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3 British Nationals Arrested In Transnational Call Centre Scam: Bangkok


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Happy Days!!!

The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

Okay then.......I don't mind being predictable at times, as long as it's a worthy cause. So just in case anyone is wondering, I think these people are scum.

Just so you know. thumbsup.gif

Just watch it!

I am half English, my mother was scum and her father before her and his father before him. We come from a long line of scum and we`re proud of it.

BTW, I think two of the three scumbags, Englishmen names are incorrect.

Stovell Matthew Niel and Carroll Matthew Peter I think should be, Niel Matthew Stovell and Peter.Matthew Carroll that sounds more correct.

Also strange that both men have the same middle name. Something a bit iffy here.

Hmmmm, l can recommend a good bath cleaner for your family. rolleyes.gif
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Suspects are suspects, thus innocent until proven guilty and should NEVER, should I repeat? NEVER ever be named. Basic rules of civilisation: respect human rights. Period.

Agree 100% with that Poinoffew! However, some people don't deserve human rights, obviously after they have been proven guilty. People like this, who prey on the weak and vunerable should be treated accordingly.

I think these guys were caught with the 'smoking gun' so deserve to named and shamed before the charges are suddenly dropped due to copious hand outs of tea money - stuff the PC brigade.

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Strange but Ethnic Britons are refered to as British Nationals, everyone else born in UK is a Briton.

I am English. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo mincing with words, English. thumbsup.gif

<Yorkshireman, English, British, but European (Not on your Nelly)

Same samewink.png

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3 scumbags locked...46165 to go

Thailand was and is a paradise for human garbage like them....and there are a lot more callcenters here.

Anyway, somebody an idea what this CLBS is? Always getting comercial adds on inet pages for them... JOB IN THAILAND - young ladies only, callcenter... just curious, but always I hack job in thailand in the net this page show up first ... http://www.clbs.co.t...CFUUb6wodYRq_2A

there's no such thing like "young ladies" mentioned in the ad!

OK sorry, your German must be better then mine is: .... the add says : ...Wir suchen zur Verstärkung unseres internationalen Teams in Chiang Mai, Thailand Mitarbeiterinnen zur Bearbeitung eingehender Telefonate und E-Mails, zur Bestellannahme.....

MitarbeiterINNEN means GIRLS ... as far as I know... But anyway, it doesnt answer my question. I just wondered why ALWAYS I am looking for something regarding Thailand on a German page this Advertisement pops up.... kind of anoying and I wonder furthermore how many ladies from Germany they are looking for in Chiang Mai

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There are LOADS of foreigners, and many from Britain, who comes here and does loads of illegal shit. When loads of foreigners does this in our home country, there are many people who protest against immigration.

The Thais just keep on smiling, but for how long?

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There are LOADS of foreigners, and many from Britain, who comes here and does loads of illegal shit. When loads of foreigners does this in our home country, there are many people who protest against immigration.

The Thais just keep on smiling, but for how long?

Here we are Brit bashing again and yet I seem to think that the majority of headlines I read feature more nationalities than British.

Most foreigners here are not immigrants hence all the talk about non-immigrant and visitor's visas. The Thais keep smiling because most of us are spending money in their shops and businesses.

By the way it's 'do loads of' and 'do this in our' not 'does'

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Happy Days!!!

The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

Hmm, touched a raw nerve did we ? ok, how about Scumbags , Scumbags, robbing from little old Ladies Scumbags !

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Who gives 50k Euros to somebody who calls you on the phone? I know the response from tv posters will be that these call center guys prey on the elderly, but c'mon folks, wise up

I don't think that you would say that if you had ever been approached by a highly trained high pressure investment scam company but I must say that despite not even getting close to handing over any money I was very shocked and surprised how far these con artists can force and trick their way into your life even if you think you are wise enough to avoid getting sucked into something that you don't want. I'll explain step by step how they tried to stitch me up in the hope that if any TV readers recognise any of the symptoms that I describe in their own life they will be forewarned and forearmed and hopefully help to get these people locked up..

Step one. In this step they get your name and make intial contact with you. In my case a pleasant lady ( Filipina according to her accent but reluctant to admit it when I asked her and spoke Tagalog to her) calls me on the landline in my office. ( she knew my name but didn't seem to know what my job is) and states that she works for a "Consultant" in Korea and that they are interested in discussing a potential business opportunity with me/my employer .. When I ask questions about the business opportunity she tries to tell me that all of my questions are answered in a report that she wants to mail to me and requests my mailing address which I refuse to do I already smell a rat and start asking more questions about the nature of her business and what their interest in my Employer is which she tried to avoid answering.until I asked her directly if her company was interested in doing any personal investment business with me. She confirmed that was correct and I just said" I am not interested. Don't call me again!" and put the phone down. In this step they get your name and phone number and importantly they make contact with you whether you like it or not. In future they can always call you and say " do you remember me we talked last week? month or whatever. I think they got my name by calling the office general number then convincing the receptionist to transfer their call to the farang in charge. She tried to get my name and other other personal information from me.A company name was given to me but was so forgettable that Ican't recall it. All I remember is that it sounded like an English stately home. They also attempted to find out my nationality at this time and you can see how this was used against me in steps 4 and 5 below

