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Is Cm Changing For The Better Or Worse


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fair point but i dont see a negative in that.or even a bit of ego not like helly dollys point

the balinese who were trying to be friendly,well not even trying just being people ,well without sounding grand probably havent had the opportunity to travel so yes they were interacting

.Thats all

.If your girlfriend felt they had abused her national identity or pride well maybe your girlfriend should have a closer look,or was it yourself who felt superior/inferior or whatever

take it for what it was people trying to communicate with you both for what ever reason and in a way that they have being doing since time began

what would you they had rather done no interaction or spoke to you through a mobile phone

maybe if you both spoke Balinese there would be no misunderstanding

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IMO the problem is with some of the westerners is that they cannot distinguish between Thais and other asian nations. I find this very sad. They can lisiten to the language but have no idea.

We've just come back from Bali where all the Baliineese insisted that my wife was Balineese and not Thai so it's not just a western problem.

In Krabi several years ago, the Thais thought my northern Thai wife was Japanese......

aye lad these northern thais are hard to understand by the soft southerners
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fair point but i dont see a negative in that.or even a bit of ego not like helly dollys point

the balinese who were trying to be friendly,well not even trying just being people ,well without sounding grand probably havent had the opportunity to travel so yes they were interacting

.Thats all

.If your girlfriend felt they had abused her national identity or pride well maybe your girlfriend should have a closer look,or was it yourself who felt superior/inferior or whatever

take it for what it was people trying to communicate with you both for what ever reason and in a way that they have being doing since time began

what would you they had rather done no interaction or spoke to you through a mobile phone

maybe if you both spoke Balinese there would be no misunderstanding

What's with the "abuse of national identity" and "felt superior" nonesence, I stated a cold hard unemotional fact and didn;t refer to feelings or emotions at all!

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Hhahah this is hilarious.I almost chocked on my cornflakes IF i was inclined to eat sugar infested health foods,which i am not.

Well on the 2 days i have posted here most of the time has been personal attacks

Today it is Wigan.

Wigan is famous for one thing only and no it is not Wigan pier

people in the know know what it is as every English man should know

sorry that fact will be above such estemed members as the ones here.

To make it clear, i am only passing through CM .It so far has been 6 months out of a total of 15 months in Thailand

The rest of the time has been spent on my organic garden in North Thailand and yes with gardening experience of over 30 years i do know what a lemon looks like,i even know what a young lemon tree looks like,

I wonder if the esteemed members who mocked me do..

Oh the garden is paid for as well as the house that was built on the land

No debts to cooperate banks at all

I am in CM to follow up my on going learning of enviromental issues

On this point Cm has improved for the better

There is increased knowledge of the impact commercial and one crop farming is not only doing to the enviroment in general but also to impoverisjhig the life of the faily to a life of poverty and slavement to the middle men,who take hteir hard crafted crops from the mountains to bigger markets

that is CM or Bangkok.

Again i say there is improvement in CM on this issue

Use of more plastic bags in Cm and the vilages WORSE.

On the issue of pollution

I certainly was not aware of it on my first visit to the North of Thailand,

and even in my localalised state at the time,

I was there for 2 months so even i would have been able to see through the haze of my mind

Now my localised intergration with the people of that region is to support them by buying their high quality teas which i have stated before

again on that fact CM and Thailand as a whole has improved a lot.

the life of the hill people selling their wares has also improved financially as you can see many hill tribe people selling from permanant stalls or booths as the northamericans call them

,but has it improved their inner quality..

there is now a chance to buy organically produced food

so Cm has improved on that point

before you could only get organic if you were high in the hills and with farmers who really couldnt afford even the cheap pesticides that companies have aggresively promoted in the name of progress

Progress is another topic,which i am happy to discuss on another thread

oh yes was bored when i came on this site

but i came on to answer a question honestly and with good intentions

about the cost of living

that is another thread and yes i got attacked and belittled and called a liar basiically

Jackie Stewart is a good role model for me

bad speller,dyslexic,no education

as was Gandhi ji where i stayed at his ashram for many months

he had many thoughts on progress

right need another cup of chia me thinks

As a matter of interest do you know what kind of fertilizers they use for Organic produce?

I've heard that in the west it's often blood, fish guts, human, excrement and sweepings from the abattoir floor.bah.gif

As a vegetarian I'm not sure what is more acceptable. Blood or Chemicals on my Vegetables.

May I ask what you use and have you any idea what is used by Commercial Organic farmers??

I also heard that organic vegetables are more prone to infection with e-coli etc due to the fertilizers used...???

They must be well washed just like non organic...Any advice would be appreciated.wai.gif

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IMO the problem is with some of the westerners is that they cannot distinguish between Thais and other asian nations. I find this very sad. They can lisiten to the language but have no idea.

We've just come back from Bali where all the Baliineese insisted that my wife was Balineese and not Thai so it's not just a western problem.

haha what they the balinese were really meaning was that your wife was beautiful like the balinese

So do I

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As a matter of interest do you know what kind of fertilizers they use for Organic produce?

I've heard that in the west it's often blood, fish guts, human, excrement and sweepings from the abattoir floor.bah.gif

As a vegetarian I'm not sure what is more acceptable. Blood or Chemicals on my Vegetables.

May I ask what you use and have you any idea what is used by Commercial Organic farmers??

I also heard that organic vegetables are more prone to infection with e-coli etc due to the fertilizers used...???

They must be well washed just like non organic...Any advice would be appreciated.wai.gif

I have no idea what they use for commercia fertilisers as personally i dont need them or really want to touch them.

i Make my own compost up using different combinations of what has grown at the time

for example one compost was predominately cabbage ,corrainder another was corn stocks,chiilies

all mxed with my kitchen waste.

I also have a leaf mould heap on the go which will take time to decompose

sprays ginger black pepper.chillie garlic works for certain things

also we have lots of neem where i live so i have made a liquid spray all done with hand

i also use fermented fruits left over a period of days ,weeks,urine,and cow dung with cows raised on organic farm land

experimenting with natural made charcoal made from lychee bark .

Hope that helps

go to the oranic section on here

Jantaa from the uk is a wealth of knowledge and he is doing what he says

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