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British Tourist Stabbed By Illegal Tourist Bus Worker


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He must have accused the bus worker for stealing his money....is he really the thief....or some other passenger....look before you leap...

Bottom line is his approach got him nothing but a trip to the hospital. sad.png

Only assumption based on seeing seeing so many similar instances go wrong but the foreigner probably got loud and was dropping f-bombs left and right and being accusatory to the point the worker either felt threatened or got outraged by the abuse. Maybe even the worker laughed while this guy was losing his patience causing further aggressive behavior. If this is the case, I really wish people would learn the culture of where they are visiting before visiting. No excuse for stabbing somebody unless the person felt his life was in danger but people really needs to depend on themselves in a foreign country and putting your emotions in front of your needs is almost a sure fire way to end up with a problem here. But who knows if it went down like this, maybe the worker was on yaba and simply stabbed the guy for politely asking about the wallet he actually did steal or maybe the guy was big and assaulted and cornered the possibly much smaller worker who feared for his life. All I know, is never to trust one side of a story because even when you hear both sides, the truth often is somewhere in the middle.

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Does anyone have RELIABLE comparative statistics for incidence of robberies and violent attacks for USA and Thailand ?


No, because many would say they were not credible if they don't reflect what they want to believe. All I know is if the same types of generalizations were used in reading US news stories of crime then one would have to believe the US if full of nothing but corrupt officials, murderers and child molesters http://www.foxnews.com/us/crime/index.html

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^ #212 Nisa:

WEll, at least judge Jeanine looks kinda cute, so she must be reliable :-)

LOL, you had me looking all over the thread for a picture of the Thai judge until I realized what post you were referring. They are all cute on Fox .. that's why they get their ratings. At least I hope that is why and not because of their reporting credibility.

At least I was able to see now there have been updates since the OP and they did get the kid who did the the stabbing but can't find any mention of why he said he felt the need or urge to stab even though it mentions his providing a re-enactment of the crime.

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One interesting observation can come out of this incident - for a long time it has been 'official policy' spread by police and other 'expert agencies', that nobody should ever carry a knife because that will only result in it being turned around and used on its carrier. I never bought this - it's just too generalised, and in the case of some dangerous individuals carrying knives, very dumn. It was obviously a dogma aimed at reducing the carrying of knives overall -a worthy ambition for sure. However, this case - which could have easily resulted in a fatality - is just one of thousands in which the knife-carrier acted so fast and so unexpectedly, that there was never any doubt about who was going to be the unlucky recipient of a stab-wound. By the way, i am NOT recommending the carrying of any weapon - just saying that the official advice is mostly well-intentioned myth, which is buttressed by citing a few cases where a knife-carrier tried to attack a person who had unusal defensive skills and confidence who managed to 'turn the tables' onto their attacker. It's not a great idea to imagine that you can be that table-turning person whenever you need to react to a knife-wielder; most times it will be better to be a 'turning-and-running-like-hell' to get away kind of person.

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Thailand!!!!!!!! I am speechless

Have you noticed that fewer and fewer people are challenging disparaging posts about Thailand in the media? And the really shocking thing is I reckon only about 30% of the atrocities are reported in the English and foreign language press...

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Just watched "Crime Watch" in BBC.

I dont think THAILAND is the worse one.

The way foreigners deal with situation like this in Thailand should be learnt.


Look....The driver returning the wallet after nicking some money out of it.... common ... Who is the most stupid robber??

I'm not saying that the driver has done nothing wrong but there is something unclear in what the British

says as if he was the one that make it happens. (Sorry to say that but I hope we all understand here that we discuss here to LEARN.)

Did the article make you angry enough to deal with the situation by SHOUTING at us? blink.png

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He must have accused the bus worker for stealing his money....is he really the thief....or some other passenger....look before you leap...

