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Just Got Followed Home By About 10 Thai Teenage Boys


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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

Classic example of hyperbole. If this sort of thing was happening all the time, then surely it would have happened to other members on TV. Has it, with any sort of regularity? I've never had any issues with the young Thais, let alone have them follow me home. But I'm also pretty sure that Phuturatica's other main point was that the neighbors banded together to confront the young hoodlums. Now that's not evidence of a "degenerate society," is it? You need to lift yourself from the gutter to see what's going on in the rest of Thailand.

Taking into'account that Submaniac is Thai, I think I'll go with him on this one. Did his well written post throw you off?

OP, glad you're ok!

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just be thankful they weren't carrying sword and weapons lol. I see kids in packs like that all the time in Tha Phra. Most of the time they just run through the mall like retards lol. lipstick wearing thugs ^ ^

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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

Classic example of hyperbole. If this sort of thing was happening all the time, then surely it would have happened to other members on TV. Has it, with any sort of regularity? I've never had any issues with the young Thais, let alone have them follow me home. But I'm also pretty sure that Phuturatica's other main point was that the neighbors banded together to confront the young hoodlums. Now that's not evidence of a "degenerate society," is it? You need to lift yourself from the gutter to see what's going on in the rest of Thailand.

I've never had an encounter with any chav kids but we all know they are a problem here. London riots, happy slapping on buses ahem ahem? I live in Berkshire too btw and there are plenty of areas swarming with the little buggers - slough, bracknell ect....

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By the way, if this happened to me, I would have done a poo in my pants...

And there's me thinking you were going to apply for the job of bodyguard wink.png

I wouldn't get in a fight with someone who's just shat himself in fear of getting my hands dirty.


Also, phuturatica, pray tell what gifts did you get 'em?

I got them some snack like treats/sweets and then my other half got them all a bottle of whiskey each. :) Apparently it's rather unbecoming for a lady to give a bloke some alcohol in Thailand. Hah! laugh.png

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What sort of "security" do you have if 10 kids can just walk in?

Can't believe any proper condo would allow that.

Sounds like the OP lives in a poorer neighborhood, perhaps?

My neighbourhood isn't that poor actually. It's obviously not the most HiSo place in Bangkok but I've never had a problem before. Also I don't wish to alarm you or anything but this kind of thing can happen anywhere really. Obviously, it's more likely to happen in a poorer area but you should never rule it out just because you're surrounded by big houses and rich people. :P

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Yeah I was thinking this but to be honest I think they were just being cheeky and rude. No real bad intentions etc.


Don't be too naive about those boys

These younger aged villains are the most dangerous of the entire age group of thugs - they have no fear - making a statement or acting on the mentality such as the statement you have made will result in serious consequences.

They view access to knives and guns as a fun part of going out for the night - they consider use of guns and knives as exercises in Bravado.

Ask any law enforcement official worldwide - who is the real worrisome criminals out there and they will tell you underage thugs such as these.

This same age group of thugs are the ones snatching gold necklaces from everyone - expatriate or Thai.

The same boys have a mentality and lack of conscious behaviour that they cannot be touched by the law - they are cunning and quick to act and run.

Don't underestimate them - they are the most dangerous of the groups out there.

They are also stupid and that breeds a dangerous combination.

They certainly passed on the rule [ Don't s**t in your own backyard ] - I am surprised they did this nonsense right near to their homes. This experience of being humiliated by their family and neighbors will certainly change the place they decide to act this way in the future.

The fact they followed the guy all the way to the door - is quite alarming. If I was being followed I would never have led them to my door-step - rather i would have gone directly to security.

These same boys hang out at the doors to shopping areas and wait for their prey to walk by - then stalk and pounce when they leave the congested pedestrian areas.

Being naive about these age groups of boys and underestimating them will get you assaulted, robbed or worse injured or killed.

Typically the retaliation of these boys is eminent - only thing that might prevent retaliation would be the proximity to their homes and the connection by their family and neighbors - this guy was lucky this did not happen at a remote location away from these thugs reach of family and neighbors.

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a good and informing story...I've had the same problems with intimidating teenaged punks where I live in Thailand as I am the only westerner in town ('falang! <SNIP!> you!' with big laughs) but have managed to walk away...and if you defend yerself with extreme prejudice (uncle tutsi may be old and sick but I grew up in a bad neighborhood and can handle meself in a street fight so long as there are no blades or guns and the kids described sound like chickenshit punks and not badassed gangsters) you never know if one of the perps whose skull you've just bashed in with a brick is the son of a local police captain...

quite heartening to hear that your neighbors supported you, phuturatica...I'm fortunate as I know that my neighbors would have supported me...50 something Nan at the corner food stall would have run them off with a cleaver...

Edited by metisdead
: Profanity removed.
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Slightly off topic.

My misses says the reason there are so many available Thai women in their 30s and up, is because the younger Thai guys are extremely violent, fight and kill each other, get drunk and die in m/c accidents, etc., starting at high-school age. Leaving a much higher proportion of Thai women surviving. I wonder if that really could be true.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

Classic example of hyperbole. If this sort of thing was happening all the time, then surely it would have happened to other members on TV. Has it, with any sort of regularity? I've never had any issues with the young Thais, let alone have them follow me home. But I'm also pretty sure that Phuturatica's other main point was that the neighbors banded together to confront the young hoodlums. Now that's not evidence of a "degenerate society," is it? You need to lift yourself from the gutter to see what's going on in the rest of Thailand.

