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Reasons For Not Leaving Thailand (Loving Or Hating It)


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Just saw this thread, sorry 2 days late on my take.....

I like Thailand - I don't LOVE Thailand, but of the 25 countries I have been to, this is the best place for many reasons.

Climate, beaches, food, mod cons, few language hassles in the places tourists congregate - yes, the girls too - all make it a very liveable place and the best place I have been to yet. And I have tried all the neighboring places as well as the Philippines and several close to the USA.

So basically, I live here by default; because I am self-employed I.T. same as you I can live anywhere I choose, and this is the best of the bunch! Not perfect, probably never will be, but better than all the other places I have been to so this place wins.

*One more thing. I find that after I am here for 5, 6 or 8 months I begin to miss 'home' a lot, in the northeast USA. Then, I go there and after a week or 2 I am just dying to get back here! After living in Asia it's dam_n near impossible to live back in the west, trust me. So people may bitch and moan up here and sometimes I do as well or I may think to myself "man, am I bored"; but the alternative, IE; spending twice as much to live in a country {mine} half as appealing, or in some 3rd world craphole where things just aren't as nice as here, is just not appealing at all.

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Rubik101's post (#68) pretty much sums up my feelings too. I'm a Vietnam Vet, proud of it too btw, and have lived in Southeast Asia for 42 years. I'm originally from San Francisco California. Back in the mid 70's I was in the States for a short while & felt like a stranger in a strange land so I returned to SEA and ended up between Thailand, Bali, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Jakarta. I lived on Phuket from 1982 -1984 before Club Med came to town....it was nice then. When I moved to Hong Kong in late 84 and set up my business this allowed me to travel all over SEA frequently and I found myself coming to LOS many times...many, many times. Couldn't stay away from the place.

Was it the weather? The ladies? The food? The..whatevers? I don't know exactly however I returned in 2001 on a semi permanent basis...now residing between Bali & Phuket. I'm currently on my veranda in shorts & singlet with a hot Lao Kopi "O" and some homemade whole wheat bread toasted over remaining coals from last nites BBQ....me lady's in the same attire and reading a local paper while I hack this out to you and check the Washington Post, The Observer, The Age, and South China Morning Post on line. After we finish our respective news gatherings we're gonna run our 4 dogs at Mai Kao beach for most likely the remains of he day and then with the mutts head to our favourite pub for a late afternoon bevvie or more then head home perhaps with dinner in a plastic box or eaten at a restaurant or a fast home cooked fried mee dish...LIfe's what you make it...good or bad...I choose good and that's the way it is for us. Come to LOS, stay a good while and make your own decision. Cause what you read on this forum may just well scare the poop outta you! Cheers!

edited 30 seconds ago for brevity....ss51

Edited by sunshine51
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Cheating and lying culture : You certainly won't be able to debate this here. Most of posters have Thai gf/wives after having a bad private life experiences in their own country. You can't say anything bad about Thai culture, they take it as personal offense.

As for negative comments about THL on this forum,

1/ it is called Thaivisa, therefore people can get help here about their visa, then it is extended to "General" (non-visa) relative topics; You only ask for help if you have a problem right? Why would it be any different ?

2/ You have to read between the lines: Here people mainly complain about their (young and "beautiful") wife/gf cheating on them/stealing their money/ being too demanding.... Remember they came here because they had no one in their own country that would meet their ridiculous expectations (half their age/beautiful/etc..) and any other punter back in US/UK is thinking he would actually likes to be cheated on, because that would mean he would have something more than internet porn as excuse for private life.

3/ Happiness don't sell, trains arriving on time don't make the headlines, and yes we like to read about other's misfortune it's human.

4/ As it is THL and many touchy political topics and criticisms are not allowed, so we are left with mundane pc stuffs, which results in compelling issues like "What is your favorite way of eating bananas?" or "Thai people are amazing at doing crappy underpaid jobs" and my favorite one : "Thai people are cute; discuss (but discuss only the fact they are cute and how they are cute, anyone daring to say they're not cute is off topic)" smile.png)

Bad hair day?

How is justifying the so-called negativity of this forum is having a "bad hair day" ?

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After the inititial culture shock, which takes a while to recognise, I think expats have good and bad days/weeks depending on what has happened to them.

Those of us who get over the initial realisation that things aren't quite as we previously believed - and decide 'it is still better than home', have good and bad days/weeks depending on our experience that day/week/month etc. etc.

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Cheating and lying culture : You certainly won't be able to debate this here. Most of posters have Thai gf/wives after having a bad private life experiences in their own country. You can't say anything bad about Thai culture, they take it as personal offense.

As for negative comments about THL on this forum,

1/ it is called Thaivisa, therefore people can get help here about their visa, then it is extended to "General" (non-visa) relative topics; You only ask for help if you have a problem right? Why would it be any different ?

2/ You have to read between the lines: Here people mainly complain about their (young and "beautiful") wife/gf cheating on them/stealing their money/ being too demanding.... Remember they came here because they had no one in their own country that would meet their ridiculous expectations (half their age/beautiful/etc..) and any other punter back in US/UK is thinking he would actually likes to be cheated on, because that would mean he would have something more than internet porn as excuse for private life.

3/ Happiness don't sell, trains arriving on time don't make the headlines, and yes we like to read about other's misfortune it's human.

4/ As it is THL and many touchy political topics and criticisms are not allowed, so we are left with mundane pc stuffs, which results in compelling issues like "What is your favorite way of eating bananas?" or "Thai people are amazing at doing crappy underpaid jobs" and my favorite one : "Thai people are cute; discuss (but discuss only the fact they are cute and how they are cute, anyone daring to say they're not cute is off topic)" smile.png)

Bad hair day?

How is justifying the so-called negativity of this forum is having a "bad hair day" ?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here.

Aneliane, it's true that there's a lot of stuffs that make you go bananas here but there must be sth you do like or what else is keeping you here?

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I love thailand, I have been here for nearly 5 yrs, I have a thai wife half my age, I have honestly had no more bad experiences than I would have in other parts of the world, and am happier than I have ever been in my life, and prior to coming to Thailand my life was also wonderful

We make our own luck, look after your wife and her family, a long established principal in thailand and you are unlikely to be cheated upon, of course like all parts of the word there are some bad people, but look at where you meet them, so you get what you deserve

I would love Thai Visa to get rid of all members poting negative things, but then there would be so few postings

Remember there are many foreignors here who are only here as they have run out of places to go, and they only have thai visa as their love!!

I hear often of people here living on social security from thir home countries and if they declared honestly where they live they would get nothing


long live the King and wonderful Thailand


Still in stage 1 then?

Quite easy to tell the newbies, init?

What makes him a newbie ???? that he hasn't posted on everything ? he's been a member of TV longer than the both of you.

"I have been here nearly 5 years" he said

Ive lost track of the amount of times ive been banned though.

Do you subscribe to the Thai way of being in a job for xyz years makes you more qualified?

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Who are these complainers?

I find my life is better here on the whole than when I was living in the states. I have a slim and beautiful wife - something I never had before.

Besides, I'm self employed and earn all my income online. It's not much but it's okay for living here in South East Asia. I'd never be able to live like this in the west. Try finding a $100-$200 a month apartment back "home".

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