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60Km Fun Race...


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So, I bought my bike (Merida entry level) and have been really enjoying my exploratory rides in the local area, getting my bike legs and giving the local hounds something new to chase.

I was in my local bike shop the other day and decided to enter a 60km race on the 8th July, thinking this might give me some added motivation (not that I need much) to crack on with the fitness part of riding.

Since I bought my bike, about 10 days ago, I have been doing 20-25km circuits which takes me about an hour. Can anyone suggest what pre race schedule I should try to stick to ? Have no idea if I need to do anymore than I'm already doing ? I go out every other morning and intend to make sure I can manage 50km or 2hrs comfortably before the 8th, then just take it easy for the race and try to finish in 2hrs 30 :)

Might invest in some semi slick tires just to make things a little easier on the old pins...

Comments ??

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Hi, just been reading your post, sorry can't help you with a schedule, that will all depend on how old you are, how fit you are & if you have ever rode before, but I would just like to say, don't take it to serious, enjoy yourself, & most important, make sure you drink plenty of water.

Where is the event? is it on of off road? & can an old crock ride?

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Hi Sprog,

I do take getting fit a little bit serious but I'm not taking the racing seriously, would just like to make sure I am able to get round the course in 1 piece :)

It's all on tarmac, both MTB and road categories, either 100km or 60km options. In Surat Thani on the 8th of July.

Think there will be a mix of old, young, serious, fun, Thai, foreigners etc etc etc.

I'm 40, fairly fit I guess but not a sportsman. Trying to keep in shape and lose a couple kg...

Glad I decided to buy the bike, it's a great way to get out and clear the cobwebs :)

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First of all make sure that you are comfortable on your bike and that it is setup right for you.

Eat plenty of high carb food the night before your ride and take at least a couple of decent sized drinking bottles with you on the day.

I would try at get at least one 2-3 hour ride per week in to see how that sort of distance feels and to build up some endurance.

If you are looking for a quick time try a little interval training or a shorter but quicker ride than normal once or twice a week.

Allow yourself some recovery time if you feel that you have put in a hard ride.

Hope you have a great time.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Does anyone have more details on this cycling race? A website would be very helpful.



8 – Sunday : Surat Thani

Surat Thani Sealed Road Ride from Lamphu Island.
Distance: 60km and 100km. Location:
. Water provided every 20km. Entry fee: 350 Baht (all categories). Registration & breakfast: 5:00am at Lamphu Island on day of race. Early registration at Center Bike in Surat Thani. Opening ceremony & race start 6:00-7:35am. Race finish 10:00am. Lunch and awards ceremony 12:00. Categories: Male and Female 100km ROAD, 100km MTB, 60km ROAD, and 60KM MTB. All types of bikes are welcome to race. Helmet is required. Contact: 081-894-3557 (Supachai), 087-473-9282 (Tierik).

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First of all make sure that you are comfortable on your bike and that it is setup right for you.

Eat plenty of high carb food the night before your ride and take at least a couple of decent sized drinking bottles with you on the day.

I would try at get at least one 2-3 hour ride per week in to see how that sort of distance feels and to build up some endurance.

If you are looking for a quick time try a little interval training or a shorter but quicker ride than normal once or twice a week.

Allow yourself some recovery time if you feel that you have put in a hard ride.

Hope you have a great time.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

GOOD advice,as thats whats i am doing,you must get at least 1, 80 to 100k ride in a week,you have to do interval work and hill sprints,otherwise they will leave you behind on the small or bigger rises as they always take off on them, to get rid of the unfit,dont stay at the back of the pack,middle to front,if you are confident,otherwise,do it for the fun and experience.

I am doing the other road race at SAMUT PRAKAN,bang na,july 8,same day.

MTB 40KS,FIXED GEAR,40KS,ROAD 60KS,DONT KNOW HOW TO PUT THE SITE ON ,goggle bicycle thailand events.

i am doing the MTB event,they say entry form must be in by june 30,hope they have over 60s but will proberly be over 50s.

last road race i did like this was 5yrs ago and the bloke who beat me looked 35 and was 35 and so was his girlfriend,i coped it ,this is thailand.


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Thanks for the info on the ride, I will have to give it a miss, to far away. I live in Buriram, are there any road events near there, does anyone know? I ride the pro bike events, which are great, but I would like to do 1 a month if pos & these are every 3 mths. Any event must cater for old crocks, has i'm 64. Safe riding

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80-100 km !!!

I only bought the bike less than 2 weeks ago...

Did take the advice though and managed my 1st 2hr ride this morning, just under 50km.

