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British Tourist Stabbed By Illegal Tourist Bus Worker


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Come on folks. If you're dumb enough to leave your wallet on a bus in New York City, you'de never see it again. Something missing from this tale. Oh...and rule number one for you Farangs who think you're a bit tough...do not under any circumstance get into an altercation with a local. You WILL lose. Bank on it.

Yes, this story does sound a bit odd. Left wallet on a bus. Had the driver's number? He turned around and came back? After the other guy stole the money? Right, yes, of course. They drove back to give an empty wallet, which they replaced on the seat. Yes, of course .... happens every day. Just need to figure out what planet it happens on. Not this one.

Also, spot on ... When I first came to Thailand in 1980, a rather large and fit Swiss gentleman got into it with a "tiny" Thai. Hand to hand. No weapons. One ended up in a body bag. The other, hardly a scratch.

Lesson learned. A hand grenade seems small ... until you pull the pin and drop it.

Actually No

That is the culture. If you leave your bag or stuff somewhere. Its quite OK for it to be returned to you minus some money. Normal. Wright or wrong its how it is.

I was on one of the islands and a girl had left her bag on a mini bus somewhere. She went back to surathani and got her bag, passport, credit card back - minus about 10,000 baht she had there. She was outraged by it of course. To the Thais they have done something honorably by returning it and couldnt understand why she was upset.

OK i admit the mini bus companies around surat thani are complete low life scum.. but anyway

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I lived in Thailand for over 4 years and still return regularly and apart from the odd misunderstanding nobody has put a knife in me, cheated me for a big amount or stolen anything from me.


Ha ha! Wise guy! ... This may sound funny but I really do not expect any of those things to happen in the future and my street smarts to lead me into the right direction.

Eh, ermm.gif
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hum let's try to see that an other way maybe ? the dude was sitting in the bus , forgot his wallet. All passengers went out , and one saw the wallet. He took the money and left the rest on the seat. Driver went away , received a phone call and drove back. Dude found his wallet empty and started to goes crazy.

Now the driver probably doesnt understand nothing , doesnt speak english. Let's presume that the dude is very pissed off and retarded and start to grab the thai ( 20 kilo diff ) to destroy his face. The thai reacts with what he can to defend himself.

Seriously if the bus driver stole the money you think he gonna come back with it empty and then stab the dude in front of xxx witnesses ? ....

we dont have all the details of the story , i just think its too easy to blame thai people everytime something like that happens.

Ok sometimes they do super retarded things , we saw some recently yeah but most of time in my opinion they are nice and respectful.

I live in phuket and to be honest im getting sick and tired of those irrespectful and uneducated farangs , who come here and act like total asses , dont respect the people from the country and in addition are racist , Since 2 years its just a shame , i had the feeling last winter of living on " retarded farangs island " i saw some thais being treated in a way i think probably nobody from europe could handle like they do. to be honest i really think some farangs deserve sometimes a good lesson , ( im not talking about stabbing or anything like that ) and offcourse what im talking about have nothing to do with some other incidents like the australian girl recently....

Just wanted to say that after all the messages i saw here , talking about land of smile is dead etc , i think if thailand lose his smile in the future it will be mostly because of the farangs. I really dont get it why people act this way , maybe they come here , feel like kings , ladies and money , we are abroad nodoby sees anything so lets just act like ass. I mean a place like phuket , the farangs come here , they offcourse have a lot more money than the average thai worker , even they are " poor " in their country. They get the most beautiful ladies and get drunk all day. Now in addition of that if they dont respect thai people and thai culture ??... how you can expect thai people to keep their smiles ?

sorry if i was out of subject for most of my post but i wanted to say that smile.png ( and offcourse i know not all farangs are retarded racist bastards but you have to admit you can find a lot of them / square meter , especially in places like phuket or pataya

Edited by SlyouThai
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hum let's try to see that an other way maybe ? the dude was sitting in the bus , forgot his wallet. All passengers went out , and one saw the wallet. He took the money and left the rest on the seat. Driver went away , received a phone call and drove back. Dude found his wallet empty and started to goes crazy.

Now the driver probably doesnt understand nothing , doesnt speak english. Let's presume that the dude is very pissed off and retarded and start to grab the thai ( 20 kilo diff ) to destroy his face. The thai reacts with what he can to defend himself.

