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A Modest Proposal To Thai Immigration Regarding Money Seasoning For Retirement Extensions

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A retiree who gets very sick in Thailand and doesn't have insurance has a problem. The 800K/65K income/combo method is just the qualifying criteria for Thailand retirement extensions. Don't assume that is the only assets retirees have. Typically there would be other assets for sure. A person renewing the 800K annually has money OUTSIDE THAILAND which is TRANSFERRED in. Is that what some silly people are thinking -- that most people on the 800K method ONLY have 800K to their name in the entire world, and that's it? That is so totally wrong. The minority that might be in that boat won't last in the Thai visa system very long as you need to get NEW extensions annually and show the 800K every year. You need money to live so you need a SOURCE for the replenishment, yes? If you don't have it, you will be shaken out. To keep all your assets in Thailand, a country which offers no long term security for retired expats, would usually be very foolish. So in many cases the uninsured retiree could self fund their treatment. If not, if they are well enough to travel and hope to get treatment in the home country, that is a time when some retired expats will repatriate. Sometimes they get better and come back. If they are too ill to travel, can't afford treatment which would mean also not affording massively expensive private air evacuation, they generally will not get treated in Thailand and they will likely die a horrible death without treatment. Is that what you wanted to hear?

About the US issue, a retiree over 65 could move back and enroll in Medicare. For those under 65, Obamacare WILL be put into effect into the next few years (ignore the political noise) and that will provide good options for the majority of repatriating expats needing medical care back in the US. Under Obamacare, people will be able to enroll in health insurance (private or Medicaid) while having (even serious) preexisting conditions. There is a potential issue with some states refusing to expand Medicaid, so it might depend which US state you are moving back to you if you are lower income.

This is not a flame JT, so relax. I was just curious, when do you sleep?.... you're still posting at 7am. Do you have insomnia or are you just a night owl? I left the thread at 5am...

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