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British Tourist Stabbed By Illegal Tourist Bus Worker


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First thought... Not again <deleted> !!

I feel very sorry for the victim, and wish him a speedy recovery.

If the reported story is anywhere near to the thruth, its not like he did anything, that most people would not have done.

He found his wallet with all his money gone, and asks the only one who could have taken it, where his money is.

And for that he gets stabbed.

But asking myself, is it really worse here than anywhere else ?

I think this is not just a Thai issue.

Ok, we live here and read stories like this about crimes like these in Thailand.

But realize similar crimes are happening all over the world, just not up in our faces like the ones reported in local Thai media.

I think violence is much worse all over the world (as I see it) compared to when I grew up.

Now its seems to be very common to be beaten up severely, stabbed, poisoned or shot and then left for dead.

I miss the good old days, where if an argument, you would settle the dispute out back.

A few blows later, one would then realize he had lost.

And that would be it.

You would even shake hands and have a pint afterwards.

Even muggings used to be almost a pleasant experinece compared to today.

It used to be, hand over your valuables or else and maybe the mugger would flash a knife or something.

Now its stab to kill, then check if any valuables..

Especially in Thailand, this newer, much more voilent approach seems rather silly.

Silly, as in prison sentences are an actual punishment around these parts.

That should deter criminal activity, rather than promote it.. Well at least that is how I see it.

Not at all like a paid vacation, as seen in some European countries.

Anyway, that was my 2 cents on the world today.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories

That's fine . . . but do you realize just how many tourists are actually injured or killed in the LoS every year (it's a lot)? And how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)? You'll be surprised if you Google the results.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories

That's fine . . . but do you realize just how many tourists are actually injured or killed in the LoS every year (it's a lot)? And how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)? You'll be surprised if you Google the results.

Care to show us your findings? No tourists (or "not a lot") killed or injured anywhere else in the world? I don't think so...

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So the bus is illegal, not the worker?

Buses need a special licence to transport tourists????

I'm not sure how "he called the bus driver to return," after it departed. Then "The bus came back to the petrol station ..."

Had he and the bus driver exchanged phone numbers before? I admit I'm not all that experienced at travelling by bus, but that seems a bit odd. And the fact that the bus driver was so willing to turn around and return at the beck & call of an English speaking "tourist" seems odder still.

That's fine . . . but do you realize just how many tourists are actually injured or killed in the LoS every year (it's a lot)? And how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)? You'll be surprised if you Google the results.

"...how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)?"

"not a lot" or "a lot" is subjective and open to question, but in which tourist destinations have "none" been killed or injured? Manufacuring of "facts" is a major undertaking here at ThaiVisa.

Edited by Suradit69
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"The police are searching for the bus" - cheesy.gif

Ehhhhhhh right you are then........ Why not check the CCTV at the gas station for the number plate or the name of the bus company...Shhhhhhhhhhhhh the case will be cracked in no time at all then.....

But sad to see this "ANOTHER" stabbing here in LOS, hope the British guy will be ok. But you do know it was his fault!! whistling.gifwhistling.gif

It was his fault!!! What the f*** - so that makes it acceptable to expect to be stabbed if someone is not keen on what you are saying. Methinks the stabber would not have attacked the stabee if he was completely innocent IMHO.

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thankfully nobody was killed this time, however Im sad to say that Brits in general are reputable as well for carrying attitude problems from time to time... A possibly iced up Thai working illegally and an angry possibly very loud and aggressive Brit threatening with police or reciprocal violence is just asking for trouble.

Tut tut!!!

Seems to me that you are saying that this tourist deserved what he got.

I suppose if your wallet had been ransacked, you would have just smiled and shook the crook's hand?

I mean, how dare this tourist become agitated at such a trivial thing. It must obviously be because he is British and has attitude.

Som nam na... Eh?? And I suppose also you are vindicating this act as 'not having attitude'. I think stabbing a passenger is probably at the brink of maximum attitude if you ask me.... maybe the illegal bus worker has attitude because he is maybe British too?

