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British Tourist Stabbed By Illegal Tourist Bus Worker


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I am not sure that stabbing a tourist is legal whether TOT has licenced the bus staff to do so or not.

I wonder whether this stabbing will get the prominence that the Puckhet one did or do you have to be an important Tourist agency person to get this.

I think your comments are quite out of order, oh and its TAT as ToT is for phones. She wasn't 'an important tourist agency person' just a person and she is dead he isn't. But it does highlight the fact that illegal operations abound in the travel industry here. Reputable companies always check their supplier's credentials but then there aren't that many of us here in the 'reputable' category

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Thank goodness I live in Pattaya.

Pattaya is coming up smelling like roses lately, what on Gos's earth is going on down there.

Yes, exactly who does control what's released in the media down there?!

I can't help but be amused that every crime thread on TV has at least one Pattaya resident taking the opportunity to try to shirk the stigma... "see it's not just Pattaya, it's really safe here, a nice family resort..."

I guess it helps put the case to the relatives back home that sin city's not quite what people think, the general sexploitation is merely incidental, your location choice is really all about the culture, the clean air and the beaches... I believe you, honest!

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26 June 2012

Mr Chadchart said some tourists have said they were cheated or even drugged on board privately run buses, which provide scheduled services against the law. The buses are not registered as vehicles providing regular services on a fixed route. They draw passengers by offering cheap fares.


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On the other hand, TAT reports more and more tourists are coming here to learn Thai massage and Muay Thai. sad.png

Both are copyright! Just as the Jasmine rice and the Thai smile. Thai stabbing is next...

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More despicable violence against tourists in the land of smiles. Time all countries put out travel warnings against coming to Thailand until something real, instead of talk, is done. Come to Thailand we want your money, and by the way, take out some good medical and death insurance so you can pay our expenses if something happens to you here!

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Dude should have checked his valuables and policed his surroundings before alighting. Just saying...

You sound like a Thai with Thai mentality who always finds a way to blame the victim for not doing something or not being somewhere else when something happens. If not, you fit right in here!

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories

That's fine . . . but do you realize just how many tourists are actually injured or killed in the LoS every year (it's a lot)? And how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)? You'll be surprised if you Google the results.

If you Google "Tourists killed" there are killings/deaths in virtually every country in the world relating to tourists. This ranges from coach crashes (yes, not just Thai drivers fall asleep at the wheel) to killings for initiation to gangs.

Thailand is like every other country, it's just that people on forums appear to be Daily Mail readers and revert to their angered from Basingstoke personna.

I've lived in Thailand on and off for the last four years, have stumbled about drunk in Bangkok, Pattaya and Patong in the early hours of the morning and have never fallen foul of the nasties many on here and other forum make out exist on every street corner. Never been stopped by the police in their insatiable hunger for tea money, have left laptop bag, phone etc on tables in bars and come back and they're still there.

If I was someone who had never been to Thailand and read this forum, I'd never visit it after the scare stories and conspiracy theorists who spout garbage on here. Yes there's been some sad news regarding tragic events, but it's no worse than anywhere else. As regards the police and their response, when they do something right it appears that they've fitted someone up who is innocent/gullible/feeble minded and only pleading guilty so his family receive money.


... a huge omission in your comparison, WALSHYBFC, is that the cost of being a victim of violence in Thailand is immeasurably greater in Thailand that in many, many other nations ... when a foreigner gets into trouble in Thailand, it quickly turns Thai ugly ... a foreign crime victim here is on their own and might expect no protection from the celebrated Royal Thai Police, or Royal Thai Ministry of Thailand, or Royal Thai [fill in the blank].

... when it happens, the consequences of being a crime victim in Thailand is nothing different than Third World Sub-Saharan African ... that is the great deception Thai officialdom is desperately trying to conceal.

Edited by swillowbee
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I've been visiting / living in Thailand since 1985. The atmosphere, especially in tourist areas has become far more intimidating. My impression is it started when TRT came to power. For the first time ever the socially and economucally disenfranchised majority felt they had power for the first time ever. Of course it was and remains illusory.

Farang are easy prey for a growing number to exercise this sense of empowerment.

There's always been anti foreigner resentment of course. Aged 19 I was often in the company of a neighbors, a girl in her mid 20s. Although "respectably" dressed Thai men would make insulting remarks as we passed because she was with a foreigner.

The Thai male does suffer from a small man syndrome far more so than many other nationalities, save inner city blacks in the uk perhaps. Again I think it comes from a sense of empowerment with the evidence of their daily lives points to the total opposite

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This is why I only take buses from the bus terminals not from tour operators. Buses from the terminals are regulated where as the tour operators do it with cheap buses and labor and all untrained and behind the regulators backs. This kind of stuff has been going on for years by tour operators. TAT and the tourist police should regulate this just as it does tour guides.

