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How To Convert Webpage To Jpg/gif File?


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Hi All,

Just to put you in the picture:

I wrote an extensive Html script to slot into an Ebay advert to replace a fuzzy gif file that was produced using a professional vector graphics program. Unfortunately by the time the 'blurb' was agreed and ready someone had bid on the Ebay item. This bid sort of locked any changes that could be made to the description, etc.

All was not lost because the existing description gave a link to the fuzzy gif file so the task was to create a replacement gif file and upload it to my server.

Now the problem starts, the Html description, including screen shots and links to other pictures was about 7 pages in total. The method I adopted was to use CTRL-PrtScrn then paste the contents from the buffer into a new Photoshop file. Cut out the browser stuff, stitch the cut-outs to the new PhotoShop file, adjust then scroll down my html webpage and repeat the process, until the last page. Then last of all, "Save for web" as a gif file. Upload to my web server and "Hey Presto" it worked.

Seven bl&%dy times I had to cut out the screen dump and all the time I was thinking, "there just has got to be an easier way".

Any ideas?



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One way to do it (a little convoluted though) is if you have a copy of Adobe PDF Writer then 'print' the web page using the PDF writer as the selected printer. When done you can then open the file in Adobe, and save as .jpg. It will create a separate .jpg file for each page which you can then join in Adobe Photoshop and save as .gif.

This way you also do not have to cut out the 'browser stuff' since it will only be the web page itself that is generated.

Edited by tywais
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I'm not sure if I'm totally with you here, but could you just save a copy of the full html page, overwrite the gif file(s) with the replacement images, and upload the full page onto your server?

If you can't change the original link to the .gif, could you set up a redirect for that URL on your webserver that will bounce them to the revised web page?

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Hi TyWais,

Many thanks for your prompt reply. I will try to get a copy of Adobe PDF Writer it sounds quite a useful tool.


Hi CrushDepth,

Many thanks for your reply unfortunately I could not understand your response? Maybe I should have included the link to let you know what I meant and also what I eventually accomplished.

Link to original html page that I wanted to include as text into an Ebay advert:


Link to the new gif file in the Ebay advert that I could not change:


Link to the Ebay advert that I could not change:



Hi Smokin Joe,

Many thanks for your reply, I do not know why you are sorry?



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Not totally sure what your are trying to do, but "Faststone" has some free software that has some really neat features which includes "capture a scrolling web page and save it...." And it's FREE. You can download it from: http://www.faststone.org/download.htm

"FastStone 4in1 Browser 2.1 Freeware

A tabbed web browser with a built-in web server, FTP client and a Drag & Drop image viewer. It enables users to capture a scrolling web page and save it into popular formats (PNG, JPG, BMP, TIFF etc.) with just a couple of mouse clicks".

Cheers. :o

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