I bought something for pumps (as sometimes i like them at lower reps) used it once without success. Im not too bothered by it to be honest. Pumps are not a goal in my workouts but are fun occasionally.

FST-7 dont know what it is.

I do know that i got a special biceps routine that burns like hell. But its also based on high reps.


No Tropo, it was not a dig at you but i thought everyone would know that if you go high in reps you get pumps easy. This stuff i supposed to give pump at low reps. I bought something for pumps (as sometimes i like them at lower reps) used it once without success. Im not too bothered by it to be honest. Pumps are not a goal in my workouts but are fun occasionally.

FST-7 dont know what it is.

I do know that i got a special biceps routine that burns like hell. But its also based on high reps.

FST - 7. Fascia Stretch Training - 7 sets - made popular by Hany Rambod http://www.fst-7.com/

I'm not sure if I believe the theory that it's supposed to stretch the muscle fascia to enable the muscle to grow faster, but it sounds cool and it's nice to do sometimes if you have some extra energy at the end of your workout.

I'm about to pop a caffeine capsule and head for the gym.... report back later.


OK, all done on a leg workout. Total time 1:45 including a long warmup which consisted of a 10 min row and 15 min Cybex (430 total calorie burn). Started with 10 sets of squats.

Took one 200mg cap of caffeine exactly 30 minutes before I started.

Best leg workout I've had all year!

I didn't get a buzz or a drugged feeling like I got from the White Flood yesterday, just a stead energy flow throughout the workout and a very clear head. An hour has elapsed since I finished my workout and I still feel ok. Haven't crashed yet, but I often crash after a big workout anyway and sleep for an hour or so after I've finished my protein shake.

Caffeinethumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif all the way!

Now I'll have to find out how much caffeine is in a regular cup of brewed coffee to make a comparison with the capsule. I did have my normal one cup of coffee before my workout.


Happy that the cafeine worked, you will get the rest a bit later as i forgot to take it with me today and tomorrow im leaving for a short holliday. Dont worry with the 20 caps you have you have some time and it will be there before that time.

So strange how different we are, i crash on those cafeine tabs and not on white flood and for you its different. That is what i ment with we are all different.


By the way with white flood ive found sometimes less is more. Im a 2 scooper myself but that's due to heavy use over the course of a few years with minimal rest periods. Im currently using All Max Razor8 with 1,3 Dim in it and my god is it strong. From what I know its one of the heaviest dosed preworkouts in regards to caffeine and 1,3 Dim and is no longer produced. 1 scoop maybe even 1/2 and your hearts going.

If your not a stim person and don't want to feel wired check outs Driven Sports crazed though, very nice preworkout great energy but it puts al ot of emphasis on the focus boosting ingredients.

I have a stack of Hemavol and Maximize that I had delivered to myself in the states that ill be picking up soon. Supposedly painfully huge pumps and one of the best combos out there. Only downside would be price on this one.


There's something shady going on when manufacturers can add caffeine to their formulas but not disclose how much. There's a very good chance that caffeine is the main or even only reason why they are providing an energy boost.

There's something shady going on when manufacturers can add caffeine to their formulas but not disclose how much. There's a very good chance that caffeine is the main or even only reason why they are providing an energy boost.

I agree, but found out that 2 scoops of white flood is about 200 mg cafeine. As far as i know no caffeine in superpump max.

There's something shady going on when manufacturers can add caffeine to their formulas but not disclose how much. There's a very good chance that caffeine is the main or even only reason why they are providing an energy boost.

I agree, but found out that 2 scoops of white flood is about 200 mg cafeine. As far as i know no caffeine in superpump max.

OK. I found out that the caffeine in (drip/brewed) coffee comes in a very wide range from about 100mg to 150mg per 8oz (237ml) cup so I'm probably getting close to 150mg in my 9.5 oz (280ml) cups.

Here's a great site for determining the amount of caffeine in beverages: http://www.energyfiend.com/ (gotta love that name - "energy fiend")


By the way with white flood ive found sometimes less is more. Im a 2 scooper myself but that's due to heavy use over the course of a few years with minimal rest periods. Im currently using All Max Razor8 with 1,3 Dim in it and my god is it strong. From what I know its one of the heaviest dosed preworkouts in regards to caffeine and 1,3 Dim and is no longer produced. 1 scoop maybe even 1/2 and your hearts going.

If your not a stim person and don't want to feel wired check outs Driven Sports crazed though, very nice preworkout great energy but it puts al ot of emphasis on the focus boosting ingredients.

I have a stack of Hemavol and Maximize that I had delivered to myself in the states that ill be picking up soon. Supposedly painfully huge pumps and one of the best combos out there. Only downside would be price on this one.

LOL. You're not only the flavoured whey protein guru, you're the guru on energy drinks as well. If I ever want to try a new energy drink I'll be sure to contact you first.


Ya supplements and caffeine can be very iffy most list how much is included and Razor 8 and White Flood do but some done due to it being a "proprietary blend". One of the supermax has caffeine in its "CogniDRIVE Acceleration Matrix" but again thats part of their blend so no dose is listed just a part of the total 11.3g.


I paid $53,41 inclusive shipping. Healdesigns.com is where i got it.

Had trouble finding healdesigns.com. Don’t know if it’s my cruddy Internet or what... Is it possible you meant healthdesigns.com?

Either way, am curious about your experience shipping supplements to Thailand?

How long does it take for your order to arrive?

Any problems with taxes?

Are there some supplements that one *shouldn’t* have shipped to Thailand?


Yes, the second spelling is correct. No problems so far after 3 orders. About 3 weeks to arrive. They have faster shipping options too. No problems with taxes yet.


I paid $53,41 inclusive shipping. Healdesigns.com is where i got it.

Had trouble finding healdesigns.com. Don’t know if it’s my cruddy Internet or what... Is it possible you meant healthdesigns.com?

Either way, am curious about your experience shipping supplements to Thailand?

How long does it take for your order to arrive?

Any problems with taxes?

Are there some supplements that one *shouldn’t* have shipped to Thailand?

Mine take about 2 weeks to arrive and so far no taxes problems..

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