Seriously if the bus driver stole the money you think he gonna come back with it empty and then stab the dude in front of xxx witnesses ? ....

we dont have all the details of the story , i just think its too easy to blame thai people everytime something like that happens.

Ok sometimes they do super retarded things , we saw some recently yeah but most of time in my opinion they are nice and respectful.

I live in phuket and to be honest im getting sick and tired of those irrespectful and uneducated farangs , who come here and act like total asses , dont respect the people from the country and in addition are racist , Since 2 years its just a shame , i had the feeling last winter of living on " retarded farangs island " i saw some thais being treated in a way i think probably nobody from europe could handle like they do. to be honest i really think some farangs deserve sometimes a good lesson , ( im not talking about stabbing or anything like that ) and offcourse what im talking about have nothing to do with some other incidents like the australian girl recently....

Just wanted to say that after all the messages i saw here , talking about land of smile is dead etc , i think if thailand lose his smile in the future it will be mostly because of the farangs. I really dont get it why people act this way , maybe be they come here , feel like kings , ladies and money , we are abroad nodoby sees anything so lets just act like ass. I mean a place like phuket , the farangs come here , they offcourse have a lot more money than the average thai worker , even they are " poor " in their country. They get the most beautiful ladies and get drunk all day. Now in addition of that if they dont respect thai people and thai culture ??... how you can expect thai people to keep their smiles ?

sorry if i was out of subject for most of my post but i wanted to say that smile.png ( and offcourse i know not all farangs are retarded raciste bastards but you have to admit you can find a lot of them / square meter , especially in places like phuket or pataya


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hum let's try to see that an other way maybe ? the dude was sitting in the bus , forgot his wallet. All passengers went out , and one saw the wallet. He took the money and left the rest on the seat. Driver went away , received a phone call and drove back. Dude found his wallet empty and started to goes crazy.

Now the driver probably doesnt understand nothing , doesnt speak english. Let's presume that the dude is very pissed off and retarded and start to grab the thai ( 20 kilo diff ) to destroy his face. The thai reacts with what he can to defend himself.

Seriously if the bus driver stole the money you think he gonna come back with it empty and then stab the dude in front of xxx witnesses ? ....

we dont have all the details of the story , i just think its too easy to blame thai people everytime something like that happens.

Ok sometimes they do super retarded things , we saw some recently yeah but most of time in my opinion they are nice and respectful.

I live in phuket and to be honest im getting sick and tired of those irrespectful and uneducated farangs , who come here and act like total asses , dont respect the people from the country and in addition are racist , Since 2 years its just a shame , i had the feeling last winter of living on " retarded farangs island " i saw some thais being treated in a way i think probably nobody from europe could handle like they do. to be honest i really think some farangs deserve sometimes a good lesson , ( im not talking about stabbing or anything like that ) and offcourse what im talking about have nothing to do with some other incidents like the australian girl recently....

Just wanted to say that after all the messages i saw here , talking about land of smile is dead etc , i think if thailand lose his smile in the future it will be mostly because of the farangs so its really to easy to always blame thai people. I really dont get it why people act this way , maybe be they come here , feel like kings , ladies and money , we are abroad nodoby sees anything so lets just act like ass. I mean a place like phuket , the farangs come here , they offcourse have a lot more money than the average thai worker , even they are " poor " in their country. They get the most beautiful ladies and get drunk all day. Now in addition of that if they dont respect thai people and thai culture ??... how you can expect thai people to keep their smiles ?

sorry if i was out of subject for most of my post but i wanted to say that smile.png ( and offcourse i know not all farangs are retarded raciste bastards but you have to admit you can find a lot of them / square meter , especially in places like phuket or pataya

Even if it was someone else as you said stabbing is not an acceptable course of action.

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Even if it was someone else as you said stabbing is not an acceptable course of action.

you are right , but i mean what they can do if the guy is 30 cm taller than them and looks like he wants to break his skull in 2 ?

again im talking general , in this case we dont know the details , i just wanted to say that i think we gonna see more farangs/thai conflicts in the future on the news , but in my opinion in some cases the attitude of the farangs could have lead to it.

( sorry for my english its not my mother language )

Edited by SlyouThai
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They get the most beautiful ladies and get drunk all day.

how can you make this an accusation?

its part of the "tourism in thailand" package...

if the government wanted to do anything against prostitution and/or alcohol consumption, it would be really easy... (tax on alcohol, police raids)...

they havent - not in decades...

if this is the place where sex and alcohol is cheap, then this audience will come here...

increase the alcohol tax 10 times, and limit the prostitution...

what you think, how much of the tourism will be left?

