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How Can I Contact A Health Inspector For Restaurant Problem?


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Note too, that I spoke to the manager about this issue of tainted food or unsanitary conditions after the third time... then gave them a month to clean up the problem before hoping for the best, and trying them the last and final time.

Sorry to hear about your plight, but why bother? To notify someone to get there restaurant cleaned up makes only sense if you going to close it down after they have failed to comply with your notice...

Have you tried Thai food? I recommend it.

Gotcha there, and I'm approaching this just from the same perspective one would have noticing a bad safety hazard on the highway... Just trying to "do the right thing, and protect my fellow man". I'm not really thinking in a "punitive"way, and after calling this in, I'm dropping the issue. As a realist, I know it's quite possible nothing will change, but at least I tried to make a difference, rather than being passive, with a "who cares" attitude.I DID use this minor saga as the key to an "English conversation" in my class last night; I took this snapshot to share here and on my teacher facebook wall.Thanks for your input!In closing... Just to say... I won't "test" this restaurant's food again, I'm not really a glutton for punishment. wink.png

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Note too, that I spoke to the manager about this issue of tainted food or unsanitary conditions after the third time... then gave them a month to clean up the problem before hoping for the best, and trying them the last and final time.

Sorry to hear about your plight, but why bother? To notify someone to get there restaurant cleaned up makes only sense if you going to close it down after they have failed to comply with your notice...

Have you tried Thai food? I recommend it.

Gotcha there, and I'm approaching this just from the same perspective one would have noticing a bad safety hazard on the highway... Just trying to "do the right thing, and protect my fellow man". I'm not really thinking in a "punitive"way, and after calling this in, I'm dropping the issue. As a realist, I know it's quite possible nothing will change, but at least I tried to make a difference, rather than being passive, with a "who cares" attitude.I DID use this minor saga as the key to an "English conversation" in my class last night; I took this snapshot to share here and on my teacher facebook wall.Thanks for your input!In closing... Just to say... I won't "test" this restaurant's food again, I'm not really a glutton for punishment. wink.png

I am trully baffled that instead of contacting the head office of the chain, you are trying to contact a non existent health department,

Call me crazy but if you are indeed worried about your fellow men, after speaking to a branch manager, why would you NOT contact the head office of the chain?

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Note too, that I spoke to the manager about this issue of tainted food or unsanitary conditions after the third time... then gave them a month to clean up the problem before hoping for the best, and trying them the last and final time.

Sorry to hear about your plight, but why bother? To notify someone to get there restaurant cleaned up makes only sense if you going to close it down after they have failed to comply with your notice...

Have you tried Thai food? I recommend it.

Gotcha there, and I'm approaching this just from the same perspective one would have noticing a bad safety hazard on the highway... Just trying to "do the right thing, and protect my fellow man". I'm not really thinking in a "punitive"way, and after calling this in, I'm dropping the issue. As a realist, I know it's quite possible nothing will change, but at least I tried to make a difference, rather than being passive, with a "who cares" attitude.I DID use this minor saga as the key to an "English conversation" in my class last night; I took this snapshot to share here and on my teacher facebook wall.Thanks for your input!In closing... Just to say... I won't "test" this restaurant's food again, I'm not really a glutton for punishment. wink.png

Best of luck then!

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As pointed out above there isn't a health department. The only thing to do is not return to a restaurant theat makes you sick. What's the definition of stupidity...going back to same place that got you sick the last time? How long would a street cart last if it made people sick? Sanitary conditions are often appauling in Thailand with no training on good food practices. Your only recourse is to NOT go back. 4 times, really?

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Who would go again to a restaurant that makes him sick??????

I would like to use a famous George W. Bush statement that I believe sums up this fellows experience:

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

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If you get sick every time you go there and you go there again and again, than the restaurant is dirty, but you have also some mental problems.

Who would go again to a restaurant that makes him sick??????

I think that would be also the responds from any health official in Thailand....

That's happened to me in France with sea foods I was so sick all night I thought I was going to die, next morning palms of my hands were full of red dots I went back to the same restaurant "me too"but not for eating this time! I went to every people on the terrace showed my hands to every customers "you eat here, good luck, look at my hands, but do not worry the pharmacist not far is accustomed he will know what to give you!" (health officials are none of my business)

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Stating the facts that one regularly eats in restaurant X and regularly has diarrhoea is not slander.

According to Thai law, even if you speak the honest truth - if the business can show that they have lost customers because you have spoken the truth, then you can be sued in Court...


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