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Barking Dog -- Owner'S Deaf To Complaints


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"I call Tourist Police and they inform the Hang Dong Police and so far, it's been about an hour and a half and they have not responded. I called Tourist Police again and I've been given two numbers for Hang Dong Police that do not work: 053 -441-800 and 053-411-803."

555 LOL. No the police will not respond to your petty complaint in 90 minutes. My friend and his wife were robbed while asleep in their bed. The thieves came in their room and broke windows. They called the police in Hang Dong and they showed up 2 days later. Couldn't do anything, no fingerprints were taken, etc.

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the laxatives and crapping things is pretty funny. I remember something kinda' cruel I once did now to a dog, along those lines. I shared my apartment with 2 girls. This was in college. One was watching someone's dog. The thing wouldn't stop barking because they left it in her room. Naturally, it was pissing me off. So I got a long piece of aquarium tubing and I pushed it under the door so it went quite a distance into the room. The dog went nuts. Then I drank water from a bottle and blew it into the tube so it made a big puddle in the middle of the room. My roommate (who was a bitch), got so upset about the dog pissing on her carpet that she refused to watch it anymore. They were clueless about my clever scheme to wet the middle of the carpet.

So, I had this idea to solve your problem, which is similar but I think easier than using laxatives. It involves a slingshot and "conditioning." You also need something you can shoot at the dog that won't harm it, but might make it uncomfortable, especially with the mystery of it getting thwacked from the heavens. I don't know why I am supposing you have an aerial view of the cursed beast. You could use something like a raisin. Dog barks it gets shot.

Maybe it would work, maybe not. Might be fun to try if you're in a sinister mood. At least you could get some of the aggression out and also make a game of it. I'd probably shoot it in the ass so I didn't hurt it. This is based on using a squirt gun to train a cat (but never let it know you are the source of the stream of water or it will avenge itself pretty).


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Dustoff used to swear by one of these.... It's not always that easy to move if you own the place you live in!

My sympathies are with you.... really.


http://www.gooddeals...rk Control.aspx

I imported the outdoor bark control device from USA. It made no difference at all to the dog's barking; not even one second! It was about 4 metres from the dog

That is just what I suspected. Thanks for confirming it. biggrin.png

The previous post was kinda stupid. I work in Thailand and by that, I mean I write books and do my websites which is perfectly legal of course. It's a good place to take some time off. I'm not sure why people have to quickly assume the wrong things.
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If I were in this situation, I'd try one of those little hand-held freon powered air horns. They work perfectly for keeping soi dogs away when you're walking, so may work very well in your situation. The offending dogs hear a really REALLY REALLY big 'bark,' which stops them in their tracks instantly. Use 1/2 second bursts, just like a dog barking. It startles the dogs and they freeze. As soon as the neighbor dog barks, you bark back immediately. He stops for a few seconds... He barks again and you 'bark' back immediately. He stops for a minute... He starts barking again, and you bark back, again just for a split second. He stops again, hopefully for longer each time until he learns NOT to bark when the BIG DOG is in the area... You can find these horns in bicycle shops, sporting goods stores, boating stores, etc., and only cost a few hundred bhat.

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Maybe you can make friends with the dog.

That;s the easiest way, or poison the the it, because if you had a noisey dog the thais would give it rat poison in a piece of chicken one night , and you would be none the wiser

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Get a bark collar and gift it to your neighbour.

They go on the dog, then when a bark is detected it gives a short beep. If the dog continues to bark, a longer beep and vibration, if the dog still continues, it administers a small electric shock to the dog.

After an hour of use, you will find the dog won't go past the second warning. So long term effect is not cruel, just one or two little shocks is enough.

Get friendly with the dog, so you can change the batteries regularly without having to further pester your neighbour. Problem solved.

Available on Ebay, or online stores. Never seen in Thailand, but I bought one a few years ago for one of our dogs that just was going too ott with the barking. It was a miracle worker in that case, and our dog didn't even have to wear the collar after the first day-lesson learnt.

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They go on the dog, then when a bark is detected it gives a short beep. If the dog continues to bark, a longer beep and vibration, if the dog still continues, it administers a small electric shock to the dog.

Interesting. Could probably also be used on a nagging wife. tongue.png Can you provide a link?

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They go on the dog, then when a bark is detected it gives a short beep. If the dog continues to bark, a longer beep and vibration, if the dog still continues, it administers a small electric shock to the dog.

Interesting. Could probably also be used on a nagging wife. tongue.png Can you provide a link?

Learnt a lot from this thread ... bought the wife one of those 'dog bone' things and she chews away for hours, bloody marvelous. She no longer barks every half hour "me hungy", but I'm a bit worried about honing of jaw muscle .... blink.png

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Thais only care about themselves. That's the way they are raised, with the exception of a village where many of the residents are related in some way. The owners will walk away from their small houses or single story shop homes and rent to idiots who bring in, not only 1 dog, but three or 4. They bark day and night, especially if they go off and are not home, and don't give a rats behind whether you can sleep at night or are disturbed all day.

We have even seen Beverly Hillbillies come in to a nice place where most own their homes and bring their roosters and chickens with them to run around a crow. None of the neighbors like it, but do not have the backbone to speak up.

I've seen Thais dump garbage or trash over their fence wall into a a small canal or into anothers yard when nobodies looking. The educated Thais dond't do this, it is the villagers who decide to move intod the big city and destroy the environment that saved their entire life for.

