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Thai Woman In Court In Uk For Beating Pensioner To Death After He Changes His Will In Her Favor


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The British Court system will try this fairly. If it is diminished responsibility and she can prove she is mentally ill she could end up in a Special Hospital (Rampton) or in a Forensic Secure Unit on a section - section 37 with a 41 restriction. These are often a lot longer sentences as there is a no time limit on them, and they are not that easy to get off, so getting "nutted off" is not always an easy option, however there are a number of options the court has.

In the end it's a sad story, and a very unpleasant end for Mr Norfolk.

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There are a number of parts of this case that seem to be undisputed facts

She killed him

She killed him with 16 blows to the head with a hammer

She waited 15 hours while he slowly died

Three months before the attack he changed his will to benefit her.

Here's the speculative part on my part:

There are networks of Thai women in most large towns in the UK now made up of divorced ex-bar girls who trade information on how to get the best settlement, what to say in court, how to claim abuse etc. They also teach other how to abuse the welfare system,

She was undoubtedly part of that network in Cambridge as she'd been there a long time.

This makes me think that the claim of abuse is false. That the attempted suicide is false.

My speculation is that she worked really really hard to be the sweetest thing he'd ever met to manipulate him in to changing his will. Once that was done she got tired of being so nice and went back to being lazy. He got annoyed and threatened to change his will back. She reacted with fury and attacked him, probably not intending to murder him, but on an impulse. Once she realised he was dead she decided she needed a story and abuse and mental illness is what she's going for, which is why she did the various things she did. (None of which were more than superficial)

This is entirely my speculation at this point, with the facts separated above.

If she gets away with it, or only gets a short sentence or get psychiatric care, this will be passed in to the Thai exwives network knowledge base, you can get someone to change their will and then murder them so long as you claim abuse or that you went temporarily mad

God some people talk utter crap "networks of Thai women who trade information" where do you get this rubbish from ,ok there are some bad uns ,but i more than likely know more Thai women in Britain than you ever could and most were decent hard workers ,even the hookers i knew were not all that bad ,so before you write this drivel ,think!!

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There are a number of parts of this case that seem to be undisputed facts

She killed him

She killed him with 16 blows to the head with a hammer

She waited 15 hours while he slowly died

Three months before the attack he changed his will to benefit her.

Here's the speculative part on my part:

There are networks of Thai women in most large towns in the UK now made up of divorced ex-bar girls who trade information on how to get the best settlement, what to say in court, how to claim abuse etc. They also teach other how to abuse the welfare system,

She was undoubtedly part of that network in Cambridge as she'd been there a long time.

This makes me think that the claim of abuse is false. That the attempted suicide is false.

My speculation is that she worked really really hard to be the sweetest thing he'd ever met to manipulate him in to changing his will. Once that was done she got tired of being so nice and went back to being lazy. He got annoyed and threatened to change his will back. She reacted with fury and attacked him, probably not intending to murder him, but on an impulse. Once she realised he was dead she decided she needed a story and abuse and mental illness is what she's going for, which is why she did the various things she did. (None of which were more than superficial)

This is entirely my speculation at this point, with the facts separated above.

If she gets away with it, or only gets a short sentence or get psychiatric care, this will be passed in to the Thai exwives network knowledge base, you can get someone to change their will and then murder them so long as you claim abuse or that you went temporarily mad

God some people talk utter crap "networks of Thai women who trade information" where do you get this rubbish from ,ok there are some bad uns ,but i more than likely know more Thai women in Britain than you ever could and most were decent hard workers ,even the hookers i knew were not all that bad ,so before you write this drivel ,think!!

You really trying to claim that Thai women brought to the UK don't seek each other to talk in Thai and talk about things about Thailand and eat Thai food together? You really trying to claim that doesn't happen?

Or maybe you'll apologise for saying that Thai women form groups together is rubbish since you'd have to be blind to claim to know Thai women in the UK and continue to deny it.

Maybe what you think is rubbish is the idea that these women would trade advice and experience on how to survive, what their rights are in a foreign country they all share, what experiences they've had or heard from others.

I mean it must be rubbish to claim that Thai women in a foreign country would do what white men do in foreign countries, mustn't it?

Probably racist on my part as well right?

