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Help! Maxnet Crapping Out


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i tested my maxnet ADSL connection this morning and it was 17 kbps, which though excruciatingly slow really isn't that unusual, even though it should be 512.... but i called TT&T and the guy said that the ratio of what i am sending to what i am receiving is abnormal (sending 15k packets, receiving 14k). he said to do a virus check and get back to him- did the check and it was fine, but i can't get him again. does anyone know what he was getting at and how to fix the problem?

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Yeah, he was talking crap just to get rid of you because he knows full well that the company he is working for is a waste of space. I had the same problem, but mine went right down to 3.5kbps. I can take dial-up speeds during peak times of the day, but less than 1% of the maximum is, I do believe, taking the piss. After he'd exhausted all of his parameters, he advised me that it was a problem my end and didn't want to hear me telling him that the service is fine during the wee hours. Very high contention ratios is the problem and there's not much you can do about that. Just cancel the service for another equally bad one or wait until we get a decent inbound into Muang Thai.

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You are not alone. I had speeds of 27 kbps with 512 maxnet yesterday when tested.

The fasted I’ve achieved today is 58 kbps.

This service is getting worse by the day. I too have done many virus and spyware checks and have come up clean. I think this is their standard get off the line tactic, as this was said to me last time customer services were called.

As said in a previous thread, I had speeds of 475 kbps in the first week of the years contract.

It seems to me that they can decide what speeds they give by turning the signal up or down.



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You are not alone. I had speeds of 27 kbps with 512 maxnet yesterday when tested.

The fasted I’ve achieved today is 58 kbps.

This service is getting worse by the day. I too have done many virus and spyware checks and have come up clean. I think this is their standard get off the line tactic, as this was said to me last time customer services were called.

As said in a previous thread, I had speeds of 475 kbps in the first week of the years contract.

It seems to me that they can decide what speeds they give by turning the signal up or down.



Where are you located in Thailand the Speed here in Pattaya central on the 512/256 4home package is as always Just a thought I am month to month and have been since I started this service no yearly plan for me Do you think that maybe this is the reason for the steady speeds over 400 DL I am getting as I can cancel at any time and they stick it to those that committed to a year ??



Edited by hereforgood
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Hi Hereforgood,

I’m just 4 K up Soi Country Club Road.

Guess my speed has something to do with the yearly contract.

Admittedly my speed does seem to go up to as high as 150 DL past midnight, but think I might go back to using a dial up service for peak times. :o


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