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Do You Ask About Your Wife’S/Girlfriend'S Past Relationships And What She Done Before You Met?


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May I remind you all that this is what Brit said and what we are looking for, "You never stop boasting about your relationships with prostitutes, and never miss an opportunity to post about your decades of experience as a procurer of sex."

Yes...we have all seen that.

Thing is....I lived with hundreds of sheep for years....you never see me boasting about that do you ??

Well there is your avatar! Subconscious eh? I would wonder though, for treatment should you go to a psychologist or a vet? I wouldn't worry though isn't that considered normal in New Zealand?

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

Hardened Kerry posted that late last year, but I thought he was a married man?

"I don't spend any money on airfare because I live in Thailand. Sex with two good looking 18 year old uni girls costs less than dinner for one at a decent restaurant. So most nights when I go out I weigh the relative merits of each experience. Paying for women simply gives me the option of saying goodbye without tears. Nor do I feel the least bit guilty as I am helping with their education. They win, Thailand wins and I win. "

Read the whole quote and you will find out it is not about prostitutes. Just because one gives a woman money does not make her a prostitute.

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I am sorry to tell you Thailand is developing, changing and improving.

One day, everyone will wear a seatbelt in a car, or a helmet on a motorcycle.

One day, every Thai person will receive a decent education.

One day, people living in poverty will not be considered a fact of life.

One day, victims of abuse will not be seen as a symptom of Thai culture.

One day, sad old guys from the West will not be able to come to Thailand and hook up with desperate young native peasant girls.

I look forward to that day.

Actually, I would disagree with all of the above for the following reasons

1) No one will wear a seatbelt or Helmut. There is no appetite to enforce this due to cost restraints. The cops could but they don't bother. Change the enforcers attitudes you might get this, but that will never happen.

2) Aside from the financial aspects of this, Thailand education is the lowest in Asia (including Burma and Cambodia) taking into account length of study and quality. The rich elite need uneducated poor people enslaved to them. No appetite to chance this and in fact I would foresee this getting worse, not better.

3) Of course it will remain so; it is a fact of not only life here but also faith as well. They are out of sight and mind of most people who could effect a change here.

4) Victims of abuse and the lack of care, concern of even acceptance that this is a problem is the direct result of Thai culture. This will never change.

5) Sad old guys will be replaced with Guys of means. Pensions will not travel so well, but guys will always fall for Thai ladies like most of us have. If a gal likes an older man, that's her business, and just because I'm 36, does not mean I can comment on a 70 yr old if a girl chooses to be with him (even if it does give me the heebiejeebies to think about it).

As much as I would love it to change as you think it will, it won't. Because Thailand is not developing, only changing in a negative manner, and certainly not improving. The Youth are the future. Every one is a product of their environment. They see extortion, cheating, abuse, bribery, and all those repugnant acts as being the norm, Want proof? Read the poll conducted on said Thai people. 80% approve of corruption; they are the future and the reason nothing will get better


Nowdays many of the eduacted Thais distance themselves from Thai culture as they realize the potential with a real democracy and thus are not falling into same cycle of old bad habits as they might do in your area.

By many I take it you mean many of the Thai people you are very lucky to know personally? The more enlightened ones I know simple have given up caring and carry on as before. Real democracy can never happen in this over legislated country and the senior political movers and shakers (not just politicians, but those in services as well like the police, Army etc) have too much to lose is democracy really turn up here.

I think you have been indoctrinated into Kerry's little bootcamp of the narrowminded, asocial and the ill-adviced.

No one is denying that Thailand is a lawless land with virtually no offical or offical rules but the reasons behind it as logical and understandable they are have to undertake a long and a difficult process. However with the ever growing middle class these things will change and as people get more and more educated so will their thinking change.

Kerry who don't mind colluding with the corrupted because it suits his agenda, continuing to exploit the weak and the powerless youngsters so it's not very surprising he posts a bogus statement to draw away attention from his real motives.

Experience doesn't come from how many years we've been here, rather from the learning of the mistakes we've done here.

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

Hardened Kerry posted that late last year, but I thought he was a married man?

"I don't spend any money on airfare because I live in Thailand. Sex with two good looking 18 year old uni girls costs less than dinner for one at a decent restaurant. So most nights when I go out I weigh the relative merits of each experience. Paying for women simply gives me the option of saying goodbye without tears. Nor do I feel the least bit guilty as I am helping with their education. They win, Thailand wins and I win. "

Read the whole quote and you will find out it is not about prostitutes. Just because one gives a woman money does not make her a prostitute.

The worlds oldest profession.....usually involves givin a girl some coin for a jump in the hay.

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Hmm is it possible that Ol' Kerry has given up?

