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Are Expats Going Native On Us?


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I just feel that trying to act like a Thai has no purpose here. If you drive a beat up old motorbike with a beat up old side-car and wear a straw hat it certainly doesn't make the Thais think that you are any more like them. They actually just laugh and say "look at the poor faring."

And as far as driving like a maniac or doing illegal things sure doesn't help our reputation or your safety.

Just my observation really.

Really? You have returned to Pattaya after 3 months and suddenly there are lots of farang bike riders with sidecars and straw hats riding around Pattaya causing mayhem. I've been here 8 years and cant say that I have seen many of that description. I've also driven a car the. 8 years here and have had a few near misses always with Thai drivers. Anyway who cares what age the bike or sidecar is. If the guy wants to wear a straw hat to keep the sun off his head that's his business. Live and let live brother.
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Its called integration. When in Rome etc. By your thinking anyone from Thailand that visits the UK/US should drive the wrong side of the road, drunk etc etc....no of course not, they do what the host nationals do, so foreigners here are simply doing exactly what visitors do all over the world from whatever the country is

Integration is one thing but that would be more like hanging out eating with locals at local food stalls, learning the language and just basically just "fitting in" however I have been in most countries in the world and if you are let's say Australian and you saw some Chinese guy walking around Melbourne dressed like Crocodile Dundee I'm sure you would make a b-line around the guy rather then go out of your way to get to know him?

Or in Canada I would laugh my arse off if I saw a group of Japanese tourists walking around talking and always saying "eh", Howz it going eh?

Same if I saw a Thai in Mexico dressed up in a poncho and a sombrero smoking a Clint Eastwood cigar standing on a street corner.

Maybe if you lived in Essarn Sakon Nakhon or somewhere using a crappy old sidecar for your every day lifestyle and yeah even with no helmut on you might be ok but in Pattaya???????

Integration......When in Rome..........So should we all drive around Pattaya now snatching gold necklaces too?

Sure I have seen some decent looking side-cars too but the people I'm talking about you can just tell that they think they are Thai and that the Thai's will accept them for that reason.

Ohhh I forgot to mention the ones that wear necklaces weighed down with Buddha amulets and when you ask them about one they say "oh I just like it because it looks cool" and have no idea what so ever what they are wearing.

Cats, dogs and rats.....???? Dude you need to decide if you live in Kalasin, Ayutthaya or China

We could say the same about Thais wearing Che Guevara shirts, they havnt a clue who he was, and they love the UJ but dont know a thing about the UK. Sidecars are ideal for shopping etc and old bikes such as the RC are a colectors item these days. Dont understand why you think anyone is trying to be Thai, explain that as I just dont get it?

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I have nothing agains going a bit native, but i really dislike foreigners carrying children on motorbikes, very often without helmet...That's totally unresponsible !

I saw some old geezer doing the other week, he was going slow to be fair, but still, it didn't sit well with me at all.

PS: Why do posters here keep saying 'live and let live' change the record!

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Cant believe it, just been down the mall for lunch and we got all these natives eating burgers, pizza and KFC, I just hate these natives trying to copy us Westerners, really gets my back up. Why dont they just stick to noodles and bugs.

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Thais know as much about Che Guevara as farangs with ridiculous Buddhist tattoos know about Buddhism.

I often wonder just how much of Buddhism the Thais with those ridiculous tattoos understand.

They were brought up in the religion, and probably ordained as a novice. A lot more than mister inked farang, I'd say.

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Thais know as much about Che Guevara as farangs with ridiculous Buddhist tattoos know about Buddhism.

I often wonder just how much of Buddhism the Thais with those ridiculous tattoos understand.

They were brought up in the religion, and probably ordained as a novice. A lot more than mister inked farang, I'd say.

And johnny Foreigner was brought up learning history and has possibly visited Cuba, doubt the Thais can even pronounce Che

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Thais know as much about Che Guevara as farangs with ridiculous Buddhist tattoos know about Buddhism.

I often wonder just how much of Buddhism the Thais with those ridiculous tattoos understand.

They were brought up in the religion, and probably ordained as a novice. A lot more than mister inked farang, I'd say.

And johnny Foreigner was brought up learning history and has possibly visited Cuba, doubt the Thais can even pronounce Che

I think you have an exaggerated view of the average farang dumbshit.

And the question was not how much farangs know about Che, but how much farangs with Thai tattoos know about Buddhism.

Edited by NewlyMintedThai
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I used to never drive without my helmut, but then he went back to Germany.

That,s why I haven,t seen Bobbie for awhile rolleyes.gif

Vas is thine a nama demands the German police ocifer !!!


Bobbies Helmut

marshbags rolleyes.gif

Edited by marshbags
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Thais know as much about Che Guevara as farangs with ridiculous Buddhist tattoos know about Buddhism.

I often wonder just how much of Buddhism the Thais with those ridiculous tattoos understand.

They were brought up in the religion, and probably ordained as a novice. A lot more than mister inked farang, I'd say.

Sorry if I misunderstand you, however you were the one who brought up the subject "know about Buddhism."

Which version of Buddhism are you referring to?

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Way to make me feel self-conscious about drunkenly hanging off a bag of rice in my side car motorbike, speeding down the sidewalk while yelling insults at the police. And about my pointy-roofed house and crappy neighborhood with those two cats walking around that the neighbor kids spray-painted with purple squiggles. I thought I was going "native Thai" but now I realize it all just looks like that last scene from "Apocalypse Now."

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I just recently returned after 3 month of work and noticed a goring amount of expats that seem to be going native on us.

These are the ones you see driving crappy old motorbikes with crappy old side-cars like something a poor Thai would buy.

Also I see them on their motorbikes driving along the populated sidewalks in order to get 20 meters farther, the same as the Thai's do.

I even see many on their bikes with the wife, 2 children, a dog and a big bag of rice with no helmets on. I mean come on guys......buy a car or truck even if you have to put it in finance under your wife's name.

Just driving around now I have to be careful of the foreigners driving at 600 mph weaving in and out of traffic like a Thai would. It's not the Thai's that I have to be careful of these days.......it's the expats. At least a Thai is unpredictably predictable.

I have even seen them yelling at the police when they get stopped for no helmut.It's the law for god sake and not that I'm perfect but at least when I get caught I don't act like they are picking on me because I'm farang.

We are NOT Thai's and never will be so why act like them here?

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Thaivisa Connect App

I dont like anyone doing these. Thai or farang, same. But why do you only criticize farang?

I m not sure where are you from but are you only pissed on farang doing these? Is it only farang?

If you are Thai, i recommend you to start cleaning your own frontyard. If you are a farang start cleaning your own country.

What about Thai people doing these? Can you excuse them or can you create a thread about them?

It is easy to throw shit on farang all the time.

And its nobody's business on judging people on what they drive or wear or insulting someone as poor just bc they drive a bike with side car? C'mon man. You are insulting the native of Thailand, you insult Thais more than farang riding on sidewalk.

If you are a Thai, i m sure you are one of these white rich Thais, am i right?

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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