I've never had an encounter with any chav kids but we all know they are a problem here. London riots, happy slapping on buses ahem ahem? I live in Berkshire too btw and there are plenty of areas swarming with the little buggers - slough, bracknell ect....

Yeah, what should we do with em, I think the time has gone for cryogenic storage of all young people until they are mature enough to deal with life, also this would help with other issues, power and food shortages ... not a problem we've got the young people cryogenically stored, we can defrost when we have new unskilled labour recquirements. Also would solve unemployment throjughout developed world and developing countries, I am a bloody genious, sumbody elect me as president and world do gooder, enough of this post, I shall go and put the world to rights

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Slightly off topic.

My misses says the reason there are so many available Thai women in their 30s and up, is because the younger Thai guys are extremely violent, fight and kill each other, get drunk and die in m/c accidents, etc., starting at high-school age. Leaving a much higher proportion of Thai women surviving. I wonder if that really could be true.

I don't think so Tommo...

Maybe she was talking about your village.

... or Congo.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Slightly off topic.

My misses says the reason there are so many available Thai women in their 30s and up, is because the younger Thai guys are extremely violent, fight and kill each other, get drunk and die in m/c accidents, etc., starting at high-school age. Leaving a much higher proportion of Thai women surviving. I wonder if that really could be true.

I don't think so Tommo...

Maybe she was talking about your village.

... or Congo.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

If you have to believe the statistics then the number of women versus men in the 30-34 age bracket is about the same.

From 35-39 women are in a slight majority.


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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

Classic example of hyperbole. If this sort of thing was happening all the time, then surely it would have happened to other members on TV. Has it, with any sort of regularity? I've never had any issues with the young Thais, let alone have them follow me home. But I'm also pretty sure that Phuturatica's other main point was that the neighbors banded together to confront the young hoodlums. Now that's not evidence of a "degenerate society," is it? You need to lift yourself from the gutter to see what's going on in the rest of Thailand.

I've never had an encounter with any chav kids but we all know they are a problem here. London riots, happy slapping on buses ahem ahem? I live in Berkshire too btw and there are plenty of areas swarming with the little buggers - slough, bracknell ect....

Yeah, what should we do with em, I think the time has gone for cryogenic storage of all young people until they are mature enough to deal with life, also this would help with other issues, power and food shortages ... not a problem we've got the young people cryogenically stored, we can defrost when we have new unskilled labour recquirements. Also would solve unemployment throjughout developed world and developing countries, I am a bloody genious, sumbody elect me as president and world do gooder, enough of this post, I shall go and put the world to rights

I've always thought she should bring back the 'stocks' for bullying, anti-social behaviour. The shame of this punishment would make them think twice before 'showing off' to their friends.

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I would change my schedule, try to go home earlier or later and avoid the area for a while.

Get some personal protection. Have the tourist police number on speed dial. If possible be with a buddy. Keep your eyes open. Learn some Thai phrases.

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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

Classic example of hyperbole. If this sort of thing was happening all the time, then surely it would have happened to other members on TV. Has it, with any sort of regularity? I've never had any issues with the young Thais, let alone have them follow me home. But I'm also pretty sure that Phuturatica's other main point was that the neighbors banded together to confront the young hoodlums. Now that's not evidence of a "degenerate society," is it? You need to lift yourself from the gutter to see what's going on in the rest of Thailand.

Taking into'account that Submaniac is Thai, I think I'll go with him on this one. Did his well written post throw you off?

OP, glad you're ok!

And Daily mail readers are English, they'll tell you the same thing about the UK and how every teenager will stab you. That South London is a no go area etc etc.

Teenage gangs or gangs have been stabbing each other since time began right through gang culture of the fifties, mod and rocker gangs, punk culture, football hooligan culture of the 70's and 80's with knifes and stanley knife blades, Chelsea smiles, through to teenage gang culture of today.

The first year I lived in Coventry almost 20 years ago there were 10 shootings or stabbings in 9 months within 200 metres of my house but it didn't make the national press then as it didn't sell papers back then.

The incidents are horrible and tragic, but in reality are few and fair between just highlighted by the media. Look up the report or book was it about the hit man of Chonburi that goes back many years. I live in Chonburi yet I've only had a gun pulled on me here walking street Pattaya.

The fact is we have so much more access to media reports these days that makes it seem like it's happening all the time.

The technical college fights are beyond stupid, but rival schools have been fighting each other around the world for years.

Headmaster's had enough to-day

All the kids have gone away

Gone to fight with next-door's school

Every term, that is the rule

Name that song, clue it's from about 30 years ago.

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Glad you are ok and it does sound like you now have good neighbours. I wouldn't move. But some small way of thanking them wouldn't hurt. But the whole episode sounds a bit odd. Young boys or even older ones are not usually that macho or rude in Thailand. Maybe yabba or whisky was involved ? However, both they and the security guy will have lost face now with your neighbours. I would make friends with some of the neighbours who helped. (bearing in mind your single, farang woman status and the potential for new problems or misinterpretations on their part.)

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phuturatica seems to know how to handle herself whether here or at home. I am sure she looks after herself wherever she is and does not go overboard just because she is here. Girls allways have to be aware everywhereand I am sure she knows how to keep the right balance of caution and life.

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Are you pretty? Maybe they thought you were cute. wub.png

Who actually answers the question "Are you pretty?"

I'm proper minging! laugh.png

Glad you made it unharmed tough girl !

( Your neighbours are great too )

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