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Families Of Student Brawl Call For Tougher Measures: Bangkok


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Easy fix to this mess:

1. Any school that is caught fighting, the school is closed down for 2 weeks.

2. Any student from a school that kills or maims another person, the school is fined between 500000 to 1000000 baht per injured person/death.

This would immediately stop this nonsense. The owners of these school encourage this thuggery. The students are but pawns in their own weird game of chess. Hit them in the pocket and they will call it all off.

1. is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Your as bad as the government. Why should an entire schools' population be targeted and punished for the acts of a few. So we have a bunch of thuggish uneducated kids, closing down their only avenue to learning isn't going to solve anything and punishing those kids that actually want something out of their education is not only unfair it is unethical and should be illegal.

I agree hit the directors and the leadership of the school, but to effect the entire school population is just capital D-U-M-B dumb.

How can anyone else not complain about an illogical and irrational response to a real problem?!? C'mon guys do you really think closing the school helps to solve anything? NO, it just puts the kids on the street to continue their mob, thuggish, violent ways.

They should get a "scared straight" field trip to the Bangkok Hilton. Give them 48 hours inside and see if that is the path they want to go down. Or shoot, put them in a chain gang, pink pants and shorts and force them to clean up the sois or something for a month or to. Publicly shame the kids and i bet you get better results than closing the school and ignoring the problem.

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The main area to concentrate on MUST be the home-upbringing. Goverment to smack the police across the face, and tell them the laws must be enforced.

In the case of teens out of control, (or any young person living under the same roof of the parents) Parents should have to suffer the consequences of ANY lawless behaviour.

Violence should not be tolerated, remand/centres for juveniles have to be used, not money pay-offs from parents. Heavy community service another alternative (example cleaning out canals and drains). If you want decent citizens then you have to have strict guidelines for the ones that overstep the mark.

IT'S NOTHING to do with uniforms, it's about being kind to others---HOME --it has to start there.

Why not expel pupils, disgrace them and their parents, make them lose face.....IT WORKS.

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What is wrong with people. Shooting people over what school you belong in, you belong a zoo with all the other animals. bah.gif

Nothing can bring back the unfortunate victims of these insane actions, and my condolences to their families and loved ones.

What could help is for Thailand to have leaders who have and demonstrate good values and good morals and are good role models for our kids, sadely we have the opposite.

This subject does have it's complications, and punishing the well behaved students by closing their school seems not to be the best answer.

Ask a few Thais who have closer connection to these stupid acts and many will tell you that some of the teachers at technical schools are just as much to blame, they encourage these kids to brawl, etc.

Headmasters should have the guts to weed these teachers out and dismiss them.

If some teachers are involved in promoting this then they should receive a tougher punishment than just losing their jobs but how can a school be responsible for the behavior of students on a public bus outside of class and off campus? If they have to function under the same restriction as western schools and teachers do then the fault is with the government and society that insists that students are some how all lovely kids who should never be punished or receive consequences that are appropriate for their actions.

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What is wrong with people. Shooting people over what school you belong in, you belong a zoo with all the other animals. bah.gif

Don't degrade the zoo animals. Only humans kill for pleasure.

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I even saw this pack mentality in Kanchanaburi a few days when some students chased someone from another school through a department store.

Looked like a pack of dogs chasing down a weaker prey.

Absolute madness.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

Watch a Thai Soap Opera sometime. They portray this type of conduct as normal. I have an 18 year old daughter and I have had to rescue her from this hit and run kind of mentality. It is very sad. In other places where this type of violence is protrayed, they tell people that is is a drama and should not be done by persons watching the drama. Unfortunatly some Thai's think this is real life, and death in this case.
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What is wrong with people. Shooting people over what school you belong in, you belong a zoo with all the other animals. bah.gif

Nothing can bring back the unfortunate victims of these insane actions, and my condolences to their families and loved ones.

What could help is for Thailand to have leaders who have and demonstrate good values and good morals and are good role models for our kids, sadely we have the opposite.

This subject does have it's complications, and punishing the well behaved students by closing their school seems not to be the best answer.

Ask a few Thais who have closer connection to these stupid acts and many will tell you that some of the teachers at technical schools are just as much to blame, they encourage these kids to brawl, etc.

Headmasters should have the guts to weed these teachers out and dismiss them.