You all could learn something if you started reading and stopped attacking. I realize you have very fragile young egos and have to be constantly on the lookout for 70 year old men stealing your women but in wisdom there is knowledge and security. Chances are greater with a Thai women than most others that the lady will have some old men in her background because of the cultural differences in the Thai society and the societies that you are used to at home. You have been raised in a youth culture that has taught you to think of old age as an ugly, dirty and defiling part of life. Your Thai lady has not. She has been taught to respect old age and has none of the negative stereotypes branded in her brain that you young men from the West have. You would all do well to look at Thai history and realize that Thailand although changing has changed much less rapidly than most of the other economic hot spots in Asia over the past 40 years. Given that Thailand is stuck with it's reputation as the brothel of Asia and will be for the foreseeable future it would be wise if you did not ask your lady too much about her past before you met. Good luck to you all and don't worry so much about the old guys.

Hellen Keller watch out...cheesy.gif

I've never seen such an absurd and stereotypic statement before.

You really think every little brown girl just adore you because they are that gullible and stupid... My, my, someone is in denial.

Yet again you show yourself incompetent to clarify what makes you think that Thailand isn't changing and don't drag in your time in Nam please. It's just pitiful. I guess you live and breath by that dogmatic pragma of yours and that's probably the reason why you won't move to the capital or the south. Coz then you just might be proven wrong and we don't what to happen now do we Kerry?

I am trying to respond but it is difficult. Little brown girl? Naw I won't go there. Thailand isn't changing? Now young man what did I say? That is not what I said. Review the other post and report back to the class. Lying is not good. Do you think Thailand has changed as much as Singapore in the past 40 years? Hmmmm. Or Taiwan? Or Korea? Get back to us when you decide to stop name calling and start debating. If you want to quote me you can't change the words. My time in Nam? Nam the word has always bothered me. I have never used it. I have never met anyone who has ever served in Vietnam that said Nam. Nor did I mention it here. We could talk about the time I fought with Thai troops in Laos. That would be interesting but I don't know if it would be on topic or not. Why don't I move from where I am? Because I own 100% of a company here. Americans can do that. It's because of that thing, we fought with Thai troops back in the 60's that you think is pitiful. Thais didn't think it was quite that pitiful so they signed a treaty giving Americans special rights in Thailand. You did ask me another question further down that I would be more than happy to respond to. I have more than one daughter. I have been lucky that they have chosen good men to marry for the most part. There was an exception. Daughter G. She picked a steroid taking weight lifter who also danced part time for a group of male dancers. I wanted her to marry an unexciting, not good looking, older pharmacist. I think the pharmacist wanted sex in exchange for marriage. It did look that way. She divorced the young boob and eventually married the horny pharmacist. And I hope he didn't ask her about her past because she was a bit of a wild child.

I try to make through the ramble but what I've made out so far is that you are also a lousy father. That kinda sums it up.

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

I don't think that quote is about prostitutes. I don't think prostitutes are even mentioned. If I read the post correctly (I do read pretty good) it is about good girls. I think I only mentioned good girls and I was talking about why I left Pattaya. I have been married three times. I am used to giving money to good girls.

What's a "good girl" ?

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

I don't think that quote is about prostitutes. I don't think prostitutes are even mentioned. If I read the post correctly (I do read pretty good) it is about good girls. I think I only mentioned good girls and I was talking about why I left Pattaya. I have been married three times. I am used to giving money to good girls.

What's a "good girl" ?

She says thanks after getting the dosh.

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I'm quite sure, lots of the angry zealots here are the same people you see at Nana or Cowboy, looking insecurely left and right to make sure nobody they know would notice them.


Probably takes one to know one. Thankfully some are not pathetic losers who cannot get a woman out for a good time without buying her first.

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You all could learn something if you started reading and stopped attacking. I realize you have very fragile young egos and have to be constantly on the lookout for 70 year old men stealing your women but in wisdom there is knowledge and security. Chances are greater with a Thai women than most others that the lady will have some old men in her background because of the cultural differences in the Thai society and the societies that you are used to at home. You have been raised in a youth culture that has taught you to think of old age as an ugly, dirty and defiling part of life. Your Thai lady has not. She has been taught to respect old age and has none of the negative stereotypes branded in her brain that you young men from the West have. You would all do well to look at Thai history and realize that Thailand although changing has changed much less rapidly than most of the other economic hot spots in Asia over the past 40 years. Given that Thailand is stuck with it's reputation as the brothel of Asia and will be for the foreseeable future it would be wise if you did not ask your lady too much about her past before you met. Good luck to you all and don't worry so much about the old guys.

