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U.S. Fears Syrian Government Organizing Massacre In Haffah


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Midas it is because Russia and Syria are evil and the US and Nato are not.

that just depends on your own viewpoint ... there are 2 sides to every story

The Americans are not automatically correct

America has done pretty evil deeds as well

Edited by midas
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Hmm, From ignoring ongoing carnage a few months ago to now fearing future not yet occurred massacres, how the worm has turned.

The general public in the West are being led by the nose by thoroughly dishonest reporting from the mainstream media regarding what is happening on the ground in Syria. Here is a rare example giving eyewitness accounts of a totally different scenario to the official version of events. This is a respectable publication i think, among its contributors is Charles Krauthammer, who i think has credibility with some on this forum. Likewise the German daily newspaper which is the source of this report is a respectable newspaper. This sort of thing is rarely reported by the Western media who are acting as propagandists and never deviate from the official government line. If the West is not very careful they will open a can of worms in Syria and leave the country controlled by various Islamic terrorists who have no love of us. Pretty much like Libya now. Be careful what you wish for!


"If the West is not very careful they will open a can of worms in Syria and leave the country controlled by various Islamic terrorists who have no love of us "

Do you really think that any of those people "Love us?)Regardless of what stripe they have ?

Islamists extremists hate us more that's about it .!One thing they all agree on in those parts of the world ,is that they hate us no matter what lol

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This leads to one of two conclusions, neither of which is a happy one; Either Western foreign policy is clueless and gullible to an extraordinary degree, or we are doing the bidding of the Sunni Oil cartel who have used their financial clout to buy the silence/complicity of our politicians.

I choose door number one. Clueless and gullible.

And our "Politicians" are also bought out by the so called cartels as well ,that's why it looks so clueless and gullible ,it is not, manipulation and big money talks ,so stupid policies are implemented Betrayal pure and simple ./

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ’sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

In other words the strategy for destroying the United States is to get us, specifically our leadership, to do the bidding of the MB for them. The Muslim Brotherhood intends to conduct Civilization Jihad by co-opting our leadership into believing a counterfactual understanding of Islam and the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood, thereby coercing these leaders to enforce the MB narrative on their subordinates.

And that is the way it is ,up to now ..


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Looks like we have another cheer leader for Clash of Civilizations (or maybe a recycled old one)!

Looks like the spirit of Macarthyism is alive and well and reds are now replaced by Muslim Brothers as the enemy within that needs eradicating.

Enjoyed reading the piece from CSP haven't has such a laugh for a while. Certainly cheered up a rainy morning at KUL.

There's rather a sweet post on one of the islamophobe blogs wondering why there was so little response to this great expose of the evil MB and their designs on the USA.

Perhaps it's because CSP lost much of its credibility over it's cheerleading for the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the WMD wildfoose chase and then compounded it by publishing a piece calling for Bush to be President for life due to the unrelia le nature of democracy and that Iraq should have it's Arab population replaced by an American population to strike fear into it's enemies.

Anyway if you want to believe this ultimate conspiracy theory I just hope you can sleep at night for all the worrying of Talibs under the bed.

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Meanwhile back in the US, with munition consumption by the military at a five year low, major arms manufacturers are talking about layoffs.........

Interesting post, what do you suggest?smile.png

Train the US population to play with this stuff ....on target practice ..juss in case ...why should all those countries be the only ones to have all that fun ermm.gif

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Looks like we have another cheer leader for Clash of Civilizations (or maybe a recycled old one)!

I betcha would jump at the chance of doing an I.P check if you were able. The truth will set you free, after the initial pain it causes - ever felt like the little Dutch boy sticking his finger in the hole in the dyke? You are seeing people waking up to the truth, which must indeed be terrifying to peddlers of the official narrative.

P.S Make of the following what you will, but if true the U.S are already intending to ship arms to the rebels and Saudi Arabia and Qatar have picked up the tab.


As the violence in Syria continued to go from bad to worse in scope and intensity, US official sources had this to say Saturday, June 16, about planned US military operations in the war-torn country:

“The intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when.’”

A Syrian Free Army rebel delegation is now in Washington to talk about their requests for heavy weapons from the Obama administration. In their meetings with US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and the State Department’s expert on Syria Fred Hof, the rebel leaders handed in two lists for approval: types of heavy weapons capable of challenging Bashar Assad’s armed forces and selected targets of attack to destabilize his regime.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Looks like we have another cheer leader for Clash of Civilizations (or maybe a recycled old one)!