If some teachers are involved in promoting this then they should receive a tougher punishment than just losing their jobs but how can a school be responsible for the behavior of students on a public bus outside of class and off campus? If they have to function under the same restriction as western schools and teachers do then the fault is with the government and society that insists that students are some how all lovely kids who should never be punished or receive consequences that are appropriate for their actions.

Unfortunately their role models are in the government, and heads of companies. All they have to do is watch tv and read the newspaper for examples of this type of behavior.
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Easy fix to this mess:

1. Any school that is caught fighting, the school is closed down for 2 weeks.

2. Any student from a school that kills or maims another person, the school is fined between 500000 to 1000000 baht per injured person/death.

This would immediately stop this nonsense. The owners of these school encourage this thuggery. The students are but pawns in their own weird game of chess. Hit them in the pocket and they will call it all off.

1. is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Your as bad as the government. Why should an entire schools' population be targeted and punished for the acts of a few. So we have a bunch of thuggish uneducated kids, closing down their only avenue to learning isn't going to solve anything and punishing those kids that actually want something out of their education is not only unfair it is unethical and should be illegal.

I agree hit the directors and the leadership of the school, but to effect the entire school population is just capital D-U-M-B dumb.

How can anyone else not complain about an illogical and irrational response to a real problem?!? C'mon guys do you really think closing the school helps to solve anything? NO, it just puts the kids on the street to continue their mob, thuggish, violent ways.

They should get a "scared straight" field trip to the Bangkok Hilton. Give them 48 hours inside and see if that is the path they want to go down. Or shoot, put them in a chain gang, pink pants and shorts and force them to clean up the sois or something for a month or to. Publicly shame the kids and i bet you get better results than closing the school and ignoring the problem.

I agree and disagree, as school give all persons a place to gather and get worked up. And then after school......................................................
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Easy fix to this mess:

1. Any school that is caught fighting, the school is closed down for 2 weeks.

2. Any student from a school that kills or maims another person, the school is fined between 500000 to 1000000 baht per injured person/death.

This would immediately stop this nonsense. The owners of these school encourage this thuggery. The students are but pawns in their own weird game of chess. Hit them in the pocket and they will call it all off.

1. is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Your as bad as the government. Why should an entire schools' population be targeted and punished for the acts of a few. So we have a bunch of thuggish uneducated kids, closing down their only avenue to learning isn't going to solve anything and punishing those kids that actually want something out of their education is not only unfair it is unethical and should be illegal.

I agree hit the directors and the leadership of the school, but to effect the entire school population is just capital D-U-M-B dumb.

How can anyone else not complain about an illogical and irrational response to a real problem?!? C'mon guys do you really think closing the school helps to solve anything? NO, it just puts the kids on the street to continue their mob, thuggish, violent ways.

They should get a "scared straight" field trip to the Bangkok Hilton. Give them 48 hours inside and see if that is the path they want to go down. Or shoot, put them in a chain gang, pink pants and shorts and force them to clean up the sois or something for a month or to. Publicly shame the kids and i bet you get better results than closing the school and ignoring the problem.

Yea some would start fighting just to close the school for 2 weeks... Think before speak,

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Sadly, Thailand will waste more resources on messing with Lady Gaga and that poor lawyer from Australia who was about to prepare a report for her employer pursuant to a due diligence analysis of a severely mismanaged public corporation.

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The main area to concentrate on MUST be the home-upbringing. Goverment to smack the police across the face, and tell them the laws must be enforced. In the case of teens out of control, (or any young person living under the same roof of the parents) Parents should have to suffer the consequences of ANY lawless behaviour.

Parents aren't even home, mostly in effect single mother families and mama's out working a lot harder than dad most of the time.

And that's the better families.

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And gun laws in LOS lead to what? Are there gun laws here, including license laws? I have no idea, but it seems not!

Students in possession of guns? Seems like USA 40 years ago.... Is LOS that far ahead of US 40 years ago? Nope....

So we have to live High Chapparal before anything is done about this, I guess.........? sad.png


No. Seems like the USA today. Many more students get shot and killed in the USA than in Thailand. In the UK students knife each other to death. This isn't just a problem in Thailand.

Thailand has more per capita homicides than the United States. Thailand is fundamentally more dangerous than the United States or the UK. Road accidents, disappearances, all sorts of malfeasance. You're so intent on trying to prove Thailand is some kind of paradise. It's priceless. This is a third world country. Get over it. It is NOT industrialized. There is minimal law enforcement, endemic corruption, and a number of massive political problems. You just enjoy yourself, but stop selling the crap about how Thailand is some kind of paradise.


