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Farang Gets A Kicking By Some Thai Birds


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PLenty of thai women ,at least the ones from bangkok all know soi nana and soi cowboy and patpong

and many of them are far too rich to even contemplate screwing someone for money .......

Many of them will go for a drink to the so called "adult entetainment zones " and many have even seen

a ping ping show (AND PAID FOR THE PRIVILEDGE )

no wait ,i must be wrong ,they must be hookers if theyve been to those areas ,simply no other explanation ..

because ..........someone says so ........ cheesy.gif

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i have never been to spicey in Chiang Mai ,so i cant offer anything on that place

qbar on the other hand a few years ago had an air of high society apparently about it .or the westerners who went there tought it did

go down stairs these days and it is wall to wall with workers ,not every girl but the vast majority are ,anybody who disagrees hasn't been to wide awake whilst they are in there !

suppose the best way would be to ask one of these good girls all he posters have if she would go for a drink therewith her friends

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Man, you are so wrong.

The Londoner is that British pub on the corner of 33. I've been there. It's a respectable joint. It's not a known venue for hookers. Any hookers that are there are the GF's of saddos or farangs who are here on a sex vacation.

Same goes for Q bar.

Regular Thai girls do not go to known hooker joints.

No, you are so wrong. Q Bar is full of prostitutes. The clothes might look more expensive than those the girls at the lower end of the nightlife scene wear (think Shock 39, Climax amd Mixx etc) but as soon as Q Bar closes, it's into the ladies room where the slinky dress is replaced by hot pants/cut-downs/mini-skirts.

Same at places like Spasso at the Hyatt. The same girls you see there holding out for the 5,000 baht fee from the richer punters will be available for a tequila and a grand by the time they end up at the likes of Spicy or Swing between 4am and 9am.

And, yes, there are joints open that late.

Dude, you're probably right. I know Spasso started out with high class or hi-so pretensions, and then became a hooker joint. I can accept that the same may have happened to Q Bar. I not been there for years.

Biggest con of all is that strip of CLUBS down in 33. They're called Renoir Club or Napolean Club. It's just the same old shit, except the hookers all wear long red dresses.

Good to see you're not falling for that shit, bro.

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I thought he just propositioned her, I didn't pick up on the groping bit. I've been to Spicey, the old Spicey has now closed down and in some ways it was the most dangerous club imaginable as you had the Loi Kroh division in looking for a punter, and regular Thai girls just in for a dance. I saw a few fracas break out in there and invariably it was over the issue you described.

It was a toxic mix, bg's, holiday makers, drink and good girls don't mix. Guys who were resident in CM or regular visitors such as myself knew the score, The holiday makers didn't, and it got nasty. Even nastier were the fights between bg's that I heard about but luckily never witnessed.

Spicey has been closed down now, and a new club has opened around the corner, which is far more tightly supervised.

If you ever thought there were regular Thai girls in Spicey, then you know nothing about Thailand.

Cool. Regular girls don't hang out in the same bars as hookers.

Rubbish, pop into londoner, Q-bar, bed supper club any night of the week.

The line does become a bit blurred when in places like this, although in my experience they are all looking for some type of monetary arrangement. Whether it is the short game or long game depends on the size of the fish.

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If you ever thought there were regular Thai girls in Spicey, then you know nothing about Thailand.


Spicey ...... place for hookers, amateur hookers, white guys with their hired Thai gfs pretending not to be hookers and tourists of both sexes that didn't know any better. If some of you guys want to pretend (to yourselves or to others) the Thai ladies you took/met there weren't hookers, up to you .........

The Londoner is that British pub on the corner of 33. I've been there. It's a respectable joint. It's not a known venue for hookers. Any hookers that are there are the GF's of saddos or farangs who are here on a sex vacation.

Same goes for Q bar.

Regular Thai girls do not go to known hooker joints.


Regular girls don't hit these joints just because they are "the only places open after a certain time of night". That's because regular girls have a job to go to in the morning.

There's a massive world of difference between regular girls and hookers or dek girls.


The Q-bar is not a known hooker venue. The hookers who are there are like the hookers at Hard Rock Cafe. They're supplemental.

My point is that regular girls will never go to a bar that is known for being a predominantly hooker joint.

Example. Regular girls don't go drinking at Nana Plaza.

Spicys in CM was a known hooker joint. Regular girls did not go there.

Most overseas guys don't know this because they're skyping with the DEKS who do go to these places.


Talk to any regular Thai girl. Ask her if she goes dancing or drinking at Nana or Spicey.