I betcha would jump at the chance of doing an I.P check if you were able. The truth will set you free, after the initial pain it causes - ever felt like the little Dutch boy sticking his finger in the hole in the dyke? You are seeing people waking up to the truth, which must indeed be terrifying to peddlers of the official narrative.

P.S Make of the following what you will, but if true the U.S are already intending to ship arms to the rebels and Saudi Arabia and Qatar have picked up the tab.


As the violence in Syria continued to go from bad to worse in scope and intensity, US official sources had this to say Saturday, June 16, about planned US military operations in the war-torn country:

“The intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when.’”

A Syrian Free Army rebel delegation is now in Washington to talk about their requests for heavy weapons from the Obama administration. In their meetings with US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and the State Department’s expert on Syria Fred Hof, the rebel leaders handed in two lists for approval: types of heavy weapons capable of challenging Bashar Assad’s armed forces and selected targets of attack to destabilize his regime.

this is why I think this is the end game........because they have nothing to lose

because they know the financial system is totally screwed beyond repair.

I recently sent personal e-mail to a former hedge fund manager who is described as

one of the leading experts on financial derivatives who had written

an article about the European debt problem and he said it is not the

70 trillion dollars ( which is the debt ) which is the problem but that

the 70 trillion has been used for collateral for 700 trillion dollars in derivatives

which represents 1200% of the world GDP. When I asked him how can it be an ongoing

problem because these things have expiry dates he said that is the issue because they

keep rolling them over through necessity otherwise world trade

would simply dry up. the whole world financial system is like a group of junkies

that cannot let go of their fix.

i think this why the West is prepared for this war even though no one can predict

how bad the outcome will be

Edited by midas
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Looks like we have another cheer leader for Clash of Civilizations (or maybe a recycled old one)!

I betcha would jump at the chance of doing an I.P check if you were able. The truth will set you free, after the initial pain it causes - ever felt like the little Dutch boy sticking his finger in the hole in the dyke? You are seeing people waking up to the truth, which must indeed be terrifying to peddlers of the official narrative.

P.S Make of the following what you will, but if true the U.S are already intending to ship arms to the rebels and Saudi Arabia and Qatar have picked up the tab.


As the violence in Syria continued to go from bad to worse in scope and intensity, US official sources had this to say Saturday, June 16, about planned US military operations in the war-torn country:

“The intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when.’”

A Syrian Free Army rebel delegation is now in Washington to talk about their requests for heavy weapons from the Obama administration. In their meetings with US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and the State Department’s expert on Syria Fred Hof, the rebel leaders handed in two lists for approval: types of heavy weapons capable of challenging Bashar Assad’s armed forces and selected targets of attack to destabilize his regime.

Yes, this was also reported in The Guardian Newspaper yesterday. Seems like an inspired idea! Hand over a load of SAMs, heavy weaponry etc to a bunch of assorted Islamic Terrorists, Al Qaida, Muslim Brotherhood etc, who are already running amok. Today Russia have responded to this by announcing that they will send missile defence systems to Syria to counteract this. Meanwhile Mrs Clinton caught out being economical with the truth again.


"The State Department have admitted that details were omitted from Clinton's speech".

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Looks like we have another cheer leader for Clash of Civilizations (or maybe a recycled old one)!

I betcha would jump at the chance of doing an I.P check if you were able. The truth will set you free, after the initial pain it causes - ever felt like the little Dutch boy sticking his finger in the hole in the dyke? You are seeing people waking up to the truth, which must indeed be terrifying to peddlers of the official narrative.

P.S Make of the following what you will, but if true the U.S are already intending to ship arms to the rebels and Saudi Arabia and Qatar have picked up the tab.


As the violence in Syria continued to go from bad to worse in scope and intensity, US official sources had this to say Saturday, June 16, about planned US military operations in the war-torn country:

“The intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when.’”

A Syrian Free Army rebel delegation is now in Washington to talk about their requests for heavy weapons from the Obama administration. In their meetings with US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and the State Department’s expert on Syria Fred Hof, the rebel leaders handed in two lists for approval: types of heavy weapons capable of challenging Bashar Assad’s armed forces and selected targets of attack to destabilize his regime.

