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Just Got Followed Home By About 10 Thai Teenage Boys


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The take out for me from your story phuturatica is that you have gained the respect of both the Security Guard and the local community. In your time of need, they rallied around you.

BTW ... nice story telling ... I wanted to read to end ... discover the outcome.


That was good story-telling, well explained (unlike the standard incoherent drivel that we normally see on TV). Glad it was a happy-ending and that your neighbors are looking out for you. I wouldn't worry too much about these kids now as you haven't done anything to provoke them. It's the elders that took that responsibility and I doubt the kids will challenge them.

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they just started bad mouthing off at me in Thai

What other language would you expect them to use?

The fact that you mentioned they spoke Thai suggests that you don't understand Thai?

So how do you know they were bad mouthing you?

I'm not fluent in Thai but I do know enough bad words and heard them words being aimed at me therefore I'm not completely dumb to know that they were being derogatory.

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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

I agree - but its happening in pretty much every country.

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If I am you I will be very careful and try to avoid them....they had been roughed up by your apartment's adults this the a "lost face" situation....young as they may be, but this age is the most dangerous...if you are in thailand long enough you should know...take care..

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Glad to know you're ok.

Unfortunately, 13 to 20 is not the smartest age for boys, and being in group make them even more dumber.

But it's good to realize the neighborhood have your back. I suggest you bring a little something to to the people who stand for you as a thank you gesture, it will reinforce the bond between you and them. Fruits, small stuff, anything, no need to be expensive, just to mark the fact that you appreciated what they did for you. They will appreciate it.

Seconded. Otherwise if it does happen again (I hope it doesn't... but if) then you know they'll be just as diligent. Can backfire, though.... I gave my "security guard" (neighbour) a can of coke for letting me in the building when I forgot my key at 4 am one time, and now I think he wants me to be his best friend.

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...and then the grown men who had hold of the boys shouted at the teenagers and gave them a good hiding right in front of me...


Glad to hear that it all worked out all right in the end. Was that a literal hiding where they put them over their knee or more of a verbal bashing?

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Yeah I was thinking this but to be honest I think they were just being cheeky and rude. No real bad intentions etc.

If they had bad intentions then you probably would not have been able to walk downstairs again to inform the security.

Unless I read wrong but the way you describe things they were going upstairs and you had to go downstairs to inform security???

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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

I agree - but its happening in pretty much every country.

And has been, since time began


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Good on ya Blue.

Get the personal alarm...good idea and also pepper spray....do not discount the fact that most of these guys are chicken shit little weasels...a good dose of spray might do the trick as last resort....after all...last resort is last resort and best you get something in rather than not if the inevitable is about to happen.

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Thailand is starting to degenerate as a society. When I was young, what happened would never have happened. Children had respect for adults, and would leave a foreigner alone. Things just seem to be out of hand. I am glad Photuratica is alright, but I would still be worried. Especially with all the vocational school "kids" fighting, shooting and buses, slashing necks at MBK. It's very scary how the young Thais are getting out of control.

Classic example of hyperbole. If this sort of thing was happening all the time, then surely it would have happened to other members on TV. Has it, with any sort of regularity? I've never had any issues with the young Thais, let alone have them follow me home. But I'm also pretty sure that Phuturatica's other main point was that the neighbors banded together to confront the young hoodlums. Now that's not evidence of a "degenerate society," is it? You need to lift yourself from the gutter to see what's going on in the rest of Thailand.

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It seems that except for the gang of stupid teenagers everyone who got involved acted really well. That must be comforting.

No way to tell if there is any chance of those boys trying anything stupid, but I would think it unlikely. Nevertheless as you say yourself, be careful, specially for the next week or two.

In those circumstances it probably was difficult to assess, but did you have time to notice if they seemed drunk/high? If they were, hopefully they will hardly remember or they may even feel ashamed about it. Of course there is always the chance that one or a few of them felt they lost face and if/when they get drunk or high again (if that was the case) they might want to do something stupid like that again, hopefully with the same results.