I swear, some of you are so desperate to defend Thais you veer right out of common sense and in to bizzaro fantasy land.

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If, and I stress IF she is found guilty of his murder she will not profit by it... My understanding of UK law is that a convicted criminal is not allowed to profit directly from their crime. In these circumstances I would imagine that the money will go to the mans wife...

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The only person in this case for whom I feel much sympathy at present is the victim's wife, who is clearly in failing health, was dishinherited by her husband, and now has the humiliation of all and sundry knowing how he betrayed her.

I wouldn't wish to pass comment on the alleged murderer, it's up to the jury to decide her guilt or otherwise.

This must be quite common I am surprised the UK does not arrest old fools marry to younger Thai. Oh well that is the UK

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British justice will ensure that, if proven guilty, she will spend just a couple of years in quite nice prison accommodation at the taxpayer's expense and will then be free to leave with her ill-gotten gains. She'll probably even have her flight back to Thailand paid for her.

And they wonder why the UK is going to the dogs.

I might normally say 'One could not make this crap up' - but you just did.

We shall see what happens if she is convicted.

You could probably spend the intervening time preparing your apology.

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The only person in this case for whom I feel much sympathy at present is the victim's wife, who is clearly in failing health, was dishinherited by her husband, and now has the humiliation of all and sundry knowing how he betrayed her.

I wouldn't wish to pass comment on the alleged murderer, it's up to the jury to decide her guilt or otherwise.

This must be quite common I am surprised the UK does not arrest old fools marry to younger Thai. Oh well that is the UK

Eh, ?ermm.gif
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God some people talk utter crap "networks of Thai women who trade information" where do you get this rubbish from .....

Not really. You dont seem to know journalese or police-speak.

"Network" = more than one person. "Trade information" = talk to each other.

I will bet a substantial sum that most women (Thai or otherwise) in the UK fit that description.

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British justice will ensure that, if proven guilty, she will spend just a couple of years in quite nice prison accommodation at the taxpayer's expense and will then be free to leave with her ill-gotten gains. She'll probably even have her flight back to Thailand paid for her.

And they wonder why the UK is going to the dogs.

I might normally say 'One could not make this crap up' - but you just did.

We shall see what happens if she is convicted.

You could probably spend the intervening time preparing your apology.

Darrel, as already posted, under UK law the woman, if convicted, will have no access to the deceased estate. You know this so why persist with misinformation?

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am i the only one who doesnt give a crap? Obviously he was no better than her

Being an old guy and having desires for younger women is not illegal or immoral as far as I know.

And unless this involves minors, than I don`t think being friends or having sexual relationships with younger women should warrant the death penalty as this tragic unfortunate man received.

slavery, abuse of a lesser mind, abuse of a person in a lesser position, cheating on his wife etc etc He did a lot of bad things just to have a wet surface on his penis when a small latex toy would of been the same for him (Those high interest loans that prey on people down on their luck are completely legal yet they're still heartless and disturbingly evil)

just an other disgusting person, murder or not i do not care what happens to him or her, they're both bad people and they both deserve eachother and whatever that brings.

Not happy about it but really could not care less.

Edited by Hostile17
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am i the only one who doesnt give a crap? Obviously he was no better than her

Being an old guy and having desires for younger women is not illegal or immoral as far as I know.

And unless this involves minors, than I don`t think being friends or having sexual relationships with younger women should warrant the death penalty as this tragic unfortunate man received.

slavery, abuse of a lesser mind, abuse of a person in a lesser position, cheating on his wife etc etc He did a lot of bad things just to have a wet surface on his penis when a small latex toy would of been the same for him (Those high interest loans that prey on people down on their luck are completely legal yet they're still heartless and disturbingly evil)

just an other disgusting person, murder or not i do not care what happens to him or her, they're both bad people and they both deserve eachother and whatever that brings.

Not happy about it but really could not care less.

A well chosen username

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British justice will ensure that, if proven guilty, she will spend just a couple of years in quite nice prison accommodation at the taxpayer's expense and will then be free to leave with her ill-gotten gains. She'll probably even have her flight back to Thailand paid for her.

And they wonder why the UK is going to the dogs.

I might normally say 'One could not make this crap up' - but you just did.