Hellen Keller watch out...cheesy.gif

I've never seen such an absurd and stereotypic statement before.

You really think every little brown girl just adore you because they are that gullible and stupid... My, my, someone is in denial.

Yet again you show yourself incompetent to clarify what makes you think that Thailand isn't changing and don't drag in your time in Nam please. It's just pitiful. I guess you live and breath by that dogmatic pragma of yours and that's probably the reason why you won't move to the capital or the south. Coz then you just might be proven wrong and we don't what to happen now do we Kerry?

I am trying to respond but it is difficult. Little brown girl? Naw I won't go there. Thailand isn't changing? Now young man what did I say? That is not what I said. Review the other post and report back to the class. Lying is not good. Do you think Thailand has changed as much as Singapore in the past 40 years? Hmmmm. Or Taiwan? Or Korea? Get back to us when you decide to stop name calling and start debating. If you want to quote me you can't change the words. My time in Nam? Nam the word has always bothered me. I have never used it. I have never met anyone who has ever served in Vietnam that said Nam. Nor did I mention it here. We could talk about the time I fought with Thai troops in Laos. That would be interesting but I don't know if it would be on topic or not. Why don't I move from where I am? Because I own 100% of a company here. Americans can do that. It's because of that thing, we fought with Thai troops back in the 60's that you think is pitiful. Thais didn't think it was quite that pitiful so they signed a treaty giving Americans special rights in Thailand. You did ask me another question further down that I would be more than happy to respond to. I have more than one daughter. I have been lucky that they have chosen good men to marry for the most part. There was an exception. Daughter G. She picked a steroid taking weight lifter who also danced part time for a group of male dancers. I wanted her to marry an unexciting, not good looking, older pharmacist. I think the pharmacist wanted sex in exchange for marriage. It did look that way. She divorced the young boob and eventually married the horny pharmacist. And I hope he didn't ask her about her past because she was a bit of a wild child.

I try to make through the ramble but what I've made out so far is that you are also a lousy father. That kinda sums it up.

Well don't leave us in suspense. Why am I a lousy father? I appreciate the random insult that is the style of so many posters here but could you be a bit more specific. If memory serves me Thai Visa does not like people attacking fatherhood without a good reason.

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I'm quite sure, lots of the angry zealots here are the same people you see at Nana or Cowboy, looking insecurely left and right to make sure nobody they know would notice them.


Probably takes one to know one. Thankfully some are not pathetic losers who cannot get a woman out for a good time without buying her first.

Apparently you don't know but even real ugly old guys pay afterwards.

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Nor does racial stereotyping either but that doesn't stop you now does it? Read the last few sentences of your post and then connect the dots.

Your dots must be psyche....pyscada....really out there dude.

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I'm quite sure, lots of the angry zealots here are the same people you see at Nana or Cowboy, looking insecurely left and right to make sure nobody they know would notice them.


Probably takes one to know one. Thankfully some are not pathetic losers who cannot get a woman out for a good time without buying her first.

Apparently you don't know but even real ugly old guys pay afterwards.

I know you do so what's the point in retelling an old story?

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

I don't think that quote is about prostitutes. I don't think prostitutes are even mentioned. If I read the post correctly (I do read pretty good) it is about good girls. I think I only mentioned good girls and I was talking about why I left Pattaya. I have been married three times. I am used to giving money to good girls.

What's a "good girl" ?

The oxymoron of a "bad girl"

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

Hardened Kerry posted that late last year, but I thought he was a married man?

"I don't spend any money on airfare because I live in Thailand. Sex with two good looking 18 year old uni girls costs less than dinner for one at a decent restaurant. So most nights when I go out I weigh the relative merits of each experience. Paying for women simply gives me the option of saying goodbye without tears. Nor do I feel the least bit guilty as I am helping with their education. They win, Thailand wins and I win. "

Read the whole quote and you will find out it is not about prostitutes. Just because one gives a woman money does not make her a prostitute.

Your quote is about paying girls for sex; that makes them prostitutes.

To bring things back on topic, have you told your wife about your past?

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Nor does racial stereotyping either but that doesn't stop you now does it? Read the last few sentences of your post and then connect the dots.

What are you on about? Both guys, the pharmacist and the weightlifter were Italian. Are you a nut case?

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Nor does racial stereotyping either but that doesn't stop you now does it? Read the last few sentences of your post and then connect the dots.

What are you on about? Both guys, the pharmacist and the weightlifter were Italian. Are you a nut case?

Have to be to talk to a delusional ol' narcissist...

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I doubt very much your "wife" is reading this thread so just to remind you of one instance where you boasted of your "conquests" with sex mercenaries, here's a beauty


Note the old "helping" chestnut.

