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What Is It With Paying Your Wife A Wage?


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I keep reading on these posts that husbands have to give the wife an allowance which they agree before they get married ,why ? i had a live in Thai girlfriend for many years and have been married for far longer ,but there was never any talk of having to give my wife a wage every month .i dont want to appear rude but if my wife wants something she just asks for it ,to me paying the wife money every month doesnt much sound like a love match more a buisness agreement.

I pay mine but she works in our place 6days a week 8 hrs a day so other than hat wouldn't do it .

I do help her with other expenses sometimes including mom but as long as she keeps working I have no problem with this.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I Skype with a 30-year old cutie in CM who recently told me that if we got married she would like to quit her job (chef) and would like to receive...20k baht per month for her expenses and to support her family in KPP.

She is a lot of fun to talk to but I'm not sure about marriage and an allowance etc so I haven't committed to anything. The 20k number is clearly the consensus among her friends. I can't see myself agreeing to that arrangement and am far more likely to stay single. Its too bad because she is sweet and funny.

Renting by the night would be cheaper!

Have you suggested that yet?

I know no one reads what I post but task centered payments are another way to go. I tried it for a year and it worked very well.

That's called a maid, isn't it?whistling.gif

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as some will know im in scotland working at the moment,( to the scotish boys, yes its cold and wet ) anyway,

we have a small pig farm, that me and the wife, but when im away we have mama working for us, at 10%of what we make a month, what my wife make a month she take to HER bank acc, and uses it in what ever way she likes, she is running our bussines, i dont ask anything, but the other week she sent me a pic on an email of the book she keeps with everything writen in it, even candy for the kids,,lol, ive told her she dosnt have to do this, but she as heard of ladys cheating on there husbands with money and sosnt want me to worry,

even if we didnt have our farm to make money, i would give my wife the mother of my children money, why wouldnt i??

we have our own banks, but the money in them is ours,

but this is just my story, and it works for me, every body to there own in my world,

take care all, and try and be happy money isnt everything in life, jake

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I Skype with a 30-year old cutie in CM who recently told me that if we got married she would like to quit her job (chef) and would like to receive...20k baht per month for her expenses and to support her family in KPP.

She is a lot of fun to talk to but I'm not sure about marriage and an allowance etc so I haven't committed to anything. The 20k number is clearly the consensus among her friends. I can't see myself agreeing to that arrangement and am far more likely to stay single. Its too bad because she is sweet and funny.

Renting by the night would be cheaper!

Have you suggested that yet?

I know no one reads what I post but task centered payments are another way to go. I tried it for a year and it worked very well.

That's called a maid, isn't it?whistling.gif

Not unless you call those ladies who work at Lolitas maids. I did most of the cooking and housework anyway.

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My mrs asks for nothing we do everything together we do a daily shopping list of what is needed and go and get it it is a perfect relationship and has been for many many years, whatever money is in the pot belongs to both of us. We are both retired expats from the UK and now live to enjoy ourselves in the kingdom of smiles although the mrs is adamant they are only smiling when taking your money at times I have to agree with her. I have always said to the wife that if something happened to her the last thing I would do would be to seek out a bar girl from what I hear , read and have seen how they have treated friends they would sell there soul for a baht !!!!

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My mrs asks for nothing we do everything together we do a daily shopping list of what is needed and go and get it it is a perfect relationship and has been for many many years, whatever money is in the pot belongs to both of us. We are both retired expats from the UK and now live to enjoy ourselves in the kingdom of smiles although the mrs is adamant they are only smiling when taking your money at times I have to agree with her. I have always said to the wife that if something happened to her the last thing I would do would be to seek out a bar girl from what I hear , read and have seen how they have treated friends they would sell there soul for a baht !!!!

I must admit if someone offered to pay any money for my "soul", I would be tempted to trade.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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I talked this topic over with my wife and we agreed to change the relationship to a wage type arrangement, so I have a time clock installed and she gets extra for overtime. I have also arranged to bring in additional wife for busy times. But the full time wife gets seniority and first choice of vacation time, dental benefits, and a company car.

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I talked this topic over with my wife and we agreed to change the relationship to a wage type arrangement, so I have a time clock installed and she gets extra for overtime. I have also arranged to bring in additional wife for busy times. But the full time wife gets seniority and first choice of vacation time, dental benefits, and a company car.