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hum let's try to see that an other way maybe ? the dude was sitting in the bus , forgot his wallet. All passengers went out , and one saw the wallet. He took the money and left the rest on the seat. Driver went away , received a phone call and drove back. Dude found his wallet empty and started to goes crazy.

Now the driver probably doesnt understand nothing , doesnt speak english. Let's presume that the dude is very pissed off and retarded and start to grab the thai ( 20 kilo diff ) to destroy his face. The thai reacts with what he can to defend himself.

Seriously if the bus driver stole the money you think he gonna come back with it empty and then stab the dude in front of xxx witnesses ? ....

we dont have all the details of the story , i just think its too easy to blame thai people everytime something like that happens.

Ok sometimes they do super retarded things , we saw some recently yeah but most of time in my opinion they are nice and respectful.

I live in phuket and to be honest im getting sick and tired of those irrespectful and uneducated farangs , who come here and act like total asses , dont respect the people from the country and in addition are racist , Since 2 years its just a shame , i had the feeling last winter of living on " retarded farangs island " i saw some thais being treated in a way i think probably nobody from europe could handle like they do. to be honest i really think some farangs deserve sometimes a good lesson , ( im not talking about stabbing or anything like that ) and offcourse what im talking about have nothing to do with some other incidents like the australian girl recently....

Just wanted to say that after all the messages i saw here , talking about land of smile is dead etc , i think if thailand lose his smile in the future it will be mostly because of the farangs. I really dont get it why people act this way , maybe they come here , feel like kings , ladies and money , we are abroad nodoby sees anything so lets just act like ass. I mean a place like phuket , the farangs come here , they offcourse have a lot more money than the average thai worker , even they are " poor " in their country. They get the most beautiful ladies and get drunk all day. Now in addition of that if they dont respect thai people and thai culture ??... how you can expect thai people to keep their smiles ?

sorry if i was out of subject for most of my post but i wanted to say that smile.png ( and offcourse i know not all farangs are retarded racist bastards but you have to admit you can find a lot of them / square meter , especially in places like phuket or pataya

I suggest you read the news report on page 6

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I really don't know why I torment myself by reading all comments on topics like this.

But before I start my little rant, let me just make clear that I think this is a sad, terrible event,

and I wish the guy all the best and a quick recovery. I am very fortunate to never having ended

up in a situation like this, indeed.

Having said that, I just need to express my honest disgust for all the sarcastic besserwissers

who quickly runs up to the I-am-a-westerner-and-I-know-it-better-than-these-stupid-thais moral

high ground that's so tempingly laying there waiting right in front of us all. It's really easy to whine

about how bad Thailand is, isn't it ? And, most of all, it makes us all feel a bit GOOD, doesn't it?

It's like stating that pedophiles should be executed in a news commentary field, you sound like

you're a real good guy.

Sadly, I reckon life is a bit more complicated than that. And avoiding generalising judgements

is - in my general judgement - always a rather bad idea..

To all the Poirot's and Mystery-solvers:


Possibly the guy didn't 'call' as in calling on a telephone, but 'called' as in waiving and shouting

- so he didn't need to have any telephone number. I think you are reading too much between the lines.

2) It is also very possible that the driver didn't know neither why he was calling the bus back nor that

the wallet was missing - and empted by the bus boy. So, of course he turns back, as any decent

driver would when a passenger is seen waiving in the rear mirror.

I mean, if the bus boy found the wallet and snatched some bills from it I seriously doubt that he

would run up to the driver and say "look! I found a wallet, and I snatched some money out of it"

So, all these conspiracy theories presented here just appears - to me, and I admit it's just my personal

opinion - to be far over-complicated. But hell, it's fun to play internet detective! Especially when

placed firmly on a moral high ground. Maybe you could try having sex, or a good meal instead ? smile.png


As a matter of fact, the amount of violence in our society - Thai, British or any - has actually decreased

during the last century. Medeival society was far more violent, I can guarantee that, and so was Thailand

200 years ago... Seen in a short-term perspective ( comparing with the 1950/60's ) it might have increased.

This is not strange as a large part of the world was exhausted from World War II violence and these

decades were extremely optimistic, possibly the zenith of this civilisation.