We shall see what happens if she is convicted.

You could probably spend the intervening time preparing your apology.

Maybe the court will find her guilty, like I say, let the court decide. While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

I'll not apologise if she's convicted, since I've said that is for the court to decide and I've not said she is guilty or innocent and I trust you'll not expect me to apologise for the fact that the UK government funds prison and deportation costs.

Now, what else is the Daily Mail telling you to rant about today?!

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British justice will ensure that, if proven guilty, she will spend just a couple of years in quite nice prison accommodation at the taxpayer's expense and will then be free to leave with her ill-gotten gains. She'll probably even have her flight back to Thailand paid for her.

And they wonder why the UK is going to the dogs.

I might normally say 'One could not make this crap up' - but you just did.

We shall see what happens if she is convicted.

You could probably spend the intervening time preparing your apology.

Maybe the court will find her guilty, like I say, let the court decide. While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

I'll not apologise if she's convicted, since I've said that is for the court to decide and I've not said she is guilty or innocent and I trust you'll not expect me to apologise for the fact that the UK government funds prison and deportation costs.

Now, what else is the Daily Mail telling you to rant about today?!

In LOS l disarmed a Thai lady who was going to kill her aging farang husband. To be totally honest l wanted to kill him too. An asshol_e of the biggest kind, so not everything is black and white. wink.png
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British justice will ensure that, if proven guilty, she will spend just a couple of years in quite nice prison accommodation at the taxpayer's expense and will then be free to leave with her ill-gotten gains. She'll probably even have her flight back to Thailand paid for her.

And they wonder why the UK is going to the dogs.

I might normally say 'One could not make this crap up' - but you just did.

We shall see what happens if she is convicted.

You could probably spend the intervening time preparing your apology.

Maybe the court will find her guilty, like I say, let the court decide. While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

I'll not apologise if she's convicted, since I've said that is for the court to decide and I've not said she is guilty or innocent and I trust you'll not expect me to apologise for the fact that the UK government funds prison and deportation costs.

Now, what else is the Daily Mail telling you to rant about today?!

There's no question she's guilty. She's admitted it and was found with the corpse.

The only question is the kind of sentence she will get.

She's obviously going for temporary insanity due to abuse.

Some people are skeptical as to whether the abuse was real and suspicious that courts tend to go easy on women murderers that make these claims.

And its not necessarily an anti-Thai woman thing. Lorrena Bobbit is a case where if a man cut a woman's breasts off and threw them away its unlikely he'd be turning up on chat shows not long after claiming to be a victim

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This is fast turning into one of those threads in which the intellectually challenged compete with the psychologically damaged to see who can out do each other in revealing the depth of their problems.

As you know, l am both. sad.png
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There's no question she's guilty. She's admitted it and was found with the corpse.

The only question is the kind of sentence she will get.

She's obviously going for temporary insanity due to abuse.

Some people are skeptical as to whether the abuse was real and suspicious that courts tend to go easy on women murderers that make these claims.

And its not necessarily an anti-Thai woman thing. Lorrena Bobbit is a case where if a man cut a woman's breasts off and threw them away its unlikely he'd be turning up on chat shows not long after claiming to be a victim

Reading comprehension not your strong point?

Rimmer who used an interpreter to help her understand proceedings due to her poor English denies murder.

The court heard that Rimmer said nothing to police after being arrested.

She also claimed ... that she had suffered ‘a blackout’ on the night he had died so she could not remember anything.

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There are a number of parts of this case that seem to be undisputed facts

She killed him

She killed him with 16 blows to the head with a hammer

She waited 15 hours while he slowly died

Three months before the attack he changed his will to benefit her.

Here's the speculative part on my part:

There are networks of Thai women in most large towns in the UK now made up of divorced ex-bar girls who trade information on how to get the best settlement, what to say in court, how to claim abuse etc. They also teach other how to abuse the welfare system,

She was undoubtedly part of that network in Cambridge as she'd been there a long time.

This makes me think that the claim of abuse is false. That the attempted suicide is false.

