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Question For People Who Use The 800K Bank Account For Retirement Extensions

Regarding your 800K baht Thai bank account ...  

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The poll has been stripped away from this thread.w00t.gif

i was thinking where's the poll, just spend mine during the course of the year then bring another 800k in before qualifing period, so what ever option that was.
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Sorry Sweetie, but I didn't see your poll and I'm logged into TV under my own name, using my own computer -- unlike yesterday when I picked Hubby's sexy little netbook and found myself posting in his name.

For someone who claims he wants a post closed, JT, you keep stirring the pot! Personally, I would have taken it off the stove a long time ago. Also, just because Hubby posted something cute about our cat being grandfathered in our condo building don't assume we're smug and "have it all". Maybe you'd like to compensate us for all the time we've spent this week trying to improve the lives of elderly expats in Chiang Mai. Maybe you could dream up new ways to play a shell game with Thai immigration about their retirement funds, just so they end up at the public hospital, claiming they can't pay their bill. Some of the posters are right -- it's not up to us to suggest new rules for Thai Immigration. Frankly, if they just enforced the ones they already have in place they'd save themselves a lot of money in unpaid medical bills.

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Sorry Sweetie, but I didn't see your poll and I'm logged into TV under my own name, using my own computer -- unlike yesterday when I picked Hubby's sexy little netbook and found myself posting in his name.

For someone who claims he wants a post closed, JT, you keep stirring the pot!


It was the OTHER thread that I requested closure of. It was ignored so I gave up. I thought the other one had gone totally off topic but once I realized the mods would not close it for some reason, which is weird, because that was the first time ever I asked for a thread to be closed that wasn't closed, it is the option of an OP to request closure and yes it is usually honored, then I decided I might as well respond to the off topic points. Sorry for the horrible run on sentence. There were two threads on the topic. One a poll, this one which I did not request closure. And the other one which like I said I requested closure.

bah.gif BTW, I am NOT your sweetie. bah.gif

I have actually appreciated MOST of the posts you make on the visa forum. You are mostly spot on about retirement visa technical issues. However, I don't appreciate your continued insinuation that seems to imply that a significant percentage of people qualifying for retirement extensions are cheating. I think that is totally wrong. Some small minority, of course. No system is perfect as people aren't perfect.

No doubt things go to pot for some older foreigners in Thailand. Such things happen all over the world, even people's home countries. The more laissez-faire attitude of Thailand in tolerating us here (as opposed to inviting or really welcoming us) to enjoy our lives, SPEND OUR MONEY, and make mistakes, and possibly pay a high price for that are appreciated by most of us who choose to live in Thailand. This isn't Switzerland. We're all adults. I think it's important that potential expats know the kind of deal they are getting into moving here.

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OK, Honeybun, I guess I'm not going to get to see the poll, even though I use the 800,000 baht method for obtaining my retirement visa. I know scores of people living here happily under the rules of the Thai retirement visa. But, in the course of my other activities I get involved in the cases of elderly expats in need. That's how I've learned about all the tricks and games that people play in order to maintain their retirement visas. Its all very clever until they suddently find themselves in a medical emergency and talking with a "social worker" at a private hospital (i.e. they're really just English language bill collectors) about why they don't have the funds to pay their anticpated bills.

I could go into even more graphic detail about what happens to an unconscious expat at the emergency room of a public hospital if the "wallet autospy" seems to indicate he doesn't have the means to pay for his care.

Edited by NancyL
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OK, Honeybun, I guess I'm not going to get to see the poll, even though I use the 800,000 baht method for obtaining my retirement visa. I know scores of people living here happily under the rules of the Thai retirement visa. But, in the course of my other activities I get involved in the cases of elderly expats in need. That's how I've learned about all the tricks and games that people play in order to maintain their retirement visas. Its all very clever until they suddently find themselves in a medical emergency and talking with a "social worker" at a private hospital (i.e. they're really just English language bill collectors) about why they don't have the funds to pay their anticpated bills.

I could go into even more graphic detail about what happens to an unconscious expat at the emergency room of a public hospital if the "wallet autospy" seems to indicate he doesn't have the means to pay for his care.

Stop calling me Sweetie and Honeybun. You wouldn't say that to a straight man, I am sure. So don't say it to me.

I know there is some corruption in people getting retirement extensions. It is not a problem with the RULES. It is a problem with corruption, such as visa shops taking a fee to fix things. I assume that's what you're talking about.