Hardened Kerry posted that late last year, but I thought he was a married man?

"I don't spend any money on airfare because I live in Thailand. Sex with two good looking 18 year old uni girls costs less than dinner for one at a decent restaurant. So most nights when I go out I weigh the relative merits of each experience. Paying for women simply gives me the option of saying goodbye without tears. Nor do I feel the least bit guilty as I am helping with their education. They win, Thailand wins and I win. "

Read the whole quote and you will find out it is not about prostitutes. Just because one gives a woman money does not make her a prostitute.

Your quote is about paying girls for sex; that makes them prostitutes.

To bring things back on topic, have you told your wife about your past?

Oh this one I gotta hear. Every girl you have both had sex with and given money to is a prostitute?

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I get your point but you are missing it yet again. Nowdays many of the eduacted Thais distance themselves from Thai culture as they realize the potential with a real democracy and thus are not falling into same cycle of old bad habits as they might do in your area. A good education might clarify things but being raised in an environment where apathy is the common answer for the question "what to do about this situation" leads to a tradition where right and wrong is not questioned as this would bring shame on the family, simply because the elders didn't do anything about it.

It's an old habit that is dying because Thailand has to keep up the pace with the rest of the world. There is no way to do that if you keep this part of the culture. You are simply narrowing your scope to those immideate around you and thus don't have a clear picture of what everyone else thinks.

I seriously doubt any of my friends or my wife have ever met you or would ever think about it. People with good education and perception with the understanding how the world works don't fall into the same category as gullible, easy used and uneducated farm girls.

I don't know Max you don't seem to be doing very good at reading for an educated feller. I said in a previous post I didn't have a Thai farm girl in 1968 nor do I have one now. Are you obsessed with farm girls today? But you are right about knowing me. I don't know any pompous young people in Thailand. Most of my friends are engineers and not sales people. In the end Thais never distance themselves from their culture. A lot of countries have not realized this let alone young fellers who can't read very well. Not much has changed in Thailand about what you are talking about since 1400 or so the Portuguese traders wrote in their sailing logs. So I wouldn't bet on many changes soon. BTW my area is the East Coast of Thailand they call in little Detroit. No tourists but lots of industry. 100% full employment. The cute girls in the factory have a lottery for extra cash. You don't know about that right 555.

I am sorry to tell you Thailand is developing, changing and improving.

One day, everyone will wear a seatbelt in a car, or a helmet on a motorcycle.

One day, every Thai person will receive a decent education.

One day, people living in poverty will not be considered a fact of life.

One day, victims of abuse will not be seen as a symptom of Thai culture.

One day, sad old guys from the West will not be able to come to Thailand and hook up with desperate young native peasant girls.

I look forward to that day.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

You must be joking or a foo. l Wake up and died right.

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I'm quite sure, lots of the angry zealots here are the same people you see at Nana or Cowboy, looking insecurely left and right to make sure nobody they know would notice them.


Probably takes one to know one. Thankfully some are not pathetic losers who cannot get a woman out for a good time without buying her first.

Apparently you don't know but even real ugly old guys pay afterwards.

I know you do so what's the point in retelling an old story?

You-said-losers-who cannot get a woman out for a good time without paying her first.I-said-even-the ugly guys don't pay first. You have no idea what you are talking about,

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Nor does racial stereotyping either but that doesn't stop you now does it? Read the last few sentences of your post and then connect the dots.

What are you on about? Both guys, the pharmacist and the weightlifter were Italian. Are you a nut case?

So you have issues with Italians also ??

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That's a matter of definition. I find it very hard that a delusional ol' man with no sense for equality to be accepted among educated or good sensed women. Manner up and stand for what you are...

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Hardened Kerry posted that late last year, but I thought he was a married man?

"I don't spend any money on airfare because I live in Thailand. Sex with two good looking 18 year old uni girls costs less than dinner for one at a decent restaurant. So most nights when I go out I weigh the relative merits of each experience. Paying for women simply gives me the option of saying goodbye without tears. Nor do I feel the least bit guilty as I am helping with their education. They win, Thailand wins and I win. "

Read the whole quote and you will find out it is not about prostitutes. Just because one gives a woman money does not make her a prostitute.

Your quote is about paying girls for sex; that makes them prostitutes.

To bring things back on topic, have you told your wife about your past?

Oh this one I gotta hear. Every girl you have both had sex with and given money to is a prostitute?

Your quote is about the low cost of sex with young girls in Thailand, and how the woman who you spend the night with do not expect any sort of ongoing relationship ("saying goodbye without tears") because you have paid them directly for the sex, rather than the more expensive (in your opinion) alternative of buying dinner for a regular girl.

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