Felt pretty good on the bike comfort wise, butt was screaming after an hour though seemed to ease off with some shifting around.

Not sure that the knobby tires are much good on the tarmac, good for a leg burn but could do with some suggestions as to what to put on for mixed riding ? Bit limited in choice at my local shop but they do have Schawble Sammy Slicks, bit pricey though..

Anyway, back to the grind... Looking fwd to the 8th :)

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80-100 km !!!

I only bought the bike less than 2 weeks ago...

Did take the advice though and managed my 1st 2hr ride this morning, just under 50km.

Felt pretty good on the bike comfort wise, butt was screaming after an hour though seemed to ease off with some shifting around.

Not sure that the knobby tires are much good on the tarmac, good for a leg burn but could do with some suggestions as to what to put on for mixed riding ? Bit limited in choice at my local shop but they do have Schawble Sammy Slicks, bit pricey though..

Anyway, back to the grind... Looking fwd to the 8th :)

Just do the race with what u have on the bike,losing weight through longer ride's will do more for u than the tires at this stage of your career,slicks will give u a smooter ride,but wont win a race for u,fill em up to 50psi,[knobbys]at least for the road,i ride 40 to 45 off rd,

as a good old coach said to me,after i asked him how do i get better on the bike,do the miles son do the miles,confidance and power and winning come later.

and if you havent ridden in a bunch before,its scary.

good luck...cat

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Copied from Bicycle Thailand website's events page: http://bicyclethailand.com/events/

8 – Sunday : Chiang Mai

Lanna Classic Meeting.
Distance: 65km. Location: Doi Saket, Chiang Mai province. Categories: 5 categories. ROAD bike only. More details will be posted as they become available.

The only other thing I can add is that it's a handicap race with prizes to the top 10 finishers in addition to trophies for top 5 in each age category.

The Masters 60+ field starts first. The 50+ four minutes later. Then the 40+ four minutes after that. Essentially that means that once the 40+ catches the 50+, those riders have an 8 minute headstart over the open field. Is that enough to hold off the open riders over 65 kms? We'll see!

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I was just looking through the events listed link and spotted the AR event in Samui later in the year..

That is more what I fancy doing but when I saw the entry fee !!!!

Is this a normal price of entry for a race ?? 6950 baht per team of 2... Includes a buffet dinner but still :)

The Surat race entry fee on the 8th July is 350 baht, that is more like it... What is normal please...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mission complete....

Very well organized event today in Surat, over 1100 entries so pretty big. The organizers did a fantastic job. Food and drinks were great.

I had a target time of 2.30 and managed 2.15 at 28kph average, so pretty happy. The difference between the fit riders and the average (me) was very noticeable but I had an awesome time riding in some groups and hope to be able to keep it up and enter some more in the near future.

Thanks to everyone

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Mission complete....

Very well organized event today in Surat, over 1100 entries so pretty big. The organizers did a fantastic job. Food and drinks were great.

I had a target time of 2.30 and managed 2.15 at 28kph average, so pretty happy. The difference between the fit riders and the average (me) was very noticeable but I had an awesome time riding in some groups and hope to be able to keep it up and enter some more in the near future.

Thanks to everyone

good on ya cornish,as you get fitter u get more confident ,so go for it ,our 60k's was flat as,,road bikes went 1st,, 2 min,, then mtb,it was only a time limit ride,try to do under 2.1/2 hrs for the 60 ks,i did 1.hr 40,and it was good to ride in a bunch again after riding alone for so long...mtb caught many road bikes,which is only fitness and of course age, so keep going mate,when u get fit enough to complete well in age groups,u feel great.


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Mission complete....

Very well organized event today in Surat, over 1100 entries so pretty big. The organizers did a fantastic job. Food and drinks were great.

I had a target time of 2.30 and managed 2.15 at 28kph average, so pretty happy. The difference between the fit riders and the average (me) was very noticeable but I had an awesome time riding in some groups and hope to be able to keep it up and enter some more in the near future.

Thanks to everyone

good on ya cornish,as you get fitter u get more confident ,so go for it ,our 60k's was flat as,,road bikes went 1st,, 2 min,, then mtb,it was only a time limit ride,try to do under 2.1/2 hrs for the 60 ks,i did 1.hr 40,and it was good to ride in a bunch again after riding alone for so long...mtb caught many road bikes,which is only fitness and of course age, so keep going mate,when u get fit enough to complete well in age groups,u feel great.


Thanks Cat...

Will definitely keep working on getting fitter...

Cracking day out :)

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