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Canadian Sisters Deaths: Probe Finds More Information But No Clues


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I was just ticked off because it's like saying Australians are criminals because England dumped its poor and disadvantaged 200 years ago.

I read it as those prisoners getting a second chance (eventually) in a new land. Going by what some places did/still does to its baddies, you were very lucky.

You miss read me I was referring to the Thai culture. Yes it is a big deal to them but they except it far better than westerners.

They 'except' it because they believe they will either be enlightened or reincarnated to have another go. If they saw it as it probably really is - ie, there is nothing else/you don't get another go - they would likely not be so nonchalant about life in general.

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You want funny look at GKs post claimed to have lived in Quebec. Knows all about there standing in Canada. Misspell any other province in Canada and you will not get the whining about it you do from the French Canadians. Walk down the streets of Montreal and see if you can spot a sign in English. It is illegal.

Walk into any store in Canada and see if you can buy some thing that does not have a name and description on it in French. Never mind that at the Max there is probably only 2% in some of the province's that are not English speakers just speak French. Would be willing to bet there are more that speak only Chinese than French in BC but the stores do not have to put Chinese on every thing. And then to top it all off he calls Canada the land of Ice and snow. Not only clueless about the French Canadians but clueless about Canada. He was probably in Iceland thinking he was in Canada.

Flame away boys you can not change anything.

Very good suggestion Hellodolly to : "Flame away boys you can not change anything."

The whining is certainly more about your hatred of us than about a spell-check error; thought that you would be intelligent enough to understand at least that. And this is why, most likely, Annabel concurred, another French Canadian not happy with your Quebec (with no k ! Got it ?) bashing around.

You are someone that seemingly hates French Canadians quite much to blast non stop against us like this, although this topic is about "Canadian Sisters Deaths: Probe finds more information but no clues" not about "Are French Canadians bad people?". Given that you come back again with this rant, your attitude is probably incurable, but maybe you should lower the decibels against us and get back to the issue at stake. I will certainly refrain from telling others how French Canadians are treated outside their province in their own country and the inability of most English Canadians to say two sentences in the second official language of the country, like it or not, especially remembering many hard core individuals living in Montreal at the heart of "La Belle Province".

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You will find the evidence leading to the cause of death in the hotel mattresses. The chemical tocin that caused the deaths dissipates when exposed to the environment inside the body. This results in there being little or no trace of the chemical in the bodies.

Starting in 2009, hotels in Thailand started to experience problems with westerners coming to Thailand unknowing carrying bedbugs. The bedbugs soon started to rake havoc in some hotels that primarily catered to westerners and they took measures to eradicate these pests from their hotel mattresses. In most cases a proper chemical was applied and the directions were followed. However, in some cases the hotel employees took extreme measures by over applying the chemicals and did not follow directions such as to take the mattresses outside to air out during and after the application of these chemicals.

The end result was transference of the chemical from the mattresses via contact with the skin of the victims. Even then in most cases when the victims became ill they and left before they had enough exposure to kill them. Often they wrote it off as food poisoning and just moved on.

In these cases in Phi Phi and Chiang Mai, five people survived after being hospitalized and so far as we can now confirm 11 people have died with the possibility of three other deaths from 2009 in other cities that could be related. The information on these deaths can be found with a little time making few Internet searches.

Is this for real? Westerners carrying bedbugs here? From where exactly?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two things:

1. what's the latest from Canadian forensic experts? We were told to wait. We have waited. What have they found out, or are they covering up like the Thai investigators?

2. Advice for anyone who plans to be staying at a Thai hotel or guest house. If you start getting sick, GO OUTSIDE and take deep breaths. It may sound obvious or naive to say this, but it could save a life. RE; the earlier deaths (2 Norwegian girls at a g.h. at Phi Phi 27 months ago), there was a man with his fiance in a g.h. room. They were both feeling sick. He left to breathe outside. She stayed inside. He survived. She died.

Don't go to breathe by the A.C. unit. Don't go to puke in the bathroom, don't lie on the bed. GO OUTSIDE !!!! ....and live. Tell your friends and children, particularly if you have 20-something daughters who are visiting Thailand, as they're the most likely to die in a guest house - particularly if they're visiting Phi Phi island.

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Dolly, be sure not to mispell manutoba ok? Othewise we will have words. Now, can we get back on the topic please = if for no other reason than 2 girls are dead. thanks.

Where or what exactly is manutoba?

When the Thai view is that the results were inconclusive I cannot help thinking that either the pathologist is not up to scratch or that the results are known and the Thai authorities don't want to say.

Since I was born an Anglo-Saxon my genes insist that I heartily dislike the French. However I have taken holidays in France without problems and when visiting Quebec I found the denizens of Quebec friendly and hospitable: Nor did I or my shipmates have language difficulties.

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From whqat I can understand there are some toxic chemicals which can lead to relative rapid death, if not treated post haste. The time lag from ingestion/exposure to autopsy is important in trying to isolate and verify same. Without the verification, 'Inclusive' seems to be a favorite term on the death certificate, with the same response given for any direct questioning.

Many of us, think cover up just because we have seen this applied to so many things here in Thailand. It may be more "cover your arse" thinking by those being grilled, as for anyone to make a decision, sign off on it, and thus being open to possibly being proved wrong, in the future, is like the 'blue moon'. The whole process of asertaining cause, is probably a process of elimination, based on best guesses in most faclities in Thailand. Continueing education does not seem a piority in the educational thought process, so best guesses may come too late for positive detection.

Its probably like most problems, the solution for a fix, requires several things/changes and that seems to be approached via committee, in this country.

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“We sent our team from the Bureau of Epidemiology to collect samples just as we did with the Canadian sisters’ case, but the circumstances behind those deaths were considerably different from those in this latest case,” he said.

Yeah, but almost a week later if I recall.

And what cirumstances are now different ?

btw m , Vomit, tissue and other samples do not an autopsy make. And the Belanger sisters were embalmed so any autopsy and or toxicology tests in Canada may well prove inconclusive.

"But the results from tests in this latest incident have revealed no connection with public health aspects to the deaths of the two Canadian sisters,” he added."

THat's confusing, the most recent incident is the Belanger sisters and also all the tests results are not known ( at that time)

Yeah this is very bad doublespeak. Really alarming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it not possible that some of these strange poisonings here in Los could be linked to recent discoveries of the chemical Tetrodotoxin from the pufferfish in those horrific things they call fish balls? Tetrodotoxin completely demobilises you!!!Never touch them myself!

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Two apparently healthy female tourists in their mid-20's (Canadian and American) died last week under similar circumstances while traveling in Vietnam. Both had respiratory and cardiac problems and poisoning is suspected.

While not exactly the same in every way, two sets of two women travelling together in SE Asia dying of poisioning is more than worrying...

This case is just being reported today:


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  • 4 weeks later...

No offense, isn't this the Thai version? Is Quebec not agreeing with this yet. I agree it does sound as if Deet was about the only thing they could find so they rule it the cause. Stuff like GHB exists very quickly and cleany. GHB would also only be found if tissue sameples were not properly taken and preserved.

Not saying anything about cause except looks like it would take an aweful lot of deet, much more than oops, put too much in your party drink.


Regardless, the Thai version would be criminally negligent homicide at best. I am sure they will jump right on that in finding the bar or person that served.

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