Love or leave it. It's not our country. The only thing you can do is hope that some of the more educated Thais will eventually get tired of it and say something.

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Shouldn't this thread be merged with an old thread about "owning vs renting"?

but yes, get the dog some rawhide chews. They make some pretty big ones here that take my dogs hours to finish, sometimes days.

Gave giant one to our dog as treat, happily trots off into the garden with it.

Comes back a few minutes later big smile and waggy tail having buried that one she wants another.


But if that's what made her happy, I'll bet you're happy too. And some day, a month or a year from now, she'll dig it up and chew it.

One of my dogs will walk around for an hour or more trying to figure out where to bury a treat, Eventually he'll give up and chew.

And if I want to give the dogs a new treat, I usually just take one from their favorite burying spot -- in between the sofa cushions.

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There is a large Thai house near us who has about 10 dogs stuffed into a few little cages, and they leave them there 27/7. The dogs bark around the clock. Between the dogs and the sound of jets flying over my place (and what I think is falling jet fuel), we're moving when the lease is up.

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My friend and his wife were robbed while asleep in their bed. The thieves came in their room and broke windows. They called the police in Hang Dong and they showed up 2 days later. Couldn't do anything, no fingerprints were taken, etc.


One more reason to have a gun, a shovel, and enough land to... plant a garden.

I hate to say it, but it's you or them. No one else, not even the police are going to help you/us.

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The rental I lived in next door neighbor's dog, a lovely shaggy mutt, use to come into our house all wet from swimming in the moo ban's pond and jump on our bed! The horrible owners just ignored us (and their dog) and hide behind the closed curtains and doors. They owned the house and drove BMW etc. (a Nok Air pilot) so must be educated. If I caught them leaving the house they would blame their young daughters who's job it was to walk him, understand why they might have got a dog for the girls but don't why they keep it after they realize they don't want to care for it or even have it.

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maejo man:

Quite frankly you are, and in Thailand, dogs barking are a fact of life.

That's a bit lame. Like saying that because burglary is common in Thailand we should just accept it as a fact of life. Incessant barking is disturbing the peace. Sophisticated societies do not tolerate this.

PIck a night when the neighbor is home for sure, and when you are willing to sacrifice a night's sleep (or two).

Record the dog barking as best you can. Put it on your computer and loop it. When you know the neighbor goes to bed, turn on the recording with the biggest speakers you can find pointed at the house and turn the volume up. Leave it going all night. See how that tickles her fancy.

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The rental I lived in next door neighbor's dog, a lovely shaggy mutt, use to come into our house all wet from swimming in the moo ban's pond and jump on our bed! The horrible owners just ignored us (and their dog) and hide behind the closed curtains and doors. They owned the house and drove BMW etc. (a Nok Air pilot) so must be educated. If I caught them leaving the house they would blame their young daughters who's job it was to walk him, understand why they might have got a dog for the girls but don't why they keep it after they realize they don't want to care for it or even have it.

How did the neighbor's dog get into your house? Through the window?

The thread about "Dogs ... " was the best one so far. Too bad it was closed.

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It walked in my front or rear door after going across our yard, we live with the windows and doors open for a nice cross breeze in the little stuffy house that only had a/c upstairs. I moved to a tropical country to enjoy the weather and didn't feel like I had to be forced to live like they chose too.

We had 2 dogs who stayed in our yard and shared their food with the neighbor's dog, not entirely by chose, and we would walk them w/o leashes as they bothered nobody (like did their business in a empty field) and came when called, many other residents did as well and sometimes we'd all walk together and those who had dogs that needed to be fenced in were.

Edited by junglechef
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They go on the dog, then when a bark is detected it gives a short beep. If the dog continues to bark, a longer beep and vibration, if the dog still continues, it administers a small electric shock to the dog.

Interesting. Could probably also be used on a nagging wife. tongue.png Can you provide a link?

Learnt a lot from this thread ... bought the wife one of those 'dog bone' things and she chews away for hours, bloody marvelous. She no longer barks every half hour "me hungy", but I'm a bit worried about honing of jaw muscle .... blink.png

Id like to get one of these collars and modify it with the sound of a cash register for my exgirlfriend, everytime she asks for money it would shock her accordingly.

When gold digging is detected it gives a cha ching, if she continues to dig longer...cha ching...cha ching..and vibrates, if she persist gold digging it administers a large shock, which knocks her out and puts her to sleep...if it detects more gold diggin' upon wake up, it then administers another large shock.

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They go on the dog, then when a bark is detected it gives a short beep. If the dog continues to bark, a longer beep and vibration, if the dog still continues, it administers a small electric shock to the dog.

Interesting. Could probably also be used on a nagging wife. tongue.png Can you provide a link?

Learnt a lot from this thread ... bought the wife one of those 'dog bone' things and she chews away for hours, bloody marvelous. She no longer barks every half hour "me hungy", but I'm a bit worried about honing of jaw muscle .... blink.png

Id like to get one of these collars and modify it with the sound of a cash register for my exgirlfriend, everytime she asks for money it would shock her accordingly.

When gold digging is detected it gives a cha ching, if she continues to dig longer...cha ching...cha ching..and vibrates, if she persist gold digging it administers a large shock, which knocks her out and puts her to sleep...if it detects more gold diggin' upon wake up, it then administers another large shock.

Why can't you just say "No"? wink.png

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