You're just wrong. Period.

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And gun laws in LOS lead to what? Are there gun laws here, including license laws? I have no idea, but it seems not!

Students in possession of guns? Seems like USA 40 years ago.... Is LOS that far ahead of US 40 years ago? Nope....

So we have to live High Chapparal before anything is done about this, I guess.........? sad.png


Gun control laws started in the late 40s in Thailand. Violent technical college fights started becoming a problem in Bangkok in the late 50s. The police and the colleges have had plenty of time to crack down on this type of crime but for reasons better known to themselves have chosen to do nothing. Stories about bus passengers being shot with pen guns have been common since the early 70s (and maybe earlier). Most of the guns are made by students in their technical college workshops.

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Back in the bad old days of the 40's and 50's in the UK offenders were bought before juvenile courts. First offenders were given a good talking to and so were their parents. Even in the poorer neighbourhoods a policeman knocking on the front door and leaving with a young reprobate was considered shameful. Serious offenders were sent to "Borstal' institutions, so named because the first one set up was in the Borstal area of Chatham or Gillingham, I can't remember which. These were manned by ex NCO's who didn't stand for any backchat and a sense of self pride and teamwork was instilled in them. Young lads on reaching the age of 15 were often given the choice by magistrates of a sentence to be served in a 'Borstal' or to join one of the Armed Forces.

As a Boy Seaman under training I messed with several of these miscreants and Service life soon sorted them out. Climbing a 125 foot high mast at 0600 in the morning, learning to drill as a squad and if you were 'awkward' the rest of the class suffered too, going to school and learning - or else, learning boat drills and how to handle a boat under sail, doing courses on land fighting and running over assault courses, and all those not completing it in a specified time, and always the last one back, going round again, lessons on seamanship and gunnery, learning how to do your own laundry and maintaining all your kit in good repair, looking smart and clean at all times, nearly every minute of the day taken up. You learned that there was clean, then spotless and then Navy clean, and that only your best was good enough. If you were not running at the double then you were sitting in a classroom, eating or in bed. Anybody caught stealing was punished by his classmates and beatings handed out before authority took over and inflicted further punishment. I was caught out of bed skylarking one night and my pal and I received 12 strokes of the birch. The whole division got the message. You received only 2/7ths of your weekly pay and the rest banked for you - and you didn't get the bank book until you had finished your year's initial training and were allocated to a ship in the Training Squadron. It was clear the the lads were systematically broken down and then re-assembled into the RN idea of what a man should be.

The earliest that they could return to civilian life was at the age of 25, time served before an 18th birthday didn't count. Many signed on and made the Navy their career, working their way up to Leading Seaman, Petty Officer, and then Chief, some even gaining a commission. It was the making of many who admitted that it was the best thing that ever happened to them. Service life instilled discipline and self discipline and almost certainly reduced juvenile crime. You had mates and you stuck together, sharing everything, and taking a pride in your part of ship. Many on leaving the Service became policemen or joined the Fire Brigade, useful citizens all.

Now the do-gooders have stopped all that and I believe that the earliest one can enlist is 17 1/2 years. Mores the pity but in todays Navy and probably the other Services, making war is too technical and requires brain power rather than sheer muscle power.

Would Thailand bring such a concept into operation thus preventing the youngsters sliding down the slippery slope into crime and drug taking? Would they remove teenagers from uncaring or too busy parents resulting in unacceptable home conditions, and make something of them? I doubt it. It isn't part of the culture to make people responsible is it?

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Schools temporarily closed as hunt on for six suspects

The Nation



BANGKOK: -- The Don Muang Technical College yesterday decided to shut its doors for a week after it was proved that a group of its students was behind the shootout on a city bus on Wednesday evening, which killed an innocent commuter and a student from the rival Thaivichitsilp School. Stray bullets also injured two other bus passengers.

The Education Ministry has also ordered Thaivichitsilp School to close down for three days, and may extend the closure by another four days depending on the situation.

The police said later that they had secured arrest warrants for all six suspects, who are all Don Muang Technical College students. Sketches of the suspects have been distributed within the police force. Meanwhile, an unconfirmed report said the six students, reportedly aged between 15 and 20, have been in police custody since Thursday evening, though the police refused to confirm this.

According to security camera footage, eight students are believed to be behind the attack on Bangkok bus No 59. The footage, which has been widely circulated in the media, shows many of the attackers holding machetes and one of them pointing a pistol at the bus.