Step 2 She keeps calling and asking for my mailing address which I refuse and put the phone down on her so she calls again and again until one of my colleagues answered my phone when I was out and the Lady tells him that I had a phone conversation with her in which she agreed to send some printed info to me ( a lie). My Colleague didn't suspect anything and innocently give her my address. They now cleverly have a way of getting their documents into my hands wether I like it or not


Step 3 A package arrives about a week later consisting of very professional looking brochures detailing amazingly successful investment tips.I flick through it and bin it.However now they have an excuse to call me again and again. " Did you receive the package?". " Did you have time to read the docs yet? No! At this point she introduces the time pressure element by informing me that some of these amazingly successful investment ops need a quick decision to get the projected benefits. I tell her to stop calling me because I wasn't interested in their investments and had no intention of reading their documents. She calls back multiple times over several days and each time I put the phone down on her.This gets very annoying and disturbs the office with unecessary phone cals..Because they use the landline I couldn't even switch off my phone

Step 4 Now they start to get really devious as a British guy calls me out of the blue and says there is a note in their office diary that I had requested a follow up call to discuss their document package on that date. I tell him that I told the girl not to call me again. He tries to get on the subject of investments etc again but I soon shut him down. However Brit on Brit and guy to guy and him being polite and very well coached with it I have to admit that he got a lot more of my time than the girl was getting as he dragged me into conversation.. I told him that I wasn't interested in his company or its products and told him not to contact me again and to write that in the office diary .

Step 5. This is where they brought in the heavy guns. Another Brit calls talking to me like I'm an old friend using every snippet of info that his colleagues had squeezed from to feign familiarity with me and my life. At one point I really started to think that he was an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen for years but whose name I couldn't quite remember. Mixed in with all the matey talk he was telling me about some unbelievably good predictions for financial success if I was to buy shares in a certain company whose name and stock exchange ticker code that he gave to me free of charge so I could check out its performance for myself thus proving how good their insider knowledge was. He then went into a sales pitch overdrive and good? I think he had been very well trained. Again being a Brit and a guy meant that he got more of my time than he should have but when he started to ask me how much money I had access to I decided that a bit of "Plain English" was required and it obviously got through to him because neither he nor his colleagues have ever called me again. But this was scary very polished stuff and right in the middle of my office and during working hours.

Based on my experience my advice to TV members especially those who are working in LoS.

Don't enter into a discussion on the phone at with anyone who isn't known to you and who refuses or is reluctant to divulge their company name and/or the purpose of their call.

If you are sure that you are being approached by a dodgey investment company then you should immediately apply the the Plain English option don't wait till step 5 like I did. However make sure that the caller really isn't legitimate before doing something drastic!!!

Don't mock people who have been conned into handing over large sums of money to strangers. These crooks are your countrymen taking to you by phone only and very clever and well trained

Edited by kruangfaifar
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Happy Days!!!

The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

Hmm, touched a raw nerve did we ? ok, how about Scumbags , Scumbags, robbing from little old Ladies Scumbags !

You`re right.

Tonight I have been on the booze and while in the bar I took a dislike to the barman’s face.

My English half wanted to smash up the joint, but luckily my American half has more common sense, so I just paid my bill and walked out of there.

Surely this proves that all Brits are thugs?

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What make this worse is i am British (Liverpool) With 3 Royal Thai Policemen Brothers in law..

Bloody hell there's a den of thieves there if I ever saw one mate. biggrin.png

(I'm joking)

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Who gives 50k Euros to somebody who calls you on the phone? I know the response from tv posters will be that these call center guys prey on the elderly, but c'mon folks, wise up

I don't think that you would say that if you had ever been approached by a highly trained high pressure investment scam company but I must say that despite not even getting close to handing over any money I was very shocked and surprised how far these con artists can force and trick their way into your life even if you think you are wise enough to avoid getting sucked into something that you don't want. I'll explain step by step how they tried to stitch me up in the hope that if any TV readers recognise any of the symptoms that I describe in their own life they will be forewarned and forearmed and hopefully help to get these people locked up..