My speculation is that she worked really really hard to be the sweetest thing he'd ever met to manipulate him in to changing his will. Once that was done she got tired of being so nice and went back to being lazy. He got annoyed and threatened to change his will back. She reacted with fury and attacked him, probably not intending to murder him, but on an impulse. Once she realised he was dead she decided she needed a story and abuse and mental illness is what she's going for, which is why she did the various things she did. (None of which were more than superficial)

This is entirely my speculation at this point, with the facts separated above.

If she gets away with it, or only gets a short sentence or get psychiatric care, this will be passed in to the Thai exwives network knowledge base, you can get someone to change their will and then murder them so long as you claim abuse or that you went temporarily mad

God some people talk utter crap "networks of Thai women who trade information" where do you get this rubbish from ,ok there are some bad uns ,but i more than likely know more Thai women in Britain than you ever could and most were decent hard workers ,even the hookers i knew were not all that bad ,so before you write this drivel ,think!!

You really trying to claim that Thai women brought to the UK don't seek each other to talk in Thai and talk about things about Thailand and eat Thai food together? You really trying to claim that doesn't happen?

Or maybe you'll apologise for saying that Thai women form groups together is rubbish since you'd have to be blind to claim to know Thai women in the UK and continue to deny it.

Maybe what you think is rubbish is the idea that these women would trade advice and experience on how to survive, what their rights are in a foreign country they all share, what experiences they've had or heard from others.

I mean it must be rubbish to claim that Thai women in a foreign country would do what white men do in foreign countries, mustn't it?

Probably racist on my part as well right?

I swear, some of you are so desperate to defend Thais you veer right out of common sense and in to bizzaro fantasy land.

What you implied was that there were networks of Thai women who got together to rip of Brits ,not that they got together to eat Thai food and chat ,. which is Rubbish just because you may have been ripped off dont tar all Thai women with the same brush as yours.

Edited by thenervoussurgeon
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While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

UK prison is far nicer accommodation that many people in Thailand have. Indeed being in a UK prison would probably be far nicer than scratching a living in a Thai factory or building site.

As to what money she may get to keep, we may or may not find out. I think it's more than likely that she will retain it, no matter what some people here might imagine.

And any conviction would probably not be for murder anyway.

Sadly these are the sorts of things that get little publicity later on.

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While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

UK prison is far nicer accommodation that many people in Thailand have. Indeed being in a UK prison would probably be far nicer than scratching a living in a Thai factory or building site.

As to what money she may get to keep, we may or may not find out. I think it's more than likely that she will retain it, no matter what some people here might imagine.

And any conviction would probably not be for murder anyway.

Sadly these are the sorts of things that get little publicity later on.

What the price of freedom eh ?

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trouble is life in a uk prison will be like a 5*hotel to her if found guilty,where's the rope.

The only real justice will be that she will have to eat farang food for the rest of her life. A fate worse than death for most thai women I know.

RIP to the old duffer. Shame he picked a bad one as she did him in.

HMP are well versed in foreign menus these days.

Deprived of Thai food, she could probably take her case to the European Court of Human Rights. The annoying parts are, it would be at the taxpayers expense, and she'd almost certainly win.

Did somebody mention political correctness?

If you'd read the post you'd just quoted you'd realise that Thai food is available in UK prisons like it or not. The standard of food @HMP Send (Female Prison off the A3 near Woking) was arguably better than at some of the Defence establishments i've eaten at over the years.

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There's no question she's guilty. She's admitted it and was found with the corpse.

The only question is the kind of sentence she will get.

She's obviously going for temporary insanity due to abuse.

Some people are skeptical as to whether the abuse was real and suspicious that courts tend to go easy on women murderers that make these claims.

And its not necessarily an anti-Thai woman thing. Lorrena Bobbit is a case where if a man cut a woman's breasts off and threw them away its unlikely he'd be turning up on chat shows not long after claiming to be a victim

Reading comprehension not your strong point?

Rimmer who used an interpreter to help her understand proceedings due to her poor English denies murder.

The court heard that Rimmer said nothing to police after being arrested.

She also claimed ... that she had suffered 'a blackout' on the night he had died so she could not remember anything.

You could try being less snotty.

And you missed this line


Prosecutor Andrew Jackson said he believed that Rimmer did not deny killing him and that she would claim that she was suffering from diminished responsibility."