Getting the alarm or even the pepper spray might be a safety blanket if you feel very freaked out - or as some sort of insurance - but you sound like you take it quite calmly and hopefully within a few days it will be out of your mind.

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...and then the grown men who had hold of the boys shouted at the teenagers and gave them a good hiding right in front of me...


Glad to hear that it all worked out all right in the end. Was that a literal hiding where they put them over their knee or more of a verbal bashing?

More of a <deleted> round the head/ear, a good shove and a lot of verbal bashing. Either way, I was actually satisfied with the punishment. The kids were wai'ing me afterwards very apologetically.

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...and then the grown men who had hold of the boys shouted at the teenagers and gave them a good hiding right in front of me...


Glad to hear that it all worked out all right in the end. Was that a literal hiding where they put them over their knee or more of a verbal bashing?

I am very gald that you are safe. In Australia the men who gave these idiots a belting would have been charged with assault . I am glad that I am now living in Thailand.

Edited by ripstanley
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iim worried that your security et hem walk up the stairs in your condo,maybe time to bnd together with your good neighbors and speak with the owners of the building and get the standards ffor the guards up a notch or too

johnniey you seem quite grump today,cheer up

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Yeah I was thinking this but to be honest I think they were just being cheeky and rude. No real bad intentions etc.

If they had bad intentions then you probably would not have been able to walk downstairs again to inform the security.

Unless I read wrong but the way you describe things they were going upstairs and you had to go downstairs to inform security???

More than anything I think they weren't in the right mind of what they were actually doing! There was a cocky little ringleader who was doing most of the talking and the others were mainly following him to be cool. When I walked down the stairs, I pushed past the cocky mouthy one and the others just let me run down the stairs past them to the security office.

But yeah, I think they were just being cocky rude kids trying to show off in front of their mates and whatnot.

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I think most men would be quite intimidated by being followed by 10 Thai teenagers. That's a lot of guys to take on--a little like a pack of dogs.

They have just been cocky, but had you not handled the situation well the outcome may have been quite different.

Glad your safe and take care.

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You did exactly the right thing and it's certainly nothing to be ashamed of being scared when followed home whether it was one person or 10. You had no way of knowing what their intentions were.

Edited by metisdead
: Nonsense video and comments removed from post.
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Sorry to hear this, you must be shaken up a bit (or a lot).

It sounds like you handled the situation very well.

Unfortunately, there are a few naughty teenagers in every country.

The reaction of your neighbours suggests they respect you.

It also suggests a strong community spirit (even in a city centre).

Buying an attack alarm is probably sensible to put your mind at rest.

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By the way, if this happened to me, I would have done a poo in my pants...

And there's me thinking you were going to apply for the job of bodyguard wink.png

I wouldn't get in a fight with someone who's just shat himself in fear of getting my hands dirty.


Also, phuturatica, pray tell what gifts did you get 'em?

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No need to over dramatize the situation. It was probably just a band of teenager with an hormone problem, common at this age.

The good side of this story is the OP realized she can count on her neighbours.

Sorry but are you actually serious? She was followed home by 10 teenage boys talking obscenely and she is overdramatizing the situation? You really have no idea what it is like to be a woman who feels at risk just walking home.

Well done to your neighbors Phuturatica, its good to know that people are watching out for you.

My bad. I should have made more clear the posts I was answering.

I found Phuturatica handled the situation very courageously and later was able to to tell her story in a very measured way, without overreacting despite the scary thing that just happened to her

Yeah I was thinking this but to be honest I think they were just being cheeky and rude. No real bad intentions etc.

The same cannot be said about a number of posters who were totally overreacting, I would say as usual. My post was addressed to them.

Edited by JurgenG
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By the way, if this happened to me, I would have done a poo in my pants...

And there's me thinking you were going to apply for the job of bodyguard wink.png

I wouldn't get in a fight with someone who's just shat himself in fear of getting my hands dirty.


Also, phuturatica, pray tell what gifts did you get 'em?

Are you a total <deleted> idiot. God l am lost for words with some here. rolleyes.gif
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