Step one. In this step they get your name and make intial contact with you. In my case a pleasant lady ( Filipina according to her accent but reluctant to admit it when I asked her and spoke Tagalog to her) calls me on the landline in my office. ( she knew my name but didn't seem to know what my job is) and states that she works for a "Consultant" in Korea and that they are interested in discussing a potential business opportunity with me/my employer .. When I ask questions about the business opportunity she tries to tell me that all of my questions are answered in a report that she wants to mail to me and requests my mailing address which I refuse to do I already smell a rat and start asking more questions about the nature of her business and what their interest in my Employer is which she tried to avoid answering.until I asked her directly if her company was interested in doing any personal investment business with me. She confirmed that was correct and I just said" I am not interested. Don't call me again!" and put the phone down. In this step they get your name and phone number and importantly they make contact with you whether you like it or not. In future they can always call you and say " do you remember me we talked last week? month or whatever. I think they got my name by calling the office general number then convincing the receptionist to transfer their call to the farang in charge. She tried to get my name and other other personal information from me.A company name was given to me but was so forgettable that Ican't recall it. All I remember is that it sounded like an English stately home. They also attempted to find out my nationality at this time and you can see how this was used against me in steps 4 and 5 below

Step 2 She keeps calling and asking for my mailing address which I refuse and put the phone down on her so she calls again and again until one of my colleagues answered my phone when I was out and the Lady tells him that I had a phone conversation with her in which she agreed to send some printed info to me ( a lie). My Colleague didn't suspect anything and innocently give her my address. They now cleverly have a way of getting their documents into my hands wether I like it or not


Step 3 A package arrives about a week later consisting of very professional looking brochures detailing amazingly successful investment tips.I flick through it and bin it.However now they have an excuse to call me again and again. " Did you receive the package?". " Did you have time to read the docs yet? No! At this point she introduces the time pressure element by informing me that some of these amazingly successful investment ops need a quick decision to get the projected benefits. I tell her to stop calling me because I wasn't interested in their investments and had no intention of reading their documents. She calls back multiple times over several days and each time I put the phone down on her.This gets very annoying and disturbs the office with unecessary phone cals..Because they use the landline I couldn't even switch off my phone

Step 4 Now they start to get really devious as a British guy calls me out of the blue and says there is a note in their office diary that I had requested a follow up call to discuss their document package on that date. I tell him that I told the girl not to call me again. He tries to get on the subject of investments etc again but I soon shut him down. However Brit on Brit and guy to guy and him being polite and very well coached with it I have to admit that he got a lot more of my time than the girl was getting as he dragged me into conversation.. I told him that I wasn't interested in his company or its products and told him not to contact me again and to write that in the office diary .

Step 5. This is where they brought in the heavy guns. Another Brit calls talking to me like I'm an old friend using every snippet of info that his colleagues had squeezed from to feign familiarity with me and my life. At one point I really started to think that he was an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen for years but whose name I couldn't quite remember. Mixed in with all the matey talk he was telling me about some unbelievably good predictions for financial success if I was to buy shares in a certain company whose name and stock exchange ticker code that he gave to me free of charge so I could check out its performance for myself thus proving how good their insider knowledge was. He then went into a sales pitch overdrive and good? I think he had been very well trained. Again being a Brit and a guy meant that he got more of my time than he should have but when he started to ask me how much money I had access to I decided that a bit of "Plain English" was required and it obviously got through to him because neither he nor his colleagues have ever called me again. But this was scary very polished stuff and right in the middle of my office and during working hours.

Based on my experience my advice to TV members especially those who are working in LoS.

Don't enter into a discussion on the phone at with anyone who isn't known to you and who refuses or is reluctant to divulge their company name and/or the purpose of their call.

If you are sure that you are being approached by a dodgey investment company then you should immediately apply the the Plain English option don't wait till step 5 like I did. However make sure that the caller really isn't legitimate before doing something drastic!!!

Don't mock people who have been conned into handing over large sums of money to strangers. These crooks are your countrymen taking to you by phone only and very clever and well trained

Wow ! this is exactly what happened to a few of us expats here in Papua New Guinea. Exactly the same people , Fisher finance or someting similar ,the same Phillipina in Korea & smooth Brits.The brochures they sent here were very professional looking as was their website. Gold stocks in a company about to double or triple in value. It seems they were targetting expats with high incomes , not old people as mentioned above.Nobody here was scammed. These guys are good but if you have ever read about boiler room scams then you won't be duped in to losing all your money.Read Andrew Drummond.

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Try watching the movie Prime Gig with Vince Vaughn, Ed Harris and Julia Ormond. You'll conclude that if the scam premise seems solid and enough calls are made some of it will stick to the wall. It's not a bad movie.

The call center "investment scam" reminds me of a Thailand scam in the late 90s run by Jean Pierre Gonyou. The Thai SEC was trying for years to locate and bring charges against him and his girlfriend. No sign of them ever was disclosed nor any follow up in the news.

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It seems there are more scams than legit dealings going on these days. I have just started looking for a motorhome to buy to do a trip around Australia, I spent a week looking at classified ads online, I finally picked out 2 to reply to. Both were scams.