And finally, let me remind you about the Bangkok taxi driver who returned a huge fortune ( was it gold or money ? ) left his car to its rightful and sorry owner some half year ago. Honest and beautiful! How many of you were posting "well, this is Thailand, just what you can expect in this country' then ?

Just my five cents. I feel better now. End of rant.

Cheers smile.png

Read the report on page 6, more up to date, the bus had to return anyway for its next journey, the bus left to clean the toilet before returning and that is when he boarded and noticed his bag had been rummaged, this is not the driver we are talking about either, it is the drivers mate.

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Phi-Phi...2 girls dead. Phuket...1 lady dead, another injured. Samut Sakhon...1 stabbed.

Here we go again! Mind you the lad was stupid for forgetting his wallet & passport on the bus.

Hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Don't forget about the Brit stabbed the day after the Aussie woman in Rawai, then the Aussie guy that was beaten to a pulp in Nai harn.

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So Westerners are wrong? Thailand is a great paradise and all third world countries have that label because of how ______ they are? Please fill in the blank. You are a cute Freudian phenomenon. Yes, I'm sure you can ascertain all 'farang' sentiments so as to collate your version of reality. I'm impressed. Also, I love your logic that basically assumes (as Japan did, during the first world war) that because of the level of death in WWI, that westerners are biologically belligerent and somehow, therefore, deserve the level of death they experienced. Oh, and exceptions clearly prove the rule in your mindset. Wow. Can't wait for your next "rant". Since my family is Thai, and they are shocked by the recent events, I'm sure you can tell them how wonderful their country is.

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They get the most beautiful ladies and get drunk all day.

how can you make this an accusation?

its part of the "tourism in thailand" package...

if the government wanted to do anything against prostitution and/or alcohol consumption, it would be really easy... (tax on alcohol, police raids)...

they havent - not in decades...

if this is the place where sex and alcohol is cheap, then this audience will come here...

increase the alcohol tax 10 times, and limit the prostitution...

what you think, how much of the tourism will be left?

Comon you understand what i meant , im not talking only about sex workers , its not a secret that many thai ladies are attracted by farangs , maybe by look , maybe for money whatever. Just try to imagine a massive tourist wave in your country , being all 10 times richer than you and getting beautiful ladies without even working for it. Now iif on top of that they dont respect you , what you gonna do ?

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I suggest you read the news report on page 6

ok sorry , like i said didnt get the details , anyway my post was talking more about general attitude , not in this case in particular , maybe the english dude was a sweet angel i dont know.

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Yet another reason why you shouldn't lose your top in this country. Can't blame the person with the knife -- that's how animals behave. On the other hand, the tourist should NOT have expected his wallet to still be there or in this case -- he shouldn't have expected any money to be left in it after upon his return. Anyone could have taken it... even if they were the last on the bus. The moment he realised he was missing his wallet, he should have considered it gone, and he should have considered himself EXTREMELY LUCKY to be able to get it back.

He shouldn't have EVER considered getting his money back -- look at where that's gotten him.

This happened to me at the Apple repair Centre at Siam Discovery -- I lost my wallet, not because it fell out of my pocket, but because I'd been stupid enough to have it in my lap while fumbling with my computer (was getting it fixed) -- it fell right onto the floor without me noticing. I was at the National Stadium BTS when I realised it -- and hurried back to the shop. I didn't expect to find it, but there it was -- on the floor under the seat, right where I had been sitting. Nothing was missing. I couldn't believe my luck!!

If it hadn't been there, I only had myself to blame.

In another story, I had lost my wallet while cycling around a hillside resort in Chiang Mai. I was with a student and we came across a house and someone's nasty hound, unchained, and it bolted toward us. We retreated at full speed, but it must have been there where I had lost my wallet. We traced our route, found nothing. I let it go. Sure, I had lost 4,000 baht, but I wasn't about to go knocking on whoever's door, demanding they return my wallet! Again, anything could have happened to it.

Certainly not worth getting stabbed for it.

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Phi-Phi...2 girls dead. Phuket...1 lady dead, another injured. Samut Sakhon...1 stabbed.

Here we go again! Mind you the lad was stupid for forgetting his wallet & passport on the bus.

Hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Don't forget about the Brit stabbed the day after the Aussie woman in Rawai, then the Aussie guy that was beaten to a pulp in Nai harn.

Didn't forget...just kept it very brief....thanks.

