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Father Inlaw'S Girlfriend Gambled A Hell Of A Lot Of Money Away.


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My father inlaw, made it in the property developement business and was loaded.

My mother inlaw divorced him when he cheated on her and he has been living with a younger girlfriend for just over 20 years.

Just found out from him that she (the girlfriend) gambled over 60 million baht of his, and she forged his property titles (or something like that) and sold a lot of his land he owned and this is how she got the money. I don't know all the details on how she did it.

The guys was filthy rich and is really pissed. He is trying to sue her, but I really dont know if it will really do much and she is telling there kids that he tried to kill her (which I wouldnt be suprised) for losing all the money.

One of the good things is they are not married as he found out she still owns many people a hell of a lot of money. So he is not liable for that.

Funny thing is I read a lot of posts on here and laugh at a lot and think "what a load of shiet" but now I am in the middle of one of those stories which is a little bizaar.

So what do you think he can do? I mean he is far from broke, but it does put a huge dent in his finances and she will likely be charged. Funny thing is she locked him out of the house by changing the locks and he has one of his cars in the garage that she won't give to him lol. Its a lot of drama I think.

The problem I have, is the guy has no home and is sleeping in hotels and friends places and he asked if he can stay in our spare room every now and then. I mean I like the guy, but he gets on my nerves. How can I politley tell him he can not stay here?

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Is he Thai? If so I'm amazed, most aren't that susceptible to such scams.

If he's the biological father of your SO, I think you'll need to put be better off him up for a while, even if it's just on a rotating basis with other family members.

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Yeah, he is Chinese Thai and she is a Thai Thai.

She is a real bitch too. I heard of people been taken the the cleaners, but she really F'ed him up.

Personally I would put the guy up and tolerate him for a while ....he really has had the sh*t done to him

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Yeah, he is Chinese Thai and she is a Thai Thai.

She is a real bitch too. I heard of people been taken the the cleaners, but she really F'ed him up.

I doubt she'll come out ahead in the end.

Of course if she's got powerful connections justice might have to wait until the next lifetime, but it'll come, most likely in this one and maybe from a source and in a way totally unrelated. . .

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My advice is; don`t get involved and look the other way.

Consider this: if the boot was on the other foot, would anybody be rushing to help you out?

I`ve had some of my Thai neighbors say to me; you are a farang and vely, vely rich. I reply; yes, that`s true and I intend to keep it that way, so don`t look to me for any handouts and strangely enough because of my attitude, people actually respect me more.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I would put him up without a doubt.

As with all house guests, give him some guidelines and house rules.. its hard living with people.

We all have our bad and good points so try and find a mutual ground & interests.

Its your wife's father so it must be placing her in a dreadful situation.

Give it a bash!

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I would put him up without a doubt.

As with all house guests, give him some guidelines and house rules.. its hard living with people.

We all have our bad and good points so try and find a mutual ground & interests.

Its your wife's father so it must be placing her in a dreadful situation.

Give it a bash!

Think of it this way if you ever get booted out on your ar*e, your FIL may return the favour and give you somewhere to kip

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I would put him up without a doubt.

As with all house guests, give him some guidelines and house rules.. its hard living with people.

We all have our bad and good points so try and find a mutual ground & interests.

Its your wife's father so it must be placing her in a dreadful situation.

Give it a bash!

Think of it this way if you ever get booted out on your ar*e, your FIL may return the favour and give you somewhere to kip

I actually do try and operate on the principle if you are going to do something for someone expect no reward, but you have a point.giggle.gif

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The OP’s story is nearly identical to one in the wife’s village.

Young girl, mia noi to an elderly Chinese Thai in Bangkok. He built a flash house in the village, bought lots of farmland and whatever else. In 5 years she took him to the cleaners and sold the lot behind his back. She gambled it all away.

He found out, the relationship went bad. The house is now neglected with lawns all overgrown.