Be warned,


As a tour operator I have to comment on this. Not all tour operators are offering illegal bus service. I only sell and I check myself if the drivers and cars are registered within the company as official tour bus.

I know it happens many times, you get asked as tourist "Where you go" you answer and that "helpfull" person know someone who can bring you cheap cheap. The magic words for many tourists.

This incident is tradgic, it never should happen. I hope the police will catch the man and send him to jail for it.

I hope the tourist will recover soon and able to continue his holiday.

Be aware in a foreign country, book your tours with a reliable office. Every company must have the T.A.T. license on the wall visible for every guest.

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"After taking their two bicycles from the bus and the bus departed Mr Banks realised that he had left his wallet with cash in US dollars and his passport on the bus, and he called the bus driver to return.

The bus came back to the petrol station and Mr Banks found that his wallet had been searched by someone and his valuables were missing. He asked a bus worker and the two men quarrelled. The staff worker stabbed the tourist before fleeing by the same bus.

His wife asked for help and a Thai woman, a passerby identified as Sumalee Yisunkaew, drove to a petrol station and called an ambulance for them and also called the police.

Very confusing.... did the couple have a telephone or not? If not how did they call the bus back? If yes, why did a stranger have to drive to a petrol station, or was it the same petrol station they were already at? I presume this is just muddled writing.

I find it interesting that the bus turned back when asked, still carrying the empty wallet....

Aw Poirot , where would we be without you i dread to think ! wai.gif

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He must have accused the bus worker for stealing his money....is he really the thief....or some other passenger....look before you leap...

Well of course. The only logical recourse when accused, rightly or wrongly, of a crime, is to commit a far more serious one.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories

That's fine . . . but do you realize just how many tourists are actually injured or killed in the LoS every year (it's a lot)? And how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)? You'll be surprised if you Google the results.

If you Google "Tourists killed" there are killings/deaths in virtually every country in the world relating to tourists. This ranges from coach crashes (yes, not just Thai drivers fall asleep at the wheel) to killings for initiation to gangs.

Thailand is like every other country, it's just that people on forums appear to be Daily Mail readers and revert to their angered from Basingstoke personna.

I've lived in Thailand on and off for the last four years, have stumbled about drunk in Bangkok, Pattaya and Patong in the early hours of the morning and have never fallen foul of the nasties many on here and other forum make out exist on every street corner. Never been stopped by the police in their insatiable hunger for tea money, have left laptop bag, phone etc on tables in bars and come back and they're still there.

If I was someone who had never been to Thailand and read this forum, I'd never visit it after the scare stories and conspiracy theorists who spout garbage on here. Yes there's been some sad news regarding tragic events, but it's no worse than anywhere else. As regards the police and their response, when they do something right it appears that they've fitted someone up who is innocent/gullible/feeble minded and only pleading guilty so his family receive money.

If you possessed any decent level of reading skills, you would see that link you inserted actually bolsters what everyone here is complaining about. It is actually reporting that the crime against Tourists (non state residents including people from the rest of the USA and world) is only 9 murder victims in 12 months. So it is reporting it as actually very low while everywhere seems to be wrongly accusing it of being the tourist murder capital of the world... which is laughable by those stats.

In Thailand, I wonder how many tourists leave in a box every 12 months??

Nobody is saying that it doesn't happen everywhere else, they are just angry at the increase. Of course, when my family and friends read all these reports in the national newspapers in the UK, it worries them that i live in a place like this.

I am happy you feel totally safe here... I think one day you may live to regret your sloppy attitude to your own personal safety here... I am always very wary at night, and I live in Korat which has virtually no tourists. But i would never stagger around the streets drunk at night, that is just asking for trouble, because crime is just as high here (Thai on Thai) as anywhere in Thailand, and i would be just setting myself up as an irresistible target to any low-life stalking the streets looking to make a fast few thousand baht.

I think you have been very fortunate, but i dread to think of what could have and possibly should have happened to you if you just walked through the wrong soi at the wrong time... yeah... You have been lucky.

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After taking their two bicycles from the bus and the bus departed Mr Banks realised that he had left his wallet with cash in US dollars and his passport on the bus, and he called the bus driver to return.

The bus came back to the petrol station and Mr Banks found that his wallet had been searched by someone and his valuables were missing. He asked a bus worker and the two men quarrelled. The staff worker stabbed the tourist before fleeing by the same bus.