Sorry Tommo, but on this one I can't believe you're as wrong as the hipster dude.

First of all there isn't any hard line black and white between "prostitute" and "regular girls" anywhere on this planet, much less here in LoS, there certainly are those at the extreme end of those descriptions that match but depending on your judgmental definition a huge number in the grey areas.

And the wealthy, rebellious and self-confident young women of today have no problem "being seen" in any kind of low-life dive, often there to laugh at us ridiculous idiots slobbering over what they consider unattractive sub-humans.

And even being a hooker doesn't make you suddenly not a "regular" person. Plenty of sex workers are perfectly respectable people, IMO much more respectable than those with the above attitudes. And they certainly have friends and family who don't turn tricks, and such mixed groups will go out partying together, their friends don't mind if they choose to go off with a prospect.

Plenty of people with perfectly respectable day jobs are sex workers when they need to be or when the price is right. Plenty of people that have to go to work early in the morning are partying hard three hours beforehand. And I haven't been to a place yet with dance music and alcohol that didn't have a fair number of girls who'd go ST, often for less than it costs to get drunk there. Just because they're working the long con doesn't mean they aren't hookers.

And all of the above is just as true for my home town as it is for Thailand, just a difference in percentages and pricing.

Some of the ridiculously simplified ideas I see posted here make me think some people have polarizing filters embedded in their optic nerves.

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First of all there isn't any hard line black and white between "prostitute" and "regular girls" anywhere on this planet, much less here in LoS

No Johnny dude. It's black and white. A hooker puts it out for anyone. A hooker is indiscriminate. A hooker goes with one and all. She does it purely for the green. A regular girl does not. Please do not insult Thai women by suggesting they are all hookers.

And even being a hooker doesn't make you suddenly not a "regular" person.

Wrong Johnny dude. A regular Thai girl does not put it out indiscriminately for the green. It's called self-respect. Please do not insult Thai women by suggesting they are all hookers.

Plenty of people with perfectly respectable day jobs are sex workers when they need to be or when the price is right.

Yes. They are called hookers or freelancers. They are in a minority. Please do not insult Thai women by suggesting they are all hookers.

Some of the ridiculously simplified ideas I see posted here make me think some people have polarizing filters embedded in their optic nerves.

The polarization is real. There are hookers here in Thailand and there are regular girls. The polarization is greater here than elsewhere because of the need that regular girls feel to distinguish themselves from hookers. The polarization is massive. I'm sorry if you are unaware of this. Please do not insult Thai women by suggesting they are all hookers.

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Nothing I'm saying has anything to do with Thailand specifically as I specifically mentioned in my post, the same is true back home.

No Johnny dude. It's black and white. A hooker puts it out for anyone. A hooker is indiscriminate. A hooker goes with one and all. She does it purely for the green. A regular girl does not.


A regular Thai girl does not put it out indiscriminately for the green. It's called self-respect.


Plenty of people with perfectly respectable day jobs are sex workers when they need to be or when the price is right.

Yes. They are called hookers or freelancers. They are in a minority.

And I know a very large number of explicit self-acknowledged sex workers that are very choosey about their customers. That's one of the things I like and respect about Thai hookers compared to those back home. Maybe you wouldn't call them hookers but that's your own definition then.

But to me self-respect is an entirely different issue, plenty of sex workers have lots - and deserve it - and plenty of straight girls have little even if they should.

You might call them those words, and I'd suggest you're the one insulting them.

Do you think the same of a woman who marries for money?

What if she loves the rich guy a little bit, but couldn't marry the poor one she loves more because he doesn't want to take responsibility for her kids? Is she a "hooker"?

IMO you're judgmental and simple-minded.

Some of the ridiculously simplified ideas I see posted here make me think some people have polarizing filters embedded in their optic nerves.

The polarization is real. There are hookers here in Thailand and there are regular girls. The polarization is greater here than elsewhere because of the need that regular girls feel to distinguish themselves from hookers. The polarization is massive. I'm sorry if you are unaware of this.

Again, plenty of wealthy modern girls who wouldn't dream of selling sex have enough confidence to go to places where most of the girls are sex workers. If you approach them with an offer in a respectful way they'll usually just laugh it off and very nicely let you know they aren't that kind of girl. Happens all the time, hundreds of times a night all around the world.

Maybe you don't believe them, that's your choice but I've been out on the town with all kinds of groups, sometimes purely what you call "regular" people, sometimes mixed sex workers and their friends and family out to check out the freak show just for fun.