And who is the Keeper of the timeclock? According to popular belief cheating is rife in LOS?tongue.png

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I give my lady 15,000 baht every month. With that she buys all our food (and I eat bloody well), pays the electric and water and usually has enough left for a visit to the beauty parlour and some cosmetics. I offered to raise it to 20,000 as the price of food is going up, but she wouldn't hear of it. Says she is quite happy the way it is. She's a gem.

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My mrs asks for nothing we do everything together we do a daily shopping list of what is needed and go and get it it is a perfect relationship and has been for many many years, whatever money is in the pot belongs to both of us. We are both retired expats from the UK and now live to enjoy ourselves in the kingdom of smiles although the mrs is adamant they are only smiling when taking your money at times I have to agree with her. I have always said to the wife that if something happened to her the last thing I would do would be to seek out a bar girl from what I hear , read and have seen how they have treated friends they would sell there soul for a baht !!!!

I had a bar girl she was a dancer. She was a mercenary. She also saved my life. I won't go into the whole story but she did. How many bar girls in Thailand? 200,000 to 2 million? I don't know but a lot. Are they all bad? No. I don't even think there are more bad bar girls than one would find in the general population. Only my opinion.

Six women call me up at least once a year who are not family. Three of them are bar girls. They don't want anything. They only say hi. How are you. It is good you are still living. The world is better because you are in it.

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You do what works for you and I do what works for me. Years ago I asked my wife how much she needed for ALL the household expenses per month. By all, I mean all the utilities, food, her clothes and my clothes, my cigarettes, Internet, etc. She came up with 25,000 baht per month. I give her 30,000 per month and what extra she has left over, if any, goes in her bank account.

She always hated asking me for money and I hated paying the bills. This works well for us, Her household budget DOESN'T cover my bar tabs.

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I Skype with a 30-year old cutie in CM who recently told me that if we got married she would like to quit her job (chef) and would like to receive...20k baht per month for her expenses and to support her family in KPP.

She is a lot of fun to talk to but I'm not sure about marriage and an allowance etc so I haven't committed to anything. The 20k number is clearly the consensus among her friends. I can't see myself agreeing to that arrangement and am far more likely to stay single. Its too bad because she is sweet and funny.

My impression was that her friends put her up to it. Its purely hypothetical though because I hadn't proposed marriage and just chat/vid with her on skype for an hour or two about once per week and am not even in-country. I would want to live a year or two on my own at first just to be sure I like the place and am compatible with the culture. I'm not convinced that marriage offers me anything as I am eligible for a retirement visa.

But who knows, maybe I'll flip out over some upcountry beauty and end up supporting a whole village lol. Anything is possible I suppose. She hasn't been pushy or aggressive and its pretty fun to chat and joke around with her on skype as I speak sufficient thai to get her laughing.

This is completely normal and if you think it's a good deal go for it.

However don't actually marry her in either sense until you've lived together for at least a year and have learned you can trust her.

Many of these chatting girls aren't in reality the way they present themselves online.

And definitely don't start sending her any money while you're not actually living together, unless while you're apart you've got her parked with people you know you can trust.

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its refered to in other counries as housekeeping and has been going on forever, or longer.

in most western countries the husband gives housekeeping to pay bills and such. Its the same here in thailand. i would prefer to not have to run around paying bills and doing the shopping, so the wife looks after that.

If a woman simply wants spending money then she should go get a job. simple as that.

i can understand why a person wouldn't want to keep asking her hubby for money. its embarassing for both him and her. best to work out a figure together that will cover the bills and a little bit more for personal stuff.

Edited by thequietman
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its refered to in other counries as housekeeping and has been going on forever, or longer.

in most western countries the husband gives housekeeping to pay bills and such. Its the same here in thailand. i would prefer to not have to run around paying bills and doing the shopping, so the wife looks after that.

If a woman simply wants spending money then she should go get a job. simple as that.

i can understand why a person wouldn't want to keep asking her hubby for money. its embarassing for both him and her. best to work out a figure together that will cover the bills and a little bit more for personal stuff.

I had a farm girl. We moved to Pattaya because of my business. She wanted some spending money. I told her to get a job. She did. She was making 30,000 baht a week when she left me.

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I think it maybe it's because Thai Culture is different then the Western Culture.

If you marry here, then you marry also her Family, and the allowance could be used for sending money to the family.

But I could be wrong.

That's B.S. If you have to give your Thai wife an allowance, then it's clear that it's just a business arrangement. It's nothing to do with "Thai" or "Western" culture.

It's quite simple. Regardless of which country you are in, if a girl is asking you for money all the time, then she's most probably a low class hooker or money grubber.

Every girlfriend I had previously in the U.S had a good job, came from a good family, and could support themselves. There was never any question of money passing hands.

