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Sheez, can't get anything done. TRUE, at least here in Chitlom, super slow today (going out of thailand, that is; within thailand speed is passable, as usual). Speed to the West is always slower than within thailand, but today it's ridiculous. Anyone else notice it??


I am having many issues with true adsl here in pattaya. The service is terrible for sure. Not sure what they are up to but I sure wish they'd get it sorted and fast.


I'm in western Bangkok on True and the only site I regularly visit which is slow today (and last night) is ThaiVisa....other sites like CNN, Nation, Bangkok Post, USAToday, Google, etc., are surfing along fast/as normal.


ThaiVisa is back to responding good now, but last night and this morning it was slow for me....other web sites I visit (international and in-Thailand) were OK.


Well my connection is back to horrible today.

Here is a good site to do a connection test


my consistency of service score is 10%. That is really poor.

here's my report card


and this is on a True ADSL 10/1 connection.

Info_Circle_Blue.png MSDL01: The download speed is too low for the latency/bandwidth of the connection

Info_Circle_Blue.png MSTR01: The data flow for this test is too erratic

Info_Circle_Blue.png MSMD01: TCP is waiting too long for data

Info_Circle_Blue.png MSTR02: The trip time for this connection is too erratic

just tested on another computer on my network.... even worse reults

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