Yes, this was also reported in The Guardian Newspaper yesterday. Seems like an inspired idea! Hand over a load of SAMs, heavy weaponry etc to a bunch of assorted Islamic Terrorists, Al Qaida, Muslim Brotherhood etc, who are already running amok. Today Russia have responded to this by announcing that they will send missile defence systems to Syria to counteract this. Meanwhile Mrs Clinton caught out being economical with the truth again.


"The State Department have admitted that details were omitted from Clinton's speech".

Interesting link Thanks, I read it twice to "digest it" , I await the coming few weeks for further"developments" ,as stated previously "what a bloody mess"!
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What a bloody mess indeed! Some obvious double standards occurring in Syria. This yesterday from a White House spokesperson. "We call again on the Syrian regime to uphold it's commitments under the Kofi Annan plan". I note they are not calling on the Islamic terrorist insurgents to uphold their commitments under the Annan plan. America is being totally unrealistic and asking the impossible of the Assad regime, to stand back and allow armed gangs of foreign backed Islamic insurgents to roam the streets of Syria unopposed, killing civilians, military and police with impunity. It asks this knowing full well that no leader,whether dictatorial or democratic would allow these gangs to continue unchallenged. No matter how much one sided spin White House spokespersons try to put on it, they will never alter this obvious fact.

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What a bloody mess indeed! Some obvious double standards occurring in Syria. This yesterday from a White House spokesperson. "We call again on the Syrian regime to uphold it's commitments under the Kofi Annan plan". I note they are not calling on the Islamic terrorist insurgents to uphold their commitments under the Annan plan. America is being totally unrealistic and asking the impossible of the Assad regime, to stand back and allow armed gangs of foreign backed Islamic insurgents to roam the streets of Syria unopposed, killing civilians, military and police with impunity. It asks this knowing full well that no leader,whether dictatorial or democratic would allow these gangs to continue unchallenged. No matter how much one sided spin White House spokespersons try to put on it, they will never alter this obvious fact.

Does the UN also come under your broad brush of pro Russian rhetoric or just the US?

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What a bloody mess indeed! Some obvious double standards occurring in Syria. This yesterday from a White House spokesperson. "We call again on the Syrian regime to uphold it's commitments under the Kofi Annan plan". I note they are not calling on the Islamic terrorist insurgents to uphold their commitments under the Annan plan. America is being totally unrealistic and asking the impossible of the Assad regime, to stand back and allow armed gangs of foreign backed Islamic insurgents to roam the streets of Syria unopposed, killing civilians, military and police with impunity. It asks this knowing full well that no leader,whether dictatorial or democratic would allow these gangs to continue unchallenged. No matter how much one sided spin White House spokespersons try to put on it, they will never alter this obvious fact.

Does the UN also come under your broad brush of pro Russian rhetoric or just the US?

I do not think its quite that simple , if only it was smile.png
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What a bloody mess indeed! Some obvious double standards occurring in Syria. This yesterday from a White House spokesperson. "We call again on the Syrian regime to uphold it's commitments under the Kofi Annan plan". I note they are not calling on the Islamic terrorist insurgents to uphold their commitments under the Annan plan. America is being totally unrealistic and asking the impossible of the Assad regime, to stand back and allow armed gangs of foreign backed Islamic insurgents to roam the streets of Syria unopposed, killing civilians, military and police with impunity. It asks this knowing full well that no leader,whether dictatorial or democratic would allow these gangs to continue unchallenged. No matter how much one sided spin White House spokespersons try to put on it, they will never alter this obvious fact.

Does the UN also come under your broad brush of pro Russian rhetoric or just the US?

Pro Russian rhetoric? What are you talking about? Where did i mention Russia? Are you denying that Islamic insurgents are committing acts of terrorism in Syria, suicide bombings etc? How would the government of your country react to an assortment of foreign armed Islamic insurgents running amok, attacking police and military? Presumably they would just stand back and say "carry on lads".
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What a bloody mess indeed! Some obvious double standards occurring in Syria. This yesterday from a White House spokesperson. "We call again on the Syrian regime to uphold it's commitments under the Kofi Annan plan". I note they are not calling on the Islamic terrorist insurgents to uphold their commitments under the Annan plan. America is being totally unrealistic and asking the impossible of the Assad regime, to stand back and allow armed gangs of foreign backed Islamic insurgents to roam the streets of Syria unopposed, killing civilians, military and police with impunity. It asks this knowing full well that no leader,whether dictatorial or democratic would allow these gangs to continue unchallenged. No matter how much one sided spin White House spokespersons try to put on it, they will never alter this obvious fact.