Are you contending that there is doubt over her guilt? That you think she may be innocent? That someone else broke in to the house, slipped her a roofie, and battered him to death?

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British justice will ensure that, if proven guilty, she will spend just a couple of years in quite nice prison accommodation at the taxpayer's expense and will then be free to leave with her ill-gotten gains. She'll probably even have her flight back to Thailand paid for her.

And they wonder why the UK is going to the dogs.

I might normally say 'One could not make this crap up' - but you just did.

We shall see what happens if she is convicted.

You could probably spend the intervening time preparing your apology.

Maybe the court will find her guilty, like I say, let the court decide. While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

I'll not apologise if she's convicted, since I've said that is for the court to decide and I've not said she is guilty or innocent and I trust you'll not expect me to apologise for the fact that the UK government funds prison and deportation costs.

Now, what else is the Daily Mail telling you to rant about today?!

Not the Daily Mail, but I could PM you with details of my financial, sexual and emotional problems, if you`re interested? Only no one else will listen. Otherwise I`ll have to keep ranting on and on about this poor, misunderstood Thai lady who brutally murdered some sad old man for his cash.

Actually., I`ll leaning towards the views of our hostilemaniac17, who doesn`t give a crap.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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There's no question she's guilty. She's admitted it and was found with the corpse.

The only question is the kind of sentence she will get.

She's obviously going for temporary insanity due to abuse.

Some people are skeptical as to whether the abuse was real and suspicious that courts tend to go easy on women murderers that make these claims.

And its not necessarily an anti-Thai woman thing. Lorrena Bobbit is a case where if a man cut a woman's breasts off and threw them away its unlikely he'd be turning up on chat shows not long after claiming to be a victim

Reading comprehension not your strong point?

Rimmer who used an interpreter to help her understand proceedings due to her poor English denies murder.

The court heard that Rimmer said nothing to police after being arrested.

She also claimed ... that she had suffered 'a blackout' on the night he had died so she could not remember anything.

You could try being less snotty.

And you missed this line


Prosecutor Andrew Jackson said he believed that Rimmer did not deny killing him and that she would claim that she was suffering from diminished responsibility."

Are you contending that there is doubt over her guilt? That you think she may be innocent? That someone else broke in to the house, slipped her a roofie, and battered him to death?

Again, I urge you to read and comprehend. And perhaps understand the mindset of a prosecutor.

I offered no opinion on the case, merely challenged your statement that "she admitted it".

"Did not deny" is not synonymous with "admitted it".

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but I could PM you with details of my financial, sexual and emotional problems, if you`re interested?

Post them up anyway ,i could do with a good laugh laugh.png

I posted details of my problems to that nasty Mr Guesthouse, and he couldn`t care less.

Do you think I should start a thread on the subject, with voting of course?

As for this murder, I`d forgotten all about that hours ago. Anyway, who done it, was it the butler?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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While awaiting the verdict, I'll contemplate the mindset that believes Prison is quite nice accommodation, that if convicted the law would allow her to keep the proceeds of the will, or that she's going to get a 'couple of years' if convicted for murder.

UK prison is far nicer accommodation that many people in Thailand have. Indeed being in a UK prison would probably be far nicer than scratching a living in a Thai factory or building site.

As to what money she may get to keep, we may or may not find out. I think it's more than likely that she will retain it, no matter what some people here might imagine.

And any conviction would probably not be for murder anyway.

Sadly these are the sorts of things that get little publicity later on.

Wonderful, and imagined scenario with the great British Public as the victim of people committing murder, getting away with it, keeping the proceeds of their crime and sponging off the state.

When the facts of the law are placed before you, another dreamed up world is invented in which all the imagined injustice is hidden from us.

We should keep this in mind when we read these tales of guys leaving the UK because they are fed up with the 'System' how much of the 'System' they are running away from in truth resides within their own heads?!

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We should keep this in mind when we read these tales of guys leaving the UK because they are fed up with the 'System' how much of the 'System' they are running away from in truth resides within their own heads?!

Very profound. Shame it doesn't mean anything.

Not that it's at all relevant but I left the UK nearly 35+ years ago when I was just over 20, and not because of the "system" but simply to see more of the world, which I have done. Since then I have only been to the UK for brief family visits, totalling just a few months in total over all that time.

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