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Read the report on page 6, more up to date, the bus had to return anyway for its next journey, the bus left to clean the toilet before returning and that is when he boarded and noticed his bag had been rummaged, this is not the driver we are talking about either, it is the drivers mate.

I just did. Sorry, but it was posted while I was typing. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

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They get the most beautiful ladies and get drunk all day.

how can you make this an accusation?

its part of the "tourism in thailand" package...

if the government wanted to do anything against prostitution and/or alcohol consumption, it would be really easy... (tax on alcohol, police raids)...

they havent - not in decades...

if this is the place where sex and alcohol is cheap, then this audience will come here...

increase the alcohol tax 10 times, and limit the prostitution...

what you think, how much of the tourism will be left?

Comon you understand what i meant , im not talking only about sex workers , its not a secret that many thai ladies are attracted by farangs , maybe by look , maybe for money whatever. Just try to imagine a massive tourist wave in your country , being all 10 times richer than you and getting beautiful ladies without even working for it. Now iif on top of that they dont respect you , what you gonna do ?

and in addition the "10 times richer" farang women are zero interested in the thai guys...

this has always been a very humiliating factor - imo...

i believe, the government has done wrong - basically nothing - to develop the country...

thailand is 100 % dependent on the "beautiful ladies"-business...

farangs coming here because of them - and staying, spending their money...

thats the earnings of the thai "economy"...

...and many can only watch it, without participating in the "economical success"...

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That is correct, as far as tourist victims go and the severity of being a victim here.... Thailand probably wins hands down by a massive margin to second place for danger to tourists.

At the very least, you will be fleeced by many on your visit, simply for being a westerner. (farang price). At the worst... you will be stabbed or killed.

farang price? if they want to raise the price from 50p to a £1 i'm not going to feel "fleased". it's called bartering and their coulture like many others is built on it... and to say the worst is getting stabbed or killed? well that could be said for anywhere.

i know it is second to none for tousist deaths but it is also second to none for idiot tourists who make the mistake of thinking the entire country works for them. most deaths are down to drunken farang making choices that they wouldn't make in their own country (driving a moped in just a pair of flip flops and shorts, walking down an alley late at night, taking strangers home with you when you know nothing about them, leaving mates on a night out, arguing with a local, resisting when being robbed, the list goes on) all of which is risky anywhere.

i'm not saying that you don't need to be careful in thailand i'm just saying that it has alot more to offer than just danger as long as you respect the fact that you are resposible for your own safety.

for a "thai forum" there sure are alot of people on here who hate the place

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thailand starts to be as my home country (one of the reason why we left), where a certain population (mainly immigrants or illegals) carry a knife all the time... illegal but when they are carrying for their job (robbers, thiefs, ....) they are not afraid or ashamed of stabbing someone to death for 100 baht, cigaretes, the way you looked at them, protecting your GF/wife/daughter from their insults

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i believe, the government has done wrong - basically nothing - to develop the country...

thailand is 100 % dependent on the "beautiful ladies"-business...

farangs coming here because of them - and staying, spending their money...

thats the earnings of the thai "economy"...

...and many can only watch it, without participating in the "economical success"...

yeah i get your point but what this have to do with my original post ? forget the ladies part if you want its still the same thing.

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yeah i get your point but what this have to do with my original post ? forget the ladies part if you want its still the same thing.

you accused the tourists to come here and take advantage of alcohol and sex...

and i said, this is part of the tourism policy (offering cheap sex and alcohol), as the thai government has never done anything against it...

so, when you offer these things, then dont complain when people come for this reason...

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So Westerners are wrong? Thailand is a great paradise and all third world countries have that label because of how ______ they are? Please fill in the blank. You are a cute Freudian phenomenon. Yes, I'm sure you can ascertain all 'farang' sentiments so as to collate your version of reality. I'm impressed. Also, I love your logic that basically assumes (as Japan did, during the first world war) that because of the level of death in WWI, that westerners are biologically belligerent and somehow, therefore, deserve the level of death they experienced. Oh, and exceptions clearly prove the rule in your mindset. Wow. Can't wait for your next "rant". Since my family is Thai, and they are shocked by the recent events, I'm sure you can tell them how wonderful their country is.

A. My family is Thai too. So are my kids. I was making the point to not judge a whole country from one event. Why do you think I am not shocked and disgusted by this ? Of course I am, and my wife, too wink.png

B. Where in heavens name did I talk about 'westerners deserving a certain level of death'???

Seriously ??

