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Yea but the problem is if any of them bite you, your first biggest worry is RABIES.

If you don't find the dog that bit you, your in for a series of Rabies shots which are indeed very painful and your treatment probably will last 2 weeks.

Best you keep a military knife handy in around your ankles. You never know when you will need it to save your own life.


Jeez Dave ...you really are over the top. Your advice is pitiful. A concealed weapon ... I knew you were silly but now I know you are mad.

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Well if you think i am mad, then try to stare down a soi dog whose fangs are exposed and saliva dripping hoping to have you for dinner>>>>> as some have suggested here or wanted to use a crossbow!!!!!!!! Are you going to carry your crossbow whereever you go?? If that Soi dog is hungry, your stare down is not going to be enough to keep them at bay especially when confronted with a pack of them.

Besides you have in your forum here of one Thai who tried to play with some Soi Dog and he got ripped apart and this dog at that time was not HUNGRY!!!!!

I have seen such in same contrast in Manila and I did carry my knife and had to use it one time. Year was in 1996.

If you trust your Soi Dogs, so be it.

I will still keep my knife and do my best not to get bit by any of them. That is not only a promise but common sense.



Some people think weapons are meant to harm people and some use them in a very irresponsible way.

I only carry it for my protection if I happen to be going to a possible risky area, and never do I ever use it to threaten humans and never use it irresponsibly. For the most part no one knows when I have it or don't have it. It is personal with me and only me.

Apparently Dr. PP you are one that is of some of the majority that do not want people to have protection. You feel safer not having one. Well, that is you and your opinion. Let me know how you turn out if you are ever confronted with a pack of Soi Dogs and you without a weapon to defend yourself. Have you ever been really bitten by a dog when they have their jaws clamped down on you??? I already lost some cartilage and has been bitten by a dog back in late 70's. I have medical proof to back it up.

Now I got just a little puppy here and she can bite good herself. This happens when she plays with me, and believe me it does hurt coming even from a Dachshund who is only 13 weeks old. Soi dogs are ten times bigger and heavier and a heck of a lot more vicious.. Those are street dogs DR PP. Not ordinary house pets.!!!!!!!

Until then I am at peace with myself, as long as I do right in a sensible way. As to it being concealed I am not going to worry myself sick over penalties. I got better things to do as survival and my health than let some Soi Dog take me for dinner like they possibly might do to you someday since you trust the Soi Dogs. I want my meat and skin intact, apparently you don't.


Some people think weapons are meant to harm people and some use them in a very irresponsible way.

Weapons are MEANT to harm people. When you carry one, there is always a possibility, even if it is a remote one (so you seem to believe), that you will use it to "protect" yourself against some other people.

And even if you think that the probability of you doing that is very small, it is probably not smaller than the probability of you being attacked by a soi dog,...


"Best you keep a military knife handy in around your ankles. You never know when you will need it to save your own life."

A bit tricky that, that's where I keep my loot. :o

Some people think weapons are meant to harm people and some use them in a very irresponsible way.

Weapons are MEANT to harm people. When you carry one, there is always a possibility, even if it is a remote one (so you seem to believe), that you will use it to "protect" yourself against some other people.

And even if you think that the probability of you doing that is very small, it is probably not smaller than the probability of you being attacked by a soi dog,...

Our Dave is not not the brightest paint in the paint shop, or the sharpest knife in the drawer ( no pun intended). From the safety of where he's at in the USA, whereat the Soi dogs are few, he should ask the police how they feel about him doing the knife in the sock trick at home.

Guest IT Manager
Some people think weapons are meant to harm people and some use them in a very irresponsible way.

I only carry it  for my protection if I happen to be going to a possible risky area, and never do I ever use it to threaten humans and never use it irresponsibly.  For the most part no one knows when I have it or don't have it.  It is personal with me and only me.

Apparently Dr. PP you are one that is of some of the majority that do not want people to have protection.    You feel safer not having one.    Well, that is you and your opinion.  Let me know how you turn out if you are ever confronted with a pack of Soi Dogs and you without a weapon to defend yourself.  Have you ever been really bitten by a dog when they have their jaws clamped down on you???  I already lost some cartilage and has been bitten by a dog  back in late 70's.  I have medical proof to back it up. 

Now I got just a little puppy here and she can bite good herself.  This happens when she plays with me, and believe me it does hurt coming even from a Dachshund who is only 13 weeks old.  Soi dogs are ten times bigger and heavier and a heck of a lot more vicious..  Those are street dogs DR PP.  Not ordinary house pets.!!!!!!!

Until then I am at peace with myself, as long as I do right in a sensible way.  As to it being concealed I am not going to worry myself sick over penalties.  I got better things to do as survival and my health than let some Soi Dog take me for dinner like they possibly might do to you someday since you trust the Soi Dogs.  I want my meat and skin intact, apparently you don't.