Does the UN also come under your broad brush of pro Russian rhetoric or just the US?

Pro Russian rhetoric? What are you talking about? Where did i mention Russia? Are you denying that Islamic insurgents are committing acts of terrorism in Syria, suicide bombings etc? How would the government of your country react to an assortment of foreign armed Islamic insurgents running amok, attacking police and military? Presumably they would just stand back and say "carry on lads".

Seems to me we have two different sides. The Syrian side which is Russia, China, Syria and Iran and the other side which is everyone else. The Russians are selling and delivering weapons to Syria to kill people in the country and the other side is trying to stop that. I think the UN has the same line as the US in this case which is completely opposed by Russia which is why I asked you the question. I think it is fair in this case to say that the Russians and you are on the same side in this. No?Which would make you pro Russian. Yes? And in this issue anti UN? I'm just asking.

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What a bloody mess indeed! Some obvious double standards occurring in Syria. This yesterday from a White House spokesperson. "We call again on the Syrian regime to uphold it's commitments under the Kofi Annan plan". I note they are not calling on the Islamic terrorist insurgents to uphold their commitments under the Annan plan. America is being totally unrealistic and asking the impossible of the Assad regime, to stand back and allow armed gangs of foreign backed Islamic insurgents to roam the streets of Syria unopposed, killing civilians, military and police with impunity. It asks this knowing full well that no leader,whether dictatorial or democratic would allow these gangs to continue unchallenged. No matter how much one sided spin White House spokespersons try to put on it, they will never alter this obvious fact.

Does the UN also come under your broad brush of pro Russian rhetoric or just the US?

Pro Russian rhetoric? What are you talking about? Where did i mention Russia? Are you denying that Islamic insurgents are committing acts of terrorism in Syria, suicide bombings etc? How would the government of your country react to an assortment of foreign armed Islamic insurgents running amok, attacking police and military? Presumably they would just stand back and say "carry on lads".

The Way I see it Exsexyman rightly or wrongly ,anyone who is indifferent or not concerned as to what the Assad regime (bad as it may be) will be replaced with when the dust has settled is respectfully not thinking straight ,going off what has become of Libya , and the civil war in Iraq which appears to be going on at an ever increasing pace day by day ,The Answer?,sorry ain't a clue.http://topics.nytime...iraq/index.html read this link! what a bloody mess! Edited by Colin Yai
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What a bloody mess indeed! Some obvious double standards occurring in Syria. This yesterday from a White House spokesperson. "We call again on the Syrian regime to uphold it's commitments under the Kofi Annan plan". I note they are not calling on the Islamic terrorist insurgents to uphold their commitments under the Annan plan. America is being totally unrealistic and asking the impossible of the Assad regime, to stand back and allow armed gangs of foreign backed Islamic insurgents to roam the streets of Syria unopposed, killing civilians, military and police with impunity. It asks this knowing full well that no leader,whether dictatorial or democratic would allow these gangs to continue unchallenged. No matter how much one sided spin White House spokespersons try to put on it, they will never alter this obvious fact.

Does the UN also come under your broad brush of pro Russian rhetoric or just the US?

Pro Russian rhetoric? What are you talking about? Where did i mention Russia? Are you denying that Islamic insurgents are committing acts of terrorism in Syria, suicide bombings etc? How would the government of your country react to an assortment of foreign armed Islamic insurgents running amok, attacking police and military? Presumably they would just stand back and say "carry on lads".

Seems to me we have two different sides. The Syrian side which is Russia, China, Syria and Iran and the other side which is everyone else. The Russians are selling and delivering weapons to Syria to kill people in the country and the other side is trying to stop that. I think the UN has the same line as the US in this case which is completely opposed by Russia which is why I asked you the question. I think it is fair in this case to say that the Russians and you are on the same side in this. No?Which would make you pro Russian. Yes? And in this issue anti UN? I'm just asking.

