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Samitivej And Phyathai Latest Experience 15-06-2012


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I paid a visit to the Samitvej hospital at Sriracha while doing my visa and also the Phyathai hospital to get advice for a growing hyperpigmented lesion.

At the first one the skin specialist gave my body the once over and after making various observations on what to watch out for, told me to keep out of the sun, not exercise in it and then asked me about my initial concern.

Clinical background being

I have had a pigmentation mark on my left side just below my rib cage that has been gradually getting larger and wanted to know if it was harmless / harmful.

It was noted that it was possibly O.K. but because it was an irregular shape and slightly inconsistant in colour advised me to have it removed and pathogically tested...just in case.

I was then taken to see the plastic surgeon to give his opinions and do an estimate on the charges.

He said I would need a local aneasthetic and details of what he would do surgically.

The estimate was ascertained initially as between 25,000 and 28,000 baht, plus any additional medical supplies ect, ( also exclusive of the days initial consultations.)

He also said I may have to be admitted for one night as well and this was not included in his estimate, but I would have to wait for the treatment.

I followed a similar sequence at the Phyathia with the conclusion vastly different.

Once again the skin specialist gave me a check over and then looked at the lesion, advised surgery to be on the safe side and booked an immediate appointment at my request for the plastic surgeon to give his recommendations and possible charges.

Having agreed it needed removing for a pathology test he gave me a mega estimate of 4,500 baht that included medical cost ect. which I asked him to repeat ( pardon ) he said the same again, WOW what a difference.

I asked if he could possibly do it on the day for me, he initially said yes in the late afternoon but after chating to his assistant said if I wanted he could do it now as he was between appointments.

I said yes please and went into the small adjoining clinic / room he has for local operations.

He explained what he would be doing, gave me local anesthetic around the area and did a pain free removal of the specimen required.

It took all of half an hour in total with the nurse doing an effective waterproof dressing so I could shower as normal and was asked to go back ten days later for the results.

As he thought, the lesion was non malignant, the skin removed was 2.2x1.5x 0.3 cm. while the lesion was 1.5x1.2 cm in size ( about the size of a five baht piece when I last checked it )

I was given a print out of the detailed surgical pathology report including what was termed as a Lentigo simplex view, to give my doctor back in the U.K. when I go home.

The wound had healed as he expected on my follow up and having removed the stiches, and given me a view of the area via a mirror, he put a further waterproof strip on it and said let it come off in it,s own time....no problem.

So based on the above, while both hospitals are of the highest quality, I have to recommend the Phyathia for service and costs, along with far better communicating in English from all the staff I spoke to along the way.

The plastic surgeon who was brilliant, communicated politely at all times in English and skillfully carried out the local operation was Mr. / Dr. Navarach Namsothi M.D and qualified member of the Board of Plastic Surgery.

I was really impressed by his professionalism and patient, detailed communication from start to finish, plus his obvious sense of farang humour.

If you have the need to get a local consultation I again would highly recommend him based on my experience.

By the way I was charged 1300 baht at the Sam. for the joint consutations and 800 baht at the Phyathia for them which was incidentally included in the bill for the operation of 4,264 baht, plus an additional 300 for the follow up visit which was not included in the first estimate.

Total 4,564 inclusive thumbsup.gif

Thank you and well done from a grateful outpatient to all at Phyathai hospital.

marshbags clap2.gif

Edited by marshbags
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Just had a similar procedure done here at Bangkok Hospital Rayong for a spot that had raised up and turned color near my right temple. 7100 baht inclusive, lasered off on the day. I go back Tuesday for the result.

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I suspect the initial 25k estimate was with use of full sterile operating room and nurse team. When done in normal non sterile setting the price is much less. Have done both but operating room was for several at same time. But very good report and good they both recommended removal/check

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In fairness though I should say i kn ow of a recent case where someone in need of a simple outpatient procedure email PhyaThai Sri racha and received back an astronomical quote inclusive of overnight stay in hospital.

So it is not necessarily a consistent thing that one hospital is reasonable and the other not.

In my experience email inqueries are more likely to incur excessive price quotes, maybe they end up on the desk of someone with a specific interest in increasing revenue via foreign patients

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In fairness though I should say i kn ow of a recent case where someone in need of a simple outpatient procedure email PhyaThai Sri racha and received back an astronomical quote inclusive of overnight stay in hospital.

So it is not necessarily a consistent thing that one hospital is reasonable and the other not.

In my experience email inqueries are more likely to incur excessive price quotes, maybe they end up on the desk of someone with a specific interest in increasing revenue via foreign patients


I,m not sure how emailing can be compared to actual experience and based on the past postings of local Pattaya members the price differences are far more costly at Samitvej hospital and therefore consistant in many cases all be it not recently, hence my update re my experiences for our members.

Nothing can beat a personal visit and for sure if you want a fair estimate, plus having the chance to question aspects of it, understand the proposals / advice directly given and not with some anonymous person who more than likely doesn,t have a clue what you hope to get from such an enquiry if you possibly can, that is.

More than likely they are not even bothered about searching for information and are quoting you from a standard list, parrot fashion.

Having said that and in their favour unless the patient is seen it is impossible to give estimates based on your needs ect.

Just compare the basic cost of a simple consultation and there is more than a hint of overpricing there and to charge 900 baht for a few minutes ( posibly 5-6 max ) is way above reasonable.

I went to see the skin specialist, who IMHO charged a reasonable 400 baht for a 20 minute consultation and included a full body examination, plus advice and obserations regarding sun related health issues in general.

No compliants about her what so ever, quite the opposite.

She comminicated in good English and her bed side manner as they say was friendly, informative and reassuring,

I,m sorry to say the plastic surgeon left me feeling like a whatever and with a sense of being overcharged for a minor operation.

Also additional charges he referred to for ongoing services, including the pathology ect.would I feel sure have added a few K,s to the final bill.

Visiting Phyathai confirmed my suspicions.

I have always been charged 100 - 300 baht per Doctors consultation in various hospitals in the cities I have lived in and this has always included additonal input pertaining to what I was visiting for.

It was not just the charges by the way, but the friendly welcome and personal service they provided and excellent undercover parking with personal attendants on each floor to assist and do a very good job from your entering to leaving.

IMHO of course

marshbags thumbsup.gif

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As you were pleased with the dermatologist, could you share her name?

I was equally pleased with both dermatologists and thought it fair to mention the positive side of my visit to Samitvej.

I,m sorry Sheryl I didn,t think to get their details.

I only got the name of the surgeon who did the operation.after doing my follow up visit and thought I wanted to let others know how good he was based on my recent experience to compliment my O.P. and asked for his card for future reference along with his name.

It would however be easy to find the dermatologist,s should anyone wish to see either of them, but based on the costs obviously Phyathai in this instance proved to come out best, as indeed their overall facilites were.

Perhaps do as I did and visit both to compare things, then make your own mind up and perhaps do a report please for our membership who I reckon would welcome and appreciate it.

Especially those within this catchment areas of course.

The personal parking supervision is the first impression you get on entering the hospital ( if you are in a vehicle that is ) and I have to say everything else was top drawer, the demeanor and helpful attitude continued on entering the facility and really reassured me from start to finish.

marshbags thumbsup.gif

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