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Pheu Thai Launches Singing Contest To Stop Student Brawls

Lite Beer

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So according to Thai logic the Eurovision Song Contest was set up as a measure to ensure no more wars?

This proposal is pure Pythonesque. As the late and lamented Graham Chapman would have said, "Stop that. It is silly."

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"Our education system is unable to produce graduates with satisfactory working qualifications for the labour market..."

I am surprised no one quoted this. Finally someone speaks the TRUTH and we don't even acknowledge it!

You have to have a labor market for those graduates to seek and the system needs to be geared toward that end. When you import thousands of uneducated laborers to work in factories, those who go to university have a very limited potential job which could utilize their poor education. much less a good one.

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After investigation, police became aware of the identities of those involved in the crime. Their relatives have told police that the suspects will surrender soon

That's ever so decent of them. Did they ring up and make an appointment?

Whats wrong with the police arresting them, dragging them down to the shop, and processing them?

A13 Year old girl is dead for f....s sake, because of these oxygen thieves, for doing no more than sitting down outside a shop.

Murder/ terrorism, take your pick.

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After investigation, police became aware of the identities of those involved in the crime. Their relatives have told police that the suspects will surrender soon

That's ever so decent of them. Did they ring up and make an appointment?

Whats wrong with the police arresting them, dragging them down to the shop, and processing them?

A13 Year old girl is dead for f....s sake, because of these oxygen thieves, for doing no more than sitting down outside a shop.

Murder/ terrorism, take your pick.

They are just trying to raise the cash to make it disappear OR, the negotiations are on going with the cops OR its a cops kid, and theres more chance of the Thai Parliament stating "heh, these Farangs, we give them such a hard time. Let's cut the rubbish with work permits, 90 day reporting, no rights what so ever and instead give them a working visa period for a yr + at a time and allow them to truly live here as opposed to squatting" than for this kid to see justice. At worst, his dad might take away his gun for a week.

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So according to Thai logic the Eurovision Song Contest was set up as a measure to ensure no more wars?

This proposal is pure Pythonesque. As the late and lamented Graham Chapman would have said, "Stop that. It is silly."

Nearly, that was "It's a Knockout" "Jeux Sans Frontieres"

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So the guy working on your car/truck isn't the best qualified. Just a natural born survivor.

Look on the bright side, if he can't fix your car, you can at least do a duet of "Eye of the tiger" (Rocky theme)

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This could work....as long as they build 12 foot high fences round the schools....put armed watchtowers on each corner....make sure the kids were not truant the day they close the gates. If they do all that the kids can sing for their supper all they want.

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I've heard it all now coffee1.gif

Why are so negative. I remember during civil rights movement this brought us all together in America. Have you heard of the song We Shall Overcome.

Most people on this forum were on the other side. smile.png

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