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Which Areas In Chiang Mai Offer Better Internet Service ?


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I was wondering what parts/areas, of Chiang Mai offer better internet service,

since having a fast and dependable internet connection is important to me, and so I figure it would be wise to know this before searching and trying to find a rental,

so I can avoid the costly mistake of signing a lease, and then finding out that the internet is a problem and wish that I had rented a place in some other area.

I ask this because from what I understand, depending on where you live, different service providers offer internet connection, .. is this true ?

Your Inputs from your experiences and knowledge are appreciated.

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One thing to note is not all condo buildings will let you install your own internet, however, many will lie and tell you you can until you move in, or once you get in you will find out that the providers will not install to that building for whatever reason. If you are getting your own installed, make sure they write it on your lease that you can AND check with the provider you want 3 or 4 times with different staff before you sign the lease. "Mr. no pompem" turns into "can not" real fast. If you don't mind sharing with the entire building, it may be slower, and you be be blocked from downloading anything. Depends on the building.

I'm near 2nd highway rd and Huey Kaew, with an international package from True I can get around 5mbps download. Sometimes a little faster. 95% of the day my net is very good and I can watch youtube videos with no buffer. Downloads as fast, streams are fast. Only in the afternoon does the net slow down for a few hours, as it's being shared with everyone in their office looking at Facebook and Youtube.

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I also am looking for fast reliable service..I live near the airport in a small moo baan off Mahidol road. Currently using TOT which is absolutely terrible. You also have to sign one year contract before they install. My neighbor is using 3BB and says speed and service very good. He let my try his computer yesterday and yes its faster than TOT but not by much...

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