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You are definitely in the right place as everyone who posts here has experience with Thai/Chinese relatives and is completely knowledgeable about property laws and legal matters in Thailand. Good luck.

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Is he Thai? If so I'm amazed, most aren't that susceptible to such scams.

What make you think so ?

Newspapers are full of similar stories

Yes, keep meaning to take the time to learn to read Thai.

Oh well, learn something new every day, thanks!

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Sounds like he is smart enough to bounce back, if he got that rich in the first place, he has good odds to get rich again regardless of any legal battles as far as the properties are concerned.

Let him stay........as mentioned before, he might just remember you in his will.

I imagine he is not in a very good mood at the moment, so best to stay on his good side as usually people with lots of money have lots of contacts.

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Your post is inconsistant , it's inconsistant that a man could be wise enough to amass a fairly large Thai fortune but foolish enough to lose it and get locked out of his own house by the thief ....... Sorry but the story makes very little sense. I am not accusing you of not telling the truth as you see it , I am saying you need to take this not very believable story with a grain of salt.

Sit down and really ask yourself ..... how is it that SHE stole the money and HE tolerates getting kicked out of his own house ?

His basic un married girlfriend robs him blind and he is the one out on the street ? Baloney

His girlfriend got the land titles somehow , forged them , sold the land , ....... Baloney

I would let him stay with you reguardless of why he needs to but I wouldn't buy that nonsense story for 1 min.

Do you really think ANYONE buys 2 million dollars worth of property from someone who's name is not on the title without their Lawyer calling and asking him why she is selling it and not him and if it's ok ?

It's irelevant to the story that she forged his signature , it's not believable that some young girl with a title could sell it to someone with the 2 million to buy it and the buyer be that stupid , because most ALL property deals of that size have Lawyers involved , title searches , ect. ...... Why on Earth would you believe a nonsense story like that ? ..... Not just you but the other posters as well.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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An additional point I would make is that losing his land while not even noticing would not change his cash flow, so aside from the lost asset he wouldn't be any more or less cash flow rich or poor. So if he really is wealthy as you stated losing his land wouldn't really matter much to his income or expenses. So the idea that he NEEDS to stay with you because he lost some land is just more nonsense unless he wasn't very well off to begin with.

Why do people believe these foolish nonsense stories ? Some young girl swindled a multi millionare out of his land , kicked him out of the house , and now he is poor ! LOL ...... Get serious dude

And Thunder it does NOT happen on a regular basis to Farang here , how many Farang own 2 million in land to begin with ? It might happen on a regular basis IF you want to believe every nonsense story you hear about , but in reality the swindling of 2 million dollars of land does not happen on a regular basis to any group of people and in fact 2 million dollar thiefts are pretty rare especially in 3rd world countries where less people have 2 million in the first place.

P.S. ..... Thai people don't use garages to store their cars at their houses , even filthy rich ones. They use carports and fences.

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This kind of sh1t does happen. When my Nan died we found out my uncle had taken about £1.5M of property and investments from her over the last 10-20 years and had not a penny to show for it. We've never found out what happened to the money and that's with a lot of PI's and lawyers looking. That's in farangland, anything is even more possible in LOS.

Edited by Shaksey
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there was a poster (possibly irish) on tv before who got conned out of property or money by his maid faking documents

another guys wife sold 60 million thb 's worth of land he owned through a company and disappeared with the kids (i think she used a bent lawyer and they forged his signatuure and pasport copy )

to say this could never happen ,is naive at best ,of course it could happen

actually the law is on the sie of the scammer since these things take YEARS to get to court if the defendants even bother

to turn up or can actually be located and brought to trial somehow

its hard enough to get a thai cop to investigate something that happened 5 minutes ago ,right under his nose

good luck getting them to find a person who scammed you in an unknown location thats probably out of his district anyway

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How could she forge the Chanot ?

If it was forged, then he still owns the property, the buyer of the property with a forged Chanot would lose out, he, the owner, still has the original unforged document, hence he still owns it.