To be honest... I think when we read the latest news offerings from Thailand, one could possibly assume that ALL Thais are murderous cut-throats out to steal with maiming and death being the answer when you dare resist. that is of course, if we all observe like you and tar everyone with the same brush...

Sir.... You have the brains of a biscuit tin.

Edited by klubex99
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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

Welcome to the LOS, Land of Stabbings!

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I am not sure that stabbing a tourist is legal whether TOT has licenced the bus staff to do so or not.

I wonder whether this stabbing will get the prominence that the Puckhet one did or do you have to be an important Tourist agency person to get this.

Well this is two Brits that we know of this week stabbed in Thailand. If the British Government and media bring pressure on the T.A.T as the Australian Gov and media did then the BIB will act fast. Three tourists stabbed in a week umm.

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This is why I only take buses from the bus terminals not from tour operators. Buses from the terminals are regulated where as the tour operators do it with cheap buses and labor and all untrained and behind the regulators backs. This kind of stuff has been going on for years by tour operators. TAT and the tourist police should regulate this just as it does tour guides.

Be warned,


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Why do people keep mentioning how stupid it was of him to leave his wallet, etc on the bus? Yes, it was stupid but these things happen.

People don't deliberately leave stuff behind. Yes, some people are more stupid than others, but no one does it on purpose.

If someone stole from my wallet, I'd be pretty annoyed. I wouldn't become loud or obnoxious, but I'd inform the staff that I'll be calling the police. That's all you can do really.

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Just watched "Crime Watch" in BBC.

I dont think THAILAND is the worse one.

The way foreigners deal with situation like this in Thailand should be learnt.


Look....The driver returning the wallet after nicking some money out of it.... common ... Who is the most stupid robber??

I'm not saying that the driver has done nothing wrong but there is something unclear in what the British

says as if he was the one that make it happens. (Sorry to say that but I hope we all understand here that we discuss here to LEARN.)

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Why do people keep mentioning how stupid it was of him to leave his wallet, etc on the bus? Yes, it was stupid but these things happen.

People don't deliberately leave stuff behind. Yes, some people are more stupid than others, but no one does it on purpose.

If someone stole from my wallet, I'd be pretty annoyed. I wouldn't become loud or obnoxious, but I'd inform the staff that I'll be calling the police. That's all you can do really.

Being loud and obnoxious doesn't really justify being stabbed, just a tad over the top me thinks. A slight attitude adjustment with the back of the hand maybe, but a blade inserted into the torso?

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories

That's fine . . . but do you realize just how many tourists are actually injured or killed in the LoS every year (it's a lot)? And how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)? You'll be surprised if you Google the results.

That is correct, as far as tourist victims go and the severity of being a victim here.... Thailand probably wins hands down by a massive margin to second place for danger to tourists.

At the very least, you will be fleeced by many on your visit, simply for being a westerner. (farang price). At the worst... you will be stabbed or killed.

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I want to know how this tourist had the bus drivers phone number? Seems very strange almost unreal unless the tour operator's number was on the ticket receipt and he called them and not the bus driver then the T.O. called the bus which was probably the case. Another bad news reporting job for sure.

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I want to know how this tourist had the bus drivers phone number? Seems very strange almost unreal unless the tour operator's number was on the ticket receipt and he called them and not the bus driver then the T.O. called the bus which was probably the case. Another bad news reporting job for sure.

Umm maybe he had the number from the time he booked the bus.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories

That's fine . . . but do you realize just how many tourists are actually injured or killed in the LoS every year (it's a lot)? And how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)? You'll be surprised if you Google the results.

That is correct, as far as tourist victims go and the severity of being a victim here.... Thailand probably wins hands down by a massive margin to second place for danger to tourists.

At the very least, you will be fleeced by many on your visit, simply for being a westerner. (farang price). At the worst... you will be stabbed or killed.


... based on the performance of the celebrated Royal Thai Police, Royal Thai Ministry of Justice, Royal Thai [fill in the blank] and the increasing incidence of Thai violence against foreigners, foreigners must appear to Thais as being pretty defenceless ... easy, low risk targets.

... seems it is now 'open season' by Thais on foreigners.

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