Same thing for me here in Thailand.

Those of you who are shelling out cash to your woman are clearly feeding at the bottom of the ocean (or you are so ugly that it's the only way you can to get a woman).

Nothing wrong with those who have to pay. It's just that you don't have to buy the cow to drink the milk.

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I had a bar girl she was a dancer. She was a mercenary. She also saved my life. I won't go into the whole story but she did. How many bar girls in Thailand? 200,000 to 2 million? I don't know but a lot. Are they all bad? No. I don't even think there are more bad bar girls than one would find in the general population. Only my opinion.

Six women call me up at least once a year who are not family. Three of them are bar girls. They don't want anything. They only say hi. How are you. It is good you are still living. The world is better because you are in it.

Unfortunately the thread has been locked where you denied your involvement with sex workers.

I must say I much preferred the prudish kerryk persona you displayed there.

Would you mind refraining from constantly posting about your experiences with prostitutes?


Edit. I guess I should say why does it bother you?

Edited by kerryk
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I think it maybe it's because Thai Culture is different then the Western Culture.

If you marry here, then you marry also her Family, and the allowance could be used for sending money to the family.

But I could be wrong.

That's B.S. If you have to give your Thai wife an allowance, then it's clear that it's just a business arrangement. It's nothing to do with "Thai" or "Western" culture.

It's quite simple. Regardless of which country you are in, if a girl is asking you for money all the time, then she's most probably a low class hooker or money grubber.

Every girlfriend I had previously in the U.S had a good job, came from a good family, and could support themselves. There was never any question of money passing hands.

Same thing for me here in Thailand.

Those of you who are shelling out cash to your woman are clearly feeding at the bottom of the ocean (or you are so ugly that it's the only way you can to get a woman).

Nothing wrong with those who have to pay. It's just that you don't have to buy the cow to drink the milk.

Some people like yogurt!

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its refered to in other counries as housekeeping and has been going on forever, or longer.

in most western countries the husband gives housekeeping to pay bills and such. Its the same here in thailand. i would prefer to not have to run around paying bills and doing the shopping, so the wife looks after that.

If a woman simply wants spending money then she should go get a job. simple as that.

i can understand why a person wouldn't want to keep asking her hubby for money. its embarassing for both him and her. best to work out a figure together that will cover the bills and a little bit more for personal stuff.

I had a farm girl. We moved to Pattaya because of my business. She wanted some spending money. I told her to get a job. She did. She was making 30,000 baht a week when she left me.

That would make it 3-4 per day. Wonder what the ratio between tourists/workers is?

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its refered to in other counries as housekeeping and has been going on forever, or longer.

in most western countries the husband gives housekeeping to pay bills and such. Its the same here in thailand. i would prefer to not have to run around paying bills and doing the shopping, so the wife looks after that.

If a woman simply wants spending money then she should go get a job. simple as that.

i can understand why a person wouldn't want to keep asking her hubby for money. its embarassing for both him and her. best to work out a figure together that will cover the bills and a little bit more for personal stuff.

I had a farm girl. We moved to Pattaya because of my business. She wanted some spending money. I told her to get a job. She did. She was making 30,000 baht a week when she left me.

That would make it 3-4 per day. Wonder what the ratio between tourists/workers is?

Good dancers get tipped a lot of money and people buy them drinks for which they earn commission also dancers get paid a higher wage then waitresses and some dancers make more than others depending on skill and other things. So there are a variety of income streams that figure into the calculation of weekly earnings. Semper we really should go out some time, for your education only of course.

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I think it maybe it's because Thai Culture is different then the Western Culture.

If you marry here, then you marry also her Family, and the allowance could be used for sending money to the family.

But I could be wrong.

That's B.S. If you have to give your Thai wife an allowance, then it's clear that it's just a business arrangement. It's nothing to do with "Thai" or "Western" culture.

It's quite simple. Regardless of which country you are in, if a girl is asking you for money all the time, then she's most probably a low class hooker or money grubber.

Every girlfriend I had previously in the U.S had a good job, came from a good family, and could support themselves. There was never any question of money passing hands.

Same thing for me here in Thailand.

Those of you who are shelling out cash to your woman are clearly feeding at the bottom of the ocean (or you are so ugly that it's the only way you can to get a woman).

Nothing wrong with those who have to pay. It's just that you don't have to buy the cow to drink the milk.

That's a fairly narrow opinion, there being millions of women in Thailand, many of whom are extremely poor.

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Would you mind refraining from constantly posting about your experiences with prostitutes?