Do you honestly think it is as simple as that. Of course Russia have strategic interests in Syria, just as The US have strategic interests in Bahrain. Pointing this out doesn't make me pro Russian. I note you ignored my point about Islamic insurgents running amok in Syria, killing civilians, police and military, shouting Allah Akbar. Also suicide bombings, there was another one yesterday. The so called rebels in Syria are a mixture of Islamic militants, even William Hague was forced to admit last week that Al Qaida were active in Syria. Of course the Syrian regime get their armaments from Russia, but where do you think the "rebels" are getting them from? They have some serious heavy duty weaponry, reports over the weekend suggest that they had meetings in Washington last week and are on the point of being supplied with SAMs and other high tech weapons. Do you think it is a good idea to supply groups like Al Qaida with these weapons, because i don't. To reduce the situation in Syria to a simple "Goodies V Baddies, as you seem to believe is naive in the extreme.
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What a bloody mess indeed! Some obvious double standards occurring in Syria. This yesterday from a White House spokesperson. "We call again on the Syrian regime to uphold it's commitments under the Kofi Annan plan". I note they are not calling on the Islamic terrorist insurgents to uphold their commitments under the Annan plan. America is being totally unrealistic and asking the impossible of the Assad regime, to stand back and allow armed gangs of foreign backed Islamic insurgents to roam the streets of Syria unopposed, killing civilians, military and police with impunity. It asks this knowing full well that no leader,whether dictatorial or democratic would allow these gangs to continue unchallenged. No matter how much one sided spin White House spokespersons try to put on it, they will never alter this obvious fact.

Does the UN also come under your broad brush of pro Russian rhetoric or just the US?

Pro Russian rhetoric? What are you talking about? Where did i mention Russia? Are you denying that Islamic insurgents are committing acts of terrorism in Syria, suicide bombings etc? How would the government of your country react to an assortment of foreign armed Islamic insurgents running amok, attacking police and military? Presumably they would just stand back and say "carry on lads".

The Way I see it Exsexyman rightly or wrongly ,anyone who is indifferent or not concerned as to what the Assad regime (bad as it may be) will be replaced with when the dust has settled is respectfully not thinking straight ,going off what has become of Libya , and the civil war in Iraq which appears to be going on at an ever increasing pace day by day ,The Answer?,sorry ain't a clue.http://topics.nytime...iraq/index.html read this link! what a bloody mess!

from that article the headline " In Spite of Problems, Oil Output Soars "

and that is all that really matters to some

Edited by midas
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Do you honestly think it is as simple as that. Of course Russia have strategic interests in Syria, just as The US have strategic interests in Bahrain. Pointing this out doesn't make me pro Russian. I note you ignored my point about Islamic insurgents running amok in Syria, killing civilians, police and military, shouting Allah Akbar. Also suicide bombings, there was another one yesterday. The so called rebels in Syria are a mixture of Islamic militants, even William Hague was forced to admit last week that Al Qaida were active in Syria. Of course the Syrian regime get their armaments from Russia, but where do you think the "rebels" are getting them from? They have some serious heavy duty weaponry, reports over the weekend suggest that they had meetings in Washington last week and are on the point of being supplied with SAMs and other high tech weapons. Do you think it is a good idea to supply groups like Al Qaida with these weapons, because i don't. To reduce the situation in Syria to a simple "Goodies V Baddies, as you seem to believe is naive in the extreme.

You are making it overly complicated to avoid stating your obvious preference. There is a Russian plan. It is give Assad weapons and he blows up anyone who is opposed to him. There is a UN/US/Civilized nations plan that wants Assad to stop blowing up people. This is not really rocket science. I don't think it is too much to ask which side you are on. Are you on the Russian side or the UN/US/Civilized nations side? The whole thing is really not that complicated. If the Russians lose, Assad loses and Syria becomes another radical Muslim state. The only people that will express surprise at this are Hillary Clinton's interns.

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The battle lines for WWIII are being drawn up it would appear. I have criticized the muddled thinking of the west when it comes to the Middle East, but at least the West makes some pretense in furthering human rights. Communist regimes such as Russia and China have no concept of human rights whatsoever as both have proven murdering millions of their own people.


military tensions around Syria shot up again Monday, June 18, with the news reported by the semi-official Iranian news agency Fars that a joint Russian-Chinese-Iranian exercise is to take place in Syria.

It was described as “the biggest of its kind ever staged in the Middle East” with 90,000 personnel, 400 air planes and 900 tanks taking part.

As part of its preparations, Beijing is reported to have asked Egyptian authorities to permit the passage through the Suez Canal in late June of 12 naval ships heading for the Syrian port of Tartus, where Moscow maintains a naval and marine base.

