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Father Inlaw'S Girlfriend Gambled A Hell Of A Lot Of Money Away.


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WOW some real bitter and twisted old gits commenting on this

The guys is looking for a bed to sleep in not a forensic accountant / business manager

Why all the hostility ?

1. Because he is Thai/Chinese ?

2. Because on face value a "Native" has / had more money than the average farang geriatric and this is not on and its purely a case of jealously...

I would be careful with some of the posters make, as one day your Isaan "child" brides may kick you out and leave without a pot to p*ss in and you might be looking for a bed to sleep in

I don't see what you're writing about.

Many people simply don't believe that the story is true, either they FIL is lying to the OP or the OP's making up a story for entertainment purposes.

The answer to his question seems to be - let him stay with you for a while.

Other than that it's all just speculation as to what's true or possible vs what isn't.

My first reaction was <deleted>? But Jurgen comes back with "happens to wealthy Thais all the time just like farang" but now many people seem to be as skeptical as me.

Don't see any bitter twisted anger myself, just a desire to learn. . .

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Yep rich Mr Thai-Chinese can't get things sorted against a potless gold digger. w00t.gif

Don't you have to go to the land office and sign the land over yourself ?

All bets are off when rational is delegated to the loins, which have a way of sending very eloquent reports to the brain.

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Your post is inconsistant , it's inconsistant that a man could be wise enough to amass a fairly large Thai fortune but foolish enough to lose it and get locked out of his own house by the thief ....... Sorry but the story makes very little sense. I am not accusing you of not telling the truth as you see it , I am saying you need to take this not very believable story with a grain of salt.

Sit down and really ask yourself ..... how is it that SHE stole the money and HE tolerates getting kicked out of his own house ?

His basic un married girlfriend robs him blind and he is the one out on the street ? Baloney

His girlfriend got the land titles somehow , forged them , sold the land , ....... Baloney

I would let him stay with you reguardless of why he needs to but I wouldn't buy that nonsense story for 1 min.

Do you really think ANYONE buys 2 million dollars worth of property from someone who's name is not on the title without their Lawyer calling and asking him why she is selling it and not him and if it's ok ?

It's irelevant to the story that she forged his signature , it's not believable that some young girl with a title could sell it to someone with the 2 million to buy it and the buyer be that stupid , because most ALL property deals of that size have Lawyers involved , title searches , ect. ...... Why on Earth would you believe a nonsense story like that ? ..... Not just you but the other posters as well.

Yes its hard to believe I know.

Like I said in the original post, I used to read similar stories on here and thought what a load of BS, but then it happened to him. There is also young kids involed and she did tell the kids that he tried to kill her. I don't think its so easy for him to go straight in there and kick her out.

If she did all the above easily, I doubt she leaves without a fight. A woman cries assault and has connections, it then goes all bad for him.

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Interesting spin, when I opened a topic I expected to read the normal ripped off farang story.

I'm pretty sure your father in law will be fully aware of Thai law.

So just give him a bed and a bit of moral support. That's what families do.

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WOW some real bitter and twisted old gits commenting on this

The guys is looking for a bed to sleep in not a forensic accountant / business manager

Why all the hostility ?

1. Because he is Thai/Chinese ?

2. Because on face value a "Native" has / had more money than the average farang geriatric and this is not on and its purely a case of jealously...

I would be careful with some of the posters make, as one day your Isaan "child" brides may kick you out and leave without a pot to p*ss in and you might be looking for a bed to sleep in

I don't see what you're writing about.

Its just a recap of his own life.

With thousands upon thousands of posts, he's hardly living in the fast lane. w00t.gif

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I would imagine that with the help of a crooked lawyer (assuming such a thing exists of course) who has connections with the land office that anything is possible. Especially if the head guy at the land office is involved it will take a lot of money to flush that out as other bureaucracies such as the police wont want to rock the corruption boat whose cruise all agencies enjoy, who does he know, how high does it go etc. It would take serious connections and cash to get a resolution of sorts. Problem is once the chain of payoffs start it is near impossible to reverse as usually too many snouts.

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