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Chiang Rai Sky


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It might be easier just to go to my Profile Page and click on my Google Map. I have this mountain view marked as “Sites-Doi Yao” on my map. This particular reservoir is marked as “Sites-Reservoir at Mae Pao”. Clicking many of my markers or labels will show you an image as well as the location. If you have any difficulty finding what you want just let me know.

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Did you ride your bicycle all the way up that hill?

Whew! ! !

No, I took the Ninja 650 out for a little run. I don’t ride much this time of year and I worry about the battery going dead on me, so it seemed like a short trip between thunderstorms might be in order. I have tried it on the Trek but didn’t get too far. It’s just too steep for me in places. I have seen others do it though.


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villagefarang...some great pics. Do you have the colours set to vivid on your camera?

I am planning to visit Chiang Rai in October, and am trying to book a 5 day bicycle tour in the region at the moment.

I shoot in RAW and then run it through Aperture to compensate for the shortcomings of my pocket camera.thumbsup.gif Let us know if you are successful planning your trip.smile.png
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Again wow those last ones are really something.

Sure the hill is steep but I think the heat and humidity would be the real killer.

Meanwhile, I've been feeling a bit of a freeloader in this thread. I am just figuring out how to get pics off of my phone onto my computer and was thinking of posting a sunset pic from a few blocks from my house in San Diego.

But it is actually off-topic, just that I am learning how to do it ! And to use photobucket !

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If you use Windows live photo Gallery,you can send them as mail,and upload them to Windows Skydrive,Flikr,Youtube,Facebook and Windows Live.

Alone on Windows Skydrive you have 25GB free storage of files and photoes-free to share by Email or a link.

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As long as you keep the originals on your computer it really shouldn’t matter which online platform you use for sharing. Try the different interfaces and see which one you like.

As an Apple user and someone who likes shooting in RAW, I prefer to process and store my photos in Aperture. Since I have a blog on Google’s Blogger platform, they automatically place all pictures from my blog into photo albums that can be accessed through both Picasa and Google Plus. When my first album went over 900 images they started a new one for me. It is very easy.

Being embedded in their ecosystem already, it doesn’t make much sense to duplicate things on Flicker or PhotoBucket. Besides I kind of like the Google Plus album displays and the large photographic community. At last count over 1700 individuals have me in their circles and follow my work on Google+.smile.png

Edited by villagefarang
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It looks like Gmail is not on the list.

As you can se-open a Google+ account or share your Picasa web albums whit them,provide them whit wide opportunities,to use your Pictures and other stuff,by sharing/selling it to other companies-and wide open your profile pictrures to share for friends and theier friends-unless you lock it all-and then...what is the idea then.

I like alot of what they offer,but think you may read everything twice and ask your self-wood I give-any one,those permissions.

I will not !

So I use Google,as always,and avoid Google+.

Picasa-brugere skal være opmærksomme på:

  • Personer, du har delt album med, kan se billederne på din profil og i deres Google-søgeresultater.
  • Dit navn vises på dine fotos, i kommentarer og tags i stedet for dit Picasa-kaldenavn.
  • Alle, du deler et album med, kan se, hvem det ellers er delt med, og videredele det, medmindre du låser albummet

Just found this-so I was mistaken by that one-sorry:


Edited by brianmarinus
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Nice temple photos Brian. How far from Chiang Rai is that? And I wonder what they keep in that pond. Water for irrigation? Fish? Or just a natural pond for the sake of it?

VF that is a funny looking hill, such a dome shape to it from this angle. It reminds me of those places they excavate and discover there is a pyramid underneath it.

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