The Judge asked a question earlier i the chicken flu topic. Do you know what a drongo is Daveyo?

It's a bird. It is also an Australian term of endearment for a ######.

As an American it would not usually be applied as a term of endearment. Australiand also call each other bastards. It means something else entirely when they call a person from a different Nationality a bastard.

How many soi dogs have you seen?

What is the difference between a soi dog, which normally lolls around your feet as you go to the shop, and a Thai Ridgeback Dog?

If a soi dog walked up to you at night and said "Give me the knife man" how long would it be before you realised you were actually in South Central or Harlem?


Guest IT Manager
From his last few posts, I'm starting to think that Dave Yo is real Bear-Pit material (mad as a hatter). Too bad that he's on the wrong side.

Every time he looks in the bear pit, my computer alerts me and I snarl at him.

Haven't bitten him for awhile however. Hmmm. Will check if I have had shots for rabies etc..


I never said I would use it for people. You are the ones that are nuts and paronoid about weapons.

See how this gets all twisted around and put out of context!!!!!!!!!

I said I use it for my protection and my protection period. I have sense to be smart with my knife and have sense to know when to have it on me.

In USA, that is a bit different, and over here I have never had to carry it concealed because we don't have the craziness like it is in the Asia sector where all of you are at supposingly.

I said I had to use it in Manila!!!!!!!! Not in Thailand.

So people read what I said and understand it and not twist it around to try to make your point.

Some people carry guns where your at, and you not even know it???? Police, military, security guards etc carry weapons. Some ordinary people carry weapons, even the pepper spray which here it is legal.

If you think like this the way you are posting on this thread, then you guys should not have a weapon cause you don't know how to handle one yourself or know when and how such should be used in given situations.

It is also a well known fact and history and backgrounds will support this next statement.

Most crimes committed using a weapon were committed by people who had squeeky clean backgrounds and never arrested. Statistics will prove this point.

Want to know another scoop. I will trust an ex-con carrying a weapon before I trust some clean background person>>>(exclude those under some official duty that requires such weapons as it is their jobs.) Since you all love and feed on this :o soak it OK

Now that is another set of issues and I will not go any farther than that and don't want to be involved in some debate. So don't bother to try to pull me into that issue. You have your own opinion and I have mine. :D

Besides who cares???? :D


Guest IT Manager

I am leaving it alone. I agree with Doc. You are a nutter. Quite harmless, nutter none the less.

Read the newspaper in USA Dave... how many people killed in your city last night by knives/guns/whatever.

Now how many in the whole of Thailand do you think..

Let me help.. 4. Who has the problem again?


I do, so why you guys not read the Thailand newspaper?

Oh, I forgot for just a moment since both of you tend to agree>>> you have no crime in Thailand when statistics say otherwise. Besides, news reporting in Thailand is under some form of censorship :o , so you never get to read or hear the real shindig on the vast majority of it. I am so Sorry to hear that. Like the killings that went on recently from the Government, or the shootings of airline personnel, or cabbies hitting tourists on the heads and etc etc, or the robbing going on daily.

Tsk tsk tsk.


Guest IT Manager

In fact Dave as I said, last night, 4 murders in the country. 2 by jilted boyfriends, 1 by a gunmen who made a bad shot apparently, ad one still to be solved.

Neither Doc or I have ever indicated there is no crime here, either I this thread or any other, what we were both pointing out, is that your suggestion of carrying a concealed knife (around your ankle was the quote from memory), is incitement to commit a crime in the Kingdom.

Anyone dopey enough to do it, based on reading your stupid comment, could rightly say "I read it was OK on Thaivisa".

This would immediately mean we would have to close shop because of law suits. Then where would you find people to talk to?

As to the recent spate of extra-judicial killings (last year), it has bee talked about on this forum plenty, and I reckon you got your details from here.

Whatever, it's good to see you didn't throw your wind up toy out of the pram and never speak again, like certain others around the place.

I re-iterate my question.. how many people died by criminal violence in Chicago last night? In our country, the number was 4.



###### and Dr. PP. I edicted my post to reflect for myself concerning the knife in my ankles. I see what you guys were talking about on the broad spectrum.

Can you also remove the quotes from the old one you posted to keep it out.


Daveyoti :o


Well I suppose if I take away the gang killings going on here, I would suppose the murders etc is indeed small. I never bother to see those statistics, and do read it once in awhile in the paper if they make it a big deal. Most of the time here it is about gangs killing each other especially when kids are involved.

Right now they are focusing on Chicago politics and some stupid trucking firm supposingly tied into the Mayor etc. These news people here like to drag this stuff on for a good 2 weeks or more. Sigh. :o


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