What percentage of people on retirement extensions are participating in that corruption. I think low. Maybe you think high. A matter of opinion. How can we know for sure as such activity is illegal and people doing it are mostly not bragging about it publicly.

As far as support to CRACK DOWN on that kind of corruption, I would be totally in favor of that.

As far as the rules (status quo) as it stands now, I think they are OK. I agree they should be followed without tricks. I don't think refreshing your 800K baht account from abroad with new funds is a trick of any kind. It is actually totally normal.

As far as medically people getting into trouble, I am sure that happens to different kinds of retired expats for different reasons. Without insurance no amount of reserve money guarantees there won't be a nightmare if the medical situation is serious/expensive enough. If you bothered to read the other thread, you would find I agree with you, people who aren't insured and don't have the funds are FUBAR here. It is tragic but you seem of the political vein that there should be such a heavy crackdown so that kind of thing never happens. I think that's a horrible notion, throwing the baby out with bath water kind of thing. Most of us didn't come to Thailand expecting a Nanny state. Thailand is a VERY RISKY place to live in most every way. As adults, know what you are getting into.

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Sorry Sweetie, but I didn't see your poll and I'm logged into TV under my own name, using my own computer -- unlike yesterday when I picked Hubby's sexy little netbook and found myself posting in his name.

For someone who claims he wants a post closed, JT, you keep stirring the pot!


It was the OTHER thread that I requested closure of. It was ignored so I gave up. I thought the other one had gone totally off topic but once I realized the mods would not close it for some reason, which is weird, because that was the first time ever I asked for a thread to be closed that wasn't closed, it is the option of an OP to request closure and yes it is usually honored, then I decided I might as well respond to the off topic points. Sorry for the horrible run on sentence. There were two threads on the topic. One a poll, this one which I did not request closure. And the other one which like I said I requested closure.

bah.gif BTW, I am NOT your sweetie. bah.gif

I have actually appreciated MOST of the posts you make on the visa forum. You are mostly spot on about retirement visa technical issues. However, I don't appreciate your continued insinuation that seems to imply that a significant percentage of people qualifying for retirement extensions are cheating. I think that is totally wrong. Some small minority, of course. No system is perfect as people aren't perfect.

No doubt things go to pot for some older foreigners in Thailand. Such things happen all over the world, even people's home countries. The more laissez-faire attitude of Thailand in tolerating us here (as opposed to inviting or really welcoming us) to enjoy our lives, SPEND OUR MONEY, and make mistakes, and possibly pay a high price for that are appreciated by most of us who choose to live in Thailand. This isn't Switzerland. We're all adults. I think it's important that potential expats know the kind of deal they are getting into moving here.

If potential expats don't know the kind of deal they are going to get before moving to live in another country then IMO their stupid and ignorant to the rules of the country they intend living in.

Thing is though that loads of expats have shot their load, spent most of their life savings but still continue to try and live the life in Thailand by any means and if that means cheating the 800k rule to stay they will do it.

IMO if you can't afford to keep 800k in the bank then it really is time to go home before people like Nancy have to step in and try to help people who wouldn't help themselves before it was too late.

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There are three qualifying methods:

800K in the bank, seasoning need two/three months annually


65K monthly INCOME


Combination of above to total

Why the obsession with bank account people? Someone using 65K income method and small bank account is likely to have MUCH LESS in the bank in Thailand than the person on 800K? There is nothing wrong with the 800K method IF the person isn't cheating. A person can't stay here on the bank method for many years if they don't have a lot more than 800K in the world! Some people use the system for just a few years and don't have that much; that is perfectly OK as long as they leave when they need to. For a portion of the year 800K people have got quite a pile here, and people spend down at different rates. Lots of us have PLENTY in our 800K account ALL YEAR. If the issue is cheating, yes cheating is bad. If the issue is there is something wrong with the basic rules. No, there isn't. Again stop picking on the 800K people. For pots of money, most times the 65K people will have LESS here. You lot are totally confusing issues of CHEATING and the structure of the rules.

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There are three qualifying methods:

800K in the bank, seasoning need two/three months annually


65K monthly INCOME


Combination of above to total

Why the obsession with bank account people? Someone using 65K income method and small bank account is likely to have MUCH LESS in the bank in Thailand than the person on 800K? There is nothing wrong with the 800K method IF the person isn't cheating. A person can't stay here on the bank method for many years if they don't have a lot more than 800K in the world! Some people use the system for just a few years and don't have that much; that is perfectly OK as long as they leave when they need to. For a portion of the year 800K people have got quite a pile here, and people spend down at different rates. Lots of us have PLENTY in our 800K account ALL YEAR. If the issue is cheating, yes cheating is bad. If the issue is there is something wrong with the basic rules. No, there isn't. Again stop picking on the 800K people. For pots of money, most times the 65K people will have LESS here. You lot are totally confusing issues of CHEATING and the structure of the rules.

