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Photo Which Appears To Show Pattaya Police Gambling Surfaces


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Hahaha evidence from a gambling bust hehehehehe oh the lies the lies... Its like a cartoon lolol

"Pol.Lt.Col. Kirtisak said, and it might be that they were testing and checking evidence after returning from arresting gamblers."i I believe every single word of that. How should any of the BIB know how a dice game works?

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Guys, you have it all wrong!

Clearly this is the class 'Gambling 101', in which the police learns how to recognize the gambling attributes and how the 'system' works (the gambling system as well as the BIB system how to deal with gambling) clap2.gif

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Delighted to see the result of all this diligent testing was the discovery of the Higgs Bosun particle.

I'm astounded how they managed to work out it might have been the Pattaya police. I mean, there's no clue anywhere in the picture.

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Can I see money sticking out of the back pocket of the first one on the left? and could also be money in his hand?

Looks like there is some doubt on this photo though,could be construed as training rookies how the game is played?

Edited by MAJIC
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To me that picture doesn't prove anything as it's just an Officer sitting at a Table with gambling equipment.

Maybe it's just because it's the BiB that people are so negative.

'Have to agree on this one. I don't see any bets down - no clear depiction of anything except a craps board with officers standing over it holding paper I can't even tell for sure is money. 'Just can't be sure either way, but almost looks like they were getting ready for one of those publicity shots with confiscated criminal paraphernalia. If the "investigation" actually determines this WAS a gambling session, then I'll have egg on my face I guess, but I'd be unwilling to point the finger just based on this picture.

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Indeed. Sensationalist.

They are obviously at the police station where they surely would not be gambling and given their vests (not worn inside) they have come from somewhere else and are displaying stuff found.

I agree with you Petercool,

but many members are fully irrational as soon Thai police or corruption is involved.

Far better to make big buzz with a photo taken out of is real context...

Gambling inside the police office during service! Please be serious. Even in Thailand it's a big NO NO.

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Pattaya Police answer recent claims of officers caught gambling

PATTAYA:--Pattaya Police have defended recent reports that a group of their officers were caught gambling in the Police Station.

A picture on the internet depicted a group of uniformed Pattaya Police Officers surrounding a high-low Gameboard. The picture was from 2011 and related to a case of gambling dealt with by the officers. Khun Butyanoot aged 34 was arrested at the time and was present at a press conference on Wednesday to confirm that no gambling was taking place at the Police Station and the items were laid out on the table for evidential purposes only.

Police Major General Jamnong explained that he was angry the picture was released with a caption in Thai Language suggesting the officers were gambling

Full story:http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/58770/pattaya-police-answer-claims-officers-caught-gambling/


-- Pattaya One 2012-07-12


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Every time there is a wedding, a funeral, or a monk ordination ceremony in our village there are six or seven tables with these cloths openly in use. I think there would be a riot if the police tried to stop it! Two cock-fighting arenas are also within 1km, same going on there.

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