Happens all the time it's a fact. You can offer B50,000 and she'll still say no - if you still maintain she's your definition of a "hooker" after that, then what's your explanation, just that she can see what an asshol_e you are or you're so ugly?

I think you don't realize just how modern and tolerant the Thais can be. Did you grow up in the Bible belt by any chance?

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We went ashore in Fort Butterworth one night with an Aussie who'd never been foreign before. He didn't drink until he met us either. He grabbed the arse of a ladyboy. She turned round and knocked him out with one punch laugh.pngclap2.gif

My pal was in the merchant navy during the 68-82, he said that Boogie Street in Singapore was legendary, he tells some hilarious stories of guys fumbling about down there. biggrin.png


I was 75-85. Being pedantic it was Bugis Street. Uncle Lee thought it didn't show Singers up in a great light so he shut it down. Miserable sod. It was fun for all the family. w00t.gif

I would love to have seen it.............my pal was telling about the Thais coming out to meet the boat in the harbour in BKK, he said it was harem scarem, women trying to climb on board blah blah, once he get's started about his days at sea you can't get him to shut up biggrin.png

I used to work for P&O Bulk and they used to do one run a year to Laem Chabang to load 150,000 tons of tapioca by hand. It used to take weeks. It was the trip everyone wanted to sign up for. The fact that I never visited Thailand while I was at sea was the main reason first went there on holiday.

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Do you think the same of a woman who marries for money?

What if she loves the rich guy a little bit, but couldn't marry the poor one she loves more because he doesn't want to take responsibility for her kids? Is she a "hooker"?

Wrong, Johhny Dude. She'll never love the man who won't take responsibility for her kids. It's how women function. When a woman has kids, love is about her and her offspring. It's an unselfish love. She'll marry the man she loves, but she'll only love the the man if he's willing to take care of her children.

Your example "couldn't marry the poor one she loves more because he doesn't want to take responsibility for her kids" tells me you know nothing about life or women.

Been spending too much time with hookers?

Happens all the time it's a fact. You can offer B50,000 and she'll still say no - if you still maintain she's your definition of a "hooker" after that, then what's your explanation, just that she can see what an asshol_e you are or you're so ugly?

Weak argument, dude. And wrong again. Drop the personal insults. That just makes you look weak.

Did you grow up in the Bible belt by any chance?

San Fran.

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Happens all the time it's a fact. You can offer B50,000 and she'll still say no - if you still maintain she's your definition of a "hooker" after that, then what's your explanation, just that she can see what an asshol_e you are or you're so ugly?

Weak argument, dude. And wrong again. Drop the personal insults. That just makes you look weak.

May be weak, but you didn't answer it.

She says yes to others, maybe even for less, but not to you at any price.

According to your definition she's not a hooker, right? Do you have some alternative but just as disparaging label you pigeonhole her with?

Do you think the same of a woman who marries for money?

You danced around this one too, how about answering it?

My point is that you are the one insulting people based on their perfectly valid life choices. An honest "hooker" IMO deserves much more respect than half the guys making millions at the top of society's conventional food chain. People should be judged (if you really have the need to do so) by more meaningful criteria based on true ethics, not what they choose to do with their own bodies or how they choose to make a living.

And more immediately to the point, you're trying to fit people into too small a number of ill-defined lazy-thinking boxes, that in no way account for the infinite variety of "types" of humans on this planet.

But if you really insist on doing so, up to you, your loss.

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Humm ... sort of difficult to follow what theblether writes above ... but the sentiment is shared.

I have no issue at all in the pursuit of affection in the shorter term ... it's an age old tradition.

But where the issue raises it’s ugly head is the assumption that what occurs in a very isolated part of Thai Society is considered the norm for Thai Society as a whole.

My sister is testament to that. Educated mother of two and I invited her to join me for a holiday in Thailand for a couple of weeks last year and I was met with trepidation by her.

Not for fear of her life, or jet-skis or tuk-tuks, poor hygiene (though she was worried about the ice) … these don’t really make headlines back home.

What is shown in the media here is a 30 sec sound byte of Soi Cowboy and the like and since this is often the only exposure tourists get before they visit the Kingdom … it is their pre-conception.

Thankfully she is now well grounded in the realities of Thai life, realises that there is a microcosm of the Thai population that finds employment in the entertainment industry, but was amazed by the true hospitality shown to her on her journeys.

So impressed that this year she plans to return with her daughter.