"You lot are totally confusing issues and CHEATING and the structure of the rules".

Hang on JT to the teddy before throwing it out of the pram again, read your thread title....

Your thread was about the 800k, not the 65k monthly income or combination, maybe you've confused yourself after leaving the pot on the stove for too long eh.

Why would you like the rules changed Jing, would it suit you better to have them changed so they suit your needs.?.

Maybe Immigration are reading your 34,299 posts and are prepared to make a rule change just for you for services rendered to TV and Pattaya food reviews.

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Oh dear, gnu noi, I'm so sorry the OP doesn't appreciate my terms of endearment. I use them regardless of sexual preference. Just ask Honey

Bun One -- the cat is Sweetie Pie One and he's not toally reliable about questions like this.

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Why would you like the rules changed Jing, would it suit you better to have them changed so they suit your needs.?.

Yes, but you clearly said everyone should always have 800K minimum. EVERYONE includes everyone. All kinds of qualifiers. If you meant only 800K qualifiers, you should have said that and also said why you have singled them out when ANY kind of qualifier could get into medical trouble?

While we're on that, how about people on ED visas who don't have to show money? Yes they are mostly younger but they are more likely to have MOTORCYCLE accidents. In this Nanny state crackdown advocated by some here, why not make all of them post static 800K or more bonds the same as retirees? After all many of them are also living here for YEARS.

As you might actually know if you bothered to read the other thread, I suggested one rather minor tweak to the money seasoning requirements for 800K qualifiers that have been in good standing for at least three years. That's it. Nothing radical. Pretty much the status quo otherwise. I made the suggestion in response to people who have had to "start over" because of money seasoning issues, usually totally innocent, like mechanical delays in getting money transferred in or being subject to unexpected large expenses during the money seasoning months. It's not a big deal and it's not only for me. I think you are getting pleasure by mocking me for your trollish sport and and I suspect that you don't really have any skin in this game, but I don't know this.

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Oh dear, gnu noi, I'm so sorry the OP doesn't appreciate my terms of endearment. I use them regardless of sexual preference. Just ask Honey

Bun One -- the cat is Sweetie Pie One and he's not toally reliable about questions like this.

I don't believe you address other male posters on the board in this way. I believe you did this clearly to insult me in a way you would never insult a straight man. You can debate with me here without resorting to that kind of thing.

BTW, Nancy, I just did a forum search of



for your posts, and as I already knew you have never addressed another poster that way.

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Since we are getting all gung ho crack down on ourselves/ Nanny state cheerleading, how about the people on MARRIAGE extensions? They've got wives and families to take care of. Maybe they should be required to post a 5 million baht bond because Thais are involved and if they die in Thailand, their family gets a guaranteed bounty.

Maybe a new thread is needed about all this -- how we can come up with harsh crackdown on the resident foreigners ideas for Thai immigration so they can squeeze most of us out of Thailand as soon as possible? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Just saying ...coffee1.gif

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Why would you like the rules changed Jing, would it suit you better to have them changed so they suit your needs.?.

Yes, but you clearly said everyone should always have 800K minimum. EVERYONE includes everyone. All kinds of qualifiers. If you meant only 800K qualifiers, you should have said that and also said why you have singled them out when ANY kind of qualifier could get into medical trouble?

While we're on that, how about people on ED visas who don't have to show money? Yes they are mostly younger but they are more likely to have MOTORCYCLE accidents. In this Nanny state crackdown advocated by some here, why not make all of them post static 800K or more bonds the same as retirees? After all many of them are also living here for YEARS.

As you might actually know if you bothered to read the other thread, I suggested one rather minor tweak to the money seasoning requirements for 800K qualifiers that have been in good standing for at least three years. That's it. Nothing radical. Pretty much the status quo otherwise. I made the suggestion in response to people who have had to "start over" because of money seasoning issues, usually totally innocent, like mechanical delays in getting money transferred in or being subject to unexpected large expenses during the money seasoning months. It's not a big deal and it's not only for me. I think you are getting pleasure by mocking me for your trollish sport and and I suspect that you don't really have any skin in this game, but I don't know this.