Why? Just because it makes you uncomfortable?

They're mostly just normal people making an honest living like anyone else.

And not too many TVers here are willing to stick their neck out reminding the close-minded mainstream that not all are evil scammers.

If you take the proper precautions you can meet some very fine human beings that way, certainly more moral than many working in the more respected financial/legal professions.

Those of use that prefer not to fish in those waters can state so, but don't have to get on your high horse as if that's a morally superior POV, for some it's just a practical preference.

The issues with the sex industry should be quite obvious. Not only are there the obvious health problems (such as increased AIDS among sex workers and their customers) but it is also a business from which criminal gangs earn considerable income, which in turn is then used for even more unsavoury activities, as well as the connection with human trafficking and exploitation of minors.

Moreover, Thailand's visible sex industry is a blot on its reputation and is something everyone with an interest in Thailand (including TV members) should be working towards reducing the scale of (or at the very least not talking about it in a way that suggests it is something good). There are other websites that are geared towards discussion of prostitution in Thailand. ThaiVisa is well above those sites and (other than the occasional joke) we shouldn't talk about it here, or at least when we do, we should talk about it as the problem that it is.

Edited by brit1984
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Would you mind refraining from constantly posting about your experiences with prostitutes?

Why? Just because it makes you uncomfortable?

They're mostly just normal people making an honest living like anyone else.

And not too many TVers here are willing to stick their neck out reminding the close-minded mainstream that not all are evil scammers.

If you take the proper precautions you can meet some very fine human beings that way, certainly more moral than many working in the more respected financial/legal professions.

Those of use that prefer not to fish in those waters can state so, but don't have to get on your high horse as if that's a morally superior POV, for some it's just a practical preference.

The issues with the sex industry should be quite obvious. Not only are there the obvious health problems (such as increased AIDS among sex workers and their customers) but it is also a business from which criminal gangs earn considerable income, which in turn is then used for even more unsavoury activities, as well as the connection with human trafficking and exploitation of minors.

Moreover, Thailand's visible sex industry is a blot on its reputation and is something everyone with an interest in Thailand (including TV members) should be working towards reducing the scale of (or at the very least not talking about it in a way that suggests it is something good). There are other websites that are geared towards discussion of prostitution in Thailand. ThaiVisa is well above those sites and (other than the occasional joke) we shouldn't talk about it here, or at least when we do, we should talk about it as the problem that it is.


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guys pay it because there bargirls say they will leave the bar if they do.

they then pocket the wage and the bar money, and the money from the 6 other farang men they have on the side.

extra will be needed when dad gets cancer and grandma needs a transplant, sick buffalo's and farming equipment also must be factored in.

they will continue to spend all there waking hours at the bar, but only visiting old friends, and they were the only girl there who did waitressing for money and not sex any way.

they may get pregnant whilst your away, get a strange illness that requires weekly injections at a cost of 10000 bht a month at the doctors, meanwhile the belly at 30weeks pregnancy is dead flat yet no one finds this strange,

suddenly they are locked up for a terrible crime they did not commit, need 100000 bht bail, can strangely enough use there mobile to call you for the money at all hours, lose the baby thats never mentioned again after taking 100000 bht for the funeral you cant attend.

then buy a house in there name with your money, 6million bht, leave you 6 days later, keep it all, and all this to a girl my friend never even had sex with, ha ha ha, hhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, hhaaa haha.

no wonder they laugh at westerners.

Love to meet the little lady (?) who did the number on you.................whistling.gif

She should be wearing an "Extreme Caution" sign around her neck. Same colour as her number..........wink.png

Edited by chrisinth
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You do what works for you and I do what works for me. Years ago I asked my wife how much she needed for ALL the household expenses per month. By all, I mean all the utilities, food, her clothes and my clothes, my cigarettes, Internet, etc. She came up with 25,000 baht per month. I give her 30,000 per month and what extra she has left over, if any, goes in her bank account.

She always hated asking me for money and I hated paying the bills. This works well for us, Her household budget DOESN'T cover my bar tabs.

I wouldnt class this as giving your wife a wage ,its just that she instead of you looks after houshold affairs ,its when the girl gets a set amount each month for herself and you still pay all the bills i was really refering to.

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Nothing kils a marraige faster than having your non working wife ask or beg for money every time she needs it, You either trust her or get rid of her. If you trust her have a joint account where she can freely spend what she needs or give her a monthly allowance to cover all household and personal expensies. Let her have the responsiblity and she will love you for it. Save the asking for big purchases etc.

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