I said - which is correct - that the last century has been the least violent in known history, and that the 50's and 60's were the least violent decades of all. These are proven facts. This was possibly ( that is - not proven, but assumed ) because people were rebuilding all over the planet, due to WWII, and thus not so focused on fighting. Do you even understand English ?? Or are you drunk ?? Or both ??

C. Thailand is - in my opinion - no more of a paradise that any other country. Why should it be ? In case you missed it, I was commenting on the tendency by some TV posters to fall out in general complaints about the country as a whole in reaction to a crime event, in terms of various 'TiT' sarcasms. If you don't get that so don't bother. You probably never will.

Cheers smile.png

Edited by JohanV
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So Westerners are wrong? Thailand is a great paradise and all third world countries have that label because of how ______ they are? Please fill in the blank. You are a cute Freudian phenomenon. Yes, I'm sure you can ascertain all 'farang' sentiments so as to collate your version of reality. I'm impressed. Also, I love your logic that basically assumes (as Japan did, during the first world war) that because of the level of death in WWI, that westerners are biologically belligerent and somehow, therefore, deserve the level of death they experienced. Oh, and exceptions clearly prove the rule in your mindset. Wow. Can't wait for your next "rant". Since my family is Thai, and they are shocked by the recent events, I'm sure you can tell them how wonderful their country is.

A. My family is Thai too. So are my kids. I was making the point to not judge a whole country from one event. Why do you think I am not shocked and disgusted by this ? Of course I am, and my wife, too wink.png

B. Where in heavens name did I talk about 'westerners deserving a certain level of death'???

Seriously ??

I said - which is correct - that the last century has been the least violent in known history, and that the 50's and 60's were the least violent decades of all. These are proven facts. This was possibly ( that is - not proven, but assumed ) because people were rebuilding all over the planet, due to WWII, and thus not so focused on fighting. Do you even understand English ?? Or are you drunk ?? Or both ??

C. Thailand is - in my opinion - no more of a paradise that any other country. Why should it be ? In case you missed it, I was commenting on the tendency by some TV posters to fall out in general complaints about the country as a whole in reaction to a crime event, in terms of various 'TiT' sarcasms. If you don't get that so don't bother. You probably never will.

Cheers smile.png

Good response.
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Unfortunately,Westerners are fooled by the "Thai Smile" and don't realize there is a big anger-management problem behind the passive non emotional Thai look. There should be warning labels plastered around for the "ting tong" tourist: WARNING: Thai smile may become explosive. Do not show anger.

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Dude should have checked his valuables and policed his surroundings before alighting. Just saying...

Come on. don't you ever forget ??????

No, I don't.

As I get older I am getting more forgetful and a little bit grumpy. I suppose I'm due for a stabbing any day now. sad.png

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The way foreigners deal with situation like this in Thailand should be learnt.


Look....The driver returning the wallet after nicking some money out of it.... common ... Who is the most stupid robber??

I'm not saying that the driver has done nothing wrong but there is something unclear in what the British

says as if he was the one that make it happens. (Sorry to say that but I hope we all understand here that we discuss here to LEARN.)

GoodThaiGirl it's interesting to hear your input but understand that teaching foreigners not to shout is no more practical than teaching Thais to accept foreigners shouting. It's a cultural difference and when we're talking about tourists, there's no fixing this. Tourists aren't interested in even a brief course in how to handle confrontations in Thailand when they've spent good money to come here.

That said, I am genuinely interested in hearing what you suggest we SHOULD do in such a situation rather than telling us what NOT to do.

If you speak calmly, as you said, and you need to resolve this by getting the police or a manager involved (since HE"S not gonna give you your valuables back!), you'll convince me that the moon is made of cheese before you'll convince me that any Thai staff or bus driver or whatever will give their actual name to the person confronting them, however calmly. In fact, I'll bet you a dollar that the Thai bus driver refusing to tell his name was what sent Whitey over the edge and escalated the situation.

So please argue with me, tell me what we SHOULD do - even if we try to deal with it calmly, we are powerless because people like this Thai weasel have zero integrity and no accountability, which is what causes many of us to lose our tempers when we've been wronged.

Tell us the best way to deal with a situation like this in a way that gives us the best chances of recovering belongings and/or ripped off money.

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