Bottom line is his approach got him nothing but a trip to the hospital. sad.png

Only assumption based on seeing seeing so many similar instances go wrong but the foreigner probably got loud and was dropping f-bombs left and right and being accusatory to the point the worker either felt threatened or got outraged by the abuse. Maybe even the worker laughed while this guy was losing his patience causing further aggressive behavior. If this is the case, I really wish people would learn the culture of where they are visiting before visiting. No excuse for stabbing somebody unless the person felt his life was in danger but people really needs to depend on themselves in a foreign country and putting your emotions in front of your needs is almost a sure fire way to end up with a problem here. But who knows if it went down like this, maybe the worker was on yaba and simply stabbed the guy for politely asking about the wallet he actually did steal or maybe the guy was big and assaulted and cornered the possibly much smaller worker who feared for his life. All I know, is never to trust one side of a story because even when you hear both sides, the truth often is somewhere in the middle.

He was probably carrying a knife to puncture his zits?

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Dude should have checked his valuables and policed his surroundings before alighting. Just saying...

just like the Australian woman that was killed in Phuket last week could have let go of her purse when facing two dangerousThai men in a dark alley....? Just saying..

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No idea how reliable such an index is but . . .

Global Peace and Security Index 2012



Iceland 1

Malaysia 20

United Kingdom 29

Vietnam 34

Laos 37

Thailand 126

Afghanistan 157

Somalia 158

My point is, unless this data is severely skewed by the troubles in the Southern provinces, Thailand does not look very appealing. In fact it looks downright dangerous.

Graded further by various types of awfulness, violent crime scores 4 out of 5 in Thailand whereas the UK scores 1.5. (1 is lovely, 5 is very bad).

This could of course all be nonsense.

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No idea how reliable such an index is but . . .

Global Peace and Security Index 2012



Iceland 1

Malaysia 20

United Kingdom 29

Vietnam 34

Laos 37

Thailand 126

Afghanistan 157

Somalia 158

My point is, unless this data is severely skewed by the troubles in the Southern provinces, Thailand does not look very appealing. In fact it looks downright dangerous.

Graded further by various types of awfulness, violent crime scores 4 out of 5 in Thailand whereas the UK scores 1.5. (1 is lovely, 5 is very bad).

This could of course all be nonsense.

Interesting link (http://www.visionofh...y.org/gpi-data/) also interesting Thailand went from 107 or 109 (depending on link) last year to 126th this year.. As well interesting to note that for 2012 there are only 5 countries less peaceful than Russia as they are 153rd of 158 countries this year.

Here is a link to how and what they looked at to come up with these figures ... http://www.visionofh...ults Report.pdf

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No idea how reliable such an index is but . . .

Global Peace and Security Index 2012



Iceland 1

Malaysia 20

United Kingdom 29

Vietnam 34

Laos 37

Thailand 126

Afghanistan 157

Somalia 158

My point is, unless this data is severely skewed by the troubles in the Southern provinces, Thailand does not look very appealing. In fact it looks downright dangerous.

Graded further by various types of awfulness, violent crime scores 4 out of 5 in Thailand whereas the UK scores 1.5. (1 is lovely, 5 is very bad).

This could of course all be nonsense.

Interesting link (http://www.visionofh...y.org/gpi-data/) also interesting Thailand went from 107 or 109 (depending on link) last year to 126th this year.. As well interesting to note that for 2012 there are only 5 countries less peaceful than Russia as they are 153th of 158 countries this year.

Here is a link to how and what they looked at to come up with these figures ... http://www.visionofh...ults Report.pdf


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Dude should have checked his valuables and policed his surroundings before alighting. Just saying...

just like the Australian woman that was killed in Phuket last week could have let go of her purse when facing two dangerousThai men in a dark alley....? Just saying..

Very sad to watch the video of this murder and absolutely no excuse for such scum preying on an older women (or anybody) whose actions caused this women's death but she should have known better than to fight them and just given up her purse. We can't always control other but we can control ourselves. I would be so furious with a loved one for trying to fight back in a situation like this regardless of the outcome.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories


The City of Chicago, IL alone only had 4 kids killed last weekend in a "normal" weekend of violence and death.

Well since this has turned into a subject on which country has the most tourists killed , 3 tourists from around the world died in Australia last year, 2 in a single vehicle colision (hire car) in the Northern Terrority and 1 by a crocodile.

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The headline state that it was the worker who was illegal, but it was the bus company. Let's get it straight The Nation.