I did read the other thread, you threw your teddy out of the pram and wanted it closed..

As for me saying EVERYONE, re read my post, I actually said, quoted below..

IMO if you can't afford to keep 800k in the bank then it really is time to go home before people like Nancy have to step in and try to help people who wouldn't help themselves before it was too late.

And as I'm in the 800k thread I'd have thought that it was pretty obvious I was not referring to the 65k or combination, infact it was yourself who brought the 65k and combo up, if anyone else had done so, I imagine you'd have cried off topic just like you cry troll whenever people post who don't agree with you..Or you cry to have the thread closed.

Pathetic IMO.whistling.gif

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Can the personal attack and deal with the discussion topics on hand, OK? You can call me pathetic 100 times and use your funny British slang about trams which is Greek to me, but the ISSUES we are talking about are real. If you really are interested in them, which I totally doubt.

Excuse me but what is the LOGIC behind special harsh treatment for bank account qualifiers? You suggest that bank qualifiers should always have 800K in Thailand and never go under. Much different than the current rules. So let me ask you directly: do you ALSO think income qualifiers and combo method qualifiers should be required to post such a fixed bond of UNTOUCHABLE money in Thailand?

NancyL implies so many bank people cheat. What about income qualifiers? None of them cheat? They aren't required to keep ANY money in Thailand. What happens when they end up in the hospital with no insurance? You see my point, I introduced a very narrow tweak suggestion for 800K qualifiers and for some reason some "do gooder" types have launched an aggressive agenda to crack down on this ONE CLASS of qualifiers, not to mention the OTHER visa classes outside retirement. It is totally irrational.

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Since we are getting all gung ho crack down on ourselves/ Nanny state cheerleading, how about the people on MARRIAGE extensions? They've got wives and families to take care of. Maybe they should be required to post a 5 million baht bond because Thais are involved and if they die in Thailand, their family gets a guaranteed bounty.

Maybe a new thread is needed about all this -- how we can come up with harsh crackdown on the resident foreigners ideas for Thai immigration so they can squeeze most of us out of Thailand as soon as possible? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Just saying ...coffee1.gif

Maybe we should have a whip round for all the retirees that can`t manage the 800k, i can manage 800k but prefer the part and part, but as i suggested to you on that other boring thread...just get immigration to follow the rules of no seasoning for that method...i cant really see your argument about the 800k....as it could be 8k or 8 bhat...if you need to bring money in every year the AMOUNT has no bearing on it.....so why harp harp harp on about the 800k boys....

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Since we are getting all gung ho crack down on ourselves/ Nanny state cheerleading, how about the people on MARRIAGE extensions? They've got wives and families to take care of. Maybe they should be required to post a 5 million baht bond because Thais are involved and if they die in Thailand, their family gets a guaranteed bounty.

Maybe a new thread is needed about all this -- how we can come up with harsh crackdown on the resident foreigners ideas for Thai immigration so they can squeeze most of us out of Thailand as soon as possible? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Just saying ...coffee1.gif

Maybe we should have a whip round for all the retirees that can`t manage the 800k, i can manage 800k but prefer the part and part, but as i suggested to you on that other boring thread...just get immigration to follow the rules of no seasoning for that method...i cant really see your argument about the 800k....as it could be 8k or 8 bhat...if you need to bring money in every year the AMOUNT has no bearing on it.....so why harp harp harp on about the 800k boys....

Honestly, I don't even begin to understand your point here. Sorry. Edited by Jingthing
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Since we are getting all gung ho crack down on ourselves/ Nanny state cheerleading, how about the people on MARRIAGE extensions? They've got wives and families to take care of. Maybe they should be required to post a 5 million baht bond because Thais are involved and if they die in Thailand, their family gets a guaranteed bounty.

Maybe a new thread is needed about all this -- how we can come up with harsh crackdown on the resident foreigners ideas for Thai immigration so they can squeeze most of us out of Thailand as soon as possible? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Just saying ...coffee1.gif

Maybe we should have a whip round for all the retirees that can`t manage the 800k, i can manage 800k but prefer the part and part, but as i suggested to you on that other boring thread...just get immigration to follow the rules of no seasoning for that method...i cant really see your argument about the 800k....as it could be 8k or 8 bhat...if you need to bring money in every year the AMOUNT has no bearing on it.....so why harp harp harp on about the 800k boys....

Honestly, I don't even begin to understand your point here. Sorry.