Every member of this group of students will face the charges of murder, attempted murder, carrying weapons and firearms without permission among other charges based on evidence, Don Muang police chief Pol Colonel Samran Nualma said.

Police have advised wounded passengers and relatives of the two slain victims to seek compensation through a government fund under the Justice Ministry, as well as through a civil case against the suspects once they are convicted.

Acting Bangkok police chief Pol MajGeneral Khamronwit Thoopkrajang said the Don Muang Technical College students were allegedly taking revenge for a classmate who was shot and wounded by a student from Thaivichitsilp School in February. He also called on all parents of the suspects to hand their children over to police before they are arrested.

Meanwhile, Samut Prakan police stopped a battle between students of two vocational schools from erupting by arresting 49 youngsters between the ages of 16 and 18 who were converging on Bang Na Trat Road in Bang Phli district. Police also seized a large number of weapons and two homemade bombs.

Four students admitted to possessing weapons, including 13 machetes and four axes, and they have been charged with carrying weapons and explosives without permission. The name of the schools involved have not been released, but police said this group was getting ready to attack another group of a rivalling school that had assaulted their classmate.


-- The Nation 2012-06-16

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The primitive side of humanity is glorified in the movies etc. and we are all exposed to so many violent occurrences growing up, that each generation seems to get more radical. higher densities of urban people creates dog eat dog environs. And this is happening all around the world. The old skool dealt with severe crimes with equally severe punishment, but now the number of bad people and laws and money that protect them are counter to justice. Teach your children well, is more important now than ever.

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OzMick, Makes me howl with laughter when the bib have 1 special day purge and recover weapons, Why not everyday and keep on top of the job ?? the usual excuse is they are too busy collecting monies from crash hat folk, and spending time doing their rounds of tee money from illegal gambling/businesses/attending photo sessions( always 6-10 in the session) underpowered--Ha Ha....a franchise for sure.. independant from government control (well seems like it).

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I posted in another topic about the idiocy of soccer fans getting in brawls because of their favorite team competing against a rival team .. I guess we know where the lack of mentality comes from ... inbred stupidity. I don't have the ability or intelligence to outperform you so I guess I will just kick you, stab you, shoot you, etc. Inferior people always resort to violence to solve their lack of self esteem and ability, Hitler, bush and the republicans, etc.

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Reimplementation of the machine gun as the death penalty of choice for violence school gang related crime. All members of the schools involved (teachers, students, parents) are forced to watch executions close-up and personal each time one of these senseless killings takes place. All "deep pocket" are taken to civil court and the victims family are duly compensated for the atrocity. This sort of inbred, cultural notion that teenage children are not responsible for there actions until they are perhaps in their 20s (if even then) is ludicrous. Responsibility lies in the home, in the school, with the teachers, and the administration. Buddhists are not raised this way -- so what is the disconnect?

Edited by connda
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My condolences to the families of the victims and all those that witnessed this terrible tragedy. Unfortunately the police have been ignoring this problem for years and it has to stop. May I suggest random car and body searches of these school students to stem the flow of drug use and possesion of the weapons used in these random acts. Also counciling of the students and rewards for tips so police can intervene before these senseless acts occur. Also armed guards at the bus stops and on the busses these students use so innocent people don't get gunned down. Just seeing this tragedy will cause Post tramatic stress syndrome and you live with that forever. I will pray for the victims. God help Thailand, it gets worse everyday.coffee1.gif

Why pull the police into this ...they are worthless...to stop this

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Until Thais learn to discipline their children from an early age nothing will change.

I've seen a young Thai kid knock over a motorbike by accident - the parents just laughed!!!, he should have been disciplined and made to understand not to touch things that don't belong to him, but no - just laughed!

I see young Thai kids poking and beating puppy dogs on the head with sticks - parents just laugh, incredible!!

I've never seen such a lack of discipline among children, unfortunately once they grow a little older - the sad results are there to be seen everyday!

This is not just Thai culture but an Asia culture, I have seen this in Korea too...

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Easy fix to this mess:

1. Any school that is caught fighting, the school is closed down for 2 weeks.

2. Any student from a school that kills or maims another person, the school is fined between 500000 to 1000000 baht per injured person/death.

This would immediately stop this nonsense. The owners of these school encourage this thuggery. The students are but pawns in their own weird game of chess. Hit them in the pocket and they will call it all off.

You start taking away money from these schools and they will find a way to stop this...

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