My eyes are open to everything that occurs in Thailand … the good, the bad and the sometimes ugly. But, on balance, the good outweighs the others every time ... thumbsup.gif

Edited by David48
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Humm ... sort of difficult to follow what theblether writes above ... but the sentiment is shared.

I have no issue at all in the pursuit of affection in the shorter term ... it's an age old tradition.

But where the issue raises it’s ugly head is the assumption that what occurs in a very isolated part of Thai Society is considered the norm for Thai Society as a whole.

My sister is testament to that. Educated mother of two and I invited her to join me for a holiday in Thailand for a couple of weeks last year and I was met with trepidation by her.

Not for fear of her life, or jet-skis or tuk-tuks, poor hygiene (though she was worried about the ice) … these don’t really make headlines back home.

What is shown in the media here is a 30 sec sound byte of Soi Cowboy and the like and since this is often the only exposure tourists get before they visit the Kingdom … it is their pre-conception.

Thankfully she is now well grounded in the realities of Thai life, realises that there is a microcosm of the Thai population that finds employment in the entertainment industry, but was amazed by the true hospitality shown to her on her journeys.

So impressed that this year she plans to return with her daughter.

My eyes are open to everything that occurs in Thailand … the good, the bad and the sometimes ugly. But, on balance, the good outweighs the others every time ... thumbsup.gif

Excellent.............Thailand suffers a lot from assassination before investigation, I'm delighted your Sis had a wonderful time. You put it very well when you said it was a "very isolated part of Thai society".

That's exactly what it is, but you can't tell the mongers that....................you can't tell them anything because they are the self appointed experts, the only thing they are really expert in is self delusion. coffee1.gif

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When I was a younger man I went on R&R from a war zone to a red light district in Australia. And I told everybody about it. As a result of that Australia has not turned into the brothel of Asia. I guess no body listens to mesad.png

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I didn't even bother reading through all these comments. However I don't think anyone has a right to grope or touch a girl without their consent. If she is a hooker and she did consent then fair enough but if not, he deserved every punch and kick he got.

I see it happen all the time... Dirty foreign men come to Thailand and think that they can put their hands on whatever they please because they're in a country where they think it's acceptable. I have many female Thai friends who have had it happen in my company and it makes me furious. I also have no problem standing up for my Thai female friends and kicking the douchebag in the balls.

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I didn't even bother reading through all these comments. However I don't think anyone has a right to grope or touch a girl without their consent. If she is a hooker and she did consent then fair enough but if not, he deserved every punch and kick he got.

I see it happen all the time... Dirty foreign men come to Thailand and think that they can put their hands on whatever they please because they're in a country where they think it's acceptable. I have many female Thai friends who have had it happen in my company and it makes me furious. I also have no problem standing up for my Thai female friends and kicking the douchebag in the balls.

Where does this happen?

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The second camp recognizes the existence of said women, but can see beyond that and understand that there are millions upon millions of Thai woman that cannot be bought at any price, and they look at the first camp with disdain and disgust.

I'm in the second camp ....... but believe none of those ladies would ever enter Spicey.

I also don't believe TB has ever met Thai ladies that aren't for sale, as he's only a tourist and it's very hard for a tourist to meet the more respectable ladies. Mostly they avoid foreigners because of their reputation for using prostitutes.

If you go to places like Spicey, or walk along Loi Kroh in the evenings or even admit to going to Pattaya, Cowboy, Nana, every respectable Thai lady you encounter will get to hear about it, and mark you down as a whore-monger. Leaving only the hookers to show any interest in you.

This is what tourists like TB never seem to understand.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Before I came to Thailand I knew very little about the place. I'd been to Malaysia a few times and decided to leave the Uk to go to Oz. As the plane had to stop I chose to stay in Thailand for a month. The image I had of Thailand was of beaches, Thai brides and ping pong. More than anything else the reason I chose to stay for a month is just that I'd never been here. Plan was to land in Bkk and spend a month travelling down to Singapore for my Oz flight.

When I first arrived I didnt even know they had there own alphabet, it's not that I thought that they used the Roman alphabet, it's just that I never thought about it.

On returning to the Uk 14 months later with Thai bride in tow, I put the English general public in to 3 categories. The first was those that had never been that had the image that all 13 year old girls were hookers and that is the only reason why people come here. The second was the sexpats and third was people that had been and knew there was a lot more to Thailand than the sex industry.

It was with this opinion that I am suprised that TV has so many posts about bar girls. Yes, we know it's a part of Thailand, but I thought people that live here or frequent these shores would have moved on from it. I can't see the fascination with going on about it personally, but I'm more of a live and let live kind of guy.

