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Floor Plan Help


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thank you so much for comments and good ideas . And sirineou thank you for share your lovely house. wai.gif

Please don´t understand me on a wrong waysad.png . I know that I no need 4 bathrooms in my house, that´s why I said better don´t have sad.png. But the house needs 2 Guest rooms because I always have friends in here.smile.png And the house also needs office, for I have to work. And I take care my sister´s son, that´s why I also need a child room. smile.png But, sure both you are right maybe this or that room could be little bit smaller. But basicly this is my house of dreamsrolleyes.gif . Could you both help me by draw the Plan?wai.gifwai.gifwai.gifwai.gif

kop khun kasmile.png


Edited by siriporn26
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We would love to help you with your floor plans,

but in order to design a home that meets your needs and wants, it is necessary to have a lot of information that only you have.

, this are some questions I can think of, I am sure there are others

How big is the building lot,What ever you build has to fit the property you have, Keep in mind that some areas have sideline requirements, (how Far your home has to be away from the property line.in many areas it is not only the house but the roof overhangs.also.

what is next to your property, perhaps you don't want your bedroom window next to a motorbike repair shop,

which way the sun comes up? if you are going to spend time in your terrace in the afternoon you might want it on the shaded side.

How about the view?

what are the building codes if any in your area.?etc.

This will affect how you design the floor plan, and the orientation of the rooms and outdoor spaces.

Then you have to consider your personal variables.

what is your budget?

How many people would be using the home ( you answered some of that)

what size the home needs to be (you said 8X14 m) does it have to be that? can it be larger or smaller?

will you be working out of your home? or is the office only for occasional work?

do you cook a lot, and if so, do you like to do it indoors or outdoors?

Do you spend most of your time indoors or outdoors.?

will you have a car?

where will the entrance to your drive way be, be, depending on your street?

You see where I am going with this, only you know and feel your needs.

And of course as I said before, your floor plan has to work with in the confines of the structural grid.

I designed the house I want to build to fit some of the above considerations, I made a list of all of my considerations, wrote them down , took a piece of grid paper, (the grid paper will help you keep everything in proportion) and drew a box,

In your case 8x14 consisting of 14 squares by 8 squares , each square being a meter

This 8x14 box is the footprint of your home,make a red mark every3- 4 squares(representing3- 4 meters) to keep in mind where your columns will be

You can have a larger span between columns but you have to redesign you column and beam size.

now you can start to subdivide that space to fit your need, as described on your list of needs and wants.

Once you have a floor plan that best fits your needs and want, or if the plan you have already does that, then we can offer some suggestions on how to make it better.

once you settled on the best possible floor plan for your self, then on most areas you will have to file for a building permit at the local Amphur.

for that you will need to give then your floor plan and perhaps their engineers can draw you detail plans for a fee, or you can have your own engineer draw the detail plans and you can bring them to the government office.

Or at the Amphur office they have a number of free detail plans provided by the Government, perhaps one of these plans will work for you.http://www.crossy.co...ai_House_Plans/


Edited by sirineou
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Sawadee ka,wai.gif

Thank you for reply and for your questionssmile.png. The design from the house, like you know i already have.smile.png

The Land is also big enough (2 Rai), I don´t have Problems with neighbors. I have

some peoples in my family who can help to build this house but I don´t have

anybody who have the knowledge to draw the Plan. 8x14 meter will be perfect,

but if you say this or that room should be little bit smaller that´s ok for me.

But basicly that´s the house of my dream.smile.png

In the house we will have 3 Peoples. Me, my Mother and the son from my Sister. My Mother she will use one from the Guest room. But from time to time I also will get some friends who visit me. About Kitchen, I think we will cook inside the house more than outside. But I would like to be flexible in this case also. About car, I do plan to let car out of house. The office, yes I do need it also for work.

wai.gif siriwai.gif

Edited by siriporn26
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This can be a possible Floor plan that is easy to build


This is a crude sketch of the side elevation to get a feel how the downstairs, the terrace and the upstairs relate


it has two nice size guest rooms downstairs, a small terrace in the front for the front door, a large living area, Kitchen in the back so that it can be accessed from the rear large terrace that can also have small outdoor cooking and cleaning area.

I show the column placement in blue


it has three more bedrooms upstairs plenty of closet space and an office

The extra bathroom upstairs can be eliminated for a larger office.


Do you think this is a floor plan that can work for you?

Edited by sirineou
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How to say....i will be honestthat´s not what i like.. .Please tell me what is wrong with my drawing?


The problem is that what you have in mind is not suitable! It just doesn't work like that, too many problems.

Sirineou took a lot of time to help you, with what I think very good ideas. He choose to have one big terrace which is very good instead of three small ones which no one will ever use. And he gives you a much better option with the rooms and the columns.

If you are not contented or if you are so resistant to advise it may be better to hire an architect and let him do the drawing. You can still show him what you want and then he can tell you what is possible.

The problem with people who do not know how to design a constructable house they make so many mistakes and design something which would bring to many problems. Sirineou tried to eliminate that problems and show you better options for free.

It may be better for you to hire an architect...

Sirineou clap2.gif

Edited by yannic
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