Now you would have though Egypt would refuse this in view of the billions of aid they receive from the U.S, that is of course if they still need to pretend to be U.S allies.

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Russia is never going to back down on this no matter how much Hideous Clinton stamps her foot and screams. The Russian Navy have a strategic warm water port in Syria, just as the USA have a strategic port in Bahrain. It is ok for Bahrain to viciously put down pro democracy protesters, with a foreign power doing the putting down, ie Saudi Arabia. Not a peep from the US when this happened. But of course, despite being the most evil regime in the Middle East, and the cause of most of the problems there, they are our allies, who throw countless millions of dollars at the West, buying state of the art weaponry from us, selling us cheap oil, the Bush family have been doing business with them for years. An uncomfortable truth is that the Al Qaida terrorists responsible for the 9-11 outrage were not from Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Libya, or Syria, they were Saudi Arabians. I often wonder what the families of the 9-11 victims think when they see US taxes going to support Al Qaida fighters in Libya, and Syria. As for the victims themselves, they must be turning in their graves at the hypocrisy of it all.

The US is supporting Al Qaida fighters in Syria? Do you have any confirmation of this in normal news channels?

as for the " normal news channels "....what can can you say ?bah.gif

" (PARIS Votaire Network) - The recent disgraceful case of the BBC broadcasting a photograph alleging that it showed child victims of a Syrian Government massacre, but which was revealed, by none other than the person who took the original photograph, to have been a photograph taken in Iraq in 2003, leads me to think that the following article should be taken very seriously, indeed."

By law, war propaganda is a crime against peace, the worst of crimes, because it facilitates war crimes and genocide.

NATO Preparing Vast Disinformation Campaign Over Syria


Edited by midas
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Russia is never going to back down on this no matter how much Hideous Clinton stamps her foot and screams. The Russian Navy have a strategic warm water port in Syria, just as the USA have a strategic port in Bahrain. It is ok for Bahrain to viciously put down pro democracy protesters, with a foreign power doing the putting down, ie Saudi Arabia. Not a peep from the US when this happened. But of course, despite being the most evil regime in the Middle East, and the cause of most of the problems there, they are our allies, who throw countless millions of dollars at the West, buying state of the art weaponry from us, selling us cheap oil, the Bush family have been doing business with them for years. An uncomfortable truth is that the Al Qaida terrorists responsible for the 9-11 outrage were not from Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Libya, or Syria, they were Saudi Arabians. I often wonder what the families of the 9-11 victims think when they see US taxes going to support Al Qaida fighters in Libya, and Syria. As for the victims themselves, they must be turning in their graves at the hypocrisy of it all.

The US is supporting Al Qaida fighters in Syria? Do you have any confirmation of this in normal news channels?

as for the " normal news channels "....what can can you say ?bah.gif

" (PARIS Votaire Network) - The recent disgraceful case of the BBC broadcasting a photograph alleging that it showed child victims of a Syrian Government massacre, but which was revealed, by none other than the person who took the original photograph, to have been a photograph taken in Iraq in 2003, leads me to think that the following article should be taken very seriously, indeed."

By law, war propaganda is a crime against peace, the worst of crimes, because it facilitates war crimes and genocide.

    NATO Preparing Vast Disinformation Campaign Over Syria


Oh that's a great website. Do they really let you link stuff like that on here!

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Oh that's a great website. Do they really let you link stuff like that on here!

Real tin-foil hat stuff: rolleyes.gif

"This operation of disinformation, directly managed from Washington by Ben Rhodes, the US deputy national security adviser for strategic communication, aims at demoralizing the Syrians in order to pave the way for a coup d’etat.".

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Some might think you are fairly naive if you really believe China will risk war with their largest trading partner and the best military in the world over the Syrian situation.

Let me put it another way...If you were holding over $5 Trillion in US government securities, would you go to war with the US?

Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

" Iran, Russia, China and Syria are planning to hold the largest war games exercise in the Middle East in less than a month, Iran’s Fars media reported Tuesday.The massive war games drill will include air defense and missile units as well as ground, air and naval forces. It is scheduled for early July. A total of 400 planes and 1,000 tanks are said to be taking part, among them “12 Chinese warships… Russian atomic submarines and warships, aircraft carriers and mine-clearing destroyers as well as Iranian battleships and submarines.”

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