C''mon. His own stupidity- sorry could have been Alzheimer- had caused the problem.

Please try to be honest. How many TV members would have brought the wallet to a police station?

Aeeh would cops have taken some, or all money out? No, they make enough money...... w00t.gif

I guess only two out of 100............. wai.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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I want to know how this tourist had the bus drivers phone number? Seems very strange almost unreal unless the tour operator's number was on the ticket receipt and he called them and not the bus driver then the T.O. called the bus which was probably the case. Another bad news reporting job for sure.

Maybe calling the driver was just that. After getting his bicycle off the bus he realised he'd left his wallet onboard and called out to the driver as the bus pulled away. Just a thought.

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He must have accused the bus worker for stealing his money....is he really the thief....or some other passenger....look before you leap...

Could it be the midget hiding in the lugage compartment? :(

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After taking their two bicycles from the bus and the bus departed Mr Banks realised that he had left his wallet with cash in US dollars and his passport on the bus, and he called the bus driver to return.

The bus came back to the petrol station and Mr Banks found that his wallet had been searched by someone and his valuables were missing. He asked a bus worker and the two men quarrelled. The staff worker stabbed the tourist before fleeing by the same bus.

C''mon. His own stupidity- sorry could have been Alzheimer- had caused the problem.

Please try to be honest. How many TV members would have brought the wallet to a police station?

I guess only two out of 100............. wai.gif

Are you judging others by your own seemingly low standards?

I have found 3 wallets in my lifetime. Each has been handed either in to the police or directly to the owner fully intact.

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This is why I only take buses from the bus terminals not from tour operators. Buses from the terminals are regulated where as the tour operators do it with cheap buses and labor and all untrained and behind the regulators backs. This kind of stuff has been going on for years by tour operators. TAT and the tourist police should regulate this just as it does tour guides.

Be warned,


As a tour operator I have to comment on this. Not all tour operators are offering illegal bus service. I only sell and I check myself if the drivers and cars are registered within the company as official tour bus.

I know it happens many times, you get asked as tourist "Where you go" you answer and that "helpfull" person know someone who can bring you cheap cheap. The magic words for many tourists.

This incident is tradgic, it never should happen. I hope the police will catch the man and send him to jail for it.

I hope the tourist will recover soon and able to continue his holiday.

Be aware in a foreign country, book your tours with a reliable office. Every company must have the T.O.T. license on the wall visible for every guest.

How should "cheap" tourists know which buses are legal......laugh.png ?

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This is why I only take buses from the bus terminals not from tour operators. Buses from the terminals are regulated where as the tour operators do it with cheap buses and labor and all untrained and behind the regulators backs. This kind of stuff has been going on for years by tour operators. TAT and the tourist police should regulate this just as it does tour guides.

Be warned,


As a tour operator I have to comment on this. Not all tour operators are offering illegal bus service. I only sell and I check myself if the drivers and cars are registered within the company as official tour bus.

I know it happens many times, you get asked as tourist "Where you go" you answer and that "helpfull" person know someone who can bring you cheap cheap. The magic words for many tourists.

This incident is tradgic, it never should happen. I hope the police will catch the man and send him to jail for it.

I hope the tourist will recover soon and able to continue his holiday.

Be aware in a foreign country, book your tours with a reliable office. Every company must have the T.O.T. license on the wall visible for every guest.

Do you vet your drivers' criminal records?

Are they instructed not to carry weapons?

Not to use drugs?

Do you use a tachygraph?

Sorry for so.many questions!

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After taking their two bicycles from the bus and the bus departed Mr Banks realised that he had left his wallet with cash in US dollars and his passport on the bus, and he called the bus driver to return.

The bus came back to the petrol station and Mr Banks found that his wallet had been searched by someone and his valuables were missing. He asked a bus worker and the two men quarrelled. The staff worker stabbed the tourist before fleeing by the same bus.

C''mon. His own stupidity- sorry could have been Alzheimer- had caused the problem.

Please try to be honest. How many TV members would have brought the wallet to a police station?

I guess only two out of 100............. wai.gif

Are you judging others by your own seemingly low standards?

I have found 3 wallets in my lifetime. Each has been handed either in to the police or directly to the owner fully intact.

I'd always give a wallet back to the owner, especially when having his passport details. It was a serious question.

How many people on this planet are that honest?

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On the other hand, TAT reports more and more tourists are coming here to learn Thai massage and Muay Thai. sad.png

Both are copyright! Just as the Jasmine rice and the Thai smile. Thai stabbing is next...

TAT could call it Thai Acupuncture in their brochures. :(

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