You don't honestly expect people to believe that Thai Chinese guys are as stupid as Farangs do you ?

There is this Rich Thai Chinese guy getting scammed and he don't realise it, yeah, right.

I have not read any other post but the OP, but I would guess its gonna be she came from Isaan and ripped off a guy that had made a lot of money by not being stupid, yet she fooled him, just like they fool Farangs, you wanna be careful of those Thai Chinese too, Money is absolutely everything to them,

Your post is inconsistant , it's inconsistant that a man could be wise enough to amass a fairly large Thai fortune but foolish enough to lose it and get locked out of his own house by the thief ....... Sorry but the story makes very little sense. I am not accusing you of not telling the truth as you see it , I am saying you need to take this not very believable story with a grain of salt.

Sit down and really ask yourself ..... how is it that SHE stole the money and HE tolerates getting kicked out of his own house ?

His basic un married girlfriend robs him blind and he is the one out on the street ? Baloney

His girlfriend got the land titles somehow , forged them , sold the land , ....... Baloney

I would let him stay with you reguardless of why he needs to but I wouldn't buy that nonsense story for 1 min.

Do you really think ANYONE buys 2 million dollars worth of property from someone who's name is not on the title without their Lawyer calling and asking him why she is selling it and not him and if it's ok ?

It's irelevant to the story that she forged his signature , it's not believable that some young girl with a title could sell it to someone with the 2 million to buy it and the buyer be that stupid , because most ALL property deals of that size have Lawyers involved , title searches , ect. ...... Why on Earth would you believe a nonsense story like that ? ..... Not just you but the other posters as well.

100% on the money.

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First of all yip you can't steal land ! lol .... You can scam some sucker out of his money but the real owner does not lose his land ...... You don't even know who the defendent is in a case like this , it's not the scammer , the defendant would be the one who took adverse posession of the land with a clouded title , that guy has to sue the scammer not the origional land owner. If a defendant doesn't show up they lose so it doesnt matter if they dont show up.

The main point here is that in reality it's NEVER the land owner that gets screwed, it's they guy who bought the land with a fraudulent title , it's not like a car that can dissapear it's LAND and it don't go anywhere !

I don't think anyone is saying it never happenes , I think the sensible people know it deoesnt happen very often and that the landowners end up with their land in the end.

But once again you are just listening to stories you hear that may or may not be true and you don't follow them to the conclution when the land owner clears the title ...... because that wouldn't be as much fun to talk about

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You are living in a fantasy world if you think a land owner that has his title forged and some idiot buys his land will somehow not get his land back in court , unless he is involved and coluding in the fraud. It does happen and thats why they have title insurance and why people use lawyers , but the end result is always the same , the land owner is out Lawyer fees and some costs but does not lose title to his land because some idiot forged it and some other idiot bought it.

It also does not take years because you can file a suit in court to reclaim your title as soon as you find out about it. Your fantasy land conspiricys are not based in reality they are based on nonsense stories you hear. And based on wanting to be living in the wild west and prefering to think thats Thailand or someplace else. Here on earth it just doesnt work that way.

You petition the court , testify to what happened , get your title cleared , and the other guy has to track down and sue the guy who defrauded him. Now that could take years if ever sure.

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Keep in mind that the land office officials working in concert with the scamming liar can't get away with as much when the victim is Thai national or IMO even Asian, more Thais are likely to collude/allow such scams when the victims are farang.

Unless the Thai was involved in illegal things and left himself open that way, which is usually the case with the farang as well.

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WOW some real bitter and twisted old gits commenting on this

The guys is looking for a bed to sleep in not a forensic accountant / business manager

Why all the hostility ?

1. Because he is Thai/Chinese ?

2. Because on face value a "Native" has / had more money than the average farang geriatric and this is not on and its purely a case of jealously...

I would be careful with some of the posters make, as one day your Isaan "child" brides may kick you out and leave without a pot to p*ss in and you might be looking for a bed to sleep in

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