I decided to see how they would play out so I exchanged emails for a week with them till I got bored then my final email to one of them was

"Hi Stan

Does the initial deposit have to be in cash or can I pay in some other form of currency? I have some goats that you may be interested in. 1 is rather cute.

Kind Regards

xxxx "

Needless to say he has not replied, not a goat lover I guess.

They are very good at what they do, they had some very well thought out answers to my questions.

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These scams have been going the rounds for many years. There can be few people who have never heard about them, and been warned against them. They succeed because so many people are greedy. Their common sense fails them when the prospect of serious amounts of cash is dangled in front of them. I receive similar blagging calls and emails frequently, and have never been able to resist putting the phone down.

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It seems there are more scams than legit dealings going on these days.

As long as MONEY is GOD on our planet, nothing will change


to the Brit Bashers

to say, all Brits are thugs is the same as to say all Germans are NaZis, or ALL USAmericans like to play world police,

all Swedes are alcoholics and all Polish steel.....

hope this comes to mind if there is somebody mention a phrase like this, not concerning your own nation next time whistling.gif

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I get calls all the time from companies... Questor is one...

I had one a while back saying that there was a new technology company working with Mercedes Benz for trucks and it was a small and unheard of company and its stock was going to multiply...

they are great smooth talkers...

Yep I get calls from these groups all the time. It was really starting to annoy me so I have been stringing one along now for about 2 months, it's great fun actually.

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Surely this proves that all Brits are thugs?

This is an utter lie and if you don't retract it I will be forced to shove a broken Chang bottle in your face.

hahahaha, very dry

Us Brits are the only people that use the word 'glass' as a verb hahaha

I am a scouser so i get it even worse, I get it from fellow brits also but just take that as banter and give it back about whichever shit hole they emanate from. However on this forum there are people that genuinely believe all Brits are scum but that shows more about them than it does about us.

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Happy Days!!!

The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

Hard to imagine one of his posts without scum.. Someone said his first name was Algae - the lowest form of marine life which makes a lot of sense... Also, all the miscreants were pommies, so it may have been a bit close to home..

Better ship them off to Oz then with all their other crims

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Happy Days!!!

The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

Hard to imagine one of his posts without scum.. Someone said his first name was Algae - the lowest form of marine life which makes a lot of sense... Also, all the miscreants were pommies, so it may have been a bit close to home..

I bet you go missing when an Aussie commits a crime. <Edit>

Edited by metisdead
: Flame removed.
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Surely this proves that all Brits are thugs?

This is an utter lie and if you don't retract it I will be forced to shove a broken Chang bottle in your face.

hahahaha, very dry

Us Brits are the only people that use the word 'glass' as a verb hahaha

I am a scouser so i get it even worse, I get it from fellow brits also but just take that as banter and give it back about whichever shit hole they emanate from. However on this forum there are people that genuinely believe all Brits are scum but that shows more about them than it does about us.

Well said - all these Brit bashers are just jealous of our history and culture having none themselves. They also forget that if it wasn't for the Brits who fought in the World wars most of Europe would be speaking German now and East Asia and Australia would be speaking Japanese.

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I would just like to clarify that, despite my username, I am not a thieving, scamming scumbag. Some of the other 60 million Brits are ok too.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Surely this proves that all Brits are thugs?

This is an utter lie and if you don't retract it I will be forced to shove a broken Chang bottle in your face.

hahahaha, very dry

Us Brits are the only people that use the word 'glass' as a verb hahaha

I am a scouser so i get it even worse, I get it from fellow brits also but just take that as banter and give it back about whichever shit hole they emanate from. However on this forum there are people that genuinely believe all Brits are scum but that shows more about them than it does about us.

Well said - all these Brit bashers are just jealous of our history and culture having none themselves. They also forget that if it wasn't for the Brits who fought in the World wars most of Europe would be speaking German now and East Asia and Australia would be speaking Japanese.

Now now, we all know it was the americans that won the war, well it was if you listen to them and watch their films haha, as Al Murray says though, if you are not in a fight from the start then you are not in the fight.

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This is discusting..The majority of us are looking to lead productive lives here in Thailand..What make this worse is i am British (Liverpool) With 3 Royal Thai Policemen Brothers in law..

These people riping of Europeans and hiding in Asia..I can say this "If it had of been me or my loved ones scammed i would of personally tracked these people down"..

They had overstayed there visa's KICK em out i say..With no option to return..We do not want them and i am pretty sure the Thai nationals do not want them..

Right, only the thais are allowed to scam peoplesad.png

Edited by Kilgore Trout
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I would just like to clarify that, despite my username, I am not a thieving, scamming scumbag. Some of the other 60 million Brits are ok too.

Same goes for me and just to prove it I have a great investment opportunity to make miilions in days, just PM your names,address, bank details, passwords and I'll take care of the rest from my villa in Barbadostongue.png

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