The point is that you keep going on about a bit of slack for the guys that may have missed the cut off date re. the seasoning of their 800k, the same applies to any one using ANY amount of money shown in a thai account for the purpose of retirement extension, NOW I HOPE YOU GOT THAT..R.S.V.P (oh and that`s french, before you call it UK getto speak)...

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Excuse me but what is the LOGIC behind special harsh treatment for bank account qualifiers? You suggest that bank qualifiers should always have 800K in Thailand and never go under. Much different than the current rules. So let me ask you directly: do you ALSO think income qualifiers and combo method qualifiers should be required to post such a fixed bond of UNTOUCHABLE money in Thailand?

No I did not suggest anything JT so stop trying to twist my words to suit your own agenda, I said that "IMO if you can't afford to keep 800k in the bank then it really is time to go home before people like Nancy have to step in and try to help people who wouldn't help themselves before it was too late"

What's my reasoning for that you may ask, well I'll tell you, an expat may be down to the last of his/her money apart from the 800k in the bank with no other source of income, that 800k could help him/her repatriate back home or could help with some smallish medical emergency if having no insurance and still get him/her back home where they could live without the threat of living in a land with no money after spending their last 800k and contemplating jumping off a condo in Jomtien.

Take a look around Pattaya JT and talk to some of the older expats, their on their ars* JT living a life of cheap charlie, sad but true.


As for your other questions, start another thread, I may indulge you.

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Since we are getting all gung ho crack down on ourselves/ Nanny state cheerleading, how about the people on MARRIAGE extensions? They've got wives and families to take care of. Maybe they should be required to post a 5 million baht bond because Thais are involved and if they die in Thailand, their family gets a guaranteed bounty.

Maybe a new thread is needed about all this -- how we can come up with harsh crackdown on the resident foreigners ideas for Thai immigration so they can squeeze most of us out of Thailand as soon as possible? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Just saying ...coffee1.gif

Maybe we should have a whip round for all the retirees that can`t manage the 800k, i can manage 800k but prefer the part and part, but as i suggested to you on that other boring thread...just get immigration to follow the rules of no seasoning for that method...i cant really see your argument about the 800k....as it could be 8k or 8 bhat...if you need to bring money in every year the AMOUNT has no bearing on it.....so why harp harp harp on about the 800k boys....

Honestly, I don't even begin to understand your point here. Sorry.

The point is that you keep going on about a bit of slack for the guys that may have missed the cut off date re. the seasoning of their 800k, the same applies to any one using ANY amount of money shown in a thai account for the purpose of retirement extension, NOW I HOPE YOU GOT THAT..R.S.V.P (oh and that`s french, before you call it UK getto speak)...


For COMBO applications (Thai banked money plus embassy income letter totaling at least 800K) absolutely NO money seasoning is required at all for the bank account portion. None. Zero. Zippo. Bupkis. Nada. The money could be transferred the SAME DAY as the application date. Anyway, thanks for your comment. The money seasoning thing is an extra special annoyance imposed ONLY on 800K bank account only qualifiers. Best regards.

Of course be clear I am talking about the actual written, national policy rules. Maybe you are talking about a few provincial offices who incorrectly apply money seasoning requirements on combo applications. That would matter to a small number of people but the issue is not relevant in relation to NATIONAL written policies.

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You see you are wrong again, it does matter if the so called provincial offices are not following the rules (and they are part of the nation, after all they are in THAILAND) ..

Here is why it matters, since the change " apply for your extension ONLY AT YOUR REGISTERED province " came in to force...More and more people out side sin city etc are coming across this issue of seasoning...and before you suggest contacting HO , your complaint has to go thru your local head officer (not going to happen)..So how does this relate to your rant, well more and more of the sin city slickers are running for the hills and landing up north ...so therefore it does matter to your flock increasingly...

So after all your advice and words of wisdom, this year i`m going to bring in all 800k just to be on your team....and i know where to turn to for help...

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Oh dear, gnu noi, I'm so sorry the OP doesn't appreciate my terms of endearment. I use them regardless of sexual preference. Just ask Honey

Bun One -- the cat is Sweetie Pie One and he's not toally reliable about questions like this.

NancyL ... I'm feeling the love ... wub.png

For my Avatar ... what name would I get as part of your family?

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You see you are wrong again, it does matter if the so called provincial offices are not following the rules (and they are part of the nation, after all they are in THAILAND) ..