On the story, it's hard to tell what really happend, but this could happen almost anywhere except Japan. A few weeks ago, a New York cab driver found a bag of cash, more than 10K and he went back to the drop off point to search out the passenger and return the cash.

Sorry for Mr. Banks who ended up getting stabbed over it.

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Bin Dere, Dun Dat. Left my day pack un-attended, on a Bus from Sianoukville to Phnom Phen for 20 min. Someone nicked my brand new $500 Nikon Digital Camera. Didn't notice until after we de-bused in PP. Stupid. Normally I carried it in my pocket, but I had my wallet & Passport in those pockets. Shudda, wudda, cudda .... live & learn. Not worth getting stabbed for. That is why one needs travel insurance.

gotta agree, not excusing the stabbing in the slightest obviously but you would have to think to yourself, if the money is missing from the wallet, no one is going to say "oh yeah, actually i took that, here's it back"

there's times where you just have to accept that something is a lost cause and move on, be pissed off, but move on.

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Why did the bus come back if they had stolen his cash? he said he called the bus driver, was there a driver and a tour guide on this bus.

This is already covered in the news reports on page 6, the driver came back as that was his next point of pick up for his journey, nothing to do with getting called back, he had to come back there anyway

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If you check statistics (Wiki), you will discover that Thailand has nearly as many gun deaths as the US - a country where everyone may own a gun...

The US has a much larger population that Thailand too. In actual fact you are more than 10 times more likely to be a victim of gun homicide in Thailand than in the US (33 per 100,000 in Thailand vs 3 per 100,000 in the US).

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If you check statistics (Wiki), you will discover that Thailand has nearly as many gun deaths as the US - a country where everyone may own a gun...

The US has a much larger population that Thailand too. In actual fact you are more than 10 times more likely to be a victim of gun homicide in Thailand than in the US (33 per 100,000 in Thailand vs 3 per 100,000 in the US).

Where did you find your Thailand figure? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence doesn't list Thailand.

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If you check statistics (Wiki), you will discover that Thailand has nearly as many gun deaths as the US - a country where everyone may own a gun...

The US has a much larger population that Thailand too. In actual fact you are more than 10 times more likely to be a victim of gun homicide in Thailand than in the US (33 per 100,000 in Thailand vs 3 per 100,000 in the US).

It is fascinating that a country where supposedly almost no one has a gun, Thailand, has a gun homicide rate ten times higher than a country where almost everyone has a gun and has hundreds of thousands of gang bangers shooting each other on a regular basis......

I still think a lot of the shootings here are related to " settling " business disputes so probably do not pose a risk to tourists, except for the police shooting you like in Pai and Kanchanaburi.

Regarding this case, I think it is really a cultural issue. Since it appears to be mostly the underclass doing these kinds of crimes, I think the issue is the concept of bottled up rage. Eat shit for a long time , then snap.... It is all these smiles here that fail to alert you that the guy is about to go postal..... So if Thailand values tourism which I believe they do, either directly address the cultural issues creating this kind of anger, or impose such draconian punishments against anyone who attacks a tourist that no Thai would even think of doing an attack.

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It'd be much more educating if we got accurately reported stats as to similar crimes committed against locals as well as non-locals. This must happen to locals as well in fairly high numbers, but we probably don't often hear about much of the local on local violence.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

Welcome to the LOS, Land of Stabbings!

Is this the same as Los Angeles or downtown Philli or Melbourne then again sydney or any other western country or are you just saying it happens in LOS??

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

Welcome to the LOS, Land of Stabbings!

Is this the same as Los Angeles or downtown Philli or Melbourne then again sydney or any other western country or are you just saying it happens in LOS??

It happens everywhere on the planet...LOS is no exception. Have a quick look at my post #119

in this thread...it's just a very brief...brief.

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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

Welcome to the LOS, Land of Stabbings!

Is this the same as Los Angeles or downtown Philli or Melbourne then again sydney or any other western country or are you just saying it happens in LOS??

It happens everywhere on the planet...LOS is no exception. Have a quick look at my post #119

in this thread...it's just a very brief...brief.

Are we talking about crime in general or crimes against tourists? Two different things, sure every country has crime the same as Thailand, but does every country have the volume of crime against tourists like Thailand does?

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