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I didn't even bother reading through all these comments. However I don't think anyone has a right to grope or touch a girl without their consent. If she is a hooker and she did consent then fair enough but if not, he deserved every punch and kick he got.I see it happen all the time... Dirty foreign men come to Thailand and think that they can put their hands on whatever they please because they're in a country where they think it's acceptable. I have many female Thai friends who have had it happen in my company and it makes me furious. I also have no problem standing up for my Thai female friends and kicking the douchebag in the balls.
how many men have you kicked in the balls then ? cheesy.gif


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I didn't even bother reading through all these comments. However I don't think anyone has a right to grope or touch a girl without their consent. If she is a hooker and she did consent then fair enough but if not, he deserved every punch and kick he got.

I see it happen all the time... Dirty foreign men come to Thailand and think that they can put their hands on whatever they please because they're in a country where they think it's acceptable. I have many female Thai friends who have had it happen in my company and it makes me furious. I also have no problem standing up for my Thai female friends and kicking the douchebag in the balls.

Your attitude is common.

As a friend of mine said, they (western women in Thailand) look at all of us (white men in Thailand) and think 'perverts', why would you want to talk to such a person. As a result they get themselves into trouble, crash m/cs, overcharged, ripped off by scammers ..... we just let them get on with it, they don't need help from 'dirty old men'.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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It was with this opinion that I am suprised that TV has so many posts about bar girls. Yes, we know it's a part of Thailand, but I thought people that live here or frequent these shores would have moved on from it. I can't see the fascination with going on about it personally, but I'm more of a live and let live kind of guy.

It's why most men came here, why would they 'move on' yet still choose to live here?

The government doesn't exactly make us welcome.

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I didn't even bother reading through all these comments. However I don't think anyone has a right to grope or touch a girl without their consent. If she is a hooker and she did consent then fair enough but if not, he deserved every punch and kick he got.

I see it happen all the time... Dirty foreign men come to Thailand and think that they can put their hands on whatever they please because they're in a country where they think it's acceptable. I have many female Thai friends who have had it happen in my company and it makes me furious. I also have no problem standing up for my Thai female friends and kicking the douchebag in the balls.

Your attitude is common.

The Western women who complain most about "being groped" are mostly those no man in his right mind would ever even think of groping. A good example are the "slut walks".

If I would have beaten down every ladyboy or hooker who has groped me in Walking Street, they had to build some more hospitals there. Fortunately, most men aren't as violent.

Edited by GreenSnapper
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@ Tommo.

snip< I also don't believe TB has ever met Thai ladies that aren't for sale, as he's only a tourist >snip

snip>This is what tourists like TB never seem to understand.< snip

I really dont get this obsequious way you have of saying "only a tourist"!

I was bought up in Thailand yet now live elsewhere, yet when I come home to Nong Khai I never class myself as a tourist.

For me the definition of a tourist is someone coming into a country and doing the sights. With TB having his good lady in CM and perpetual accompanying visits would hardly class him as a tourist in my books... he also is coming back to his second home.

My father is on a 90 day reporting, much the same as most, yet he has lived for decades in Thailand and classes himself a guest in Thailand.

Nothing more or nothing less.

I havent read anywhere that you are a citizen of the Kingdom Tommo, hence as far as I am concerned you remain a guest/tourist in my books.

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I really dont get this obsequious way you have of saying "only a tourist"!

I was bought up in Thailand yet now live elsewhere, yet when I come home to Nong Khai I never class myself as a tourist.

For me the definition of a tourist is someone coming into a country and doing the sights. With TB having his good lady in CM and perpetual accompanying visits would hardly class him as a tourist in my books... he also is coming back to his second home.

My father is on a 90 day reporting, much the same as most, yet he has lived for decades in Thailand and classes himself a guest in Thailand.

Nothing more or nothing less.

I havent read anywhere that you are a citizen of the Kingdom Tommo, hence as far as I am concerned you remain a guest/tourist in my books.

Tourists don't live here full-time and can't speak the language.

Tourists meet hookers in hooker hang outs and claim they are with respectable girls.

TB comes to Thailand for two week trips .................. that's a tourist, well some unkind people might say sex tourist, but not me.

While not a Thai citizen myself, I have created Thai citizens, and will continue to create more.

Guests can be asked to leave, as long as I have 400k in the bank, I can stay here.

As for your father ... no Thai wife or kids ..... yep, he's a guest.

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