Here is why it matters, since the change " apply for your extension ONLY AT YOUR REGISTERED province " came in to force...More and more people out side sin city etc are coming across this issue of seasoning...and before you suggest contacting HO , your complaint has to go thru your local head officer (not going to happen)..So how does this relate to your rant, well more and more of the sin city slickers are running for the hills and landing up north ...so therefore it does matter to your flock increasingly...

So after all your advice and words of wisdom, this year i`m going to bring in all 800k just to be on your team....and i know where to turn to for help...

As I said, it matters to people who use provincial offices that don't follow the national rules. That is the situation now and would presumably STILL be the situation in the massively unlikely event that the minor tweak suggestion I made about seasoning rules was established at the national level. In that sense, sorry, I can't see how these two issues are especially related. Also, you have no idea how many provincial offices don't follow the national rules and neither does anyone posting on the board. The only way we ever hear about them are from reports. If you are suggesting all or even most provincial offices don't follow the national rules, I really don't think so.

You are correct. Applicants must apply at their local offices. Again, nothing new.

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Oh dear, gnu noi, I'm so sorry the OP doesn't appreciate my terms of endearment. I use them regardless of sexual preference. Just ask Honey

Bun One -- the cat is Sweetie Pie One and he's not toally reliable about questions like this.

NancyL ... I'm feeling the love ... wub.png

For my Avatar ... what name would I get as part of your family?

Get a room? ermm.gif
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For COMBO applications (Thai banked money plus embassy income letter totaling at least 800K) absolutely NO money seasoning is required at all for the bank account portion. None. Zero. Zippo. Bupkis. Nada. The money could be transferred the SAME DAY as the application date. Anyway, thanks for your comment. The money seasoning thing is an extra special annoyance imposed ONLY on 800K bank account only qualifiers.

As with most bureaucratic procedures in Thailand, there is little if any logic applied anywhere in this mess.

The 800K deposit is designed to prove that one has the means to support oneself, just like the requirement to show cash and an onward ticket when obtaining a visa-waiver stamp on arrival (not that those are often applied these days).

In order to bypass potential cheating by getting a loan they make you show that you have had the deposit money for 2 or 3 months, though of course one could get a loan for this period also. In fact four smart friends could easily manage four retirement extensions using just 200K each.

Otherwise one can avoid the deposit requirement by getting certification of income, and as everyone knows the US consulate at least allows for self-certification of this, which of course is completely meaningless. (The UK consulate comparatively is a complete pain in the backside in this respect, but what else is new?)

And if you are married (and so, presumably, spending extra money to support your family) the deposit/income requirement is reduced to just half that needed by a retired person.

And if you are studying you can get an ED visa without any deposit or income proof at all.

So it is a complete shambles made up of bizarre and pointless rules that have been cobbled together over the years and make no sense at all. But even so that's the way it is. And personally I think that the 800K deposit (or the equivalent as certified income) for a retirement extension is generously easy to comply with when one compares it with what other countries ask for, and if I were having trouble getting this together today then I would be less worried about changing the rules slightly as suggested and more worried about them putting the deposit requirement up significantly (again), which they will surely do at some point.

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I agree the status quo is a reasonable requirement. However, contrary to what some people might think it is not even close to LOWEST level financial requirement in the world for retirement status and also Thailand though it is relatively easy to get one year stay status offers NOTHING in the way of a chance to progress to a more stable residency status. While most other retirement visa offering countries do make such an offer. So as a balance of financial requirement levels for what they are offering (no long term residency security potential) I think the status quo is a fair enough deal for both sides. If Thailand massively tightened/raised the requirements and offered no concessions for a path towards permanent residency (as we all should well know they never will for retired expats) then my opinion is that Thailand would then become a BAD DEAL for potential retired expats.

Another thing some countries do that Thailand does NOT do is make any allowances whatsoever for retirees who own real estate. In Thailand of course with its xenophobic foreign land ownership laws, this means CONDOS. So long term retirees may own a ten million baht condo but that does nothing towards their ability to legally live in the country where their foreign home is located. Some other countries are more reasonable in this regard. For example in Mexico a retired expat who owns their home can qualify for retirement status using ONE HALF the level those who don't. (All expats have a path towards residency.) In Ecuador, anyone who buys any real estate which is on the tax books at a minimum of 25,000 USD can obtain permission to live in that country as long as the real estate is owned, and can become a permanent resident in approximately three years. Not saying Thailand should be as open as Ecuador in that regard, but it points out a major poor feature for retired expats in Thailand who do own often expensive condos yet have no security of being able to actually live in what they own over the long term.

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